Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My campaigning

I have a solicitation email "To 6th Congressional District Voters" I am sending out that solicits voters to sign a ballot access petition for me.

I have contacted newspapers, Alabama Democratic and Republican party organizations, other political organizations, Senators Shelby and Sessions, Representative Bachus, and Senator Beason about my effort to get on the ballot, my platform to end corruption and gridlock in Washington, and my advocacy of an amendment to the First Amendment to make it applicable only to human beings.  I have contacted constitutional law and political science professors soliciting their views on amending the First Amendment.

I have contacted and am continuing to contact candidates who are running for the United States House of Representatives in other states urging them to make amending the First Amendment as a plank in their campaign platform.

I was successful in calling in to Matt Murphy talk show this morning (January 13) and asked Scott Beason what he thought about amending First Amendment.

I have contacted Tea Party and GOOOH representatives in South Carolina and Florida advocating the amendment of the First Amendment.

I am sending emails about amending the First Amendment to GOP and Democratic party members at the county level.  I have sent such emails to the county chairs of the South Carolina Republican Party, the South Carolina Democratic Party, and the Alabama Democratic Party.

I contacted the Buddy Roemer campaign, and Buddy personally expressed support of my campaign to end corruption and gridlock in Washington DC.  See this link.

I am attempting to start a Move To Amend group in the 6th Congressional District.  See this link.

I have been the organizer of the Birmingham Occupy the Courts event on January 20th.  See this link.

I am requesting the Mountain Brook City Council to consider a resolution in support of a Constitutional amendment.  See this link.

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