NOVEMBER 5, 2014: Act to defeat the money monster in politics, end the perpetual political war, and fix a failed Congress in Washington. FEBRUARY 8, 2020: Seeking to be Independent candidate in AL 6th Cong'l district. CLICK on label "A. Current status" below right.
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Dear Moore tweeters
I don't know whether or not your tweets are spamming abuse on Twitter. As you know, I have reported you to Twitter. I am content to leave it to Twitter decide, and I won't be bothered one way or the other going forward.
The #alsen and #alpolitics hashtags on Twitter are pathetic with their absence of candidate debate and voter/candidate interaction.
There are only about ten to fifteen of you Moore tweeters. For many weeks you have been posting scores or hundreds of times about ten different tweets and attached media images. That doesn't contribute much to the political conversation.
There are virtually no tweeters for the other #alsen candidates.
A few weeks ago I endeavored to engage with you by means of doing replies to some of your tweets. You didn't respond.
Roy Moore himself has not responded to any of the many things I have put to him via Twitter.
While I think you and Roy Moore should be able to engage in political discussion, if you and he can't or won't, that's yours and his choice.
I wish to continue the endeavor to engage with you, and indirectly Roy Moore, and I will use this blog entry to make a record of that.
I have gone to the Twitter accounts of some of you to get a better sense of what your political thinking is. I expect to address some of that here. I may mention some of you individually.
Continuation 1:
Your candidate needs all the campaigning he can get in order to win.
Very few AL voters come to hashtags #alsen and #alpolitics on Twitter, and your tweets there would seem to achieve almost no campaign effect.
A tweeting bank, such as the one I put up at Alabamians tweeting for Roy Moore, can reach a lot of Alabama voters if there is a small group of motivated Roy Moore supporters to get the tweeting bank going.
My experience is that individually directed tweets achieve a good percentage of success in getting recipients to click on the link.
I am promoting tweeting banks because I am interested in their potential as a way for achieving greater voter involvement in the electoral process. I don't claim any proprietary interest in the concept. Anyone is free to borrow the idea and create their own tweeting bank, including setting up their own webpage for their tweets to link to, all completely independent of me.
I think tweeting banks can be especially valuable for those candidates who genuinely hold themselves out as "candidates of the people." This is because the tweeting bank allows people to participate in a concrete way and for others to see that participation and be induced to join in.
Roy Moore's campaign especially emphasizes his being a "candidate of the people," and thus I think a tweeting bank for his campaign has significant potential benefit.
I would be pleased to answer any questions anyone has.
Continuation 2:
At least some of you appear as absolute believers in Donald Trump, right up to today.
I voted for Trump and quickly turned against him after he won.
What, if anything, will cause you to turn against Trump?
What are salient considerations for you?
Let's agree that Trump saw that you were hurting, and that his campaign was for you.
It's also fair to say that Bernie Sanders saw you were hurting, and he tried to campaign for you.
A consideration for you is how genuinely Trump was and is for you.
There is probably no doubting the genuineness of Bernie Sanders.
There are reasons for doubting how genuinely Donald Trump is for you.
You now have six months of his Presidency, and there is a lot there you can consider in judging how genuinely Trump is for you, and whether he may have duped you and is betraying you.
To try to answer that for yourself, ask yourself: Is Trump now greatly impaired to achieve what you desired him to achieve for you? If so, why is Trump impaired, to what extent is he to blame, and to what extent is Trump to blame because he selfishly chose for himself and against you?
Please read A Trump speech -NOT, and discern the choice that Trump could have made for you, but instead made for himself.
Then consider how that choice has contributed to his Russia problem. Consider how, for his own selfish purposes, Trump has chosen that his wealth and businesses are none of the country's business, that he is entitled to use the Presidency to further enrich himself, and that he need not and will not be open about his wealth and businesses and his ties to other countries and governments (particularly including Russia). This stance of Trump has contributed to Trump being in his Russia quagmire, which is greatly impairing Trump doing for you whatever it is you wanted from him.
In other words, Trump's genuineness in being for you can be seen as suspect.
There is much else that creates doubt about Trump's genuineness in being for you.
[to be continued]
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Alabamians tweeting for Roy Moore

We who are tweeting to you are Alabamians who are fed up with the Washington DC political establishment.
We object to Luther Strange getting Mitch McConnell's money to pay for Luther Strange TV ads in Alabama in order to get Luther Strange elected Senator from Alabama.
We see how Luther Strange and Mitch McConnell are mainly interested in themselves, Mitch McConnell to stay in power in Washington, and Luther Strange to be Senator from Alabama.
We see through Luther Strange and how he cares mainly about himself and only pretends to care about us Alabamians.
Judge Roy Moore has shown that he has integrity and is genuinely for us, the people of Alabama. and we want Roy Moore to be our Senator and not Luther Strange.
We want to spread this message for Roy Moore as far and wide in Alabama on Twitter as we can.
To join in with us, please follow Steps One and Two below.
Step One
I am fed up with the DC political establishment and want Judge Roy Moore as my Senator. #ALSen #MooreSenate(After you click on the below "Tweet here" link, you will see a preview of your tweet, and your tweet will not be sent until you click the "Tweet" button in the preview.)
Step Two
Send individual tweets to other Alabamians, which tweets have a link to this webpage. This will be to try to get recipients of tweets to come to this webpage, send their own tweet in Step One, and, after that, join in sending tweets to more Alabamans in this Step Two. The goal here to get a large number of "pyramiding" of tweets going to Alabama voters.
A suggested tweet message to send in this Step Two is:
Are you fed up with DC political establishment? Tweet for Judge Roy Moore for Senator.Then find follower lists of Twitter accounts in your geographic area that have a lot of followers. Below are examples of good Twitter follower lists to use for the Huntsville, Birmingham, Montgomery, and Mobile areas:
A. General
This tweeting involves a non-standard use of Twitter, namely, the sending of large numbers of individually directed tweets to followers of other Twitter accounts (not your own followers).
A ground has been staked out with Twitter for this method of tweeting. See letter to Twitter @Support.
The object of this method of tweeting is to get a "pyramiding" of tweets going in Alabama.
B. How to send your tweets efficiently from laptops
In doing your tweeting, you are repetitively sending the same tweet message. This can be done very efficiently, at least on a laptop computer. Get the tweet message on your mouse clipboard, go to the follower list you are using for your tweeting, start with the first person on the list you want to tweet to, and do this:
1. Right click on person's Twitter name.
2. Choose "open in new tab"
3. Go to the new tab.
4. Click on the "Tweet to" button.
5. Paste the tweet message in the box.
6. Hit the "Tweet" button.
7. Close the tab, which takes you back to the list
8. Go on to next person, and repeat above steps.
You should be able to send 35 to 70 tweets in a half hour. Send as many tweets as you are willing to. Don't worry about any duplication that you think may arise.
C. How to send your tweets efficiently on smartphones
[to be added]
This communication is not authorized by Roy Moore or any other candidate, or authorized committee of Roy Moore or other candidate, or an agent of any of the foregoing. The author of this blog Robert D. Shattuck, Jr. is paying for this communication. His permanent address is 3812 Spring Valley Circle, Birmingham, AL 35223, tel. no. (205) 967-5586.
Friday, July 21, 2017
The question of Trump
After six months, Trump has made it clear that he does not conform, and he will not conform, or try or pretend to conform, to that ideal, and all that ultimately counts is Trump, the Trump name, the Trump persona, Trump power, and Trump glorification.
Trump does not even pretend otherwise.
Then there are the Republican #alsen candidates and the Alabama Republican delegation in Washington DC.
They don't care that Trump does not even pretend to put the "public interest" ahead of Trump.
Here's a test that should convince you about some things.
Say Trump could click his fingers and the Republican health care bill would pass. He would say, "this is a great bill," and, of course, it was passed because of him, and it proves he is a great President and can get things done.
Now say Trump could click his fingers, get Democrats elected in 2018, and get a single payer health care bill enacted in 2019. If Trump could do that, who of you out there thinks he would not do it?
Doing that would just as well allow Trump to say, and he would say, "this is a great law, it was passed because of me, and it proves I am a great President who can get things done."
That's what I think, Republican #alsen candidates. What do you think?
As you think about that, review my below tweets, to which you have given no response.
Sessions proves Trump doesn't understand or won't abide by const'l conflict of interest norms. #alpolitics #alsen— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 20, 2017
When will AL del. in DC do its const'l duty and hold Trump accountable for his const'l conflict of interest derelictions? #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 20, 2017
Failures of AL delegation in DC have been going on since Nov. #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 20, 2017
When is COGR member @RepGaryPalmer going to do his job re 11/28/16 letter Dems wrote to Chaffetz? #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 20, 2017
Which of @MooreSenate @lutherstrange @RepMoBrooks and @VoteBrinson are manly enough to do their own begging? #alpolitics #alsen— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 20, 2017
When are @MooreSenate @lutherstrange @RepMoBrooks @VoteBrinson going to be manly and speak (one way or other) on this? #alpolitics #alsen— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 21, 2017
Monday, July 17, 2017
Trump beauty contest
"You would think every candidate were his best friend based on how they are talking about the president" #alpolitics— Jeremy Gray (@jgray78) July 17, 2017
Were Donald Trump and Pam Bondi swampy together, and did he tell a porky pie? #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 15, 2017
How about Clinton swamp versus Trump swamp? 1st Jeff Sessions on Clinton buying access swamp: #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 15, 2017
.@SenatorSessions: You cannot be buying access to American leaders by giving to the leader's private charity— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) August 25, 2016
In the Trump swamp, buying access by donating to,pol's family charity has gone over the moon. #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 15, 2017
Which of @lutherstrange and @RepMoBrooks will leap 1st to testify Trump is not swampy? #alpolitcs #alsen— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 15, 2017
Will the man of strength, courage and ultimate probity stand up and condemn Trump as swampy? #alpolitics #alsen— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 15, 2017
MT @TeriGRight: As Establishment begins attacks, reminder of Moore's Strength & Courage. #ALSEN #MooreSenate #PJNET— barbara (@sunbeltgirl) July 15, 2017
We could flyspeck exactly how @MooreSenate @lutherstrange @RepMoBrooks express their agreement that Russia is a hoax. #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 16, 2017
Stock Market hit another all-time high yesterday - despite the Russian hoax story! Also, jobs numbers are starting to look very good!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 15, 2017
@MooreSenate @lutherstrange @RepMoBrooks, @realDonaldTrump interpreter said "hoax" means there are more important things. #alpolitics #alsen— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 16, 2017
@MooreSenate @lutherstrange @RepMoBrooks, get on the stick and get out to AL voters today said meaning of "hoax." #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 16, 2017
Do you remember lie he told that he would not continue after Hillary in order to help her heal? #alpolitics #alsen— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 16, 2017
HillaryClinton can illegally get the questions to the Debate & delete 33,000 emails but my son Don is being scorned by the Fake News Media?— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 16, 2017
We can speculate about how @MooreSenate @lutherstrange @RepMoBrooks would say that it was not a lie. #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 16, 2017
Maybe @MooreSenate @lutherstrange @RepMoBrooks can compete 4 votes by listing on websites news outlets they know R Fake. #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 16, 2017
HillaryClinton can illegally get the questions to the Debate & delete 33,000 emails but my son Don is being scorned by the Fake News Media?— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 16, 2017
Supporters of @MooreSenate @lutherstrange @RepMoBrooks: watch Sun talk shows and report lies to your candidates for ammo. #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 16, 2017
@MooreSenate @lutherstrange @RepMoBrooks, are you sure you are speaking powerfully enough? #alpolitics #alsen— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 16, 2017
Thank you to former campaign adviser Michael Caputo for saying so powerfully that there was no Russian collusion in our winning campaign.— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 16, 2017
@MooreSenate @lutherstrange @RepMoBrooks, he who speaks most powerfully could get a real leg up in #alsen election. #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 16, 2017
@MooreSenate @lutherstrange @RepMoBrooks, you can spend all day hammering on multi-faceted aspects of below. #alsen #alpolitics Go for it!— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 16, 2017
With all of its phony unnamed sources & highly slanted & even fraudulent reporting, #Fake News is DISTORTING DEMOCRACY in our country!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 16, 2017
You need to get going on your loyalty tweeting for @realDonaldTrump today. #alpolitics #alsen @MooreSenate @RepMoBrooks may strike first!— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 16, 2017
Here's another chance for you @MooreSenate @lutherstrange @RepMoBrooks. Be 1st to say, damn tootin', you would have too. #alsen #alpolitics
— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 17, 2017
Most politicians would have gone to a meeting like the one Don jr attended in order to get info on an opponent. That's politics!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 17, 2017
Watch out @MooreSenate @lutherstrange @RepMoBrooks, there is new contestant in beauty pageant. #alpolitics #alsen
— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 18, 2017
Come on out and meet Randy Brinson at the Alabama First Rally by Citizens for #Trump! A special surprise is in store. #alpolitics
— Randy Brinson Senate (@VoteBrinson) July 18, 2017
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Luther Strange and Swamp
When Luther Strange was first elected as Alabama's Attorney General, he went to Montgomery as an outsider with one mission: fight corrupt insiders and special interests.
No one in Alabama history has done more to drain the swamp than Luther. He led a public corruption team that had over 25 convictions, including Republican Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard, and has always remained committed to holding government at all levels accountable to Alabamians. Luther fought the Obama administration’s overreach all the way to the Supreme Court, defending Alabamians from big government intrusions by career politicians and bureaucrats.
Luther enjoyed many successes in the fight against Montgomery insiders. As senator, he’s ready to help President Donald Trump do the same in Washington.
Mo Brooks and Swamp
Be that as it may, there is more about the Washington Swamp to get into.
The talk about the Swamp is empty unless the #alsen candidates define what they mean by the Swamp.
I go along with Mo Brooks' definition on his website, which says:
President Trump was right when he called Washington, D.C. a swamp. Big-moneyed lobbyists and special interest groups peddle influence with corrupt elected officials. Throughout my tenure in Congress, I have refused to play their nefarious games. As your next Senator, I will fight to “Drain the Swamp” by standing up to the corruption and powerful special interests who bribe, bully, and threaten elected officials into doing their bidding.To follow up on my suggestion from yesterday, why doesn't Mo Brooks name names? There are 535 members of Congress. Given how adamantly Mo Brooks defines what the Swamp is, surely Mo Brooks should be able to start naming names of who is bigly swampy and who is not.
If Mo Brooks is not willing to name names, he needs to explain why, if he is to be taken seriously about draining the swamp.
Then there is the matter of Donald Trump. With the burgeoning conflicts of interest presented by the Trump business, either that is evidence that Donald Trump is now a major part of the Swamp, or else Mo Brooks needs to explain why he thinks Donald Trump is not contributing bigly to making the Swamp swampier.
Didn't Donald Trump confess to being part of Swamp in 1st debate in 2015? #alpolitics #alsen— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 15, 2017
Were Donald Trump and Pam Bondi swampy together, and did he tell a porky pie? #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 15, 2017
How about Clinton swamp versus Trump swamp? 1st Jeff Sessions on Clinton buying access swamp: #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 15, 2017
.@SenatorSessions: You cannot be buying access to American leaders by giving to the leader's private charity— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) August 25, 2016
In the Trump swamp, buying access by donating to,pol's family charity has gone over the moon. #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 15, 2017
Friday, July 14, 2017
Washington swamp
Let's get into the Washington Swamp. Let's first let Judge Roy Moore speak.
This race for the U.S. Senate is the perfect illustration of the mentality and tactics of the Washington Swamp. (1/4) #ALSen— Judge Roy Moore (@MooreSenate) July 14, 2017
The establishment has poured millions into Alabama to try & control the people to ensure another of their puppets is elected. (2/4) #ALSen— Judge Roy Moore (@MooreSenate) July 14, 2017
My entire career has been about fighting the political establishment. (3/4) #ALSen— Judge Roy Moore (@MooreSenate) July 14, 2017
And I'm not about to let these Washington Swamp Monsters infect this great state! (4/4) #ALSen— Judge Roy Moore (@MooreSenate) July 14, 2017
And let's set out the linked article in full:
Political Anomaly: Judge Roy Moore Looks to Drain Alabama Senate Swamp
By Andrew West July 13, 2017
President Donald Trump, in all of his unconventional revelry, has inspired a number of politicians to take up the “drain the swamp” mantra. America’s political nightmare has gone on for far too long.And rightfully so:The acceptable level of corruption in our nation’s governmental atmosphere has exceeded what many of us would have ever envisioned growing up. We once believed in senators and congressmen fighting for the rights of the American people, raging against a machine of political chicanery and malice. Instead of achieving that idealistic utopia, we have been subjected to ever-increasing levels of acceptable mayhem.
In Alabama, however, there is one politician who hopes to break the mold, and his name is Judge Roy Moore.
“Judge Roy Moore has the Republican Establishment in an uproar. His crime is having the audacity to be leading the polls in the race to replace Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, who vacated the seat to become attorney general, over Senate Leader Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate, Luther Strange.
“Strange is the perfect McConnell acolyte. Strange is currently the un-elected senator from Alabama. The story of how he wrangled the Senate position is straight out of a Gulf Coast swamp. Strange was Alabama’s attorney general, and the governor at the time was the now-disgraced Robert Bentley.
“Otherwise known as Governor Love, Bentley carried on a love affair with political operative Rebekah Caldwell Mason, some 30 years his junior.
“Moore is best known for fighting unconstitutional orders to remove the Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama Supreme Court and the federal orders requiring Alabama to issue marriage licenses to lesbian women, gay men and transgender couples.
“A graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and a Vietnam War veteran, Moore is known as incorruptible, and that makes him persona non grata among Mitch McConnell’s Senate GOP caucus. Why, Moore has already said he wants to repeal Obamacare, and McConnell has been doing his best to rescue Obamacare all summer.”
What the nation needs now may be an army of Roy Moores.
The American people have long clamored for out-of-the-box politicians the likes of Moore, but the political machine has been thrifty in coughing them up. Between the lobbyists and the entrenched, status quo lawmakers of the nation, there has been little room for legitimate change among our country’s ruling elite. Judge Roy Moore is seeking to change that, and his quest should be applauded by every American, regardless of political allegiance
Fighting Corruption
When Luther Strange was first elected as Alabama's Attorney General, he went to Montgomery as an outsider with one mission: fight corrupt insiders and special interests.
No one in Alabama history has done more to drain the swamp than Luther. He led a public corruption team that had over 25 convictions, including Republican Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard, and has always remained committed to holding government at all levels accountable to Alabamians. Luther fought the Obama administration’s overreach all the way to the Supreme Court, defending Alabamians from big government intrusions by career politicians and bureaucrats.
Luther enjoyed many successes in the fight against Montgomery insiders. As senator, he’s ready to help President Donald Trump do the same in Washington.
Here is what Mo Brooks says on his website
Drain the Swamp
President Trump was right when he called Washington, D.C. a swamp. Big-moneyed lobbyists and special interest groups peddle influence with corrupt elected officials. Throughout my tenure in Congress, I have refused to play their nefarious games. As your next Senator, I will fight to “Drain the Swamp” by standing up to the corruption and powerful special interests who bribe, bully, and threaten elected officials into doing their bidding.
What's our AL delegation in DC done about lobbyists? Any swamp draining to report? via @YouTube #alpolitics #alsen— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 14, 2017
#alsen swamp drainers: please comment on "open" Cong'l offices idea. #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 14, 2017
He sure is full of mealy mouthed palaver on the swamp stuff. #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 14, 2017
You draw your own conclusions about whether any of the #alsen candidates have any belief that swamp draining will take place. #ALSen candidates are invited to say to the contrary, and I will post what they say here.Please be sure to report anything Repub #alsen candidates say that is not mealy mouthed palaver about draining swamp. #alpoltics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 14, 2017
Donald Trump is big part of the Swamp
A problem with swamp draining is that it is now fairly clear that Donald Trump doesn't really care about swamp draining and is now the biggest part of the swamp. This section will be expanded. For now, consider the below:
Which #alsen candidates think @realDonaldTrump gives one whit about whether swamp is drained or not? #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 14, 2017
Will @MooreSenate answer my 11/24/16 ?? about #Constitution, which AL repubs in Congress won't? … #alpolitics #alsen— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 14, 2017
Which #alsen candidates think @realDonaldTrump had opportunity for great things but has blown it? #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 14, 2017
Statements from #alsen candidates about why Donald Trump is not part of SwampWhich #alsen candidates think @realDonaldTrump will have to explain himself before Aug. 15th? #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 14, 2017
#ALSen candidates who do not think Donald Trump is a big part of Swamp have been asked to say why. Any statements will be posted below:
Will #alsen candidates who do not think @realDonaldTrump is big part of Swamp please say why. #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 14, 2017
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Professor Turley
On Tuesday Jonathan Turley published an article in The Hill giving his views on the Don Jr. situation after Don Jr. posted his email chain..
My main takeaway from the article is that there are significant First Amendment considerations in criminalizing the getting and sharing of information.The Hill just posted my column on the release of the Donald Jr. emails regarding the Russians.— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) July 11, 2017
Yesterday, Jonathan Turley was on Morning Joe. He expressed his view that the greatest legal risk right now was whether persons had been truthful in prior statements to Congress, FBI, etc. Professor Turley repeated his First Amendment concerns about criminalizing the getting and sharing of information.
I continue interested in the Federal election law prohibitions, particularly taking into account First Amendment considerations.
I have read 11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510) and have done a limited read of related regulations.
Professor Turley has come at the prohibitions from the contributions side and what is a "thing of value." It can also be approached from the side of the prohibitions on foreign governments making expenditures in U.S. elections and on persons providing "substantial assistance."
I have not found a definition of "expenditure." I have seen the use of the the term "expenditure" in the definition of independent expenditures that an independent expenditure is an expenditure for a communication "expressly advocating the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate that is not made in cooperation, consultation, or concert with, or at the request or suggestion of, a candidate, a candidate’s authorized committee, or their agents, or a political party or its agents." 11 CFR 100.16(a).
Honing in on First Amendment considerations, the Federal election law prohibits the Russian government from paying for the airing of campaign commercials on behalf of a candidate, and it does not seem that the Russian government has First Amendment rights which makes that prohibition unconstitutional.
Next consider the broadcaster. On its face, the broadcaster would seem to violate the "substantial assistance" prohibition if it knows the Russian government is paying for the commercials. The question, however, arises whether the broadcaster has First Amendment rights to air the commercials.
To answer this question, consideration might be given to the matter of classified information. My understanding is there is no First Amendment right protecting someone in the government giving out classified information, and that act can be criminalized. At the same time, the news media is protected by the First Amendment in publishing the information.
Now turn back to the broadcaster which airs the Russian government's campaign commercials. If there is different treatment compared to the classified information situation, and the broadcaster can be prohibited from airing the commercials, there needs to a First Amendment "policy" explanation of the different treatment, presumably connected to different contexts of, in the one case, the Russian government trying to influence a U.S. election, and, in the other case, the matter being exclusively domestic parties involved.
Other situations involving the dissemination of information can be considered. Say a foreign government pays United States citizens to engage in door to door electioneering for a candidate, and the citizens know that it is a foreign government paying them. Further say that the candidate knows this is happening, and encourages the citizens to do what they are doing.
Say the foreign government has done "oppo" research and pays U.S. citizens to disseminate the same via the social media. Say the candidate knows this is happening, and encourages the citizens to do what they are doing.
Say a foreign government is illegally hacking information in the United States for the purpose of using the information to affect an election, and incurs expenses in doing the hacking and in disseminating the information via the social media or in other ways in the United States. Say a candidate knows that is happening and publicly encourages it.
In the above situations, the getting and sharing of information is involved. Professor Turley is right in having significant First Amendment concerns about any of the above situations being criminalized. It would seem, though, that there can be countervailing considerations so that the First Amendment does not insulate all the actions and activities in question, and "substantial assistance" to the foreign government can be prohibited.
If Robert Mueller is considering whether there have been Federal election law violations by Don Jr. and by the Trump campaign beyond just the Don Jr. meeting, it would seem he will need to do a lot of wrestling with Professor Turley's First Amendment considerations.
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Pressuring #ALSen on health care
TO: As many Alabamians as we can tweet to
We who are tweeting to you are Alabamians who are angered by the way Donald Trump and the Republicans are failing to do the right thing for the American people regarding health care.
Meeting the health care needs of the American people is one of the hardest problems the country faces. The costs involved are enormous. The problem grows with stupendous advances in medicine that improve the lives and health of untold tens of millions of Americans, because the advances are also stupendously expensive.
We Alabamians think that for more than 20 years Congress has, in its polarization between Republicans and Democrats, failed to confront the country's health care needs and their costs in a responsible and realistic way and failed to reach a bipartisan agreement that Congress is able to propose for all Americans, Democrats, Republicans and independents alike, to "buy into" and accept for the country, albeit that there will always be much complaint.
Both Obamacare and the Republican bills fail the test of bipartisan agreement.
We Alabamians wish to demand that all the candidates in the Alabama special election for the United States Senate expressly acknowledge the 20 year failure of Congress to reach bipartisan agreement and demand that the candidates have public discussions about what they believe can be a bipartisan agreement on health care. We Alabamians wish to tell any candidate who does not do the foregoing that we will not vote for that candidate.
We are sending thousands of tweets to Alabamians to ask them to join with us, and send even more thousands of tweets to other Alabamians, in order to express collectively the foregoing demand we Alabamians are making on all the candidates.
To join in with us, please follow Steps One and Two below.
Click on the link below to send a tweet that says, "Tweet to demand #alsen candidates discuss a bipartisan healthcare agreement. #alsenhealth" (After you click the link, you will see a preview of your tweet, and your tweet will not be sent until you click the "Tweet" button in the preview.)
Tweet here
Step Two
Send individual tweets to other Alabamians, which tweets have a link to this webpage. This will be to try to get recipients of tweets to come to this webpage, send their own tweet in Step One, and, after that, join in sending tweets to more Alabamans in this Step Two..The goal here to get a large number of "pyramiding" of tweets going.
A suggested tweet message to send in this Step Two is:
Tweet to demand candidates in AL Senate special election discuss a bipartisan healthcare agreement. you need to find follower lists of Twitter accounts in your geographic location that have a lot of followers. Below are examples of good Twitter follower lists to use for the Huntsville, Birmingham, Montgomery, and Mobile areas:
A. General
This tweeting involves a non-standard use of Twitter, namely, the sending of large numbers of individually directed tweets to followers of other Twitter accounts (not your own followers).
A ground has been staked out with Twitter for this method of tweeting. See letter to Twitter @Support.
The object of this method of tweeting is to get a "pyramiding" of tweets going in Alabama.
B. How to send your tweets efficiently from laptops
In doing your tweeting, you are repetitively sending the same tweet message. This can be done very efficiently, at least on a laptop computer. Get the tweet message on your mouse clipboard, go to the follower list you are using for your tweeting, start with the first person on the list you want to tweet to, and do this:
1. Right click on person's Twitter name.
2. Choose "open in new tab"
3. Go to the new tab.
4. Click on the "Tweet to" button.
5. Paste the tweet message in the box.
6. Hit the "Tweet" button.
7. Close the tab, which takes you back to the list
8. Go on to next person, and repeat above steps.
You should be able to send 35 to 70 tweets in a half hour. Send as many tweets as you are willing to. Don't worry about any duplication that you think may arise.
C. How to send your tweets efficiently on smartphones
[to be added]
Monday, July 10, 2017
Roy Moore critique
Pending hearing from the Alabama news media, I offer my own critique of Roy Moore's positions. To do this I have copied and pasted below his positions as stated on his website, and my critique (which is largely my own views) is set out in red at various places. Also, additional useful information about Roy Moore's positions is set out in this Alabama Reporter article, which I will refer to as the "Moseley Article".
Judge Roy Moore's Position on National Issues, 2017
[In doing this critique, I will indicate an underlying bias in my views. My bias is I think Congress is broken by hyperpartisan division between the two parties. I think the two parties' establishments, and lobbyists and one sided special interest groups in Washington DC, use the political division for preserving and growing their power and wealth. (I will use the term "iron triangle" to refer to the party establishments, the lobbyists and the one sided special interest groups.) A key for the iron triangle is keeping the citizens divided into perpetually warring Republicans and Democrats, and thereby disable the citizens from acting in a unified way against the iron triangle. The main weapon of the iron triangle is the high costs of elections and their access to funding that the citizens cannot fight (I call it the "money monster" in politics). The money monster needs corralling if the citizens are going to be properly served by their Congress and President.]Economy
Health Care
Foreign Affairs
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Referendum on Trump
Alabamians tweeting against Trump.
I have watched the video. I wish to use the video as a basis for discussion about Trump (pending something else coming to my attention which I think would be a better basis). The video is from February. I will ask David Horowitz whether he has any further views now that Trump has been in office for five months, which views I will post here..@RobShattuckAL06 David has it exactly right! 😉— Politick_Rick (@Politick_Rick) July 8, 2017
David Horowitz - President #Trump’s Plan to Save America --> #YUGE
I voted for Trump and then turned against him. My blog entry Trump Censure explains this based on the period of time until March 2017. There has been much more since February, just about all of which has made me more negative about Trump.
In connection with the forum this past Wednesday, I endeavored to pose a question to the candidates about where their level of confidence in Trump as President stood five months into his administration. I am not aware of any of the candidates answering the question. I continue to pose that question to the candidates.
Whether I will succeed in eliciting discussion from the candidates or from Alabama voters remains to be seen. Readers should feel free to post comments below or email me or send me links for inclusion in this discussion.
I believe Trump is about to be engulfed by the "in plain sight" Russia scandal, which has recently been laid out well by David Corn in his Mother Jones article We Already Know Trump Betrayed America. Trump has done everything he can to try to deflect from the "in plain sight" scandalous conduct of himself and his campaign regarding the Russia intervention and hacking in the election. The Russia cyberwar against the United States extends far beyond the country's democratic processes, including threats to critical infrastructure of the country such as the electrical grid, water systems and the financial system. Trump's scandal has put him in the ridiculous position of pussy footing around with Putin and Putin's denial of Russia interference in the election. Is Putin next going to deny any and all Russia cyberwar against the United States? In short, Trump's "in plain sight" scandal is spilling over and undermining the country's defense against Russia cyberwar against the United States. (See Bob Bauer for related discussion.
I strongly pressed President Putin twice about Russian meddling in our election. He vehemently denied it. I've already given my opinion.....— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 9, 2017
What are you going to defend the U.S. against Russia cyberwar? #alpolitics #alsen— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 9, 2017
Has your "in plain sight" election scandal impaired you to defend U.S. against Russia cyberwar? #alpolitics #alsen— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 9, 2017
Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded..— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 9, 2017
— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 9, 2017
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Health care critique
It is the job of the Alabama news media to critique the positions of the candidates. I wish to post links here to critiquing that the news media does. Please call my attention to the same so that I can do that.
I have been posting my views about health care, which can be accessed starting at Health care and following the links there.
Pending hearing from the Alabama news media, I will do my own critique here. The critique will be in summary form (in some order of priority of importance in my mind).
FIRST, I contend that any candidate who does not ask, and try to answer, the question of "why does the United States spend so much more on health care than any other country?" should be judged as not meritorious to represent Alabama voters in the United States Senate. (For further discussion here, go to the blog entry Calhoun County.)
SECOND, after the candidates answer the FIRST question, the candidates need to revisit their stated positions on health care and decide whether they want to revise the same or not.
THIRD, after the candidates answer the FIRST question, and revise or do not revise their positions on health care, all of the same need evaluating and critiquing.
FOURTH, the case for the Republican health care bills suffers from great indefiniteness about (i) how much less money will be spent on health care (compared to the present). (ii) how much less health care, including people losing coverage, will result from less money being spent on health care, and (iii) how much savings can be achieved from purported greater efficiency in the delivery of health care. This indefiniteness is such that any predictions about the same could be off by 50% to 90% or more. A couple of particulars are deserving mention.
A. All predictions about the future suffer from uncertainty. If proponents of the Republican bills want to disregard CBO scoring because CBO scoring has been off in the past, they need to put forth their own scoring method and a persuasive argument why such scoring method is superior to the CBO scoring method (and hence CBO ought to change from its method of scoring to the method put forth by the proponents of the Republican bills). If that is not done, the predictions made by the Republicans should be considered more dubious than what the CBO says.
B. The Republicans thus far are making only bald assertions about savings from greater efficiency in the delivery of health care, and there could be almost zero efficiency savings. Without much more buttressing, such assertions about efficiency should carry almost no weight. Take for example the contention that states can administer Medicaid more efficiently if Medicaid is turned over to the states. A contention like that needs to be backed up, such as by state Medicaid administrators giving detailed descriptions of current waste or inefficiencies and what they could and would do to lessen the same if control was turned over to the states.
C. The most strenuous contention the Republicans make is that their bills will lower premiums and deductibles, particularly as a result of competition in increasing plan choices, including allowing plans to be sold across state lines. No one doubts that it is possible to lower premiums and deductibles for some people, but the Republicans don't face up that, if premiums and deductibles go down for some, they will go up for others. Also, total premiums and deductibles can be lowered if total health care spending is reduced, such as by cutting back on "essential health benefits" or allowing life time caps. Here, the Republicans don't face up to the price of lower premiums and deductibles being less health care services. Basically, the Republicans want to contend they will lower premiums and lower deductibles for a reason not dependent on (i) lowering premiums for some and increasing them for others, or (ii) lessening the total health care that is provided, but from a third element of the effect of competition in free markets. This is a chimera as regards health care through insurance. I have set this out in the blog entry Calhoun County. Rand Paul has said more or less the same thing. See Health care symposium. I contend the Republicans are peddling snake oil here.FIFTH: Tort reform related to health care, and reduction of drug prices, are ways to reduce health care spending. Candidates need to say whether they advocate tort reform related to health care, and whether they think voters should have any confidence that Congress is capable of passing such tort reform. Reducing drug prices would essentially be by means of governmental control, such as Medicare being allowed to negotiate drug prices. Reducing drug prices will tend to lessen the development of new drugs. Candidates need to state their views one way or the other about reducing drug prices via government control.
Edit 7/6
Questions for candidates at tonight's Christian Citizen Task Force bipartisan U.S. Senate Forum at The Rock Family Worship Center at 2300 Memorial Pkwy SW in Huntsville, Alabama:
5. Do you favor reducing drug prices via government control, such as empowering Medicare to negotiate drug prices?
Edit 7/14 Terry Lathan
I offer the below tweet interchange with Terry Lathan, the Chairman of ALGOP, as supplementation of the above critique:
The new GOP health care bill solves none of the policy problems and makes the political problems even worse (and they were already very bad)— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) July 13, 2017
Worse than a collapsed system Pres Obama/Dems/taxed shoved on us? Lost their hcare? #ifyoulikeyourdoctor...oh wait #alpolitics— Terry Lathan (@ChairmanLathan) July 13, 2017
— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 13, 2017
We've seen what Dems offer. They caused this catastrophe. They already said nope anyways. #alpolitics— Terry Lathan (@ChairmanLathan) July 13, 2017
Why do you think U.S. spends so much more on healthcare than any other country? Is it relevant? #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 13, 2017
Since 1994 my eye has been on the high level of health care spending, and its causes. #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 13, 2017
I did not think Obamacare would have a good outcome, mainly because of the cost problem. I #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 13, 2017
The Republican bills, in my opinion, if enacted, will also fail to deal with cost problem. #alsen #alpolitics— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) July 13, 2017