Saturday, September 24, 2022

National discussion of "Declaration of Public Officials for Gun Violence Prevention"

Email to gun control organizations
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Fri, Sep 23, 2022 10:02 am
Subject: Is "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" a useful tool for advancing gun control objectives?
In follow up to my previous emails to you, can you kindly review the "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" that is set out at and indicate to me whether or not you think the Declaration is a useful tool for advancing gun control objectives in the United States?
Are there wording changes in the Declaration that you think would improve the Declaration?
Thank you very much.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Ohio Senatorial candidate Tim Ryan

Kansas Moms Demand 

Nebraska Moms Demand 

Comments left on police department Facebooks
I have posted the below comment on the police department Facebooks that are indicated below, such comment being posted on the left hand date on the police department Facebook post posted on the right hand date:
"I live in Alabama. Please read the below "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention." Thank you."
9/25 -, August 31 post
9/25 -, September 5 post
9/25 -, September 4 post

Moms Demand
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Sent: Sun, Sep 25, 2022 7:01 pm
Subject: Re: Response to your previous email
Dear Susan and Paula,
I am continuing my work, both in Alabama and reaching outside of Alabama.
This includes and
In the first of the above links, I include that Anne Leader thinks open carry is a bad idea.
In my work, I wish to find out what others think, including particularly what police and other law enforcement think. My extensive efforts have not yet gotten response other than from Anne.
Also, per, I am seeking for candidates and Moms Demand volunteers outside Alabama to consider and endorse my "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention".
Does Moms Demand have any problem with what I am doing? If Moms Demand wishes that I not do as I am doing in my efforts, I am willing to listen to the reasons why and consider the reasons in how I continue with my efforts.
Thank you, Susan and Paula.

More Moms Demand volunteers and candidates

9/29/22 #preventgunviolencedeclaration
I have started using hashtag #preventgunviolencedeclaration on my tweets to candidates and Moms Demand volunteers and will limit further compiling of such tweets in this blog entry. Go to #preventgunviolencedeclaration to see my tweets going forward.

10/2/22 Baltimore Sun commentary
Email to Dr. Mitch Doucette of John Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Sent: Sun, Oct 2, 2022 8:01 am
Subject: 9/29 Baltimore Sun commentary "More guns everywhere do not make us safer"
Dear Dr. Doucette
This is the email I said I would send you after I saw the link on Twitter to the September 29th Baltimore Sun commentary "More guns everywhere do not make us safer", written by Dan Rodricks.
In the commentary, you are quoted as saying, “Allowing more individuals to carry concealed guns in public [including those with previous arrests] can increase inappropriate use of firearms in response to interpersonal conflicts, disputes or other situations." (I have not yet accessed Dan Rodricks' full commentary and the foregoing quote appears in the tweet I saw.)
Guns are out of control in the United States, and the problem is getting worse as a result of the United States Supreme Court decision in the New York Rifle Association case this summer.
That case has gotten the gun rights extremists, and the politicians who exploit the guns issue, hard at work seeking state laws that expand gun rights and that will, in your words, "increase inappropriate use of firearms."
On the other side, gun control proponents have many ideas and solutions for reducing gun violence and saving lives. See, e.g.,
Their problem, however, in trying to advance the implementation of such solutions is the unreasoning and absolutistic political opposition that hysterically screams that any limitation or restriction on guns opens the door for a tyrannical Federal government to take away everyone's guns and subjugate and enslave the American people.
In this situation, I think the political messaging on the gun control side should expressly acknowledge the United States Supreme Court has held that "the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home" and protects “an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home.”
After expressly acknowledging that, the gun control side should argue for drawing the line based on "self-defense" (and animal hunting) purposes and build from there.
I have tried to do this in the form of "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" that is set out at
The idea is to frame the public debate as: "should guns in the hands of individuals be limited for self-defense (and animal hunting) purposes and, if the answer is yes, what are reasonable ways to implement that limitation and reduce gun violence?"
That would force the other side to argue that guns should not be limited for self-defense (and animal hunting), and guns should be allowed for any purpose whatever, such as for attacking the government and its police, intimidating and aggressing against other citizens, making political statements, and self-validation and expression, regardless of whatever increased gun violence results.
I say, let the public debate unfold on that, and let the voters consciously think about that and decide.
Last Friday there was reporting that "Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O'Rourke dodges twice when asked if he would 'take your AR-15'".
Read the foregoing reporting, and decide whether Beto ORourke should reframe his messaging along the lines I suggest above.
Note that I have suggested consideration be given to allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home. That suggestion needs a lot of thinking about and should have input from law enforcement. For thinking I have done about same, please read and
I hope you and others who are copied on this email will see merit in what I say and that the same will filter into what you communicate to the public and to lawmakers, law enforcement, and other public officials and policymakers, and even to political candidates during the next 37 days.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Know the truth, Alabama

9/26 Email to TV stations
From: Rob Shattuck <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Mon, Sep 26, 2022 6:58 am
Subject: What will AL TV stations do for the truth during the next 43 days?
What is the truth?
What contribution will Alabama TV stations make for Alabama knowing the truth during the next 43 days?

For filling out the discussion here

More soliciting TV stations' reactions
From: Rob Shattuck <>To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Fri, Sep 30, 2022 5:28 pm
Subject: "Know the truth, Alabama"
Please read and react to
Thank you.

10/3/ Adding "Might makes right" to "Know the truth, Alabama

Still more soliciting TV stations' reactions
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>
Sent: Tue, Oct 4, 2022 6:08 pm
Subject: Know the truth, Alabama
Please read and react to
Thank you.


Monday, September 19, 2022

Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention



We, the undersigned governors, mayors, lawmakers, law enforcement officials, and others having public responsibility to prevent gun violence in America, make the following declaration to the American people:

1. The United States Supreme Court has held that "the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home" and protects “an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home.”

2. The Second Amendment does not give citizens the right to bear arms against the Federal, state and local governments and their law enforcement authorities.

3. The Second Amendment does not give citizens a right to bear arms for  aggression and intimidation against other citizens, and Federal, state and local governments and their law enforcement authorities have powers to prevent citizens from  bearing arms for aggression and intimidation against other citizens.

4. Federal, state and local governments and their law enforcement arms have obligations under law to protect citizens from the gun violence of others.

5. Millions of Americans believe they have a right under the Second Amendment to bear arms against the Federal, state and local governments and their law enforcement authorities, and a right to bear arms for aggression and intimidation against other citizens. They are incorrect in their beliefs.  

6. Laws may be enacted that give rights to citizens regarding bearing arms that are greater than the rights of citizens under the Second Amendment or that limit the rights regarding bearing arms to the rights of citizens under the Second Amendment.

7. To prevent citizens from  bearing arms for aggression and intimidation against other citizens. and to enable Federal, state local governments and their law enforcement authorities  to prevent citizens from  bearing arms for aggression and intimidation against other citizens, we favor laws that limit the rights regarding bearing of arms to the rights of citizens under the Second Amendment.

8. The recent holding of the United States Supreme Court that the constitution protects “an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home” has made our job to prevent citizens from  bearing arms for aggression and intimidation against other citizens much more difficult. This holding has emboldened and empowered the aforesaid millions of Americans who believe they have a right under the Second Amendment to bear arms against the Federal, state and local governments and their law enforcement authorities, and a right to bear arms for aggression and intimidation against other citizens. We believe that allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside home will result in our being able to do our job better. 

Disseminating above draft Declaration
9/21/22 Email to Montgomery, Auburn, Oxford and Opelika Police Chiefs
From: Rob Shattuck <>To: <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>
Sent: Wed, Sep 21, 2022 6:52 am
Subject: Does 2nd Amendment prohibit gun registries? How much does Rep. Mike Rogers "back the blue"?
Dear Montgomery, Auburn, Oxford and Opelika Police Chiefs Albert, Anderson, Partridge and Healey:
I have previously sent you two emails.
One email was on June 7th and was about the lack of gun control resulting in an arms race between the police and wrongdoers with guns.
The second email was on June 28th and was about reducing gun violence by allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home.
These two emails can be found at
As reported at, Rep.Mike Rogers tweeted on September 14th:
"Glad to join my colleague, @RepStefanik, in seeking answers on why credit card companies are aiding the far-left in their attempts to create an illegal gun registry."
I tweeted back to Rep. Rogers as follows:
Do you believe 2nd Amend. prohibits gov't gun registries? I assume you won't sign "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" at
I will name you in below email.
@wsfa12news Jessie Gibson @JolynHannah1
Please (i) consider the aforesaid "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" at, (ii) decide for yourselves whether Rep. Rogers would ever sign such a Declaration, and (iii) ask yourselves just how much does Rep. Mike Rogers "back the blue."
Regarding the foregoing, you might also look at
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook

Email to Rep. Palmer and Rep. Sewell
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>
Cc:,,,,,,, <>
Sent: Wed, Sep 21, 2022 6:22 pm
Subject: How much do Rep. Palmer & Rep. Sewell "back the blue"?
Dear Rep. Palmer and Rep. Sewell:
This email supplements the September 18th email I sent you, which email asked about your opinion of what the Second Amendment protects and what it does not protect, and asked whether you think gun violence would be reduced if only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense is permitted and concealed carry of guns outside the home is prohibited. (Said email can be found at
Below is an email I sent this morning to the Montgomery, Auburn, Oxford and Opelika Police Chiefs related to Rep. Mike Rogers.
The purpose of this email is request you to review the below referenced "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" at and comment on the same.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
[Referenced "below email" is not reproduced here but can be found above]

Email to Pelham, Irondale, Alabaster, Hoover and Montevallo Police Chiefs
From: Rob Shattuck <>
Sent: Wed, Sep 21, 2022 7:01 pm
Subject: How much do Rep. Palmer and Rep. Sewell "back the blue"?
Dear Pelham, Irondale, Alabaster, Hoover and Montevallo Police Chiefs Cheatwood, Wiggins, Rigney, Derzis, and Littleton:
I have questions about the extent to which Rep. Gary Palmer "backs the blue."
Rep. Sewell presents a different situation from Rep. Palmer.
Please see the below email I have sent to Rep. Palmer and Rep. Sewell about their "backing of the blue."
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
Referenced "below email" is not reproduced here but can be found above]

Email to Birmingham area chambers of commerce
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Wed, Sep 21, 2022 7:31 pm
Subject: "Backing the blue" in order to reduce gun violence
To Birmingham area chambers of commerce:
For whatever interest Birmingham area chambers of commerce have in "backing the blue" in order to reduce gun violence, I pass along to you the below email I have sent to the Pelham, Irondale, Alabaster, Hoover and Montevallo Police Chiefs raising the question of, "How much do Rep. Palmer and Rep. Sewell "back the blue"?".
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Referenced "below email" is not reproduced here but can be found above]

Email to various Birmingham persons
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Sent: Thu, Sep 22, 2022 4:16 pm
Subject: How much do Rep. Palmer and Rep. Sewell "back the blue" to reduce gun violence in Birmingham?
I am raising questions about how much Rep. Gary Palmer and Rep. Terri Sewell "back the blue" in furtherance of the objective of reducing gun violence in Birmingham.
If you are interested in the questions I am raising and with whom I am raising the questions, please see "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" at
Thank you.

Libertarian Party of Alabama  


Alabama Association of Chiefs of Police
From: Rob Shattuck <>To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thu, Sep 22, 2022 6:06 pm
Subject: Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention
Dear President Irwin,
I live in Mountain Brook.
I am disseminating in Jefferson County and elsewhere in Alabama the "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" that is set out at
I have sent the Declaration to Mayor Woodfin, county commissioners, city councilors, police chiefs, members of Congress and others.
I hope you will consider the Declaration and whether it is worthy of being presented to your Alabama Association of Chiefs of Police members.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
cc. Mountain Brook Chief of Police Loggins

Alabama Law Enforcement Agency
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Sent: Fri, Sep 23, 2022 8:39 am
Subject: Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention
Dear Mr. Reader,
In follow up to my previous emails to you, can the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency kindly review the "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" that is set out at and indicate to me whether the ALEA can support the Declaration or not?
If there is particular wording in the Declaration that the ALEA cannot support but there is alternative wording the ALEA can support, please indicate the same.
Thank you very much.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook

Email to Justice Sellers; Professors Smolin, Horwitz, Brandon and Olree; and Mr. Cook
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Fri, Sep 23, 2022 6:28 pm
Subject: Can or cannot Alabamians receive your opinion re 2nd Amendment?
Dear Justice Sellers; Professors Smolin, Horwitz, Brandon and Olree; and Mr. Cook:
This email concerns the "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" that I have posted at
I have disseminated the Declaration in Jefferson County and elsewhere in Alabama.
I have sent the Declaration to Mayor Woodfin, county commissioners, city councilors, police chiefs, members of Congress and others.
The Declaration implicitly solicits public officials in Alabama to sign the Declaration.
The Declaration makes statements about rights that the Second Amendment protects and about what the Second Amendment does not protect.
I don't know the extent to which Alabama public officials have sought legal opinion concerning what the Declaration says about the Second Amendment.
Can one or more of you please comment on what the Declaration says about the Second Amendment and whether you agree or disagree, in whole or in part, with what the Declaration says?
I will post whatever opinion you are willing to provide (regardless of any divergence of opinions that two or more of you provide), and which opinion or opinions public officials may consider in deciding whether or not to sign the Declaration.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook

Alabama Sheriffs Association
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Sent: Fri, Sep 23, 2022 11:59 am
Subject: Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention
Dear Ms. Harris,
I live in Mountain Brook.
I have disseminated in Jefferson County and elsewhere in Alabama the "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" that is set out at
I have sent the Declaration to Mayor Woodfin, county commissioners, city councilors, police chiefs, members of Congress and others.
I hope the Alabama Sheriffs Association will consider the Declaration and whether it is worthy of being presented to the Association's member sheriffs.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck

Alabama Democratic candidates
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Sat, Sep 24, 2022 3:27 pm
Subject: Which AL Democratic candidates will endorse "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention"?
Will you endorse the "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" that is set out at
Thank you.

9/24 Sending Declaration outside of Alabama
On September 24th, I started sending the "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" outside of Alabama. These communications are being compiled at

9/29/22 #preventgunviolencedeclaration
I have started using hashtag #preventgunviolencedeclaration on my tweets  and will limit further compiling of such tweets in this blog entry. Go to #preventgunviolencedeclaration to see my tweets going forward.

10/2/22 Important email to Dr. Mitch Doucette of John Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Sent: Sun, Oct 2, 2022 8:01 am
Subject: 9/29 Baltimore Sun commentary "More guns everywhere do not make us safer"
Dear Dr. Doucette
This is the email I said I would send you after I saw the link on Twitter to the September 29th Baltimore Sun commentary "More guns everywhere do not make us safer", written by Dan Rodricks.
In the commentary, you are quoted as saying, “Allowing more individuals to carry concealed guns in public [including those with previous arrests] can increase inappropriate use of firearms in response to interpersonal conflicts, disputes or other situations." (I have not yet accessed Dan Rodricks' full commentary and the foregoing quote appears in the tweet I saw.)
Guns are out of control in the United States, and the problem is getting worse as a result of the United States Supreme Court decision in the New York Rifle Association case this summer.
That case has gotten the gun rights extremists, and the politicians who exploit the guns issue, hard at work seeking state laws that expand gun rights and that will, in your words, "increase inappropriate use of firearms."
On the other side, gun control proponents have many ideas and solutions for reducing gun violence and saving lives. See, e.g.,
Their problem, however, in trying to advance the implementation of such solutions is the unreasoning and absolutistic political opposition that hysterically screams that any limitation or restriction on guns opens the door for a tyrannical Federal government to take away everyone's guns and subjugate and enslave the American people.
In this situation, I think the political messaging on the gun control side should expressly acknowledge the United States Supreme Court has held that "the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home" and protects “an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home.”
After expressly acknowledging that, the gun control side should argue for drawing the line based on "self-defense" (and animal hunting) purposes and build from there.
I have tried to do this in the form of "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" that is set out at
The idea is to frame the public debate as: "should guns in the hands of individuals be limited for self-defense (and animal hunting) purposes and, if the answer is yes, what are reasonable ways to implement that limitation and reduce gun violence?"
That would force the other side to argue that guns should not be limited for self-defense (and animal hunting), and guns should be allowed for any purpose whatever, such as for attacking the government and its police, intimidating and aggressing against other citizens, making political statements, and self-validation and expression, regardless of whatever increased gun violence results.
I say, let the public debate unfold on that, and let the voters consciously think about that and decide.
Last Friday there was reporting that "Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O'Rourke dodges twice when asked if he would 'take your AR-15'".
Read the foregoing reporting, and decide whether Beto ORourke should reframe his messaging along the lines I suggest above.
Note that I have suggested consideration be given to allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home. That suggestion needs a lot of thinking about and should have input from law enforcement. For thinking I have done about same, please read and
I hope you and others who are copied on this email will see merit in what I say and that the same will filter into what you communicate to the public and to lawmakers, law enforcement, and other public officials and policymakers, and even to political candidates during the next 37 days.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Email to UConn Gun Violence Prevention Research Interest Group
To: <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Mon, Oct 3, 2022 6:21 pm
Subject: 10/2/22 email Dr. Mitch Doucette of John Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions
Dear Professors Bernstein, Dineen and Raissian:
In the mission of your Gun Violence Prevention Research Interest Group to reduce gun violence, please consider whether it would help for the public debate to be framed as: "should guns in the hands of individuals be limited for self-defense (and animal hunting) purposes and, if the answer is yes, what are reasonable ways to implement that limitation and reduce gun violence".
Please see below 10/2/22 email I sent to Dr. Mitch Doucette of the John Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions for elaboration of this suggestion.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Second email to UConn Gun Violence Prevention Research Interest Group
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Wed, Oct 5, 2022 6:46 am
Subject: Re: 10/2/22 email Dr. Mitch Doucette of John Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions
Thank you for your reply, Professor Raissian.
I sensed I was venturing outside your domain, and I understand your response.
In the rush to the midterm election, I am pushing out to candidates my "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" for them to decide its merits.
Candidates Dr. Annie Andrews and Dr. Lisa Reynolds participated with Shannon Watts of Moms Demand in an online conversation yesterday (see, and I sent them the below email.
Whoever is able and willing to reach out to candidates is of interest to me, and keeping a record (that others can see) of who is doing (or is not doing) what may be of use to me and others in everyone's collective effort to reduce gun violence.
In that vein, I will post this reply email to you but I will not post your email to me (unless you want me to).
Rob Shattuck

Email to SC and OR candidates Dr. Annie Andrew & Dr. Lisa Reynolds
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Tue, Oct 4, 2022 3:19 am
Subject: Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention
Dear Dr. Andrews and Dr. Reynolds,
Please consider incorporating in your respective South Carolina 1st Congressional district and Oregon State house district 34 election campaigns the "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" that I set out at
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Violence Policy Center
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Thu, Oct 6, 2022 7:04 am
Subject: Democrats can win on guns AND crime
Hello, Sally.
As the below email to the UConn Gun Violence Prevention Research Interest Group indicates, I am pushing out to political candidates the "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" that is set out at
The email further indicates I appreciate that gun violence research groups, such as the Violence Policy Center, may shy away from advising political candidates about the messaging and campaigning the candidates do on the gun violence issue.
I am arguing that the right to possess and carry guns for self-defense purposes should be expressly acknowledged by the gun control side, and that the gun control side make the case that the line can and should be drawn limiting gun rights to self-defense purposes based on public safety considerations.
That pushes the gun rights side to say, no, gun rights should not be limited to self-defense purposes and public safety should be ignored in allowing unlimited gun rights.
I think, if the political debate can be framed in the foregoing way, the gun control side will win with the voters.
Also, framing the political debate in the foregoing way puts the gun rights side (the Republicans) in favor of more gun violence (more crime) and is a way for the gun control side (the Democrats) to counter the Republicans on the crime issue, which issue the Republicans are currently winning on in the midterm elections.
While gun violence research groups may not want to be involved in political campaigning, I hope they see merit in the "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" and at least make the idea known to persons who are involved in the group's activities and to persons who interact with the groups.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Giffords Center for Violence Intervention

The devil is in the details

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Case for open carry only has put together many evidence-based solutions based on its research showing that common-sense public safety policies can reduce gun violence and save lives. These solutions are listed at and the list is reproduced below.

I believe my idea of allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense,  and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home, will work very well with and promote the achieving of the goals of the above solutions.

This blog entry will endeavor to make the case in support of my belief.

I. Where things currently stand with gun violence problem
Guns and gun violence are a huge problem for the United States that shows no signs of diminishing.

Everytown has developed the many above solutions that Everytown is trying to implement that seek to help fix the gun violence problem in different ways

Everytown knows about (i) the progress that has been made in implementing its solutions, (ii) the extent to which the different solutions have contributed to fixing the problem, (iii) the potential that the solutions have for helping fix the problem as such solutions are more fully implemented, (iv) the political, legal, and practical obstacles that impede implementing the solutions, and (v) the disadvantages and negative aspects that the solutions have in trying to fix the problem of guns and gun violence.

Everytown has years of experience in trying to implement the solutions. Everytown knows how fast or slowly the solutions have been implemented thus far and knows what the biggest impediments have been thus far. Everytown probably has little sense of how many years longer it will take to satisfactorily implement the solutions. 

The biggest impediment seems to be that there is a large segment of the politicians and the United States population that is unreasoning and absolutistic in their political opposition to implementing Everytown's solutions. This is expressed by screaming that any limitation or restriction on guns opens the door for a tyrannical Federal government subjugating and enslaving Americans.

II. The help that open carry only can provide 

Allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home offers the following potential help for implementing Everytown's solutions and fixing the gun violence problem.

A. Pushing back against Second Amendment absolutism
The Supreme Court's holding that a citizen has a constitutional right to carry a handgun outside the home for self-defense should be used for better public defining of what the Second Amendment protects and what it does not protect. This can be briefly indicated as follows:
1. There is a clear purpose of the Second Amendment that the citizens be available to bear arms to defend the United States and its constitution against foreign invaders and domestic insurrectionists.
2. The Second Amendment reflected a concern about the Federal government having a large standing army that might be unlawfully deployed by the Federal government in an offensive way against the States and the American population. While the Second Amendment has an aspect of protecting against the Federal government making an offensive use of a Federal standing army against the States and the American population, the Second Amendment does not give citizens the right to bear arms to attack the United States and the constitution.
3. The Heller case and the 2022 New York Rifle Association case hold that the Second Amendment gives citizens the right to have arms in their home to defend their home and to carry guns outside the home for purposes of self-defense outside the home.
4. The Second Amendment right of citizens to bear arms is not absolute, and the Federal, state and local governments can have restrictions and limitations having public safety purposes (e.g., background checks, outlawing machine guns, registration and licensing requirement, denying guns to felons, designation of sensitive areas where guns are prohibited.) 
The foregoing should be constantly pushed to the fore against unreasoning and absolutistic political opposition to implementing Everytown's solutions, and the screaming that goes along with such opposition that any limitation or restriction on guns opens the door for a tyrannical Federal government subjugating and enslaving Americans.

B. Only open carry for self-defense will reduce guns in public and have other beneficial effects
1. Open carry of a gun for self-defense exposes a person to being judged by others, and will make the person more reflective about carrying a gun or not, including about how concerned they are for their personal safety or whether they are not so concerned about their safety that they don't want to expose themselves to how others will judge them. It is a reasonable estimate that many people who would carry a concealed weapon would decide not to carry a gun openly. 

2. Open carry only provides useful information to the police and to the public, which information can be used in different ways. Although the police need to speak for themselves, it would seem that it would be helpful to the police in being able to see who is carrying guns and to be able to have some reliance on people not carrying guns if the guns are not visible. Many people openly carrying guns may be used by other persons to avoid places where that is happening. This in turn may lead to more use by public authorities of "sensitive area" designations where guns are prohibited. Private businesses who don't want guns on their premises will be better able to exclude persons who are carrying guns if there is no concealed carry and only open carry.

3. . Violations of the prohibition on concealed carry can be a basis for denying the violator of his right to bear arms, as with felons. Members of the public would be invited to report to the police violations of the prohibition on concealed carry, and the police can follow up

4. The limitation of open carry outside the home for self-defense can be used to prohibit certain weapons from being carried outside the home as not having a purpose of self-defense and as having a purpose of intimidation.

5. People deciding to carry guns outside the home for self-defense will likely pay more attention to gun safety, including their ability to use the gun properly. Only open carry of guns outside home for self-defense may be accompanied by the law have gun training requirements for those persons choosing to carry guns openly and requiring the person carrying the gun to have insurance.

C. Help for advancing Everytown's gun violence solutions
The Supreme Court's holding that the Second Amendment gives citizens a righ to carry a handgun outside the home for self-defense allows for better public defining of the Second Amendment as described in A. above will help advocacy of Everytown's solutions against unreasoning and absolutistic political opposition, and the screaming that goes along with such opposition that any limitation or restriction on guns opens the door for a tyrannical Federal government subjugating and enslaving Americans.

III. Solicitation of opinions of others
A. Mayor Woodfin and Birminghan Police Chief Thurmond
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Fri, Sep 16, 2022 11:58 am
Subject: Request for Mayor Woodfin's view about only open carry of guns outside home for self-defense
Dear Rick and Marie,
During the 6 weeks I have made numerous communications to City of Birmingham's government officials about allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home as way to reduce gun violence.
For a compilation of these communications, see
My reasoning in support of allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home is indicated at
I wish to to persuade local officials and authorities and others with more influence than I to lobby Gov. Ivey and the Alabama state legislature about this.
I request for Mayor Woodfin to state his position about allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home in Birmingham.
If Mayor Woodfin declines to state a position, I would like that to be expressly indicated, such as an email from you in response to this email saying that Mayor Woodfin declines to state a position in response to my request.
Please be advised that I further wish for Birmingham Police Chief Thurmond to state his position.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
cc. Chief Thurmond c/o

B. Jefferson County Sheriff Mark Pettway
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Fri, Sep 16, 2022 3:44 pm
Subject: For Sheriff Pettway - Request for your view about only open carry of guns outside home for self-defense
Dear Sheriff Pettway,
During the last 6 weeks I have made numerous communications to the Jefferson County Sheriff's office and other Jefferson County government officials about allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home as way to reduce gun violence.
For a compilation of these communications, see
My reasoning in support of allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home is indicated at
I wish to to persuade local officials and authorities and others with more influence than I to lobby Gov. Ivey and the Alabama state legislature about this.
I request of you Sheriff Pettway to state please your position about allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home in Birmingham. [Ed. original of this email mistakenly said Birmingham and not Jefferson County]
If you decline to state a position, I would appreciate it for that to be expressly indicated, such as by an email in response to this email saying that you decline to state a position in response to this request.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook

C. Alabama Law Enforcement Agency
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Sat, Sep 17, 2022 7:13 am
Subject: Does Alabama Law Enforcement Agency support open carry only outside home?
Dear Mr. Reader,
This email is in follow up to my August 22nd email to you about allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home as way to reduce gun violence.
My reasoning in support of allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home is indicated at
This matter has reached the point that I wish to to persuade state and local officials and authorities and others with more influence than I to lobby Gov. Ivey and the Alabama state legislature about this.
Can the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency please state whether or not it supports allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home?
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook

D. City of Mobile government
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>
Sent: Sun, Sep 18, 2022 7:30 am
Subject: Do you on behalf of City of Mobile support open carry only of guns outside home?
Dear Mayor Stimpson, City Attorney Woods, Public Safety Executive Director Battiste and Chief of Police Prine:
This email is in follow up to my September 5th email to you about allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense, and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home, as a way to reduce gun violence in Mobile.
My reasoning in support of allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home is indicated at
This matter has reached the point that I wish to to persuade state and local officials and authorities and others with more influence than I to lobby Gov. Ivey and the Alabama state legislature about this.
Can you please indicate whether or not you support allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home?
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook

E. Rep. Sewell and Rep. Palmer
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Sun, Sep 18, 2022 9:21 am
Subject: Rep. Palmer & Rep. Sewell - may I have your views on open carry only of guns outside home for self-defense?
Dear Rep. Palmer and Rep. Sewell:
I have been purveying that allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense, and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home, will reduce gun violence.
My reasoning in support of allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home is indicated at
This matter has reached the point that I wish to to persuade state and local officials and authorities and others with more influence than I to lobby Gov. Ivey and the Alabama state legislature about this.
I have two questions for you.
In the foregoing link I try to define what the Second Amendment protects and what it does not protect, saying the following:
1. There is a clear purpose of the Second Amendment that the citizens be available to bear arms to defend the United States and its constitution against foreign invaders and domestic insurrectionists.
2. The Second Amendment reflected a concern about the Federal government having a large standing army that might be unlawfully deployed by the Federal government in an offensive way against the States and the American population. While the Second Amendment has an aspect of protecting against the Federal government making an offensive use of a Federal standing army against the States and the American population, the Second Amendment does not give citizens the right to bear arms to attack the United States and the constitution.
3. The Heller case and the 2022 New York Rifle Association case hold that the Second Amendment gives citizens the right to have arms in their home to defend their home and to carry guns outside the home for purposes of self-defense outside the home.
4. The Second Amendment right of citizens to bear arms is not absolute, and the Federal, state and local governments can have restrictions and limitations having public safety purposes (e.g., background checks, outlawing machine guns, registration and licensing requirement, denying guns to felons, designation of sensitive areas where guns are prohibited.)
My first question is: To what extent to do you agree or disagree with the foregoing that I say about what the Second Amendment protects and what it does not protect?
Second, do you think allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home would reduce gun violence?
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook

Thursday, September 1, 2022

National discussion of open carry only

Email to MD gubernatorial candidate Wes Moore
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, <>
Sent: Fri, Aug 5, 2022 10:28 am
Subject: Your MD gubernatorial candidacy; your visit to Eagles Mere PA; and reducing gun violence in Maryland
Dear Mr. Moore,
I became aware of your candidacy for governor of the State of Maryland during your recent visit to Eagles Mere PA.
I live in Alabama and am purveying to my Alabama lawmakers, mayors, police departments, sheriff's departments and others that gun violence could be significantly reduced if only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense is allowed, and concealed carry of guns outside the home is prohibited. See and
I hope your campaign will consider this idea as part of your Public Safety and Criminal Justice platform you set out at
Thank you very much.
[to be filed in]


From: Rob Shattuck <>To: <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Sun, Aug 28, 2022 8:10 am
Subject: Indianapolis shooting of Dutch soldiers -reducing gun violence by allowing only open carry of guns outside home
Dear Mr. Brantley and Mr. Burtner,
I live in Alabama.
In Alabama I am purveying that I believe the individual right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home can be fully accommodated, and at the same time gun violence will be greatly reduced if the only permitted carry of guns outside the home is open carry, and concealed carry of guns outside the home is prohibited.
I am trying to obtain a discussion of this with Alabama lawmakers, mayors, police departments, public health authorities, and business chambers of commerce.
For more information about this, see
Yesterday's early morning shooting in Indianapolis’ entertainment district is another data point that should keep stimulated the interest of the Indiana business community in reducing gun violence.
I hope you will consider whether gun violence will be reduced in Indiana by allowing only open carry of guns outside the home, and, if you conclude it will, to present your belief to the Indiana legislature and to Indiana city councils and county commissions.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck


From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Mon, Aug 29, 2022 4:30 pm
Subject: Bend Safeway shooting -reducing gun violence by allowing only open carry of guns outside home for self-defense
Dear Ms. Edmonds, Mr. Wilson, Ms. Dresler, Mayor Goodman-Campell, and Mr. Hemson:
I live in Alabama.
In Alabama I am purveying that I believe the individual right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home can be fully accommodated, and at the same time gun violence will be greatly reduced if the only permitted carry of guns outside the home is open carry for self-defense, and concealed carry of guns outside the home is prohibited.
I am trying to obtain a discussion of this with Alabama lawmakers, mayors, police departments, public health authorities, and business chambers of commerce.
For more information about this, see
Yesterday evening's Safeway grocery store shooting in Bend OR is another data point that should keep stimulated the interest of the Oregon business community in reducing gun violence.
I hope you will consider whether gun violence will be reduced in Oregon by allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense, and, if you conclude it will, to present your belief to the Oregon legislature and to Oregon city councils and county commissions.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck

The Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 30, 2022 8:00 am
Subject: reducing gun violence by allowing only open carry of guns outside home for self-defense
Dear The Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions
I live in Alabama.
In Alabama I am purveying that I believe the Second Amendment individual right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home can be fully accommodated, and at the same time gun violence will be greatly reduced, if the only permitted carry of guns outside the home is open carry for self-defense, and concealed carry of guns outside the home is prohibited.
I am trying to obtain a discussion of this with Alabama lawmakers, mayors, police departments, public health authorities, and business chambers of commerce.
For more information about this, see
I would be very interested in learning what The Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions thinks about this idea.
Please call me or email me to provide any comments on this idea that The Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions has.
Thank you very much.
Rob Shattuck

Protect Our Schools
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 30, 2022 6:04 pm
Subject: reducing gun violence by allowing only open carry of guns outside home for self-defense
To whom it may concern at Protect Our Schools:
This morning I sent the below email to The Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions regarding my idea that gun violence will be greatly reduced if the only permitted carry of guns outside the home is open carry for self-defense, and concealed carry of guns outside the home is prohibited.
As with The Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions, I would be very interested in learning what Protect Our Schools thinks about this idea.
Please call me or email me to provide any comments on this idea that Protect Our Schools has.
Thank you very much.
Rob Shattuck

Sandy Hook Promise
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Wed, Aug 31, 2022 4:31 am
Subject: reducing gun violence by allowing only open carry of guns outside home for self-defense
Dear Dr. Barry and Dr. Peterson:
I identified you from the Our Team — Sandy Hook Promise webpage.
Yesterday I sent the below email to The Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions regarding my idea that gun violence will be greatly reduced if the only permitted carry of guns outside the home is open carry for self-defense, and concealed carry of guns outside the home is prohibited.
As with The Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions, I would be very interested in learning what you think about this idea.
Please call me or email me to provide any comments on this idea that you have.
Thank you very much.
Rob Shattuck

Prevent Gun Violence Florida, Inc. 
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Sent: Wed, Aug 31, 2022 4:48 pm
Subject: reducing gun violence by allowing only open carry of guns outside home for self-defense
Dear Ms. Brigham
I am in Alabama.
In Alabama I am purveying that I believe the Second Amendment individual right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home can be fully accommodated, and at the same time gun violence will be greatly reduced if the only permitted carry of guns outside the home is open carry for self-defense, and concealed carry of guns outside the home is prohibited.
I am trying to obtain a discussion of this with Alabama lawmakers, mayors, police departments, public health authorities, and business chambers of commerce.
For more information about this, see
I am interested in learning what Prevent Gun Violence Florida, Inc. thinks about this idea.
Please call me or email me to provide any comments on this idea that Prevent Gun Violence Florida, Inc. has.
Thank you very much.
Rob Shattuck

Ban Assault Weapons NOW
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Sent: Wed, Aug 31, 2022 5:03 pm
Subject: reducing gun violence by allowing only open carry of guns outside home for self-defense
To whom it may concern at Ban Assault Weapons NOW:
I am in Alabama.
In Alabama I am purveying that I believe the Second Amendment individual right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home can be fully accommodated, and at the same time gun violence will be greatly reduced if the only permitted carry of guns outside the home is open carry for self-defense, and concealed carry of guns outside the home is prohibited.
I am trying to obtain a discussion of this with Alabama lawmakers, mayors, police departments, public health authorities, and business chambers of commerce.
For more information about this, see
I am interested in learning what Ban Assault Weapons NOW thinks about this idea.
Please call me or email me to provide any comments on this idea that Ban Assault Weapons NOW has.
Thank you very much.
Rob Shattuck
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Sent: Wed, Aug 31, 2022 5:21 pm
Subject: reducing gun violence by allowing only open carry of guns outside home for self-defense
To whom it may concern at
I live in Alabama.
In Alabama I am purveying that I believe the Second Amendment individual right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home can be fully accommodated, and at the same time gun violence will be greatly reduced if the only permitted carry of guns outside the home is open carry for self-defense, and concealed carry of guns outside the home is prohibited.
I am trying to obtain a discussion of this with Alabama lawmakers, mayors, police departments, public health authorities, and business chambers of commerce.
For more information about this, see
I am interested in learning what thinks about this idea.
Please call me or email me to provide any comments on this idea that has.
Thank you very much.
Rob Shattuck

Phoenix shooting
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Fri, Sep 2, 2022 6:40 pm
Subject: Phoenix business & Phoenix gun violence - allowing only open carry of guns outside home for self-defense
Dear Mr. Sanders, Mr. Huckins, and Ms. Springman:
I live in Alabama.
In Alabama I am purveying that I believe the individual right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home can be fully accommodated, and at the same time gun violence will be greatly reduced if the only permitted carry of guns outside the home is open carry for self-defense, and concealed carry of guns outside the home is prohibited.
For more information about this, see
Monday's gun violence in Phoenix ("A gunman clad in tactical gear and armed with a semi-automatic rifle killed 2 and injured 5 others in Phoenix shooting, police say") is another data point that should keep stimulated the interest of the Phoenix business community in reducing gun violence.
Making Americans safer from gun violence may be harder now than ever before.
Consider what has happened with The Concealed Carry Improvement Act that New York State passed during a special session a week after the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association case. That new law took effect yesterday, and immediately it became clear the law will be strenuously challenged in the courts, with an unknown outcome at this time. See New gun law continues on despite judge calling it 'unconstitutional'.
I don't know what other laws will be enacted in Arizona or other states in reaction to the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association case or what the legal prospects of those laws will be.
It seems to me that the touchstone for the business community in Phoenix and throughout the United States should be in the vein of:
"Americans have a right to have guns for self-defense. At the same time, there is a role for governments to protect Americans from gun violence. There are ways the governments can do that without violating Second Amendment rights of citizens to have guns for self-defense. Our Phoenix chamber of commerce will engage with Arizona lawmakers, the Phoenix city council, and Arizona law enforcement about this." 
I hope you will consider whether gun violence will be reduced in Arizona by allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense, and, if you conclude it will, to present your belief to the Arizona legislature and to the Phoenix city council.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL
[to be filed in]

From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Sat, Sep 3, 2022 7:57 am
Subject: Re 2nd Amendment in support of email to Dean Colleen Barry, Cornell Brooks School of Public Policy
Dear Professors Dorf, Johnson, Rana, Richardson, Stiglitz, and Tebbe:
I sent the below email to Dr. Barry because of her position as Board Director of Sandy Hook Promise. Also, Dr. Barry at one time led the bi-annual Johns Hopkins National Gun Policy Tracking Survey.
My email to Dr. Barry solicits what she thinks about whether gun violence would be greatly reduced if the only permitted carry of guns outside the home is open carry for self-defense, and concealed carry of guns outside the home is prohibited.
I think a law that allows only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibits concealed carry of guns outside can pass muster under the Second Amendment.
I don't know whether Dr. Barry would be interested in what Cornell constitutional law professors think on the question, but this email invites same.
More interesting to me is whether only the states could enact laws that allow only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibit concealed carry of guns outside the home, or whether there is a way a Congressional enactment could accomplish that result.
Thank you very much for your indulgence with this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, Alabama

7-Eleven shooting in Maryland
From: Rob Shattuck <>
Sent: Mon, Sep 5, 2022 7:12 am
Subject: Maryland business & Maryland gun violence - allowing only open carry of guns outside home for self-defense
Dear Maryland Chamber of Commerce, Baltimore Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Weldon and Ms. Balcombe:
I live in Alabama.
In Alabama I am purveying that I believe the individual right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home can be fully accommodated, and at the same time gun violence will be greatly reduced if the only permitted carry of guns outside the home is open carry for self-defense, and concealed carry of guns outside the home is prohibited.
For more information about this, see
Saturday night's gun violence in Maryland ("1 dead and multiple injured in shooting at Maryland 7-Eleven") is another data point that should keep stimulated the interest of the Maryland business community in reducing gun violence.
Making Americans safer from gun violence may be harder now than ever before.
Consider what has happened with The Concealed Carry Improvement Act that New York State passed during a special session a week after the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association case. That new law took effect last Thursday, and immediately it became clear the law will be strenuously challenged in the courts, with an unknown outcome at this time. See New gun law continues on despite judge calling it 'unconstitutional'.
I don't know what other laws will be enacted in Maryland or other states in reaction to the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association case or what the legal prospects of those laws will be.
It seems to me that the touchstone for the business community in Maryland and throughout the United States should be in the vein of:
"Americans have a right to have guns for self-defense. At the same time, there is a role for governments to protect Americans from gun violence. There are ways the governments can do that without violating Second Amendment rights of citizens to have guns for self-defense. Our chamber of commerce will engage with our state's lawmakers, city councils, and law enforcement about this."
I hope you will consider whether gun violence will be reduced in Maryland by allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense, and, if you conclude it will, to present your belief to the Maryland legislature and to Maryland city councils.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL
[to be filed in]

Norfolk VA off-campus mass shooting
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Mon, Sep 5, 2022 3:46 pm
Subject: Norfolk shooting - emails to Indiana, Oregon, Arizona and Maryland chambers re their states' recent nationally publicized gun violence
I have sent emails to Indiana chambers of commerce (in connection with the shooting of Dutch soldiers in Indianapolis), the Oregon chamber of commerce (in connection with the Bend Safeway grocery store shooting), the Phoenix chamber of commerce (in connection with the past week's Phoenix shooting), and Maryland chambers of commerce (in connection with the 7-Eleven shooting in Maryland).
My emails are posted at
I would like it very much for you to go to the foregoing link and read those emails.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, Alabama

Memphis shooting spree
From: Rob Shattuck <>To: <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Fri, Sep 9, 2022 4:22 pm
Subject: Memphis shooting spree - emails to IN, OR, AZ &MD chambers re their states' recent nationally publicized gun violence
I have sent emails to Indiana chambers of commerce (in connection with the shooting of Dutch soldiers in Indianapolis), the Oregon chamber of commerce (in connection with the Bend Safeway grocery store shooting), the Phoenix chamber of commerce (in connection with the past week's Phoenix shooting), and Maryland chambers of commerce (in connection with the 7-Eleven shooting in Maryland).
My emails are posted at
I would like it very much for you to go to the foregoing link and read those emails.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, Alabama

Cobb County GA deputies killed