Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Who's more for working class

At the Trump rallies and at the Sanders rallies, the fervor of Trump and Sanders supporters is phenomenal.

It is further remarkable how similar in appearance the Trump and Sander supporters  appear on the TV screen.

Not only do Trump and Sanders supporters look similar on TV, it is easy to infer that the situations and concerns they have in their lives are similar, and that governmental policy and actions that help one group of supporters would help the other group.

In the face of the similarities, the Trump supporters fervently believe that Trump is the best President they could have to help them with their lives, and that Sanders as President would greatly damage their situation.

 On the other side, the Sanders supporters fervently believe that Sanders as President would be the best thing that could happen to the working class, and Sanders would work 100% to improve their lives. Many of the Sanders supporters believe that Trump's supporters have been badly misled by Trump concerning what Trump has done for them and what Trump says he will continue to do for them.

So, who is right here - the fervent Trump supporters or the fervent Trump supporters? Should they have a talk about it?

Hell, yes, I would say.

Hell, yes, I would say it would be great campaigning for Sanders supporters to seek out Trump supporters, and say, "I would really like to have a conversation with you about why you think Trump really gives a damn about you and really does the good things for you you think he does. I guarantee you Bernie Sanders is genuinely 100% for you and is ten times more dedicated to you than Trump."

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