Monday, June 27, 2022

J'accuse AG Marshall of political terrorism

I think AG Steve Marshall has long been coming off as a Trumplican political thug, who lusts for autocratic power,  and frequently places his pursuit of that ahead of his fiduciary obligations to serve the welfare of Alabamians when such welfare comes within his purview as Alabama Attorney General.

In the pandemic, I accused AG Marshall of moral depravity in his opposition to vaccine mandates. See I believed that AG Marshall's opposition to vaccine mandates was politically motivated to advance the power seeking objectives of himself and Alabama Republican Party politicians, and was wrongfully detrimental to the health and welfare of Alabamians. AG Marshall never responded to my accusations against him.

I think AG Marshall, in his pursuit of autocratic power, has been rabidly anti-democratic in his wanting it to be harder to vote, so there is less voting, which less voting he believes advantages himself and Alabama Republicans. AG Marshall tries to dress up his anti-democratic purposes as serving the objective of election integrity, but I believe it is in bad faith.

If AG Marshall was in good faith about election integrity, AG Marshall would, for example, pronounce that Donald Trump violated, possibly criminally violated, election integrity by calling Georgia Secretary of State Raffensburger and saying "'I just want to find 11,780 votes,. . .I need 11,000 votes, give me a break."

No, in his pursuit of autocratic power, I believe AG Marshall is abjectly in bad faith whenever the words "election integrity" come out of his mouth.

This brings me to my charge of political terrorism by AG Marshall in the above reporting that "AG Marshall places abortionists on notice, issues stark warning to violators of state."

AG Marshall's political terrorism here avails of the United States Supreme Court not applying sound jurisprudential principles to delay the effective date of its overturning of Roe v. Wade in order to give people, doctors corporations, states, and other parties time to adjust and react.  See 

I chalk this up to Supreme Court stupidity, indifference, or malice that, instead of dampening the raging fury of Americans against one another in the weeks and months to come, the Supreme Court acted to fuel said raging fury.

Possible malice creeps in when you think about the current United States Supreme Court trashing the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court, it is seemingly of no matter to the current Supreme Court that it deemed the Supreme Court institution guilty of a grossly wrong constitutional error upon which Americans for 50 years created a social and cultural environment upon which millions of Americans relied, and then the current Supreme Court acts to correct its institution's own error by instantaneously upending the lives of millions of Americans rather than using it power to ease the monumental transition resulting from the 50 year error on its institutional part that it is now correcting.

I am sure Trumplican thug AG Marshall has given no thought to how the current Supreme Court's could have dampened the raging fury of Americans against one another in the weeks and months to come, and instead I am sure Trumplican political thug AG Marshall has been thrilled to swing into action to capitalize on raging fury and terrorize Alabamians in connection with the immediate upending of their lives as regards abortion.  

In other words for Trumplican thug AG Marshall the abortion situation plays neatly into his anti-democratic hands to fill Alabamians with fears about the upending of their lives by the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and Trumplican thug AG Marshall hopes such fear spills over related to said Alabamians exercising their voting rights.

Another significant indicator about Trumplican thug AG Marshhall is in the arena of guns. 

Read and decide for yourself whether AG Marshall revels in concealed carry of guns terrifying Alabamians.


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