Update 1/28/2024 - If wishes were horses
Email re wishes, horses and getting in Rep. Gary Palmer's face about guns From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: danaellis865@gmail.com <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>; Helen Rivas <kikot.atit@gmail.com>; Phillip Ensler <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2024 at 04:51:50 AM CST
Subject: If wishes turn into horses, I will get in Rep. Gary Palmer's face about guns
Please check out "Update 1/28/2024 - If wishes were horses" posted at
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: 31 days until March 3rd (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com).
Thank you.
Email re getting in Rep. Gary Palmer's face about pandemic responsesFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: mbunting@wsfa.com <mbunting@wsfa.com>; drtank334@gmail.com <drtank334@gmail.com>; eeaton@uab.edu <eeaton@uab.edu>; dwilliamson@alaha.org <dwilliamson@alaha.org>; mjackson@alamedical.org <mjackson@alamedical.org>; ccwilliams@aarp.org <ccwilliams@aarp.org>; robyn@alarise.org <robyn@alarise.org>; edasna@alabamanurses.org <edasna@alabamanurses.org>; perwin@uab.edu <perwin@uab.edu>; mkwhite@uab.edu <mkwhite@uab.edu>; rdfriend@ua.edu <rdfriend@ua.edu>; mmontgomery1@ua.edu <mmontgomery1@ua.edu>; bak0020@auburn.edu <bak0020@auburn.edu>; gen0002@auburn.edu <gen0002@auburn.edu>; arocha@alabamareflector.com <arocha@alabamareflector.com>; wthornton@al.com <wthornton@al.com>; todd@aldailynews.com <todd@aldailynews.com>; will@wbhm.org <will@wbhm.org>; dale@yellowhammernews.com <dale@yellowhammernews.com>; yaffee@yellowhammernews.com <yaffee@yellowhammernews.com>; will.blakely@1819news.com <will.blakely@1819news.com>; erica.thomas@1819news.com <erica.thomas@1819news.com>; admin@alabamapolicy.org <admin@alabamapolicy.org>; larry.stutts@alsenate.gov <larry.stutts@alsenate.gov>; james.giles@wbrc.com <james.giles@wbrc.com>; AlexanderWillis@gmail.com <alexanderwillis@gmail.com>; "alexanderwillis@gmail.com" <alexanderwillis@gmail.com>; jsharp@al.com <jsharp@al.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2024 at 08:21:59 AM CST
Subject: Please help me get in Rep. Gary Palmer's face about pandemic responses
Please help me get in Rep. Gary Palmer's face about the national and Alabama's pandemic responses.
Please check out "Update 1/28/2024 - If wishes were horses" posted at
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: 31 days until March 3rd (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com).
Thank you very much.
Email soliciting UAB to host conversation between Rep. Palmer and meFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: Christopher Jones <jonesc1@uab.edu>
Cc: Paulette Patterson Dilworth <ppddei@uab.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2024 at 05:32:36 PM CST
Subject: Can the current direction of Critical Conversations program accommodate this?
Dear Dr. Jones,
I am trying to become an Independent candidate against Rep. Gary Palmer in the 2024 elections.
If I am successful, I will endeavor to debate Rep. Palmer about significant issues that I believe are of interest to the UAB community, including guns, women's health and reproductive rights, and pandemic response. See "Update 1/28/2024 - If wishes were horses" posted at
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: 31 days until March 3rd (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com).
Please consider whether UAB might be a forum for a conversation between Rep. Palmer and myself on these and other important issues of interest to the UAB community.
Thank you very much for whatever consideration you can give this.
Rob Shattuck
Email soliciting "Listening, Speaking and Teaching" event at SamfordFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: amcewan@samford.edu <amcewan@samford.edu>; mwithers@samford.edu <mwithers@samford.edu>; jcobia@samford.edu <jcobia@samford.edu>; dburch1@samford.edu <dburch1@samford.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 06:06:34 PM CST
Subject: Another suggestion for "Listening, Speaking and Teaching" event at Samford
Dear Dr. Ewan, Dr. Witherspoon, Dr. Cobia and Dean Hudson:
I am trying to become an Independent candidate against Rep. Gary Palmer in the 2024 elections.
If I am successful, I will endeavor to debate Rep. Palmer about significant issues that I believe are of interest to the Samford community, including guns, women's health and reproductive rights, and pandemic response. See "Update 1/28/2024 - If wishes were horses" posted at
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: 31 days until March 3rd (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com).
Please consider whether Samford might be a forum for a conversation between Rep. Palmer and me on these and other important issues of interest to the Samford community.
Thank you very much for whatever consideration you can give this.
Rob Shattuck
2/8/24 - NOW GO TO:Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: My Wishes and Horses Campaign (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com)
Original post
[For current status report (2/15/20) see
Campaign status report.]
The 2020 elections primary day in Alabama is March 3rd.
In the Alabama 6th Congressional district, there is no Democratic candidate running against Rep. Gary Palmer.
Ballotpedia indicates there is an independent candidate running, but his campaign link reveals almost nothing about his campaign.
For more than 4 years I have been putting forth argumentation against Rep. Palmer regarding several issues. I have received zero in reply from Rep. Palmer and I have been unable to get public attention to my argumentation that would pressure Rep. Palmer to respond.
If I got on the ballot as an Independent candidate in the 2020 6th Congressional district election, I believe Rep. Palmer would be forced to reply to me.
To get on the November ballot as an Independent candidate, I need, before March 3rd, about 8,434 registered voters in the 6th Congressional district to sign a petition for me.
I am willing to try to do that in order to force Rep. Palmer to reply to me and to get public attention to my argumentation against Rep. Palmer on the several issues I have tried to raise with Rep. Palmer.
Getting 8,434 signatures before March 3rd depends on how much interest can be quickly generated.
Here are the issues about which I have made argumentation against Rep. Palmer and to which I have gotten zero response from him, together with links to blog entries of mine regarding the issues.
1. Trump -
Argument against Gary Palmer
2. Immigration -
Joint town hall script
3. Abortion -
Let's talk abortion
4. Guns -
Let's talk guns
5. Health care -
Alabama expertise re health care
6. Tax cuts; regulation -
AL experts re tax cuts; "Regulatory reform" in
Gary Palmer review
7. Lessening polarization -
Can the two sides talk
8. Socialism issue -
Socialism issue [added 2/12/20]
9. Climate change -
Climate change [added 2/12/20]
With 31 days until March 3rd, all I can do is initiate this and see what reaction I can get.
Given the speed with which things can happen via social media, getting 8,434 signatures by March 3rd is not impossible.
It will depend on how much anger and dissatisfaction there are in the 6th Congressional district regarding Trump, our polarized Congress that has not been able to act on important issues such as immigration and healthcare, disagreement with Palmer's stance on the above issues, and his unwillingness to respond to arguments against his positions.
So, let's see what can be done, starting with posting this blog entry.
Update 2/10/2020
A. Ballot access petition
The ballot access petition you need to complete and sign can be found at
Only registered voters in the Alabama 6th Congressional district (Gary Palmer's district) will be counted. If you are not sure which Congressional district you are in, go to
https://www.sos.alabama.gov/alabama-votes/elected-official-map, and type in your address in the search box at the upper left. If U.S.Congress district 6 shows up on the right hand side, you are in the Alabama 6th Congressional district.
Please download and print the ballot access petition (or print it directly from above link).
Please complete and sign the petition.
Please get other people you know in the 6th Congressional district to sign the petition if you can.
I have spoken with the Alabama Secretary of State's office, which advises that only originally signed paper petitions can be submitted, and no faxed, scanned or electronically uploaded or transmitted documents will count.
Accordingly, I will need to organize getting signed petitions back to me in time for me to get them to Montgomery before 5 pm on March 3rd.
Please check back here for updates about how I am organizing to get signed and completed petitions back to me.
Here is what
Alabama Secretary of State Candidate Guide (Appendix A in Guide, starting at page 45 of Guide) says about ballot access petitions
B. Tweet #IWantDebateInAL06
Click on the below "TWEET HERE" link to send a tweet which says
Please tweet #IWantDebateInAL06.
Tweet here