Friday, August 18, 2023

What to do about Trump and threat of violence

My discussion  [draft]

A. Law of incitement

I quote the following from the article "Legal Standard of Incitement" at

Incitement is the act of urging another person to commit a crime. In order to be found guilty of incitement, the person must have specifically intended to encourage the other person to commit the crime.
. . .
The Brandenburg test is a four-part test that looks at the following factors:
1. The nature of the speech
2. The likelihood that the speech will lead to violence
3. The intent of the speaker
4. The likelihood that the speech will be heard by people likely to be violent
. . .
The Brandenburg Test has two parts. The first part is known as the imminence requirement. This requirement states that the defendant must have specifically intended to incite imminent lawless action. The second part is known as the causation requirement. This requirement states that the defendant must have known that the other person was likely to take violent or unlawful action.

B. Applying law of incitement to Trump

Applying the foregoing to Trump calls for considering a number to things.

First, there is the mater of the extent to which Trump's supporters will do things that Trump tells them to do or that they think Trump wants them to do. 

In the January 6th attack on the capitol there is much in the record that  Trump's supporters will do things that Trump tells them to do or that they think Trump wants them to do.

At a minimum, it seems provable that many persons who committed violence in the attack on the capitol believed Trump wanted them to commit violence.

Further their belief that Trump wanted them to commit violence on January 6th was not derived just from what Trump said to them during the rally at the ellipse but rather their belief was formed from many things that Trump said during the weeks from and after the 2020 election. 

As to whether Trump had an intent for the capitol attackers to commit violence, it is fair to conclude that Trump wanted them to commit violence if Trump's other efforts to prevent certification of the election results on January 6th were not successful. This is in part shown by Trump doing nothing for three hours as the violence was happening and his evidencing enjoyment in the violence happening.

On the ellipse, Trump did say that those at the rally should peacefully march to the capitol.  Those words, however, cannot be considered conclusive that Trump did not have an intent for them to become violent, and legally determining Trump's intent calls for considering other things as well, including Trump's awareness that his supporters were "triggered" by Trump's lies that Trump did not lose the election, the attackers believed Trump wanted them to commit violence if necessary, and Trump doing nothing for three hours while the violence was occurring.

The foregoing can be applied to the threats that are being made against grand jurors, the judge, witnesses and others in connection with the Georgia case against him.

The analysis can start with considering whether Trump desires for his supporters to make such threats and desires for his supporters to follow through on the threats. The January 6th attack on the capitol and other things in Trump's history shows that Trump has desired for his supporters to be violent. There is good reason to think that Trump desires his supporters to make threats against grand jurors, the judge, witnesses and others in connection with the Georgia case against him.

If it is believed that Trump has such desires, it then needs to be considered whether Trump's speech encourages the same and constitutes incitement taking into account "the likelihood that the speech will lead to violence" and "[t]he likelihood that the speech will be heard by people likely to be violent. For this purpose the totality of Trump's speech needs to be considered, as well as what Trump's supporters think Trump wants them to, and the extent to which they will do what they think Trump wants them to do.

C. What the Georgia authorities should do

Lawyers for the Georgia authorities should evaluate the extent to which Trump may be guilty of inciting his supporters to make threats against grand jurors, the judge, witnesses and others in connection with the Georgia case. Such evaluation should take account the things discussed above, including evaluating the extent to which Trump's supporters do things that Trump tells them to do or that they think Trump wants them to do (including to commit violence), and evidence that Trump desires his supporters to make threats against grand jurors, the judge, witnesses and others in connection with the Georgia case

To do the foregoing evaluation, the authorities should interview Trump supporters and ask them whether they are willing to make threats if they believe Trump wants them to make threats, whether they believe Trump wants them to make threats, and whether they would not make threats if Trump told them not to make threats. 

The Georgia authorities should tell tell Trump they are making the foregoing evaluation and doing the foregoing interviewing and afford Trump the opportunity to tell his supporters not to make threats.

D. Trump's ultimate legal responsibility

Ultimately, depending on facts that unfold, there may be a case for Trump having criminal liability for inciting his supporters to make threats and criminal and/or civil liability if there is violence against grand jurors, the judge, or witnesses in the Georgia case.

Monday, August 14, 2023

American Bar Association "Task Force for American Democracy"

Email to Alabama State Bar re ABA Task Force for American Democracy
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2023 at 06:23:49 PM CDT
Subject: Will ASB undertake supportive activity in Alabama re ABA Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Terri,
I am an inactive member of the Alabama State Bar.
Yesterday, American Bar Association president Mary Smith announced the creation of an ABA-sponsored Task Force for American Democracy, which announcement was accompanied by the Mission Statement that appears at
I think the Alabama State Bar should undertake supportive activity in Alabama that follows along that which is laid out in the the ABA Task Force's Mission Statement, appropriately limited to and tailored for Alabama.
If the ASB undertakes any such supportive activity, I would like to participate in the same.
I think you are aware that I personally have been considering matters that the Mission Statement lists for addressing by the ABA Task Force, such as at
Please let me know if the ASB makes a decision to undertake supportive activity in Alabama in connection with what the ABA Task Force will be doing, and whether I may participate in the ASB's supportive activity.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck

Email to University of Alabama and Cumberland law school deans re ABA Task Force
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2023 at 04:11:07 PM CDT
Subject: American Bar Association's Task Force for American Democracy - supportive activities of Alabama law schools
Dear Dean Brewbaker and Dean Hudson (c/o Deborah Clayton):
This week the American Bar Association created a "Task Force for American Democracy" and published a Task Force Mission Statement that appears at
I think the Alabama State Bar should undertake supportive activity in Alabama that follows along that which is laid out in the the ABA Task Force Mission Statement, appropriately limited to and tailored for Alabama. I sent the Alabama State Bar the below email urging same.
I think the University of Alabama law school and the Cumberland law school also should undertake supportive activities, which I urge on you as well.
If your law schools decide to undertake such supportive activities, and if there is anything I can do to help out regarding the same, please let me know.
Thank you very much.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook

Email to Alabama Broadcasters Association re ABA Task Force
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 06:23:07 PM CDT
Subject: Fw: Alabama broadcasters and American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Dr. Butler:
The wepage caused me to send the below August 13th email mistakenly using Dr. Welbourne's name and email address. I noticed this mistake today and am forwarding the email to you using your email address.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Forwarded email
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 at 05:37:02 PM CDT
Subject: Alabama broadcasters and American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Dr. Welbourne:
I am emailing you in your capacity as Educational Advisor to the Alabama Broadcasters Association.
This week the American Bar Association created a "Task Force for American Democracy" and published a Task Force Mission Statement that appears at
As a predicate for the Task Force, the Mission Statement says:
"Our American democracy is under threat. . .. Clearly, our American democracy is not as strong as we once thought and there are those who seem determined to push it to the breaking point. The time for answers and action is now."
The Mission Statement lists nine things the Task Force will consider and address. These nine things are:
1. Education of our citizenry on the importance of an inclusive, strong, and enduring democracy;
2. Ways to maximize voter confidence and participation in our democratic process;
3. Ways to dis-incentivize irresponsible and extremist rhetoric and positions among elected officials and candidates for elective office;
4. Ways to ensure the administration of elections remains nonpartisan;
5. Ways for ensuring the integrity and the safety of state election officials and workers across the country;
6. Ways in which the press and social media can and should contribute to the promotion and avoid denigration of our democracy;
7. The role cyberspace can play in either promoting or corrupting the American democratic process;
8. Anti-democratic weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the existing manner in which candidates for federal office are elected in this country; and
9. Potential changes in federal, state, and local practices, laws, and constitutions to meet these ends.
I am a retired lawyer and I have sent to the Alabama State Bar an email urging it to undertake supportive activities in Alabama regarding what the American Bar Association Task Force is doing. My email to the Alabama State Bar is set forth below.
I think the broadcaster members of the Alabama Broadcasters Association can help in Alabama regarding what the American Bar Association Task Force is trying to accomplish.
I hope you agree and you will press upon the Alabama Broadcasters Association and its broadcaster members how, in the threat to our democracy: "The time for answers and action is now."
Thank you very much for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Email to Business Council of Alabama re ABA Task Force
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 at 06:01:04 PM CDT
Subject: Business Council of Alabama and American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy
Dear David, Caroline and William:
You and the BCA have received many emails from me, and I hope this one provides more of a response.
This week the American Bar Association created a "Task Force for American Democracy" and published a Task Force Mission Statement that appears at
As a predicate for the Task Force, the Mission Statement says:
"Our American democracy is under threat. . .. Clearly, our American democracy is not as strong as we once thought and there are those who seem determined to push it to the breaking point. The time for answers and action is now."
The Mission Statement lists nine things the Task Force will consider and address. These nine things are:
1. Education of our citizenry on the importance of an inclusive, strong, and enduring democracy;
2. Ways to maximize voter confidence and participation in our democratic process;
3. Ways to dis-incentivize irresponsible and extremist rhetoric and positions among elected officials and candidates for elective office;
4. Ways to ensure the administration of elections remains nonpartisan;
5. Ways for ensuring the integrity and the safety of state election officials and workers across the country;
6. Ways in which the press and social media can and should contribute to the promotion and avoid denigration of our democracy;
7. The role cyberspace can play in either promoting or corrupting the American democratic process;
8. Anti-democratic weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the existing manner in which candidates for federal office are elected in this country; and
9. Potential changes in federal, state, and local practices, laws, and constitutions to meet these ends.
I am a retired lawyer and I have sent to the Alabama State Bar an email urging it to undertake supportive activities in Alabama regarding what the American Bar Association Task Force is doing. My email to the Alabama State Bar is set forth below.
I think the Business Council of Alabama can help in Alabama regarding what the American Bar Association Task Force is trying to accomplish.
I hope you agree and you will press for the BCA to respond to the threat to our democracy, as to which: "The time for answers and action is now."
Thank you very much for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook

Email to Alabama Secretary of State Allen
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; Robert Garris <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 12:16:22 PM CDT
Subject: American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Secretary of State Allen,
Last week the American Bar Association created a "Task Force for American Democracy" and published a Task Force Mission Statement that appears at
As a predicate for the Task Force, the Mission Statement says:
"Our American democracy is under threat. . .. Clearly, our American democracy is not as strong as we once thought and there are those who seem determined to push it to the breaking point. The time for answers and action is now."
The Mission Statement lists nine things the Task Force will consider and address. These nine things are:
1. Education of our citizenry on the importance of an inclusive, strong, and enduring democracy;
2. Ways to maximize voter confidence and participation in our democratic process;
3. Ways to dis-incentivize irresponsible and extremist rhetoric and positions among elected officials and candidates for elective office;
4. Ways to ensure the administration of elections remains nonpartisan;
5. Ways for ensuring the integrity and the safety of state election officials and workers across the country;
6. Ways in which the press and social media can and should contribute to the promotion and avoid denigration of our democracy;
7. The role cyberspace can play in either promoting or corrupting the American democratic process;
8. Anti-democratic weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the existing manner in which candidates for federal office are elected in this country; and
9. Potential changes in federal, state, and local practices, laws, and constitutions to meet these ends.
The Mission Statement says the Task Force will solicit the views of a wide array of state election officials, present and former elected officials, academics, think tanks, public interest and other stakeholder organizations, and everyday voters.
I am a retired lawyer and I have sent to the Alabama State Bar an email urging it to undertake supportive activities in Alabama regarding what the American Bar Association Task Force is doing. My email to the Alabama State Bar is set forth below.
You are the chief election official in Alabama. Possibly the ABA Task Force will solicit your views. Whether or not it does, I, as an Alabama citizen, urge you to formulate your views related to what the Task Force is doing and submit the same to the Task Force.
I as a citizen have views related to the things the Task Force is considering and particularly related to what you can do in your role as chief election official in Alabama. My views are indicated at;;; and
I hope you will support the ABA Task Force.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
(for filing in
Email to Trussville Mayor and Councilmembers
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2023 at 01:35:44 PM CDT
Subject: Rep. Palmer and American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Trussville Mayor Choat and City Councilmembers Cook, Anderson, Bright, Short and Taylor:
This email is prompted by Rep. Palmer (my Congressional representative) visiting Trussville last Wednesday and meeting with Mayor Choat and others.
Acting on a belief that "[o]ur American democracy is under threat", the American Bar Association has created a "Task Force for American Democracy" and published a Task Force Mission Statement that appears at
The Mission Statement particularly cites sobering facts that:
1.In a recent Pew study, 51% of Americans said they are dissatisfied with how democracy is working and 46% said they are open to other forms of government, including rule by a strong leader.
2. Less than one third of Millennials consider it essential to live in a democracy.
3. According to a 2022 Annenberg Constitution Day Civics Survey, 25% of US adults can name only 1 of the 3 branches of government and more than 20% can't name any branch of government.
4. Against all available evidence, many Americans believe the 2020 election was stolen and question the integrity of our election system. Some even say they are prepared to resort to violence if their desired candidate does not win the next election.
The Mission Statement further says:
"The strains on our democracy culminated on January 6, 2021, when an insurrectionist mob stormed the U.S. Capitol in a violent attempt to stop the constitutionally prescribed process for the election of the next President. There is also evidence of related plots to subvert the 2020 presidential election results at the state level. State election officials and workers have faced scorn and physical threats simply for doing their jobs and refusing to bend to political pressure to do otherwise."
Saying that "[c]learly, our American democracy is not as strong as we once thought and there are those who seem determined to push it to the breaking point [and] [t]he time for answers and action is now," the Mission Statement lists nine things the Task Force will consider and address, related to protecting our democracy and elections.
The Mission Statement says the Task Force will solicit the views of a wide array of state election officials, present and former elected officials, academics, think tanks, public interest and other stakeholder organizations, and everyday voters.
Rep. Palmer and you, the Trussville Mayor and Councilmembers, are elected officials. If you are not already doing so, I hope the ABA Tax Force for American Democracy prompts soul searching by you about what you, Rep. Palmer, and other elected officials in Alabama are doing to protect our democracy and elections, and about who are "those who seem determined to push [democracy] to the breaking point."
Thank you for considering this email.
(I do not have an email address for Rep. Palmer, and will let him know about this email using his office contact form or otherwise.)
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
(for filing in Email to Helena Duncan, CEO of Business Council of Alabama
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; Terri B. Lovell <>
Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2023 at 07:28:38 PM CDT
Subject: "Garbage in, garbage out: CEOs discuss political involvement, improving state workforce"
Dear Helena,
This email is prompted by the above article that is posted at (I did not see the corresponding Capitol Journal show last night, but I will look at it online when I find it there.)
Mr. Rane is quoted as saying, “If the citizens of a state, or a city or a county or a country are not concerned enough about their government, and the laws that their government are going to enact, to get involved and ensure that they are sending qualified, competent, honest, serious people to do the government’s work, then they deserve what they get.”
It seems that, for the next 15 months, politics and acts of governance in the United States will be subordinated to resolving the Donald Trump situation.
I personally think that situation will be ultimately resolved by Donald Trump losing his grip on the Republican Party. Maybe not, but, regardless, politics and acts of governance in the United States will subordinated until there is a resolution of the Donald Trump situation.
I don't know what Mr. Rane, or Mr. Peoples, or Mr. Vines, or Mr. Turner, thinks about the foregoing. I would very much like to find out.
As a lowly citizen, I am dedicating my meager efforts to working on resolving the Donald Trump situation. My such meager efforts are currently focused on the recently announced American Bar Association "Task Force for American Democracy," such efforts being indicated at
As you will see from the foregoing link, my efforts have included an email to David Cole, Caroline Franklin and William Newman, which email is set forth in the link.
Also, I am a retired lawyer, and I have solicited to participate in supportive activities that the Alabama State Bar chooses to undertake regarding what the American Bar Association Task Force is doing.
If also the Business Council of Alabama thinks what the ABA Task Force is doing is meritorious, and the BCA chooses to undertake its own supportive efforts, I offer myself to help in those, albeit I am not a member of the BCA.
Thank you very much for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook

Online letter to The Honorable Kay Ivey, Will Ainsworth, Greg Reed, Anthony Daniels, Gary Palmer, Mike Rogers and Dale Strong
August 22, 2023
Re: Special Capitol Journal from Point Clear this past Friday
Dear Gov. Ivey, Lt. Gov. Ainsworth, Senate President Pro Tem Greg Reed, House Minority Leader Daniels, and Representatives Palmer, Rogers and Strong:
This letter relates to last week's Business Council of Alabama’s Government Affairs Conference, which was covered by the special edition of Capitol Journal at
This email follows up on the email I sent to BCA CEO Helena Duncan, also related to the BCA conferenc, that appears immediately above this online letter.
The emphasis of the BCA's Government Affairs Conference on Alabama's economic development is understandable.
My email to Ms. Duncan quotes Mr. Jimmy Rane as saying, “If the citizens of a state, or a city or a county or a country are not concerned enough about their government, and the laws that their government are going to enact, to get involved and ensure that they are sending qualified, competent, honest, serious people to do the government’s work, then they deserve what they get.”
My email to Ms. Duncan then said that "[i]t seems that, for the next 15 months, politics and acts of governance in the United States will be subordinated to resolving the Donald Trump situation."
Do you agree that for the next 15 months, politics and acts of governance in the United States will be subordinated to resolving the Donald Trump situation?
In my lowly citizen capacity, I am working on trying to resolve the Donald Trump situation. Particularly, I am focused on the recently announced American Bar Association "Task Force for American Democracy," such efforts being indicated at
Acting on a belief that "[o]ur American democracy is under threat", the American Bar Association published a Task Force Mission Statement that appears at
The Mission Statement particularly cites sobering facts that:
1. In a recent Pew study, 51% of Americans said they are dissatisfied with how democracy is working and 46% said they are open to other forms of government, including rule by a strong leader.
2. Less than one third of Millennials consider it essential to live in a democracy.
3. According to a 2022 Annenberg Constitution Day Civics Survey, 25% of US adults can name only 1 of the 3 branches of government and more than 20% can't name any branch of government.
4. Against all available evidence, many Americans believe the 2020 election was stolen and question the integrity of our election system. Some even say they are prepared to resort to violence if their desired candidate does not win the next election.
The Mission Statement further says:
"The strains on our democracy culminated on January 6, 2021, when an insurrectionist mob stormed the U.S. Capitol in a violent attempt to stop the constitutionally prescribed process for the election of the next President. There is also evidence of related plots to subvert the 2020 presidential election results at the state level. State election officials and workers have faced scorn and physical threats simply for doing their jobs and refusing to bend to political pressure to do otherwise."
Saying that "[c]learly, our American democracy is not as strong as we once thought and there are those who seem determined to push it to the breaking point [and] [t]he time for answers and action is now," the Mission Statement lists nine things the Task Force will consider and address, related to protecting our democracy and elections.
The Mission Statement says the Task Force will solicit the views of a wide array of state election officials, present and former elected officials, academics, think tanks, public interest and other stakeholder organizations, and everyday voters.
You are elected officials in Alabama. Possibly the ABA Task Force will solicit your views. Whether or not it does, I, as an Alabama citizen, urge you to formulate your views related to what the Task Force is doing and submit the same to the Task Force.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook

Email to The Honorable R. William Ide III, Vice Chair, American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Robert Garris <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2023 at 03:23:27 PM CDT
Subject: In Alabama, I'm very serious about ABA Task Force for American Democracy
The Honorable R. William Ide III
Vice Chair
American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Mr. Ide:
In Alabama, I am very serious about the mission of the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy.
Please read what I have done thus far at
If there is a contact at the ABA Task Force to whom I can send future communications, that would be much appreciated.
Thank you very much for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Online letter to Senator Arthur Orr re "power of purse" and ABA Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Senator Orr:
This letter is prompted by the article "State Sen. Orr invokes legislature's 'power of the purse' to urge University of Alabama, other institutions to make changes to DEI initiatives," posted at
I have sent the below email to the Dean Brewbaker of the University of Alabama law school regarding the recently created American Bar Association "Task Force for American Democracy" and its Mission Statement that appears at
In my email to Dean Brewbaker, I urge that the University of Alabama law school undertake supportive activities relative to the ABA Task Force's mission.
Would you kindly consider the ABA's Task Force mission and tell me whether you would "[invoke] legislature's 'power of the purse' to urge University of Alabama" not to undertake supportive activities relative to the ABA Task Force's mission?
Thank you for your attention to this letter.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
["below email" is the August 12 email to University of Alabama and Cumberland law school deans re ABA Task Force that is posted above]
Email to University of Alabama President Stuart Bell re Sen. Orr's "power of purse"
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; dburch1@samford.ed <dburch1@samford.ed>; <>; <>
Sent: Friday, September 1, 2023 at 04:58:44 PM CDT
Subject: American Bar Association Task Force for Democracy and Sen. Orr's "power of purse"
Dear President Bell:
On August 12th, I sent the first below email to Dean Brewbaker, urging that the University of Alabama law school undertake supportive activities relative to the American Bar Association's recently created "Task Force for American Democracy" and its Mission Statement that appears at
Also, I sent the second below email to Dean Butler of the College of Communication and Information Science in his capacity as Educational Advisor to the Alabama Broadcasters Association, urging that Dr. Butler urge that the broadcaster members of the Alabama Broadcasters Association help out in Alabama regarding what the American Bar Association Task Force is trying to accomplish.
The article "State Sen. Orr invokes legislature's 'power of the purse' to urge University of Alabama, other institutions to make changes to DEI initiatives," posted at, caused me concern about whether Sen. Orr would "[invoke] legislature's 'power of the purse' to urge University of Alabama" not to undertake supportive activities relative to the ABA Task Force's mission.
As a result of that concern I wrote an online letter to Sen. Orr (which is appended as the third below item) that expressly asks Sen. Orr whether he would "[invoke] legislature's 'power of the purse' to urge University of Alabama" not to undertake supportive activities relative to the ABA Task Force's mission. (The online letter is posted at
The purpose of this email it to ask you whether you think Sen. Orr would "[invoke] legislature's 'power of the purse' to urge the University of Alabama" not to undertake supportive activities relative to the ABA Task Force's mission.
I should say I have the same concern about whether Dr. Butler would be inhibited in urging that the broadcaster members of the Alabama Broadcasters Association help out in Alabama regarding what the American Bar Association Task Force is trying to accomplish.
Thank you for your consideration of what this email asks.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
[the "below first email;" "below second email" and the online letter can all be found above]

Email to State Bar of Georgia
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; Terri B. Lovell <>
Sent: Saturday, September 2, 2023 at 07:17:53 PM CDT
Subject: Will State Bar of Georgia undertake supportive activities re ABA Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Mr. DelCampo, Mr. Cadle, and Ms. Browning:
I am a retired lawyer in Alabama.
Last month I wrote the below email to the Alabama State Bar, asking whether it would undertake supportive activity in Alabama in connection with the recently created American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy and its Mission Statement that appears at
For me, besides Georgia being next door to Alabama, the Georgia situation of some Republicans wanting to discipline or remove Fulton County DA Willis in connection with her Trump indictment and Gov. Kemp standing opposed to that ( should be an excellent focal point for the ABA Task Force for American Democracy.
I hope the State Bar of Georgia is more than sympathetic with the Mission Statement of the ABA Task for American Democracy, and the State Bar of Georgia agrees that Georgia presents an exceedingly apt arena for talking about and informing the rest of America about the forces that are at work for and against American democracy.
For what it's worth, I am delving into my Alabama as indicated at
Thank you for your consideration of this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Email to Georgia Chamber of Commerce
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Terri B. Lovell <>
Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 08:51:30 AM CDT
Subject: Georgia Chamber of Commerce and American Bar Association Task Force for Democracy
Dear Mr. Clark,
I am a retired lawyer in Alabama.
The recently created American Bar Association "Task Force for American Democracy" and its Mission Statement that appears at prompted me to write emails to the Alabama State Bar and to the Business Council of Alabama urging them to undertake supportive activities in Alabama.
The Georgia situation of some Republicans wanting to discipline or remove Fulton County DA Willis in connection with her Trump indictment and Gov. Kemp standing opposed to that ( prompted me to write an email to the State Bar of Georgia, particularly urging them to undertake supportive activities in Georgia relative to the ABA Task Force for American Democracy.
My emails to the Business Council of Alabama and the State Bar of Georgia are set forth below.
I hope the Georgia Chamber of Commerce will consider the Mission Statement of the ABA Task for American Democracy and will decide to undertake supportive activities in Georgia.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Email to South Dakota state bar and chamber of commerce
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: Terri B. Lovell <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2023 at 04:03:29 PM CDT
Subject: South Dakota state bar & chamber of commerce; ABA Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Ms. Bogard and Mr. Owen,
I am a retired lawyer in Alabama.
In Alabama, I am pushing for the Alabama State Bar and the Business Council of Alabama to undertake supportive activities in connection with the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy and its Mission Statement for protecting elections and democracy in America. (Said Mission Statement appears at and what I am doing in Alabama is indicated at
I think that the ABA Task Force is clear that Trump is a force at work that is against American democracy and elections. I think Gov. Noem, by her endorsement of Trump, is also a force at work against American democracy and elections.
I hope the State Bar of South Dakota and the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry will take to heart what the ABA Task Force for American Democracy is seeking to do during the next twelve months and decide to undertake supportive activities in South Dakota (including soliciting Gov. Noem to comment on the Mission Statement).
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Email re parties refusing to try to agree on how elections will be conducted
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: Terri B. Lovell <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; Sdbar Info <>; <>; <>; Robert Garris <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2023 at 03:35:35 PM CDT
Subject: Wisconsin state bar; ABA Task Force for American Democracy; Wisconsin Elections Commission
Dear Mr. Dietrich,
I am a retired lawyer in Alabama.
I submit to the State Bar of Wisconsin for its consideration the Mission Statement of the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy that
appears at
I call your particular attention to the Task Force considering and addressing:
ways to maximize voter confidence and participation in our democratic process;
ways to dis-incentivize irresponsible and extremist rhetoric and positions among elected officials and candidates for elective office;
ways to ensure the administration of elections remains nonpartisan;
This email is prompted by the Republicans in the Wisconsin Senate voting to remove the state’s top elections official (
I ask you to consider how that action bears on the ABA Tax Force's objectives "to maximize voter confidence" and "to ensure the administration of elections remains nonpartisan."
I think for five years those who are involved in determining how elections shall be conducted have harmfully refused to try to agree with one another about the same, and the resultant absence of agreement contributed to and will continue the serious problem in the United States of election outcomes not being accepted by candidates and voters.
Instead of trying to agree on how elections shall be conducted, each side only talks up to its base either that the other side seeks massive voter suppression or that the other side seeks massive election fraud.
Take, for example, practices like mail in balloting, ballot drop off boxes and "ballot harvesting." I submit that contentiousness over those practices has little to do with actual fraud that is associated with such practices and is almost exclusively about beliefs about whether one's side will be benefitted or disadvantaged by the there being more votes cast or less votes cast if the practice is in effect or not in effect.
The two sides refusing to make reasonable efforts to reach reasonable agreements about how elections shall be conducted enables and keeps enabled "irresponsible and extremist rhetoric and positions among elected officials and candidates for elective office" regarding elections in America.
In Alabama, I sent the below email to Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen
I encourage the State Bar of Wisconsin to consider what it can do to push on relevant parties to make reasonable efforts to reach reasonable agreements about how the 2024 elections will be conducted in Wisconsin.
I have been communicating to the Alabama State Bar, the Georgia State Bar and the State Bar of South Dakota about the ABA Task Force's work, and I am copying them on this email. The same goes for state chambers of commerce.
Also I am copying Secretary of State Allen on this email, as well as some of the persons I copied on the below email I sent to Secretary Allen.
I hope this email does some good.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL
["below email to Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen" can be found above]

Email to Birmingham Business Alliance
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: Terri B. Lovell <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 05:47:32 PM CDT
Subject: Birmingham Business Alliance and American Bar Association Task Force For American Democracy
Dear Mr. Ammons and Ms. Allen,
I am a retired lawyer in Birmingham.
Please, if you would, review the Mission Statement of the recently created American Bar Association Task Force For American Democracy that is set out at
The Task Force says it will "solicit the views of a wide array of state election officials, present and former elected officials, academics, think tanks, public interest and other stakeholder organizations, and everyday voters."
I am an everyday voter who is urging Alabama organizations to undertake supportive activities in Alabama related to what the ABA Task Force is trying to do. My efforts are indicated at
Please consider whether the Birmingham Business Alliance might make a Special Project of this for the next year.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook

Email to Huntsville Bar Association
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: Terri B. Lovell <>
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 07:12:00 AM CDT
Subject: Huntsville Bar Assoc. & American Bar Association Task Force For Democracy
Dear Ms. Seeley:
I am a retired lawyer in Birmingham.
Would you kindly submit to the leadership of the Huntsville Bar Association for their consideration the Mission Statement of the recently created American Bar Association Task Force For American Democracy that is set out at and for consideration of whether the Huntsville Bar Association should undertake supportive activities relative to what the ABA Task Force is trying to do.
For your information, I am trying to press this in a various quarters in Alabama as indicated at
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck

Email to Angi Horn of Virtus Solutions political consulting firm
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 08:32:18 AM CDT
Subject: Secretary Wes Allen and the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Angi,
This email is prompted by your tweet at that refers to "Wes Allen standing up for America!"
I have a slightly different take.
The below is quoted from a Sept.16th email of mine that is posted at and discusses the matter of relevant parties refusing to try to agree on how elections will be conducted:
I think for five years those who are involved in determining how elections shall be conducted have harmfully refused to try to agree with one another about the same, and the resultant absence of agreement contributed to and will continue the serious problem in the United States of election outcomes not being accepted by candidates and voters.
Instead of trying to agree on how elections shall be conducted, each side only talks up to its base either that the other side seeks massive voter suppression or that the other side seeks massive election fraud.
Take, for example, practices like mail in balloting, ballot drop off boxes and "ballot harvesting." I submit that contentiousness over those practices has little to do with actual fraud that is associated with such practices and is almost exclusively about beliefs about whether one's side will be benefitted or disadvantaged by the there being more votes cast or less votes cast if the practice is in effect or not in effect.
The two sides refusing to make reasonable efforts to reach reasonable agreements about how elections shall be conducted enables and keeps enabled "irresponsible and extremist rhetoric and positions among elected officials and candidates for elective office" regarding elections in America.
Related to the foregoing I have sent Secretary Allen the below email.
Thank you for your attention to this email giving a "different take" regarding Secretary Allen.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook

Emails re "AUM celebrates Constitution Day with voting rights panel"
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>; Sharon Tinsley <>; <>; Mark Bunting <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 at 09:41:53 AM CDT
Subject: Re: AUM celebrates Constitution Day with voting rights panel
Dear Ms. Lawson:
This email follows up on my below Monday email to you.
Southern Poverty Law Center sent me the email that is immediately below.
I am trying to press Secretary of State Wes Allen to be honest about whether he seeks to be supportive of, or oppositional to, the two political sides reaching agreements about how elections shall be conducted and whether he is supportive of, or oppositional to, fostering an election environment in which election outcomes are accepted by the candidates and the voters.
Secretary Allen is unlikely to be responsive to me, and I think WSFA should try to press Secretary Allen on this.
I think the importance of this matter is laid out in my blog entry at (which includes an email I have previously sent to Secretary Allen).
I think other TV stations besides WSFA should press Secretary Allen on this matter.
Sharon Tinsley of the Alabama Broadcasters Association has indicated to me that she will not raise with member TV broadcasters matters that I bring to her attention (such as this one) and that I need to communicate to the TV stations directly. I will post this email at the foregoing link, copy Secretary Allen on this email, and probably communicate to other TV stations directly about this.
Mark Bunting is the immediate past chair of the Alabama Broadcasters Association, and I am copying him on this email, as well as Sharon Tinsley and Dr. Brian Butler, the Association's Educational Advisor.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
From: Southern Poverty Law Center-Comments <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2023 at 05:57:26 PM CDT
Subject: Ticket Received - Site Comments & Inquiries - Rob Shattuck - Mon, 09/25/2023 - 5:57pm
Thank you for contacting the Southern Poverty Law Center. Your inquiry has been received, and a member of our team will follow up with you in the next 48 business hours.
Our operating hours are Monday - Friday from 8 am - 5 pm Central Time.
We apologize for any inconvenience and want you to know how much we appreciate your continued support. Caring people like you make our work to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements and advance the human rights of all people possible.
Southern Poverty Law Center
On Monday, September 25, 2023 at 05:52:38 PM CDT, Rob Shattuck <> wrote:
Dear Ms. Lawson,
This email concerns your news report "AUM celebrates Constitution Day with voting rights panel" that is posted at
I have posted at an advocacy for a middle ground in the polarized argumentation between the two sides over voter suppression vs. voter fraud and an advocacy for the two sides to stop refusing to make efforts to agree on how elections will be conducted.
I don't have an email address for Jess Unger at the Southern Poverty Law Center and will use the contact form on their website to send this email to him.
I hope there is a way for WSFA to inform its viewers of the foregoing middle ground in the polarized argumentation between the two sides over voter suppression vs. voter fraud.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
Iowa State Bar Association; Iowa caucuses
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: Terri B. Lovell <>; Jennifer Buettner <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 08:51:56 AM CST
Subject: Iowa State Bar Association and ABA Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Mr. Dinkla,
I am a retired lawyer in Alabama.
I have been advocating for the Alabama State Bar to undertake supportive activities in Alabama relative to the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy and its year long mission that is set out at
Recently, I thought the great attention that was being paid to this past week's GOP Presidential primary debate at the University of Alabama was an excellent opportunity for the Alabama State Bar (and other parties) to partake of the Task Force's mission to "host public conversations with a broad spectrum of Americans to hear their concerns, experiences, and suggestions for restoring and preserving our democracy rule of law."
Last Saturday, I sent the Alabama State Bar the below email, importuning it once more prior to the Dec. 6th debate.
The attention surrounding the Dec. 6th debate in Alabama is now past, and national attention is on Iowa and the upcoming Iowa caucuses.
The purpose of this email is to urge the Iowa State Bar Association to avail of the national attention now on Iowa to host public conversations in Iowa with a broad spectrum of Iowans to hear their "concerns, experiences, and suggestions for restoring and preserving our democracy rule of law."
Thank you for the indulgence of the Iowa State Bar Association in receiving this communication from a member of the Alabama State Bar.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: Terri B. Lovell <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 03:37:29 PM CST
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL EMAIL] Alabama State Bar encouragement for my outreaching to Alabama institutions about Democracy?
Dear Terri,
I wish to follow up on your below reply to me regarding the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy.
Let's put aside the ASB publicly expressing or not expressing an opinion regarding my activities, and instead focus on Vice Chair Ide's statement to me in the below second email following your reply that "Our goal is to see organizations at the state level take the needed remediations needed to restore our country’s global leadership in democracy and rule of law."
I don't know where the Task Force stands in trying to get organizations at the state level (in Alabama or in other states) to take the referenced "needed remediations," and I don't know whether the ASB considers itself an organization that could do what the Task Force is seeking, and, if so, whether the ASB has taken, or is the process of taking, any action in Alabama that the Task Force is seeking.
I would like to learn such information, but maybe the ASB will decline to provide me any such information.
I am copying on this email Mr. Ide and the two Task Force reporters, for what use this email is to them and to the Task Force.
Also, I call to your attention that on December 11th there will a "Democracy in Peril" ABA Presidential Speaker Series presentation featuring the Task Force Co-Chairs, the Honorable J. Michael Luttig and the Honorable Jeh Charles Johnson.
Rob Shattuck
On Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 03:07:58 PM CDT, Terri B. Lovell <> wrote:
Mr. Shattuck:
The Alabama State Bar (the ASB) believes that our communities, our state, and our country are generally better-off when lawyers are actively engaged in public affairs, particularly when our members promote civil discourse and civic education. But the ASB is a different type of organization than the American Bar Association (the ABA). The ABA is a voluntary association. Lawyers are not required to be members—they can choose to join or not. By contrast, the ASB is not a voluntary association. Every lawyer who wishes to practice in Alabama must join the ASB. Therefore, by law, the Bar is required to limit its activities to matters that are germane to the legal profession and the administration of justice. The ASB cannot engage in anything that could be considered political speech, and it must be cognizant that it has members on every side of most issues.
For these reasons, the ASB is not in a position to express an opinion on or endorse your endeavors. I hope you understand and appreciate the limitations that apply to the ASB and that the ASB’s inability to publicly support your activities does not reflect negatively on you or your efforts in any way.
Best regards,
Terri B. Lovell
Executive Director
Alabama State Bar
From: Rob Shattuck <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 8:55 AM
To: Terri B. Lovell <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL EMAIL] Alabama State Bar encouragement for my outreaching to Alabama institutions about Democracy?
Dear Terri,
The below reply I received from the Vice Chair of the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy expresses support and encouragement for my outreaching to Alabama institutions about Democracy.
In continuing that outreach to Alabama institutions, I will likely wish to indicate the ABA's support and encouragement for what I am doing, and I will also like to indicate that the Alabama State Bar is supportive of the outreaching I am doing to Alabama institutions. Can you please send me an email that expresses what the Alabama State Bar feels about the outreaching I am doing to Alabama institutions.
Thank you, Terri.
Rob Shattuck
From: "" <>
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2023 at 12:46:25 PM CDT
Subject: Re: In Alabama, I'm very serious about ABA Task Force for American Democracy
Thank you for your outreaching to Alabama institutions about Democracy.
Our co-reporters Elizabeth Yang and Marty Smith will look forward to learning of your progress. Our goal is to see organizations at the state level take the needed remediations needed to restore our country’s global leadership in democracy and rule of law.
Bill Ide
Akerman LLP
Suite 1700
999 Peachtree St.
Atlanta, Ga 30309
O- 404 733 9804
C- 404-219-1564
On Aug 25, 2023, at 4:24 PM, Rob Shattuck <> wrote:
The Honorable R. William Ide III
Vice Chair
American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Mr. Ide:
In Alabama, I am very serious about the mission of the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy.
Please read what I have done thus far at
If there is a contact at the ABA Task Force to whom I can send future communications, that would be much appreciated.
Thank you very much for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Email to Alabama State Bar re AL Sec. of State Allen and ABA Task Force for American Democracy
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: Terri B. Lovell <>
Cc: Jennifer Buettner <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2023 at 08:17:37 AM CST
Subject: AL Sec. of State Allen and ABA Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Terri,
On Saturday Secretary of State Wes Allen tweeted about an appearance he apparently made before the Alabama Federation of Republican Women. His tweet at said:
The Alabama Federation of Republican Women values honest & accountable government. I was proud to stand before them & explain how Alabama has the cleanest and most accurate voter rolls we’ve ever had with the development of the Alabama Voter Integrity Database (AVID).
The mission statement of the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy says it "will, on a nonpartisan basis, solicit the views of a wide array of state election officials, present and former elected officials, academics, think tanks, public interest and other stakeholder organizations, and everyday voters."
In August, I sent the below email to Secretary Allen related to the ABA Task Force. Secretary Allen has not replied to me.
I still don't know what, if anything, the Alabama State Bar is doing in Alabama relative to the ABA Task Force and its year long mission set out
In particular, I don't know whether the Alabama State Bar, in accordance with the the Task Force mission, has solicited or will solicit the views of Sec. Allen.
Pending hearing from the Alabama State Bar about what it is doing relative to the the ABA Task Force, I will act on the basis that the ASB is doing nothing, and I will, for example, solicit local bar associations and law school deans to do something (starting with copying them on this email).
Thank you, Terri.
Rob Shattuck
[referenced  "below email to Secretary Allen related to the ABA Task Force" is  the August 15, 2023 email to him set forth above] 

New Hampshire Bar Association and New Hampshire Republican primary
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: Terri B. Lovell <>; Jennifer Buettner <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2023 at 06:44:31 PM CST
Subject: New Hampshire Bar Association and ABA Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Mr. Chant and Ms. Mahan,
I am a retired lawyer in Alabama (and a Dartmouth graduate).
I have been advocating for the Alabama State Bar to undertake supportive activities in Alabama relative to the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy and its year long mission that is set out at
Recently, I thought the great attention that was being paid to this past week's GOP Presidential primary debate at the University of Alabama was an excellent opportunity for the Alabama State Bar (and other parties) to partake of the Task Force's mission to "host public conversations with a broad spectrum of Americans to hear their concerns, experiences, and suggestions for restoring and preserving our democracy rule of law."
A week ago Saturday, I sent the Alabama State Bar the below email, importuning it once more prior to the Dec. 6th debate.
The attention surrounding the Dec. 6th debate in Alabama is now past, and national attention is on New Hampshire and its lead off Republican primary election.
The purpose of this email is to urge the New Hampshire Bar Association to avail of the national attention now on New Hampshire to host public conversations in New Hampshire with a broad spectrum of New Hampshire residents to hear their "concerns, experiences, and suggestions for restoring and preserving our democracy rule of law."
Thank you for the indulgence of the New Hampshire Bar Association in receiving this communication from a member of the Alabama State Bar.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL
[referenced "below email" sent to Alabama State Bar is same as that sent to Iowa State Bar Association set out above]

Email to College Republicans at Auburn University
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>; Cathleen Erwin <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2023 at 06:06:53 PM CST
Subject: Sec. of State Wes Allen and Auburn College Republicans
Dear College Republicans at Auburn University:
Sec. of State Wes Allen recently met with your group and he tweeted about the meeting:
I am incredibly impressed with @AuburnCR. We had productive dialogue about the issues that face our state and nation. We discussed the Alabama Voter Integrity Database (AVID) and how it helps keep our elections safe and secure. (
I contend that Sec. Allen wants the results of the 2024 election to be subject to question and for the results not to be accepted in the contingency that Trump is the Republican candidate and Trump loses the election.
I have been seeking to engage Sec. Allen related to my foregoing contention, starting with an August 15th email I sent to him that can be found at
I have sought the Alabama State Bar and other parties (including Auburn University itself) to hold public conversation events that would facilitate getting the engagement of Sec. Allen as I have been seeking. (See the December 11th email I sent to the Alabama State Bar that also can be found at the foregoing link.)
I am continuing the foregoing efforts with local bar associations as indicated at
If and when my sought for engagement with Sec. Allen is obtained, I will let you know what the upshot is.
Besides Sec. Allen, I am copying on this email the College Democrats at Auburn University ( for their possible interest in this email and Professor Cathleen Erwin, who has been my contact at Auburn.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck

Friday, August 4, 2023

Montgomery candidates: What will you do to reduce gun violence?

Email to hosts of Aug. 10th Montgomery Candidate Forum
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 at 03:56:48 PM CDT
Subject: Aug. 10th Montgomery Candidate Forum- ask camdidates about reducing gun violence
WSFA13 News
Faith in Action Alabama
One Montgomery
The League of Women Voters of Alabama
Metro Montgomery County NAACP
I urge you to ask the Montgomery mayoral and city council candidates at the August 10th forum ( what the candidates will do to try to reduce gun violence in Montgomery if they win their election.
Further consider asking the candidates what they think about the Montgomery City Council passing a declaratory resolution along the lines of the "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" set out at
FYI, I sent the below July 8th email to Montgomery City Councillors Grimes, Lyons, Johnson, Graham, Calhoun, Mitchell, McInnis, Pruitt, and Jinright, asking them to consider passing such a resolution.
I am not a Montgomery voter and I will endeavor to get Montgomery voters to express an interest in the candidates being asked what they will do to try to reduce gun violence in Montgomery if they win their election.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
(for filing in
Email to Montgomery City Councillors Grimes, Lyons, Johnson, Graham, Calhoun, Mitchell, McInnis, Pruitt, and Jinright
From: Rob Shattuck <>
Cc: <>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <>
Sent: Saturday, July 8, 2023 at 08:04:14 PM CDT
Subject: Rich Anderson, candidate for Court of Criminal Appeals, says "2nd Am. protects the rest"
Dear Montgomery City Councillors Grimes, Lyons, Johnson, Graham, Calhoun, Mitchell, McInnis, Pruitt, and Jinright:
I am asking city councils in Alabama o lead against the gun violence culture in Alabama by passing declaratory resolutions along the lines of the "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" set out at
For more information, please read https
Please consider for the Montgomery city council to pass such a resolution, and, please invite Mr. Rich Anderson (whose Twitter profile ( says "the 2nd Am. protects the rest") to appear before the city council and say why, or why not, he thinks the council should pass such a resolution.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Email to Faith in Action Birmingham Peacemakers and Moms Demand Alabama
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <>; Melissa Bailey <>; Dana Ellis <>; Rev. Julie Conrady <>
Sent: Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 08:39:10 AM CDT
Subject: Montgomery Aug.10 candidate forum and gun violence reduction
Dear Faith in Action Birmingham Peacemakers and Moms Demand Alabama:
In the Montgomery mayoral and city council elections scheduled for August 22nd, WSFA12 News is hosting a candidate forum on August 10th.
I have sent the below email to WSFA12 News and its four co-hosts, urging them to ask the candidates what they will do to try to reduce gun violence in Montgomery if they win their election.
As my email says, I am not a Montgomery voter.
Do you think the Montgomery candidates should be asked what they will do to try to reduce gun violence in Montgomery if they win their election?
Can you do anything that can help get that question asked of the candidates?
Rob Shattuck