Friday, July 30, 2021

Request for Twitter #alpolitics info

Which of the following tweets of mine do you see on the #alpolitics hashtag on Twitter? I am asking because, viewing #alpolitics in a Twitter account other than my own, I am seeing only some and not all of the tweets, and I want to understand better how Twitter handles my tweets.

This problem continued today relative to below tweet.

If you are able to see the above tweet on the #alpolitics hashtag, it may be because you are following me.

I think my use of multiple mentions in my tweets, such as multiple mentions of TV reporters, is a factor in resulting in tweets of mine not appearing on #alpolitics hashtag. In these case, I don't know whether such tweets are reaching the mentioned TV reporters through Notifications to them

The above problem continued yesterday with below tweets. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Mountain Brook Schools' Manifesto

I am a Mountain Brook resident and I propose a Mountain Brook Schools' Manifesto that will evidence Mountain Brook teachers, parents, students, and administrators can put to rest in Mountain Brook the current national and Alabama state distraction over critical race theory and diversity training.

Ok, there has been weeks of ranting about critical race theory, diversity training, etc.

What percent of the population is all in with the ranting, want more ranting, will keep it going for weeks and months more, etc.?

What percent of the population thinks the ranting has been a stupid distraction from the immense problem of what to do to overcome the "lost year" in educational and social development of American's children?