Monday, January 30, 2012

Gingrich emailing

Over this weekend, I did a lot of emailing of the following email message in our Birmingham metropolitan area:

Subj: Gingrich and amending the First Amendment
To Whom It May Concern:

Newt Gingrich is now the poster boy in Florida for the evil of influence peddling and a symbol of the culture of corruption in Washington DC.

There is a movement afoot that has concluded Congress and the United States Supreme Court cannot and/or will not fix the corrupt political system on their own, and the people need to rise up and force Congress to amend the First Amendment so that it applies only to human beings; and that is the only way for the American people to reclaim their government.

Both the Republicans and the Democrats have their pyramidic structures. Those at the top of the pyramids (the politicians; the CEO's, union leaders, non-profit and government agency heads, etc., of the special interests; and the Washington lobbyists) profit stupendously from the corruption. Those lower down and most ordinary citizens are net losers from the corruption. The tops of the pyramids are very happy to divide up the spoils and don't want those lower down in their two pyramds (or from outside the pyramids) to unite and overthrow the tops of the pyramids. Thus, the tops keep the lower downs embattled, one side against the other.

The movement to amend the First Amendment would like Florida voters to question the Republican contenders about their views on the culture of corruption in Washington and amending the First Amendment as a solution. The Republican contenders are operating at the top of the Republican pyramid, the movement to amend is just starting to push from the grassroots up, and the movement is not going to get much recognition this week in Florida.

Nonetheless, the movement to amend wishes to try to utilize the national attention focused on Florida this week to continue to publicize in all parts of the country the case for amending the First Amendment.

Thank you.

Rob Shattuck
Birmingham, Alabama, organizer for Move To Amend
Independent candidate for Congress in the Alabama 6th district (link)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Smith WSJ editorial

  • The Wall Street Journal
  • JANUARY 22, 2012, 6:16 P.M. ET

The War on Political Free Speech

Two years after the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, the campaign to silence opponents is becoming more censorious.

Two years ago the Supreme Court upheld the right of an incorporated nonprofit organization to distribute, air and advertise a turgid documentary about Hillary Clinton called, appropriately enough, "Hillary: The Movie." From this seemingly innocuous and obvious First Amendment decision has sprung a campaign of disinformation and alarmism rarely seen in American politics.
From the start, reaction to Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission has bordered on the hysterical. Rep. Alan Grayson (D., Fla.) called it the "worst decision since Dred Scott"—the 1857 decision holding that slaves could never become citizens. In his State of the Union message, within days of the ruling, President Obama lectured Supreme Court justices in attendance that they had "reversed a century of law" to allow "foreign companies to spend without limit in our elections." Neither statement was true.
In 1907, Congress passed a law—the Tillman Act, named for segregationist South Carolina Sen. "Pitchfork" Ben Tillman—prohibiting corporations from contributing to political campaigns. This law was extended to unions in 1943, and in 1947 a provision of the Taft-Hartley Act extended the prohibition to cover spending done independently of campaigns.
Citizens United overturned only the 1947 independent-spending restriction, not the earlier prohibition on corporate contributions to campaigns. Not until 1990 did the Supreme Court uphold a prohibition on corporate political expenditures independent of campaigns. Citizens United, therefore, overturned not "a century of law," but a precedent 20 years old.
Moreover, the court specifically noted that it was not ruling on the viability of the prohibition on foreign political spending—and earlier this month it summarily upheld a lower-court ruling finding that the prohibition on foreign political expenditures was constitutional.
Meanwhile, regardless of the 1947 federal law, the majority of states—including many of the best governed, scandal-free states such as Virginia, Utah, Oregon, Florida and Washington—have long allowed unlimited corporate spending in state elections.
None of this has slowed the decision's critics. Then-Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D., Vt.) began a committee hearing in September 2010 by arguing that in his small state, "it's easy to imagine corporate interests flooding the airwaves. . . . The rights of Vermonters . . . to be heard should not be undercut by corporate spending." Vermont has never prohibited corporate spending in state elections, yet it survived with its citizens' rights intact.
Mr. Leahy, at least, limited himself to foolish remarks. His junior colleague, Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), proposed a constitutional amendment last month that would not only prohibit corporations from speaking on political elections, but would prohibit any group of citizens organized "to promote business interests" from speaking about elections. Presumably, this could extend to everyone from the Heritage Foundation and the National Federation of Independent Business to the Republican National Committee and local citizens organizing against a sales-tax referendum.
Because most newspapers are incorporated, UCLA law Prof. Eugene Volokh believes that the Sanders Amendment and a companion bill in the House would even authorize the government to prohibit newspaper editorials about elections.
A national coalition, Move to Amend, seeks a constitutional amendment providing that "artificial entities, such as corporations, limited liability companies, and other entities . . . shall have no rights." The coalition seems oblivious to the fact that this would apply to campaign committees and nonprofits such as the NAACP and the Sierra Club, and would allow legislatures to make the advocacy of Move to Amend's goals illegal for most of the coalition's "endorsing organizations" (which are themselves corporations).
These amendments are based on the leftist cry that "corporations aren't people," but the Supreme Court has never said that they are. "Corporate personhood" is a legal fiction that allows natural people to sue and to be sued, to own and transfer property, and to carry on their affairs as a group. Corporations have rights because the people who own them have rights.
As Chief Justice John Marshall explained nearly 200 years ago in Dartmouth College v. Woodward, corporations allow "a perpetual succession of many persons . . . to manage [their] affairs and to hold property without the perplexing intricacies, the hazardous and endless necessity, of perpetual conveyances for the purpose of transmitting it from hand to hand." The legal concept of a corporate "person" has been with the United States since its founding, recognized in literally hundreds of Supreme Court decisions.
If Move to Amend got its way, police could search businesses, unions, clubs and nonprofits at will, without a warrant. The state could seize business property without due process or just compensation, leaving pension funds and individual shareholders holding worthless stock. Partnerships and corporations would have no legal rights in court. Incorporated churches would have no right of worship.
The absurdity should be obvious. Yet city councils around the country, including New York and Los Angeles, have passed resolutions calling for such an amendment.
Super PACs have become the latest villain du jour of the anti-speech crowd, which plays off the general public distaste for the political rancor that surfaces every election year. Critics including Mr. Sanders say that Super PACs don't disclose their donors and rely on "secret" money. This is simply not true. Super PACs, like the traditional political action committees that have existed for decades, disclose all expenditures and all donors over $200.
There are organizations that spend on politics but don't disclose their donors: traditional nonprofits such as the NAACP, the NRA and Public Citizen. These groups have never had to disclose their donors—and the Supreme Court, over 50 years ago, upheld their right to keep supporters anonymous. But reformers intentionally seek to blur the lines between these traditional groups and Super PACs in order to whip up criticism of Citizens United.
The goal of this misinformation is clear. Reformers, who sit mainly on the political left, and their Democratic Party allies hope to silence voices that they perceive to be hostile to their political interests.
Two years after Citizens United, American democracy seems as robust as ever. This may be what its critics fear most—a vibrant debate that they cannot control and fear they will lose.
The U.S. government argued in Citizens United that it had the right to ban the publication of books, pamphlets and movies that advocated the election or defeat of a candidate if they were produced or distributed by unions or corporations, such as Random House, Barnes & Noble and DreamWorks. That position is the one that deserves scorn. Fortunately, no new amendment was needed to defeat it—only the First Amendment and a Supreme Court willing to uphold it.
Mr. Smith, who served as commissioner of the Federal Election Commission from 2000 to 2005, is chairman of the Center for Competitive Politics and professor of law at Capital University.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

WSJ editorial comment

I posted on this Wall Street Journal online webpage the below comment concerning a January 22, 2012 editorial entitled "The War on Political Free Speech," by Bradley Smith:

[text of posted comment]

How about the below as a campaign financing system?

Only human beings can make campaign contributions to candidates. There would be no dollar amount limits on such campaign contributions. There would no "bundling" allowed, and all contributions would be required to be made on the donor's credit card or by check mailed to the candidate or by cash given against a written receipt. Subject to possible provisions for allowing anonymous contributions to candidates (discussed below), names and addresses of donors, and amounts of contributions would be posted promptly on the internet. It would be a felony for a human being to receive compensation or payment from a corporation pursuant to an understanding that the employee or other natural person would make a campaign contribution to a candidate.

There needs to be debate about whether a human being should be able to make campaign contributions on an anonymous basis. There can be legitimate concern about retaliation by other members of society who disagree with what the donor's objectives are in making his or her contribution, and there can even be concern about retaliation by lawmakers and governmental regulators against donors by reason of their campaign contribution. To address this concern, there could be a governmental Campaign Contribution Remittance Agency, which would receive campaign contributions from human beings who would be identified in the confidential records of the agency and would pass along the contribution to the identified candidate accompanied by such statement of purpose of the contribution as the human being wished to make. The amount of the contribution, the candidate it is for, and the statement in question would be posted on the internet.

No dollar amount limit on campaign contributions by human beings does mean that there will not be equal free speech. Human beings with more money can make larger campaign contributions and it can be expected that candidates will pay more attention to what those human beings are saying than to other human beings making small contributions.

Congress regulates the campaign and electioneering speech of corporations and other entities and has a "Truth in Political Speech" law that says corporations and other entities, in their speech, shall not say anything that is false or misleading or fail to state a material fact that a voter or a lawmaker or other target of the speech would consider relevant in making a voting or other decision based on or taking account of the statements that the corporation makes in its electioneering speech. This is a well known standard that is used in the securities laws that in the selling of stocks, bonds and other securities in order for investors not to be misled or deceived in making their decisions to buy the investments in question. Much effort goes into making sure that information in offering documents is accurate and truthful.

In the securities law, there are "forward looking statements" that are based on management’s expectations, estimates, projections, and assumptions, and that the securities law requires to be made in ways that keep in front of the investor the uncertainties that attend expectations or projections about future events. As a result, such statements are accompanied by caveats saying that actual future results and trends may differ materially from what is forecast. This could have analogous application in electioneering speech of corporations and other entities.

Candidates and other human beings would not be subject to this truthfulness standard concerning their political speech. There could, however, result in significant improvement of the political speech of candidates and other human beings if corporations and other entities were making electioneering speech that was subject to the truthfulness standard. Candidates could then questioned about their statements by reference to the electioneering speech that is subject to the truthfulness standard, i.e, "You candidate X say doing this (e.g., a $100 billion stimulus program will reduce unemployment by 1% point). What support for your statement can you point to in the electioneering speech of a corporation or other entity that is subject to the truthfulness standard that lines up with what you say. If you can't, why should we voters believe what you say or even think that you yourself believe it?"

Subject to the above truthfulness standard, corporations and other non-human being entities could expend funds to advertise their positions on laws and other governmental mattes that affect their economic interests and to urge employees, customers and others (who are human beings) to make campaign contributions to specified candidates. All such advertising and communications shall identify the corporation, etc., expending the funds, and there shall be filing of reports and posting on internet about such expenditure of funds and activities.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Florida primary week

I am working with Move To Amend's Florida organizers to to try to take advantage this week of the national attention on Florida in order to try to publicize to the grassroots in Florida the movement to amend the Constitution.

This is the form of email I am pushing for use in Florida

Subject: Gingrich and amending the First Amendment:
To Whom It May Concern:
Newt Gingrich is now the poster boy in Florida for the evil of influence peddling and a symbol of the culture of corruption in Washington DC.
There is a movement afoot that has concluded Congress and the United States Supreme Court cannot and/or will not fix the corrupt political system on their own, and the people need to rise up and force Congress to amend the First Amendment so that it applies only to human beings; and that is the only way for the American people to reclaim their government. 
Both the Republicans and the Democrats have their pyramidic structures.  Those at the top of the pyramids (be they the politicians; the Presidents, CEO's, chairpersons, and other leaders of the special interests; or the Washington lobbyists) profit stupendously from the corruption.  Those lower down and most ordinary citizens are net losers from the corruption.  The tops of the pyramids are very happy to divide up the spoils and don't want those lower down in their two pyramds (or from outside the pyramids) to unite and overthrow the tops of the pyramids.  Thus, the tops keep the lower downs embattled, one side against the other.
The movement to amend the First Amendment would like Florida voters to question the Republican contenders about their views on the culture of corruption in Washington and amending the First Amendment as a solution.  The Republican contenders are operating at the top of the Republican pyramid, the movement to amend is just starting to push from the grassroots up, and the movement is not going to get much recognition this week in Florida.
Nonetheless, the movement to amend wishes to try to utilize the national attention focused on Florida this week to press the movement's case for amending the First Amendment.  This email is being sent to you in that vein.
Thank you.
The above has been emailed to Lee County Democrats, several Florida Tea Party groups, and Florida GOOOH district contacts.

Other suggested forms of communication will be posted as they are developed.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

City Council resolutions

A tenet of my national battle plan is that the only way corruption and gridlock in Washington DC will be meaningfully curtailed is by pressure from the grassroots up.  Congress is needed to approve an amendment to the First Amendment but Congress is too high up in the corruption pyramid and will never act on its own.  Lower down governing bodies, such as city councils, are more amenable and responsive to ordinary citizens, and around the country they are starting to take up the cudgels for the citizens by such things as resolutions in support of amending the First Amendment.  See this list of news items that includes city council actions in Portland ME, Portland OR, New York City, Pueblo CO, Duluth MN, Los Angeles, Missoula MT, and Boulder CO.

I am in the process of requesting my city council (my city is Mountain Brook, Alabama) to approve a resolution in support of a Constitutional amendment. See this link. 

I am emailing others in my metropolitan area encouraging them to make similar requests to their city councils. 

Nationwide letter writing; tracking

I have proposed to the Move To Amend organization, and have contacted most of the local organizers of the  January 20 Occupy the Courts event, that there should be a nationally coordinated letter writing campaign in which all the Senators and Representatives are asked about their position on approving an amendment to the First Amendment and such amendment being put out to the 50 state legislatures for ratification. I have suggested such a campaign should be accompanied by a "tracking" webpage on Move To Amend's website, which webpage would track letters and other inquires going out to Senators and Representatives and the responses that are received from Senators and Representatives. Such a tracking webpage should have good publicity value and also contribute to grassroots pressuring to get needed Congressional action.

I have put out the same idea to Public CitizenPeople For the American Way, and Get Money Out / United Republic.

I have received numerous favorable responses and reactions from Move To Amend local organizers and others.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Request to Mountain Brook City Council

I am submitting the below request to the Mountain Brook City Council:

To the City Council,

I respectfully request that the City Council consider and vote upon a resolution that calls upon Senators Shelby and Sessions and Representative Bachus to use their legislative offices to try to have Congress debate and approve an amendment to the United States Constitution that limits the First Amendment to human beings.

Such a resolution by the Mountain Brook City Council would be in line with resolutions and other actions taken by City Councils of other cities around the country.  See the following webpage on the Internet:

In the interest of full disclure, please be advised that I am trying to get on the November ballot as an independent candidate for the United States House of Representatives from the 6th Congressional District, and amending the First Amendment is a chief plank in my platform.

Thank you.

Rob Shattuck
3812 Spring Valley Circle

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Occupy the Courts day

As part of the national event January 20, 2012 – Move to Amend Occupies the Courts!, there will be a gathering this Friday at the Hugo Black United States Courthouse, 1729 5th Avenue North, Birmingham, AL 35203,  from 11 am to 1 pm, for the purpose of demanding that Congress immediately debate and approve an amendment to the First Amendment limiting it to human beings and put the same out to the 50 state legislatures for ratification.  The ultimate goal is to end corruption and gridlock in Washington DC.  For more information, go to this link.

Here are some questions for Senators Shelby and Sessions, Representatives Bachus and Sewell, and Alabama Senator Beason:

1.  How significant do you think the problem is for the American people of the corrupted system of politics and governance that is centered in Washington DC?
2.  Do you think that corruption is a contributing factor to the polarization and gridlock that exists in Washington DC and that impairs the ability of Congress and the President to try to solve in an acceptable way the extremely difficult problems of the economy, healthcare and other problems that we have in the United States?
3. If corruption, polarization and gridlock in Washington DC are significant problems for the American people, what do you propose to do about them?
4. Do you think amending the First Amendment to be applicable only to human beings would significantly reduce the problems of corruption, polarization and gridlock in Washington DC and would result in a better ability of the Congress and President to help the country solve its problems?

1/19/12 -Foregoing questions have been submitted to Senators Shelby (by Senate online email) and Sessions (by Senate online email), Representatives Bachus (by House online email) and Sewell (by campaign email address), and Alabama Senator Scott Beason (by campaign online email).

1/20/12 - Birmingham  Occupy event is 11 am to 1  pm today, Friday, January 20, 2012.  I will walk around the 20th Street and 5th Ave. area with a sign in the morning before the event.  At the event I will have two signs and two leaflet handouts:

My signs will say:

Occupy The Courts Day - January 20, 2012

End Washington DC corruption and gridlock

Amend the First Amendment to be for human beings only

Get info @ retire_Bachus

One leaflet will read:

January 20, 2012 --Occupy the Courts Day

This event at the Hugo Black United States Courthouse in Birmingham is part of a national event sponsored by We demand that Congress immediately debate and approve an amendment to the First Amendment limiting it to human beings and put the amendment out to the 50 state legislatures for ratification. The goal is to end corruption and gridlock in Washington DC.
For links to more information, go on twitter to:    @retire_Bachus.

The below questions have been submitted to Senators Shelby and Sessions, Representatives Bachus and Sewell, and Alabama Senator Beason:

1. How significant do you think the problem is for the American people of the corrupted system of politics and governance that is centered in Washington DC?

2. Do you think that corruption is a contributing factor to the polarization and gridlock that exists in Washington and that impairs the ability of Congress and the President to try to solve in an acceptable way the extremely difficult problems of the economy, healthcare and other problems that we have in the United States?

3. If corruption, polarization and gridlock in Washington are significant problems for the American people, what are you doing about them?

4. Do you think amending the First Amendment to be applicable only to human beings would significantly reduce the problems of corruption, polarization and gridlock in Washington and would result in a better ability of the Congress and President to help the country solve its problems?

The other leaflet will read:

Corruption and gridlock in a nutshell

Whenever government intrudes in the commercial world, businesses naturally exert efforts and spend monies to get an advantage for, or at least protect, their particular business interest  That business interest is virtually their only concern, and they do not care much about what the government does outside their narrow business niche (hence the term “special interest”).

American politicians need lots of money to get elected and stay in office, and much of that must come from the special interests. That means politicians exert themselves strenuously to try to do the bidding of their special interests. This, however, must be kept secret from the voters, and that is the corruption.

If an ordinary citizen is employed by a business that receives favorable treatment by the government, that ordinary citizen can get a small benefit from the corruption of the system.  The small benefits that ordinary citizens get, however, are outweighed by other greater costs of a corrupted system.

For example, the recent health care law was a product of lawmakers doing the bidding (or making a show of doing the bidding) of hundreds of special interests in the health care field, and tacking on, or tweaking every which way, hundreds of minuscule clauses and subclauses in the bill before it was passed.  The result was a monstrously long, complicated and convoluted law that has been jiggered to serve the swarms of special interests and that badly fails as a coherent, understandable and efficient legal and financial framework for addressing the health care needs of the country’s citizens.  Needless to say, all the time spent by the politicians raising money and taking care of their special interests detracts from the time and effort they have for taking care of the citizens’ true business.

In the corrupted system in which pursuit of self-interest of the politicians and special interests dominates, it is useful to the politicians to keep the electorate divided into two sides (or more) and keep them constantly battling.  This permits the politicians to have their respective supporters continously aroused and motivated to defeat the other side and also keeps the electorate from uniting to end the corrupt system.  Thus the politicians endeavor to exploit and exacerbate partisan differences and magnify and distort the differences so that matters of relatively small import are blown all out of proportion.  This is the polarization that leads to gridlock.  It results in the diversion of unjustified amounts of time, energy and passion by the lawmakers and the country over relatively trivial matters, such as the recent months long brouhaha over the extension of the payroll tax reduction.

This is especially troublesome when it carries over to foreign policy.  Unlike the domestic arena where different citizens will be affected differently and will be in competition for favorable treatment by the government, in foreign policy, there is much greater unity of interest of the American people. Yet the politicians will strive to find differences in foreign policy approach that they can use to keep their groups of voters aroused for them and against the politicians and voters on the other side. This can be dangerous for the country.

The politicians, the 1% who sit atop the special interests, and the lobbyists all benefit stupendously from the corrupted system.  They want to keep the corrupted system the way it is.  The corrupted system, on balance, is very bad for the rest of the country.  The only way the citizens can change the corrupted system is to unite for that purpose and stay united against the politicians until the job is done.

Amending the First Amendment to be for human beings only will go a long way towards reducing the corruption of the system.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Buddy Roemer

Buddy Roemer has personally expressed support of my campaign to end corruption and gridlock in Washington DC.

From: Carlos Sierra <>
Date: Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 2:29 AM
Subject: RE: Amend the First Amendment to end corruption and gridlock
To: Robert Shattuck <>

The Governor asked me to pass on his well wishes to you and your campaign. Please continue to spread the message of ending corruption.

From: Robert Shattuck []
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 12:19 PM
To: Carlos Sierra
Subject: Amend the First Amendment to end corruption and gridlock

Dear Buddy,

I am trying to run as an independent candidate for the United States House of Representatives from the Alabama 6th Congressional District. 

My platform is to end corruption and gridlock in Washington DC. The main plank in my platform is amending the First Amendment to be applicable only to human beings. See my National battle plan and Join the debate

Everyone who seeks to end corruption and gridlock in Washington DC should be working on amending the First Amendment to be applicable only to human beings.

Thank you.

Rob Shattuck
Birmingham, AL

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Starting Move To Amend group

[Below is an email I am now sending out]

Subj: Starting Move To Amend Group in 6th Congressional District
To 6th Congressional District Voters:

This Friday there will be a national event at Federal courthouses around the country sponsored by . Go to January 20, 2012-- Move To Amend Occupies the Courts! .

As says, it has sprung up as the result of the United States Supreme Court decision on January 21, 2010, in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, which ruled that corporations are persons, entitled by the U.S. Constitution to buy elections and run our government.   Human beings are people; corporations are legal fictions, and  is a coalition supported by hundreds of organizations and tens of thousands of individuals dedicated to amending the United States Constitution and "ending the illegitimate legal doctrines that prevent the American people from governing ourselves."

In connection with my effort to get on the ballot as an independent candidate for the United States House of Representatives from the 6th Congressional District (see  AL 6th Cong. Dist. - 7000 signatures by March 13), I wish to start a local Move To Amend Group.**  For the steps in starting a group, see this link.

Please contact me if you would like to get involved.

Thank you.

Rob Shattuck

** has sent me the below email:
From: Move to Amend <>
Date: Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: Alabama
To: Robert Shattuck <>

Hi Robert,

Thanks for you email and support. Move to Amend's position is that any amendment must address corporate constitutional rights and money as speech.

While we welcome working with folks who may not entirely agree with us on all issues and points, it does not make sense to start a MTA local group that does not share the goals and objectives of our national campaign and our other affiliates.

If you'd like to suggest ways to collaborate in Alabama we'd be open to hearing them, but I don't recommend you seek status as a MTA Affiliate because agreeing to both points of our campaign platform is a requisite for our Locals.

Thanks for your understanding,
Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap
Move to Amend National Field Director

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My campaigning

I have a solicitation email "To 6th Congressional District Voters" I am sending out that solicits voters to sign a ballot access petition for me.

I have contacted newspapers, Alabama Democratic and Republican party organizations, other political organizations, Senators Shelby and Sessions, Representative Bachus, and Senator Beason about my effort to get on the ballot, my platform to end corruption and gridlock in Washington, and my advocacy of an amendment to the First Amendment to make it applicable only to human beings.  I have contacted constitutional law and political science professors soliciting their views on amending the First Amendment.

I have contacted and am continuing to contact candidates who are running for the United States House of Representatives in other states urging them to make amending the First Amendment as a plank in their campaign platform.

I was successful in calling in to Matt Murphy talk show this morning (January 13) and asked Scott Beason what he thought about amending First Amendment.

I have contacted Tea Party and GOOOH representatives in South Carolina and Florida advocating the amendment of the First Amendment.

I am sending emails about amending the First Amendment to GOP and Democratic party members at the county level.  I have sent such emails to the county chairs of the South Carolina Republican Party, the South Carolina Democratic Party, and the Alabama Democratic Party.

I contacted the Buddy Roemer campaign, and Buddy personally expressed support of my campaign to end corruption and gridlock in Washington DC.  See this link.

I am attempting to start a Move To Amend group in the 6th Congressional District.  See this link.

I have been the organizer of the Birmingham Occupy the Courts event on January 20th.  See this link.

I am requesting the Mountain Brook City Council to consider a resolution in support of a Constitutional amendment.  See this link.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

AL Senator Beason and amending First Amendment

[See Join the First Amendment debate.]

From: Robert Shattuck <>
Date: Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 8:45 AM
Subject: online message to Scott Beason through his website
To: Robert Shattuck <>

Dear Senator Beason,

I am seeking to be an independent candidate for the House of Representatives from the 6th Congressional District.  I am advocating that the First Amendment be amended to be applicable only to human beings.  To assist voters in evaluating this idea, I would like to solicit and publicize the views of organizations, candidates and others that voters might consider useful in making up their minds on this question.  Your view as an announced candidate for the United States House of Representatives from the 6th district in the 2012 election is one whose view I would like to solicit.

If you are willing to state a position, I would like to publicize the same in (or by a link from) my website entry Join the First Amendment debate (URL

I hope you will indeed join this debate.

Thank you.

Rob Shattuck

[Senator Beason did not respond to my email to him.  At the beginning of March, via the Matt Murphy show, I was able to ask some questions of Senator Beason indirectly, and he replied, as further described in this entry.]

Senator Sessions and amending First Amendment

[See Join the First Amendment debate.]

From: Robert Shattuck <>
Date: Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 8:23 AM
Subject: Amending First Amendment to be applicable only to human beings

Dear Senator Sessions,

I am seeking to be an independent candidate for the House of Representatives from the 6th Congressional District. I am advocating that the First Amendment be amended to be applicable only to human beings.  To assist 6th district voters in evaluating this idea, I would like to solicit and publicize the views of organizations, candidates and others that voters might consider useful in making up their minds on this question.  Your view as United States Senator from Alabama is one whose view I would like to solicit.

If you are willing to state a position, I would like to publicize the same in (or by a link from) my website entry Join the First Amendment debate

I hope you will indeed join this debate.

Thank you.

Rob Shattuck

[Below is a optical scanner text conversion of a letter I received from Senator Sessions in response.  Sorry about the imperfections in same.]  

iinitfld ~tatfs ~rnatf
WASHINGTON, DC 20510-0104
January 23, 2012

Ranking Member

MrRobert Shattuck
3812 Spring Valley Circle Mountain BrkAlabama 35223
Dear Mr. Shattuck:

Thank you for contactimg me regarding campaign finance reform.

On January 21, 2009, the United States Supreme Court issued a ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, in which the Court held that the government may not ban political speech prior to an election simply because the speech was paid for by a corporation or a labor union. In reaching this conclusion, the Court returned to the First Amendment doctrine it announced 35 years ago, overturning a more recent, outlying decision that had allowed the govemment to ban corporations and labor unions from using their own funds to express their political views at election time.
I believe the Citizens United' decision by the Supreme Court was a victory for the free speech rights of all American citizens. It did not affect the existing limits on direct donations to candidates or political parties. Rather, the Court held that Congress can no longer prevent a free people, whether acting individually or collectively through a corporation or a labor union, from spending their own money to express their views on the political issues that matter to them.
-As you mention-in your-letter.many Democrats are-pushing for disclosure requirements with respect to the types of donations addressed in the Citizens United decision. I believe such requirements could have a chilling effect on the willingness of individuals to contribute to candidates or causes they believe in. It is a fundamental right of Americans to criticize their government, especially before an election. This ruling enables Americans to exercise that right more freely, thus preserving our Constitution and all the liberties that depend upon it.I

341 VANCE FEDERALBU1LD1NG 1600 F1FTH AVENUE NORTH BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-2171 (205)731-1500 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            (205)731-1500      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
(256) 533-0979 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            (256) 533-0979      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
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(251) 41 4-3083
7550 HALCYON.SUMMIT DRIVE SUITE 150 MONTGOMERY, AL 36117 (334) 244-7017 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            (334) 244-7017      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
(334) 792-4924 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            (334) 792-4924      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Page 2
January 23,2012

Thank you again for writing. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions or comments that you might have.

Very truly yours,

Jeff Sessions
United States Senator

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Senator Shelby and amending First Amendment

[See Join the First Amendment debate.]

From: Robert Shattuck <>
Date: Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 8:14 AM
Subject: online message to Richard Shelby through Senate website
To: Robert Shattuck <>

Dear Senator Shelby,

I am seeking to be an independent candidate for the House of Representatives from the 6th Congressional District. I am advocating that the First Amendment be amended to be applicable only to human beings.  To assist 6th district voters in evaluating this idea, I would like to solicit and publicize the views of organizations, candidates and others that voters might consider useful in making up their minds on this question.  Your view as United States Senator from Alabama is one whose view I would like to solicit.

If you are willing to state a position, I would like to publicize the same in (or by a link from) my website entry Join the First Amendment debate (URL

I hope you will indeed join this debate.

Thank you.

Rob Shattuck

[Below is a optical scanner text conversion of a letter I received from Senator Shelby in response.  Sorry about the imperfections in same.]   

Janury 25, 2012
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WASHINGTON, DC 20510-0103
Box 20127
1256) 772--{)460
o     113 SAINT JOSEPH STREET 445 U.S. COURTHOUSE MOBILE, AL 36602 12511694-4164
o     15 LEE STREET
1334) 223-7303
(205) 759-5047 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            (205) 759-5047      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Mr. Robert D. Shattuck, Jr.
3812 Spring Valley Circle,
Birmingham, Alabama 35223

Dear Mr. Shattuck:

Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding campaign finance reform. I always aopreciate hearing from my constituents.
On January 21, 2010, the United States Supreme Court decided 5-4 in Citizens United vs. Federal Elections Commission to ease restrictions on corporate pa:~ticipation in federal elections. It is important to note that Citizens United did not alter the laws prohibiting campaign contributions from corporations or labor unions, nor does it change the law that bans foreign corporations from participating in our federal elections. This ruling merely allows American corporations to once again exercise their First Amendment rights to independently produce advertisements, pamphlets, books, or documentaries supporting or opposing candidates for President or Congress. It remains illegal for corporations or labor unions to contribute to political campaigns.
In its ruling, the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional numerous provisions of the McCain-Feingold Act (Public Law
No. 107-155). I believe many of the provisions of MCCain-Feingold infringe on the First Amendment and are generally contrary to what our country needs in the way of campaign finance reform. Effective and responsible campaign finance reform can be realized through more meaningful disclosures; by creating more stringent reporting requirements; and by increasing the amount of information available

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system is to fully disclose all pOlitical contributions and spending. Such reform increases the transparency of campaign financing without limiting political speech and makes available the knowledge of candidates and contributions that would allow voters to make educated decisions. Transparency is the surest way to address our concerns about corruption. Corruption, or even the perception thereof, cannot stand the light of day - because the people will not stand for it,
Since the Supreme Court decided this case, many, including President Obama, have called for new campaign finance reform legislation. Proposals have arisen to require shareholder approval of pOlitical expenditures from corporate treasuries and clarify the definition of a domestic cor:;>oration to ensure that foreign companies remain prohibited from influencing our elections. Please be assured that I will keep your thoughts in mind as the Senate considers such proposalS,

Again, thank you for contacting me. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Richard Shelby
P.S. Please visit my website at www.shelby.senate.govI