Saturday, December 30, 2023

Is Trump continuing to engage in insurrection?

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Iowa caucuses; NH and SC primaries

Email to Iowa Bar Association
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: Terri B. Lovell <>; Jennifer Buettner <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 08:51:56 AM CST
Subject: Iowa State Bar Association and ABA Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Mr. Dinkla, 
I am a retired lawyer in Alabama.
I have been advocating for the Alabama State Bar to undertake supportive activities in Alabama relative to the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy and its year long mission that is set out at
Recently, I thought the great attention that was being paid to this past week's GOP Presidential primary debate at the University of Alabama was an excellent opportunity for the Alabama State Bar (and other parties) to partake of the Task Force's mission to "host public conversations with a broad spectrum of Americans to hear their concerns, experiences, and suggestions for restoring and preserving our democracy rule of law."
Last Saturday, I sent the Alabama State Bar the below email, importuning it once more prior to the Dec. 6th debate.
The attention surrounding the Dec. 6th debate in Alabama is now past, and national attention is on Iowa and the upcoming Iowa caucuses.
The purpose of this email is to urge the Iowa State Bar Association to avail of the national attention now on Iowa to host public conversations in Iowa with a broad spectrum of Iowans to hear their "concerns, experiences, and suggestions for restoring and preserving our democracy rule of law."
Thank you for the indulgence of the Iowa State Bar Association in receiving this communication from a member of the Alabama State Bar.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Email to New Hampshire Bar Association
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: Terri B. Lovell <>; Jennifer Buettner <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2023 at 06:44:31 PM CST
Subject: New Hampshire Bar Association and ABA Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Mr. Chant and Ms. Mahan,
I am a retired lawyer in Alabama (and a Dartmouth graduate).
I have been advocating for the Alabama State Bar to undertake supportive activities in Alabama relative to the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy and its year long mission that is set out at
Recently, I thought the great attention that was being paid to this past week's GOP Presidential primary debate at the University of Alabama was an excellent opportunity for the Alabama State Bar (and other parties) to partake of the Task Force's mission to "host public conversations with a broad spectrum of Americans to hear their concerns, experiences, and suggestions for restoring and preserving our democracy rule of law."
A week ago Saturday, I sent the Alabama State Bar the below email, importuning it once more prior to the Dec. 6th debate.
The attention surrounding the Dec. 6th debate in Alabama is now past, and national attention is on New Hampshire and its lead off Republican primary election.
The purpose of this email is to urge the New Hampshire Bar Association to avail of the national attention now on New Hampshire to host public conversations in New Hampshire with a broad spectrum of New Hampshire residents to hear their "concerns, experiences, and suggestions for restoring and preserving our democracy rule of law."
Thank you for the indulgence of the New Hampshire Bar Association in receiving this communication from a member of the Alabama State Bar.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Email to Dartmouth Professor Linda Fowler
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: Linda.L.Fowler@Dartmouth.EDU <>
Cc: Jeff Carton <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 05:40:47 PM CST
Subject: ABA Task Force for American Democracy public conversation event at Dartmouth
Dear Professor Fowler,
I am a retired lawyer in Alabama and Dartmouth class of 1969.
Per the below email I sent to the Dartmouth Lawyers Association, I am trying to see whether there can be arranged to be held at Dartmouth a public conversation event of the type that the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy is seeking to be held during its year long mission that is set out at (to wit, "public conversations with a broad spectrum of Americans to hear their concerns, experiences, and suggestions for restoring and preserving our democracy rule of law").
It would seem ideal if a public conversation event could be held at Dartmouth prior to the New Hampshire primary on January 23rd, which obviously would make for a big rush.
I identified you to whom to send this email from the article at Will Sununu endorsement make a dent in Trump turnout? (
I am not a member of the ABA Task Force, but Task Force Vice Chair William Ide and the two reporters for the Task Force know of my efforts related to the Task Force's mission. I am copying them on this email, and they can decide whether the Task Force desires to host a conversation at Dartmouth.
Also, you will see below an email that I sent to the New Hampshire Bar Association, and maybe they would help out here.
Further, Jeff Carton of the Dartmouth Lawyers Association has indicated possible interest, so I am copying him as well, plus Ellen Halstead, the Association secretary, and Christie Borton, President of the Dartmouth Club of Alabama.
To conclude, if you can take this idea up with an appropriate Dartmouth administrative office, or if you can refer me to such an office, that would be super.
Thank you very much.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Email to Mr.  Robert Coates of The Nelson A Rockefeller Center at Dartmouth
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: Robert B. Coates <>; Linda L. Fowler <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; Jeff Carton <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 06:16:49 PM CST
Subject: Re: ABA Task Force for American Democracy public conversation event at Dartmouth
Dear Mr. Coates:
I can appreciate how jam-packed it is prior to the January 23rd primary election, that election now being overlain with the United States Supreme Court being momentously thrust into the center of how the 2024 election will unfold.
I note the following scheduled Dartmouth events: Liz Cheney, "An Oath to Defend Democracy" campus event on January 5th; Jamie Raskin, "Democracy vs. Autocracy" campus event on January 8th; January 23rd debate watch party; and Dartmouth Lawyers Association 2024 annual meeting, Jan. 25-28, Keynote Speaker Neal K. Katyal ‘91.
As of now, I don't see any Presidential candidate appearances on the Dartmouth events schedule, but maybe candidate appearances at Dartmouth can still happen and make your job even more difficult.
For your information, two days ago the Co-Chairs of the ABA Task Force, Michael Luttig and Jeh Johnson, had an ABA Presidential Speaker Series "Democracy in Peril" conversation with New York Times opinion columnist David French. A video of the conversation is at, which could be of help if Dartmouth tries to put on something.
Also for your information, Michael Luttig and Neal Katyal '91 have been on the cable TV this week talking about the Colorado Supreme Court decision. Laura Ingraham '85 too has done talking this week about the decision.
With so much consequential that will be swirling in January, is there is any chance that the Liz Cheney event or the Jamie Raskin event could be modified to add an ABA Task Force for American Democracy public conversation dimension, and possibly Neal Katyal and/or Laura Ingraham added?
I regret to say I continue unaware as to whether the ABA Task Force for American Democracy has any interest in a public conversation event at Dartmouth, and I will copy the Vice Chair and the two reporters again on this email (plus the Dartmouth Lawyers Association and the Dartmouth Club of Alabama Presidents).
I am available for a zoom tomorrow or Saturday morning if that can help you in any way.

Email to Professor John Greabe, Rudman Center for Justice, Leadership & Public Service
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: Robert B. Coates <>; Linda L. Fowler <>; <>; <>; <>; Terri B. Lovell <>; Jeff Carton <>
Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2023 at 02:31:42 PM CST
Subject: ABA Task Force for American Democracy public conversation event at University of New Hampshire
Dear Professor Greabe:
I am a retired lawyer in Alabama and Dartmouth class of 1969.
Per the below email correspondence, I have been trying to see whether there could be arranged to be held at Dartmouth a public conversation event of the type that the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy is seeking to be held during its year long mission that is set out at (to wit, "public conversations with a broad spectrum of Americans to hear their concerns, experiences, and suggestions for restoring and preserving our democracy rule of law").
Bob Coates of The Nelson A. Rockefeller Center at Dartmouth has indicated that such a conversation event could not be done at Dartmouth prior to the January 23rd New Hampshire primary election, and he mentioned the Rudman Center for Justice, Leadership & Public Service as an alternative possibility.
Accordingly, I am sending this email to you for your consideration.
Please note that, at the end of the below email correspondence, there is an email for the New Hampshire Bar Association that I directed to its President Mr. Paul Chant, who, I see, is on the Rudman Center Advisory Board.
As I indicated to Bob Coates, I am in the dark as to whether the ABA Task Force for American Democracy has any interest in a public conversation event at Dartmouth, or elsewhere in New Hampshire such as at the University of New Hampshire.
For your information, I am copying on this email Bob Coates; Dartmouth Professor Linda Fowler: ABA Task Force Vice Chair William Ide and the two Task Force reporters; my contact at the Alabama State Bar; and Jeff Carton, President of the Dartmouth Lawyers Association, who may have New Hampshire lawyer contacts who would push for a New Hampshire conversation event.
Thank you very much for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Email to The Dartmouth and The Dartmouth Review
Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: Robert B. Coates <>; Linda L. Fowler <>
Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2023 at 08:19:59 AM CST
Subject: Editorialize and survey Dartmouth students re "Did Donald Trump engage in insurrection on Jan. 6th?"
In the quadrennial tradition of Dartmouth having timely significance in the Presidential election, I have noted the upcoming campus speaking events of Liz Cheney, "An Oath to Defend Democracy," on January 5th, and of Jamie Raskin, "Democracy vs. Autocracy," on January 8th.
All things considered, I think The Dartmouth and The Dartmouth Review should editorialize regarding the question: "Did Donald Trump engage in insurrection on Jan. 6th?" and should conduct student surveys on the question.
For information about the lead up to this email, please read
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL
Dartmouth class of 1969

Email to Dartmouth College President Sian Leah Beilock
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: President's.Office@Dartmouth.EDU <president'>
Cc: <>; <>; Robert B. Coates <>; Linda L. Fowler <>; Jeff Carton <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; <>; <>; Kay Norred <>
Sent: Monday, December 25, 2023 at 09:34:54 AM CST
Subject: Did Donald Trump engage in insurrection on Jan. 6th?
Dear President Beilock:
I am a retired lawyer in Alabama and Dartmouth class of 1969.
I have tried to ask University of Alabama President Stuart Bell whether he believes Donald Trump engaged in insurrection on Jan. 6th. My email asking President Bell this is set forth below.
In the quadrennial tradition of Dartmouth having timely significance in the Presidential election, I see there are upcoming campus speaking events of Liz Cheney, "An Oath to Defend Democracy," on January 5th, and of Jamie Raskin, "Democracy vs. Autocracy," on January 8th.
These led me to email The Dartmouth and The Dartmouth Review, urging them to editorialize regarding the question: "Did Donald Trump engage in insurrection on Jan. 6th?" and conduct student surveys on the question.
All things considered, I think your Office of the President should issue a statement to the College calling attention to the perilous condition the United States is in, the importance of democracy in the country's moving through said perilous condition, and the special opportunity the Dartmouth community has in January to have much timely conversation about democracy.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL
[referenced email to University of Alabama President Stuart Bell can be found at]

Email to Thomas K. Dean, senior presidential writer/editor for U. of Iowa President Wilson
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2023 at 06:32:19 PM CST
Subject: Pres. Wilson should issue statement to U. of Iowa community like what I am urging on Dartmouth Pres. Beilock
Dear Mr. Dean,
In light of the perilous condition of the United States, the importance of democracy for moving through said perilous condition, and Iowa's special role in the Presidential election, I think President Wilson should issue a statement to the university community like what I am urging on Dartmouth College President Sian Leah Beilock, and calling for the University of Iowa community to have much timely conversation about democracy prior to the Iowa caucuses on January 15th.
For your information, appended below is the email I sent to Dartmouth President Beilock.
I hope you will consider this a salubrious suggestion, and I thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Email to Professor Greabe and University of New Hampshire President Dean
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: John Greabe <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2023 at 06:12:00 PM CST
Subject: Re: ABA Task Force for American Democracy public conversation event at University of New Hampshire
Dear Professor Greabe and President Dean:
Professor Greabe informed me that the Rudman Center was not in a position to organize an ABA Task Force for American Democracy public conversation event at the University of New Hampshire prior to the January 23rd New Hampshire primary.
Dartmouth College was also not in a position to organize such a conversation event at Dartmouth, and I sent to Dartmouth College President Sian Leah Beilock an email urging that her office issue a statement to the College calling attention to the perilous condition the United States is in, the importance of democracy in the country's moving through said perilous condition, and the special opportunity the Dartmouth community has in January to have much timely conversation about democracy. (My email to President Beilock is set forth immediately below.)
I pass this along to President Dean for his consideration of issuance of a similar such statement to the University of New Hampshire Community.
Underneath the email to President Beilock is Professor Greabe's email reply to me and a bunch of back up email correspondence.
I will likely take up Professor Greabe's suggestion to contact the Institute of Politics at St. Anselm’s College.
Thanks to both you on this.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Email to New Hampshire Institute of Politics
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2023 at 06:40:33 PM CST
Subject: New Hampshire Institute of Politics and ABA Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Mr. Levesque,
The American Bar Association has a Task Force for American Democracy that is engaged in a year long mission that is set out at
I am not a member of the Task Force, and, on my own initiative, I have been trying to utilize the New Hampshire primary election as an opportunity for the New Hampshire Bar Association, Dartmouth College and the University of New Hampshire to participate in the Task Force's mission to "host public conversations with a broad spectrum of Americans to hear their concerns, experiences, and suggestions for restoring and preserving our democracy rule of law."
What I have done so far in this regard is indicated at
I am sending you this email for the New Hampshire Institute of Politics to consider doing something on this.
I hope you will.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Email to South Carolina Bar
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2023 at 07:09:34 AM CST
Subject: South Carolina Bar and American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Mr. Infinger, President of the South Carolina Bar, and Mr. Ide, Vice Chair of
the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy:
I am not a member of the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy.
Since August I have been advocating for the Alabama State Bar and other state bar associations to undertake supportive activities relative to the Task Force and its year long mission that is set out at
Early on I informed Mr. Ide of what I was doing,, and I have kept him informed.
Most recently I have focused on the Iowa and New Hampshire bar associations in light of the January 15th Iowa caucuses and the January 23rd New Hampshire primary election. See
Next up in the presidential election cycle after Iowa and New Hampshire is South Carolina.
If the South Carolina Bar is not already undertaking activities in furtherance of the mission of the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy, I urge the South Carolina Bar to initiate the same forthwith. (I assume Mr. Ide agrees with me.)
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Email to University of South Carolina President and Dean of law school
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2023 at 09:11:48 AM CST
Subject: University of South Carolina and the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy
Dear President Amiridis and Dean Hubbard:
Please see the below email I sent to the South Carolina Bar, urging it to undertake activities in furtherance of the year long mission of the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy that is set out at
I think the University of South Carolina and the Joseph F. Rice School of Law can play a valuable role here. (FWIW, see emails I have sent to Dartmouth College, the University of New Hampshire and the University of Iowa that are posted at
I hope you will undertake something here.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Email to Clemson University President
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2023 at 10:16:05 AM CST
Subject: Clemson University and the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Clemson President Clements and Clemson Trustee David E. Dukes:
Please see the below email I sent to the South Carolina Bar, urging it to undertake activities in furtherance of the year long mission of the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy that is set out at
I think Clemson University can play a valuable role here. (FWIW, see emails I have sent to Dartmouth College, the University of New Hampshire and the University of Iowa that are posted at
I hope you will undertake something here.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Did Donald Trump engage in insurrection on Jan. 6th?

[Edit 12/22: I posted this blog entry two days ago with the title "What will happen to United States in 2024 elections?" I have changed that title today to "Did Donald Trump engage in insurrection on Jan. 6th?", and that is the question I will try to get the below referenced "all-star cast" to answer.]

The above article reports that there was an "all-star cast of legislators, government and corporate executives, university administrators, major party donors and industry association chiefs alongside the crowd of GOP officials and national political influencers. who gathered to see history in the making in Tuscaloosa." The article reported that the debate was lauded for showcasing Alabama and the University of Alabama on the national stage; introducing the candidates to Alabama, who may return to Alabama in future capacities; and for the tourism and economic impact.

More importantly, I think, is that the debate was, and continues to be, an opportunity to delve into the question: "What will happen to the United States in 2024 elections?" [Edit 12/22: question has been changed to: "Did Donald Trump engage in insurrection on Jan. 6th?",] 

The above article listed the below attendees.
Greg Reed, President Pro Tem of the Alabama State Senate
Bill Poole, Alabama Finance Director
Twinkle Cavanaugh, President of the Alabama Public Service Commission
Attorney General Steve Marshall
State Senator Lance Bell (Pell City)
State Senator Gerald Allen (Tuscaloosa)
State Representative Danny Garrett (Trussville)
State Representative Rhett Marques (Enterprise)
State Representative Cynthia Almond (Tuscaloosa)
State Representative Ron Bolton (Northport)
State Representative Bill Lamb (Tuscaloosa)
Secretary of State Wes Allen
Ed Aldag, Medical Properties Trust CEO
Phill Webb, CEO Webb Concrete and Building Services
Kevin Savoy, President Great Southern Wood Preserving
Robert Dohr, President of the American Enterprise Institute
Paul Pinyan, Executive Director Alabama Farmers Federation
Walt Maddox, Mayor of Tuscaloosa
Dr. Stuart Bell, President of the University of Alabama
Finis St. John, Chancellor of the University of Alabama System
Scott Phelps, President of the University of Alabama System Board of Trustees
Bill Battle, former UA Athletic Director

I will endeavor to pose to them the question: What will happen to United States in 2024 elections?". [Edit 12/22: question has been changed to: "Did Donald Trump engage in insurrection on Jan. 6th?",] 

Email to UA Professor Bauer
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>; Kay Norred <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2023 at 06:19:53 PM CST
Subject: "What did UA students think of Vivek Ramaswamy calling ‘the climate change agenda’ a hoax?"
Dear Professor Bauer,
This email is prompted by Lee Hedgepeth's article, which uses the Dec. 6th debate to focus on younger Americans and the climate and reports your views related to same.
I was keen on Alabama TV and other news outlets availing of the Dec. 6th debate to provide to Alabamians important information for their consideration in the 2024 elections. As set out at, my efforts have led to my sending you this email.
What I have decided to do now is to try to pose a question to the "all-star cast of legislators, government and corporate executives, university administrators, major party donors and industry association chiefs alongside the crowd of GOP officials and national political influencers. who gathered to see history in the making in Tuscaloosa."
The question I am going to try to pose is: "What will happen to the United States in the 2024 elections?"
Wish me luck in getting any answers from the aforesaid "all-star cast."
Rob Shattuck
[Edit 12/22 The question I am going to try to pose has been changed to "Did Donald Trump engage in insurrection on Jan. 6th?".]
Email to University of Alabama President Bell
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; "" <>; <>; Kay Norred <>
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2023 at 12:16:42 PM CST
Subject: Did Donald Trump engage in insurrection on Jan. 6th?
Dear University of Alabama President Bell:
You are identified as one of an "all-star cast of legislators, government and corporate executives, university administrators, major party donors and industry association chiefs alongside the crowd of GOP officials and national political influencers. who gathered [for the Dec. 6th debate] to see history in the making in Tuscaloosa."
I wish to ask you whether you believe Donald Trump engaged in insurrection on Jan. 6th.
I would like to post whatever you say on my blog at
Thank you for whatever reply you can give to my question.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Email to Caroleene Dobson, Republican candidate in 2nd Cong'l district
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>; Chris Christie <>
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2023 at 07:19:56 PM CST
Subject: Did Donald Trump engage in insurrection on Jan. 6th
I cannot find on your campaign website an email address for communicating to you, so I am using your law firm email.
Can you please say whether you believe Donald Trump engaged in insurrection on Jan. 6th?
While I am not a voter in the 2nd Congressional district, it would seem generally relevant that a Congressional candidate have an understanding of what insurrection is or is not, in order to be a Congressional lawmaker having an oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, and needing to make voting decisions in Congress about laws for preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution, or not.
I will post any reply you provide me on my blog at
Thank you very much.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook 
My thoughts regarding Colorado case
I have been following the Colorado case and don't understand this:
When and how, if at all, does any party have any standing to enforce, or try to enforce, Section 3 of Amendment 14 to keep Donald Trump from being President of the United States again?
SCOTUS may hold that Section 3 does not apply to the office of the United States President.
Also, SCOTUS may hold that Section 3 is not a bar to a person being President without there being on the books "appropriate" Congressional legislation enforcing Section 3, and there is no such "appropriate" legislation on the books.
Either of the foregoing holdings would answer my question and would say that no party can enforce, or try to enforce, Section 3 of Amendment 14 to keep Donald Trump from being President of the United States again (except Congress being able to enact legislation under Section 5 that would be an avenue for barring Trump under Section 3).
To me it seems that the country is deserving of a definitive pronouncement from SCOTUS regarding the foregoing, either in the Colorado case or in other litigation that is brought if the Colorado case does not result in definitive pronouncement from SCOTUS regarding the foregoing.
In the commentary about the Colorado case that I have heard, I have not heard any commentator discussing litigation that can and should be undertaken if SCOTUS does not make definitive pronouncement about the foregoing in the Colorado case.
Maybe I am off base in thinking that there should be discussion about litigation that can and should be undertaken if SCOTUS does not make definitive pronouncement about the foregoing in the Colorado case. 

[For continuation on this subject, go to  Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Supercharging the "rule of law" debate in Alabama (]

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Alabama State Bar default re ABA Task Force for American Democracy

Email to Birmingham Bar Association and Birmingham Business Alliance
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: Jennifer Buettner <>; <>
Cc: Terri B. Lovell <>; <>; "" <>; <>; <>; <>; Christopher Jones <>; Mike Wright <>; Kay Norred <>
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 11:24:08 AM CST
Subject: Alabama State Bar default and the American Bar Association Tax Force for American Democracy
Dear Ms. Buettner and Mr. Ammons,
The Alabama State Bar is ostensibly defaulting on undertaking supportive activities in Alabama relative to the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy and its year long mission that is set out in the statement at (see the below email).
Given this default by the Alabama State Bar, I wish to call on the Birmingham Bar Association and the Birmingham Business Alliance to host a public conversation in Birmingham "with a broad spectrum of [area residents] to hear their concerns, experiences, and suggestions for restoring and preserving our democracy rule of law" (quoted words from the Task Force mission statement).
I hope the Birmingham Bar Association and the Birmingham Business Alliance will undertake something here.
I have previously contacted UAB and Samford University on this idea; they may be in a position to help out on this; and I am copying my contacts at UAB and Samford on this email.
Thank you for your consideration.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
To: Terri B. Lovell <>
Cc: Jennifer Buettner <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2023 at 08:17:37 AM CST
Subject: AL Sec. of State Allen and ABA Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Terri,
On Saturday Secretary of State Wes Allen tweeted about an appearance he apparently made before the Alabama Federation of Republican Women. His tweet at said:
The Alabama Federation of Republican Women values honest & accountable government. I was proud to stand before them & explain how Alabama has the cleanest and most accurate voter rolls we’ve ever had with the development of the Alabama Voter Integrity Database (AVID).
The mission statement of the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy says it "will, on a nonpartisan basis, solicit the views of a wide array of state election officials, present and former elected officials, academics, think tanks, public interest and other stakeholder organizations, and everyday voters."
In August, I sent the below email to Secretary Allen related to the ABA Task Force. Secretary Allen has not replied to me.
I still don't know what, if anything, the Alabama State Bar is doing in Alabama relative to the ABA Task Force and its year long mission set out
In particular, I don't know whether the Alabama State Bar, in accordance with the the Task Force mission, has solicited or will solicit the views of Sec. Allen.
Pending hearing from the Alabama State Bar about what it is doing relative to the the ABA Task Force, I will act on the basis that the ASB is doing nothing, and I will, for example, solicit local bar associations and law school deans to do something (starting with copying them on this email).
Thank you, Terri.
Rob Shattuck

Email to Montgomery Bar Association and Montgomery Chamber of Commerce
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: Cathleen Erwin <>; <>; <>; <>; Terri B. Lovell <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2023 at 09:54:48 AM CST
Subject: Alabama State Bar default; ABA Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Suzanne and Sheron,
The Alabama State Bar is ostensibly defaulting on undertaking supportive activities in Alabama relative to the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy and its year long mission that is set out in the statement at (see the below email).
Given this default by the Alabama State Bar, I wish to call on the Montgomery Bar Association and the Montgomery Chamber of Commerce to host a public conversation in Montgomery "with a broad spectrum of [area residents] to hear their concerns, experiences, and suggestions for restoring and preserving our democracy rule of law" (quoted words from the Task Force mission statement).
I hope the Montgomery Bar Association and the Montgomery Chamber of Commerce will undertake something here.
I have previously contacted Auburn on this idea; they may be in a position to help out; and I am copying my contact at Auburn on this email.
Further I think the 2nd Congressional district candidates could appropriately participate in the conversation and I am copying three of them on this email.
Thank you for your consideration.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook

Email to Mobile Bar Association and Mobile Chamber of Commerce
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>
Cc: Terri B. Lovell <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2023 at 06:19:48 PM CST
Subject: Alabama State Bar default; ABA Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Mr. Latta, Ms. Hewston and Mr. Little,
The Alabama State Bar is ostensibly defaulting on undertaking supportive activities in Alabama relative to the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy and its year long mission that is set out in the statement at (see the below email).
Given this default by the Alabama State Bar, I wish to call on the Mobile Bar Association and the Mobile Chamber of Commerce to host a public conversation in Mobile "with a broad spectrum of [area residents] to hear their concerns, experiences, and suggestions for restoring and preserving our democracy rule of law" (quoted words from the Task Force mission statement).
I hope the Mobile Bar Association and the Mobile Chamber of Commerce will undertake something here.
Thank you for your consideration.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook

Email to Huntsville Bar Association and Huntsville Chamber of Commerce
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: Terri B. Lovell <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Mike Wright <>
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 02:26:13 PM CST
Subject: For Rebekah McKinney as President of Huntsville Bar Association - ABA Task Force for American Democracy
Ms. Rebekah McKinney, President of Huntsville Bar Association
Mr. Chip Cherry, President and CEO of Huntsville Chamber of Commerce (sent via chamber contact form)
Subject: Alabama State Bar default; ABA Task Force for American Democracy
Dear Ms. Mckinney and Mr. Cherry,
The Alabama State Bar is ostensibly defaulting on undertaking supportive activities in Alabama relative to the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy and its year long mission that is set out in the statement at (see the below email).
Given this default by the Alabama State Bar, I wish to call on the Huntsville Bar Association and the Huntsville Chamber of Commerce to host a public conversation in Huntsville "with a broad spectrum of [area residents] to hear their concerns, experiences, and suggestions for restoring and preserving our democracy rule of law" (quoted words from the Task Force mission statement).
For more information, please read
I hope the Huntsville Bar Association and the Huntsville Chamber of Commerce will undertake something here.
For more information, please read
Thank you for your consideration.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Alabama evangelicals and "The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory"

I am going to initiate communications to Alabama evangelical and other churches in which I urge them to watch the above video about Tim Alberta's new book The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory and have discussions about the same within their church community.

I will communicate to churches using the following form of email message:

Subject  ______ Church and Tim Alberta's new book The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory
I am a lapsed Episcopalian and my wife is Catholic.
I believe religion and politics are badly infecting each other in the United States currently.
I have no idea whether you agree.
Regardless, I wish to urge you to watch the video at The video is a discussion with Tim Alberta concerning his new book The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory.
If you watch the video, I would next ask you to consider whether it would be constructive from the perspective of both religion and politics for the video to be watched by an appropriate group at the church, followed by discussion.
I will understand if you think the video is inappropriate for your church's purposes.
FYI, I will be identifying at churches which I have asked to consider viewing the video as described in this email.
Thank you for your consideration.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook

12/23 Emails have been sent to below churches
Mountain Brook Community Church
St. Luke's Episcopal Church
Briarwood Presbyterian Church
Mountain Brook Presbyterian Church
Canterbury United Methodist Church
Brookwood Baptist Church
Independent Presbyterian Church
South Highland Presbyterian Church
Dawson Memorial Baptist Church

Email to Birmingham churches re Christian nationalism
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; Dawsonchurch Info <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Friday, February 9, 2024 at 08:24:23 AM CST
Subject: Christian nationalism and Alabama 6th Congressional district
Dear Birmingham churches:
I have previously intruded on your churches per Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Alabama evangelicals and "The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory" (
I am intruding on you again by this email informing you that I am trying to get on the ballot as an Independent candidate in the Alabama 6th Congressional district against Rep. Gary Palmer, per Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: My Wishes and Horses Campaign (
If I am successful in getting on the ballot, I plan to press Rep. Palmer about Christian nationalism.
Rob Shattuck
Email to Huntsville churches
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 06:55:35 PM CDT
Subject: Recent books "The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory" and "The False White Gospel"
Dear St. Thomas Episcopal Church, West Huntsville Baptist Church, United Church, Northwest Church of Christ, Valley Fellowship Chruch, and Providence Baptist Church:
I am a lapsed Episcopalian in Birmingham and my wife is Catholic.
I believe religion and politics are badly infecting each other in the United States currently.
I have no idea whether you agree.
Regardless, I wish to urge for you to watch the videos at Writer details how evangelicals confronted him about Trump at his father's funeral and Trump is marketing our worst demons, says theologian ( The videos are discussions with authors of the recent books The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory and The False White Gospel: Rejecting Christian Nationalism, Reclaiming True Faith, and Refounding Democracy.
If you watch the videos, I would next ask you to consider whether it would be constructive from the perspective of both religion and politics for the videos to be watched by appropriate groups at your churches, followed by discussion.
I will understand if you think the videos are inappropriate for your churches' purposes.
Thank you for your consideration.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Screaming at Congress re Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan & border situation

Thursday, December 7, 2023

The education of Sen. Katie Britt

Email to Sen. Britt's state director Dana Hall McCain
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2024 at 07:53:14 AM CDT
Subject: Alabama’s sins of omission
Dear Dana,
For the record, if you will, regarding your above January 8, 2021 opinion piece "Alabama’s sins of omission," which is posted at, do you affirm currently what you said in the opinion piece? Do you now qualify what you said in the opinion piece, and, if so, how in particular do you now qualify what you said in the opinion piece?
Thank you, Dana, for whatever response you give me to the above questions.
Rob Shattuck Email to UAH re "Is Sen. Katie Britt turbocharging division in Alabama?"
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>Cc: Mike Wright <>; <>Sent: Monday, March 11, 2024 at 04:48:10 PM CDT
Subject: Is Sen. Katie Britt turbocharging division in Alabama? - Have a Disagree Better event at UAH
Dear Dr. Jones and Ms. Hendrix:
Following on my emailing in November, I wish to call to your attention the Disagree Better initiative of the National Governors Association, website Disagree Better - National Governors Association (
Per Disagree Better – Meetings and Events - National Governors Association (, there have been bipartisan Disagree Better events in Colorado and New Hampshire, plus one at Millsaps College last month (Disagree Better with AF Southeast , Millsaps College, Jackson, 27 February 2024 (
The above subject line asks the question: Is Sen. Katie Britt turbocharging division in Alabama?
I think she is.
If that is true, perhaps it is the case Sen. Britt consciously desires to turbocharge division in Alabama.
If that is not her desire, Sen. Britt should, at this juncture, want to contribute to bridging the partisan divide, which she could do by participating in a Disagree Better event, such as at UAH.
Please consider pursuing the idea of a Disagree Better event at UAH and extending an invitation to Sen. Britt to participate.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Alabama and The Debate

Email to WVTM13, CBS42, WBRC, ABC3340 and WVUA inquiring about debate programming
From: Rob Shattuck <>To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 04:21:30 PM CST
Subject: "NewsNation announces Republican presidential primary debate programming in Alabama"
Next week NewsNation will be in Tuscaloosa for three days doing special programming Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in connection with the Republican presidential primary debate on Wednesday.
What special debate programming will WVTM13, CBS42, WBRC, ABC3340 and WVUA do?

Email to other Alabama TV stations asking how they will do against NewsNation and CBS42
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Monday, December 4, 2023 at 07:41:45 AM CST
Subject: How will you do against NewsNation and CBS42 in covering The Debate this week?
What GOP Debate experts do UAB, Samford and Auburn hold out?
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: Cathleen Erwin <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Christopher Jones <>
Sent: Monday, December 4, 2023 at 09:34:39 AM CST
Subject: What GOP Debate experts do UAB, Samford and Auburn hold out?
[For filing in]
Email to "UA Experts Available to Discuss Topics Around GOP Debate"
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 10:21:59 AM CST
Subject: For addressee "UA Experts Available to Discuss Topics Around GOP Debate"
Dear Professors Bramlett, Peacock, Ohl, Maddox, Fording, Wagner and Linken:
The webpage identifies you as University of Alabama experts available to discuss topics around next week's GOP Presidential debate in Tuscaloosa.
I greatly wish for your expert knowledge relative to next week's GOP Presidential debate and the political landscape to be communicated to the Alabama public.
Earlier this month, I solicited Ms. Lane McLelland, the Executive Director of the University of Alabama's Crossroads Civic Engagement Center, that the Dec. 6th GOP debate should be availed of for the holding of public conversation events that would wrap together the debate and its political landscape with the American Bar Association's Task Force for American Democracy mission statement that is set out. at (For more information about this solicitation, please read
I thought, in the words of the mission statement, the conversation events would be for the expression of "concerns, experiences, and suggestions for restoring and preserving our democracy rule of law." Further I think your aforesaid advertised knowledge would make you excellent contributors in such conversation events if they were held.
Another way for your expert knowledge to be communicated to the Alabama public is through the medium of Alabama television and radio broadcasters. I have called this to the attention of the Alabama Broadcasters Association per the below email I sent to its President Ms. Sharon Tinsley.
Time is running out for Alabamians to benefit from your expert knowledge being communicated to them in connection with GOP debate next Wednesday.
As to Alabama television and radio broadcasters, previously Ms. Tinsley has declined to forward to her Association's broadcaster members communications that I have sent to her. I have directly contacted some of the Alabama TV stations about the public conversations I am trying to promote. I expect to contact more of them during the next few days.
While I have endeavored to draw in the Alabama State Bar to undertake supportive activities in Alabama relative to the ABA's Task Force for American Democracy, including in connection with the debate, I am not aware of the Alabama State Bar doing anything. For what it is worth, I am copying on this email my contact at the Alabama State Bar if this may prompt anything on the Bar's part.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook 
Email to communications and journalism professors
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 03:41:48 PM CST
Subject: Assessing the performance of AL TV stations this week in connection with tonight's debate in Tuscaloosa
Please hone your judgments about how well former students of yours, and others, who are at Alabama TV stations have done and will do this week in connection with tonight's debate in Tuscaloosa.
I will endeavor during the next week to compile an evaluation, and I hope you will participate with me.
Thank you very much.

Email reply from UA Department of Communications Studies Chair Prof. Griffin
From: Darrin Griffin <>
To: Rob Shattuck <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 05:01:04 PM CST
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Assessing the performance of AL TV stations this week in connection with tonight's debate in Tuscaloosa
Please kindly remove me from your mailing list if you will.