Friday, July 3, 2015

To: Alabama for Bernie 2016 Community

To: Alabama for Bernie 2016 Community

In 2014 I ran for Congress in the Republican primary in the Alabama 6th Congressional district.

My campaign contended that Congress was "broke" and failing to do its job properly for the American people, and that the main reason for this failure was the corrupting influence of money in politics.

The other candidates, including Gary Palmer, ignored me.

Bernie Sanders has become the leading national spokesperson on the "money in politics" issue, and he is doing fantastically in the campaign he has launched.

I have continued to push on Congressman Palmer.

A month ago I initiated #FeelTheBernHeat starts in AL06, in order to continue trying to get Congressman Palmer to answer.

Further I am trying to get #FeelTheBernHeat to be used by voters in other Congressional districts. See Will you tweet this to your Representative?.

I solicit the Alabama for Bernie 2016 Community to consider whether they would like to participate with me in my effort to make Congressman Palmer, and Alabama's Senators and other Representatives in Washington, to #FeelTheBernHeat.

In your thinking about this, I hope you will consider whether this issue is Democrats versus Republicans, or something else.

On the front page of the MAYDAY.US website (at the lower right of the front page) there is a quotation from a Forbes magazine article you should think about it. The quotation is:
“The mortal struggle at hand today is not between the right and the left. It is not between Republicans and Democrats. It is not between the Congress and the president. It is between us (currently outsiders to our own government) voters and the Washington Insiders.”
Also, I note that your @ALforBernie twitter account retweeted the below tweet of Nate Silver.

If anyone in the Alabama for Bernie 2016 Community has any questions about me or my work, or would like to discuss this with me, please feel at liberty to contact me.

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