Tuesday, February 25, 2020

WVTM13 GOP Senate debate

Dear WVTM13, Lisa Crane, Ian Reitz, Guy Rawlings, and Sherrel Stewart:

I watched your video of the Republican Senate debate.

Our country has a horrendous political divide.

The divide has grown worse during the Trump presidency.

The divide has engendered great animosity between the two sides.

In the divide, the leaders of the two sides express absolute opposed judgments about Trump, and they talk only about things supporting their side's Trump judgment and will not acknowledge things that are counter to their Trump judgement. The followers of the two sides follow this and do the same thing

I believe the two sides acting in the forgoing way make it impossible to bridge the divide and make it impossible to reduce the animosity between the two sides.

I believe the leaders of the two sides know they mislead their followers in purveying their absolute opposed judgments about Trump and  by not acknowledging things that are counter to their side's Trump judgement. I believe the leaders also know that this prevents bridging of the divide and this increases the animosity between the two sides.

Regarding the Mueller investigation, the leaders on Trump's side say the Mueller investigation was a hoax, and the leaders of the Dem side say the investigation was not a hoax and the investigation showed Trump and his campaign solicited and took advantage of Russian interference in the 2016 election to help Trump and Trump obstructed justice by obstructing the investigation. The absolute judgments the leaders purvey to their followers mislead their followers, exacerbate the divide, and engender more animosity between the two sides.

The same goes for the impeachment. The Dem leaders charged Trump with abuse of power and putting his personal political interest ahead of national security and electoral interests. The leaders on Trump's side charged that the impeachment was a sham and that the House Dems abused the impeachment power. Again, the absolute judgments the leaders purvey to their followers mislead their followers, exacerbate the divide, and engender more animosity between the two sides.

The country is horrendously seized by the divide and by the animosity.

Some may think that the 2020 elections will lead to lessening the divide and the animosity.

I don't agree, and I think country's horrendous political divide and animosity will continue and grow after the 2020 election.

That is pessimistic.

The divide and the animosity are sufficiently detrimental to our country's governance that I think your TV station and reporters should evaluate what you think.

If you are optimistic, you should be able to explain to yourselves why you are optimistic, and I think you owe it to your viewers to do a TV news editorial expressing that. If you don't do such an editorial, I will assume you share my pessimism.

If you are pessimistic as I am, it would seem incumbent on you to ask yourselves whether, in your positions, you can do anything to lessen the divide and the animosity.

Because I think a main contributing cause of the divide and the animosity is the leaders of the two sides misleading their followers, one thing that will help the country is for the leaders of the two sides to be forced to acknowledge to their followers that the leaders have been misleading their followers and to express to their followers that the absolute opposed judgments about Trump that have been conveyed to them are inaccurate.

If you agree with the foregoing, the forcing will not be easy.

The forcing may need to be in the form of notifying leaders of the two sides in Alabama of the foregoing analysis of the problem and to demand that certain questions be answered.

If no answers are provided,  the next step would be to undertake a series of dedicated minutes on your news show in which you lay out the divide and animosity between the two sides, the contribution that the absolute opposed judgments about Trump make to the divide and animosity, that such and such questions have been submitted, no responses were given, and your viewers are being informed about this to shame the leaders into answering.

Let me conclude this letter by giving an example of a fundamental, critical question that I believe Rep. Gary Palmer will not answer, to wit, "Do you believe the POTUS has an obligation to tell the truth to the American people?"
I think it is the case that the Matt Murphy show was not willing to ask the foregoing question of Gary Palmer, and Gary Palmer will not answer the question.

Thank you.

Edit 2/29/2020
See also the following blog entries:
Appeal to AL news directors, October 1, 2019
AL Project Veritas - Impeachment, October 6, 2019
And also
Dear Aunie, May 9, 2020 (added to this list 7/8/20)

Friday, February 21, 2020

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Campaign status report

Per my blog entry  31 days until March 3rd, I am trying to get on the November ballot as an Independent candidate against Gary Palmer in the Alabama 6th Congressional district. To do this, I need, before March 3rd, 8,434 registered voters in the 6th Congressional district to sign a ballot access petition.

This probably seems impossible.

This will set out where things are currently.

This blog and Trump Censure lay out extensively my political positions (for quick access, see links listed in 31 days until March 3rd).

I have tweeted for years on #alpolitics.

Recently I have been active on Facebook and making comments on the posts of others.

I believe there are tens of thousands of 6th district voters who are angrily against Gary Palmer regarding his positions on Trump, guns, abortion, and the 2017 tax cuts and regarding Palmer's approaches to health care, immigration and climate change. I think these voters would like it if there was a candidate arguing against Palmer.

I have made myself known to groups having special interests, including Alabama Moms Demand Action, Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates, the Alabama ACLU, local Democratic party organizations, and local Indivisible groups. If these groups would like a candidate to argue against Gary Palmer in ways they favor, it is within the power of these groups to spread information widely to their followers and urge signing of my ballot access petition.

If these groups do not care to make any effort toward the goal of having a candidate to argue against Palmer, then this will fall flat. It's up to them to decide this.

In the meantime, below are three specific things I ask people to do to keep this effort perking along.

1. I need retweets of the below pinned tweet on my Twitter account.

2. I need shares of the below FB post

3. I need tweeters to click on the below "TWEET HERE" link to send a tweet which says
Please tweet #IWantDebateInAL06.
Tweet here

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Who's more for working class

At the Trump rallies and at the Sanders rallies, the fervor of Trump and Sanders supporters is phenomenal.

It is further remarkable how similar in appearance the Trump and Sander supporters  appear on the TV screen.

Not only do Trump and Sanders supporters look similar on TV, it is easy to infer that the situations and concerns they have in their lives are similar, and that governmental policy and actions that help one group of supporters would help the other group.

In the face of the similarities, the Trump supporters fervently believe that Trump is the best President they could have to help them with their lives, and that Sanders as President would greatly damage their situation.

 On the other side, the Sanders supporters fervently believe that Sanders as President would be the best thing that could happen to the working class, and Sanders would work 100% to improve their lives. Many of the Sanders supporters believe that Trump's supporters have been badly misled by Trump concerning what Trump has done for them and what Trump says he will continue to do for them.

So, who is right here - the fervent Trump supporters or the fervent Trump supporters? Should they have a talk about it?

Hell, yes, I would say.

Hell, yes, I would say it would be great campaigning for Sanders supporters to seek out Trump supporters, and say, "I would really like to have a conversation with you about why you think Trump really gives a damn about you and really does the good things for you you think he does. I guarantee you Bernie Sanders is genuinely 100% for you and is ten times more dedicated to you than Trump."

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Tweets 2/4/20

In the morning Twitter shadow banned me again. Again I was not notified by Twitter of the shadow ban and I don't know what I did wrong that got me shadow banned. I expect the shadow ban to last 24 hours.  Twitter shadow ban follow up

Update 2/6/2020
The shadow ban referenced above was lifted after 24 hours. I resumed my tweeting.
This afternoon Twitter shadow banned me still again.
It is very hard to tell what I am doing in my tweeting that is getting me shadow banned. One possibility I am thinking is that too many of my tweets use links to my own material (i.e., links to my blogs and to prior tweets I have sent). I consider these links to my own material efficient and useful in trying to communicate via tweeting, but maybe Twitter considers it "abusive" when there is "excessive" linking to one's own material.
In my original posting here, I had copied and pasted 2/4/2020 tweets of mine that had been affected by the shadow ban. The formatting of my copy and paste got messed up when I edited this post, and I have deleted the copy and paste in this post.
Also, I made further investigation into the effects of a shadow banning. As best I can tell, those who are my followers can see my tweets on their Twitter feed, and, if I send a follower a tweet, the follower will get a notification. As best I can tell, if there is shadow banning, only I can see my tweets under hashtags I use in my tweets, and not even followers can see my tweets under the hashtags used by my tweets (mainly #alpolitics).

Update 2/19/2020
Twitter shadow banned me again. Again I expect the shadow ban to last 24 hours. The shadow ban seemed to occur immediately upon my sending below tweet.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

31 days until March 3rd

Update 1/28/2024 - If wishes were horses
Email re wishes, horses and getting in Rep. Gary Palmer's face about guns
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: danaellis865@gmail.com <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>; Helen Rivas <kikot.atit@gmail.com>; Phillip Ensler <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2024 at 04:51:50 AM CST
Subject: If wishes turn into horses, I will get in Rep. Gary Palmer's face about guns
Please check out "Update 1/28/2024 - If wishes were horses" posted at Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: 31 days until March 3rd (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com).
Thank you.
Email re getting in Rep. Gary Palmer's face about pandemic responses
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: mbunting@wsfa.com <mbunting@wsfa.com>; drtank334@gmail.com <drtank334@gmail.com>; eeaton@uab.edu <eeaton@uab.edu>; dwilliamson@alaha.org <dwilliamson@alaha.org>; mjackson@alamedical.org <mjackson@alamedical.org>; ccwilliams@aarp.org <ccwilliams@aarp.org>; robyn@alarise.org <robyn@alarise.org>; edasna@alabamanurses.org <edasna@alabamanurses.org>; perwin@uab.edu <perwin@uab.edu>; mkwhite@uab.edu <mkwhite@uab.edu>; rdfriend@ua.edu <rdfriend@ua.edu>; mmontgomery1@ua.edu <mmontgomery1@ua.edu>; bak0020@auburn.edu <bak0020@auburn.edu>; gen0002@auburn.edu <gen0002@auburn.edu>; arocha@alabamareflector.com <arocha@alabamareflector.com>; wthornton@al.com <wthornton@al.com>; todd@aldailynews.com <todd@aldailynews.com>; will@wbhm.org <will@wbhm.org>; dale@yellowhammernews.com <dale@yellowhammernews.com>; yaffee@yellowhammernews.com <yaffee@yellowhammernews.com>; will.blakely@1819news.com <will.blakely@1819news.com>; erica.thomas@1819news.com <erica.thomas@1819news.com>; admin@alabamapolicy.org <admin@alabamapolicy.org>; larry.stutts@alsenate.gov <larry.stutts@alsenate.gov>; james.giles@wbrc.com <james.giles@wbrc.com>; AlexanderWillis@gmail.com <alexanderwillis@gmail.com>; "alexanderwillis@gmail.com" <alexanderwillis@gmail.com>; jsharp@al.com <jsharp@al.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2024 at 08:21:59 AM CST
Subject: Please help me get in Rep. Gary Palmer's face about pandemic responses
Please help me get in Rep. Gary Palmer's face about the national and Alabama's pandemic responses.
Please check out "Update 1/28/2024 - If wishes were horses" posted at Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: 31 days until March 3rd (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com).
Thank you very much.

Email soliciting UAB to host conversation between Rep. Palmer and me
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: Christopher Jones <jonesc1@uab.edu>
Cc: Paulette Patterson Dilworth <ppddei@uab.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2024 at 05:32:36 PM CST
Subject: Can the current direction of Critical Conversations program accommodate this?
Dear Dr. Jones,
I am trying to become an Independent candidate against Rep. Gary Palmer in the 2024 elections.
If I am successful, I will endeavor to debate Rep. Palmer about significant issues that I believe are of interest to the UAB community, including guns, women's health and reproductive rights, and pandemic response. See "Update 1/28/2024 - If wishes were horses" posted at Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: 31 days until March 3rd (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com).
Please consider whether UAB might be a forum for a conversation between Rep. Palmer and myself on these and other important issues of interest to the UAB community.
Thank you very much for whatever consideration you can give this.
Rob Shattuck
Email soliciting "Listening, Speaking and Teaching" event at Samford
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: amcewan@samford.edu <amcewan@samford.edu>; mwithers@samford.edu <mwithers@samford.edu>; jcobia@samford.edu <jcobia@samford.edu>; dburch1@samford.edu <dburch1@samford.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 06:06:34 PM CST
Subject: Another suggestion for "Listening, Speaking and Teaching" event at Samford
Dear Dr. Ewan, Dr. Witherspoon, Dr. Cobia and Dean Hudson:
I am trying to become an Independent candidate against Rep. Gary Palmer in the 2024 elections.
If I am successful, I will endeavor to debate Rep. Palmer about significant issues that I believe are of interest to the Samford community, including guns, women's health and reproductive rights, and pandemic response. See "Update 1/28/2024 - If wishes were horses" posted at Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: 31 days until March 3rd (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com).
Please consider whether Samford might be a forum for a conversation between Rep. Palmer and me on these and other important issues of interest to the Samford community.
Thank you very much for whatever consideration you can give this.
Rob Shattuck 2/8/24 - NOW GO TO:
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: My Wishes and Horses Campaign (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com)

Original post 
[For current status report (2/15/20) see Campaign status report.]

The 2020 elections primary day in Alabama is March 3rd.

In the Alabama 6th Congressional district, there is no Democratic candidate running against Rep. Gary Palmer. Ballotpedia

Ballotpedia indicates there is an independent candidate running, but his campaign link reveals almost nothing about his campaign. Ballotpedia 

For more than 4 years I have been putting forth argumentation against Rep. Palmer regarding several issues. I have received zero in reply from Rep. Palmer and I have been unable to get public attention to my argumentation that would pressure Rep. Palmer to respond.

If I got on the ballot as an Independent candidate in the 2020 6th Congressional district election, I believe Rep. Palmer would be forced to reply to me.

To get on the November ballot as an Independent candidate, I need, before March 3rd, about 8,434 registered voters in the 6th Congressional district to sign a petition for me.

I am willing to try to do that in order to force Rep. Palmer to reply to me and to get public attention to my argumentation against Rep. Palmer on the several issues I have tried to raise with Rep. Palmer.

Getting 8,434 signatures before March 3rd depends on how much interest can be quickly generated.

Here are the issues about which I have made argumentation against Rep. Palmer and to which I have gotten zero response from him, together with links to blog entries of mine regarding the issues.

1. Trump - Argument against Gary Palmer
2. Immigration - Joint town hall script
3. Abortion - Let's talk abortion
4. Guns - Let's talk guns
5. Health care - Alabama expertise re health care
6. Tax cuts; regulation -  AL experts re tax cuts; "Regulatory reform" in Gary Palmer review
7. Lessening polarization - Can the two sides talk
8. Socialism issue - Socialism issue  [added 2/12/20]
9. Climate change - Climate change [added 2/12/20]

With 31 days until March 3rd, all I can do is initiate this and see what reaction I can get.

Given the speed with which things can happen via social media, getting 8,434 signatures by March 3rd is not impossible.

It will depend on how much anger and dissatisfaction there are in the 6th Congressional district regarding Trump, our polarized Congress that has not been able to act on important issues such as immigration and healthcare, disagreement with Palmer's stance on the above issues, and his unwillingness to respond to arguments against his positions.

So, let's see what can be done, starting with posting this blog entry.

Update 2/10/2020
A. Ballot access petition
The ballot access petition you need to complete and sign can be found at

Only registered voters in the Alabama 6th Congressional district (Gary Palmer's district) will be counted. If you are not sure which Congressional district you are in, go to https://www.sos.alabama.gov/alabama-votes/elected-official-map, and type in your address in the search box at the upper left. If U.S.Congress district 6 shows up on the right hand side, you are in the Alabama 6th Congressional district.

Please download and print the ballot access petition (or print it directly from above link).

Please complete and sign the petition.

Please get other people you know in the 6th Congressional district to sign the petition if you can.

I have spoken with the Alabama Secretary of State's office, which advises that only originally signed paper petitions can be submitted, and no faxed, scanned or electronically uploaded or transmitted documents will count.

Accordingly, I will need to organize getting signed petitions back to me in time for me to get them to Montgomery before 5 pm on March 3rd.

Please check back here for updates about how I am organizing to get signed and completed petitions back to me.

Here is what Alabama Secretary of State Candidate Guide (Appendix A in Guide, starting at page 45 of Guide) says about ballot access petitions

B. Tweet #IWantDebateInAL06
Click on the below "TWEET HERE" link to send a tweet which says
Please tweet #IWantDebateInAL06. 
Tweet here