Saturday, September 24, 2022

National discussion of "Declaration of Public Officials for Gun Violence Prevention"

Email to gun control organizations
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Fri, Sep 23, 2022 10:02 am
Subject: Is "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" a useful tool for advancing gun control objectives?
In follow up to my previous emails to you, can you kindly review the "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" that is set out at and indicate to me whether or not you think the Declaration is a useful tool for advancing gun control objectives in the United States?
Are there wording changes in the Declaration that you think would improve the Declaration?
Thank you very much.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Ohio Senatorial candidate Tim Ryan

Kansas Moms Demand 

Nebraska Moms Demand 

Comments left on police department Facebooks
I have posted the below comment on the police department Facebooks that are indicated below, such comment being posted on the left hand date on the police department Facebook post posted on the right hand date:
"I live in Alabama. Please read the below "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention." Thank you."
9/25 -, August 31 post
9/25 -, September 5 post
9/25 -, September 4 post

Moms Demand
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Sent: Sun, Sep 25, 2022 7:01 pm
Subject: Re: Response to your previous email
Dear Susan and Paula,
I am continuing my work, both in Alabama and reaching outside of Alabama.
This includes and
In the first of the above links, I include that Anne Leader thinks open carry is a bad idea.
In my work, I wish to find out what others think, including particularly what police and other law enforcement think. My extensive efforts have not yet gotten response other than from Anne.
Also, per, I am seeking for candidates and Moms Demand volunteers outside Alabama to consider and endorse my "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention".
Does Moms Demand have any problem with what I am doing? If Moms Demand wishes that I not do as I am doing in my efforts, I am willing to listen to the reasons why and consider the reasons in how I continue with my efforts.
Thank you, Susan and Paula.

More Moms Demand volunteers and candidates

9/29/22 #preventgunviolencedeclaration
I have started using hashtag #preventgunviolencedeclaration on my tweets to candidates and Moms Demand volunteers and will limit further compiling of such tweets in this blog entry. Go to #preventgunviolencedeclaration to see my tweets going forward.

10/2/22 Baltimore Sun commentary
Email to Dr. Mitch Doucette of John Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Sent: Sun, Oct 2, 2022 8:01 am
Subject: 9/29 Baltimore Sun commentary "More guns everywhere do not make us safer"
Dear Dr. Doucette
This is the email I said I would send you after I saw the link on Twitter to the September 29th Baltimore Sun commentary "More guns everywhere do not make us safer", written by Dan Rodricks.
In the commentary, you are quoted as saying, “Allowing more individuals to carry concealed guns in public [including those with previous arrests] can increase inappropriate use of firearms in response to interpersonal conflicts, disputes or other situations." (I have not yet accessed Dan Rodricks' full commentary and the foregoing quote appears in the tweet I saw.)
Guns are out of control in the United States, and the problem is getting worse as a result of the United States Supreme Court decision in the New York Rifle Association case this summer.
That case has gotten the gun rights extremists, and the politicians who exploit the guns issue, hard at work seeking state laws that expand gun rights and that will, in your words, "increase inappropriate use of firearms."
On the other side, gun control proponents have many ideas and solutions for reducing gun violence and saving lives. See, e.g.,
Their problem, however, in trying to advance the implementation of such solutions is the unreasoning and absolutistic political opposition that hysterically screams that any limitation or restriction on guns opens the door for a tyrannical Federal government to take away everyone's guns and subjugate and enslave the American people.
In this situation, I think the political messaging on the gun control side should expressly acknowledge the United States Supreme Court has held that "the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home" and protects “an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home.”
After expressly acknowledging that, the gun control side should argue for drawing the line based on "self-defense" (and animal hunting) purposes and build from there.
I have tried to do this in the form of "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" that is set out at
The idea is to frame the public debate as: "should guns in the hands of individuals be limited for self-defense (and animal hunting) purposes and, if the answer is yes, what are reasonable ways to implement that limitation and reduce gun violence?"
That would force the other side to argue that guns should not be limited for self-defense (and animal hunting), and guns should be allowed for any purpose whatever, such as for attacking the government and its police, intimidating and aggressing against other citizens, making political statements, and self-validation and expression, regardless of whatever increased gun violence results.
I say, let the public debate unfold on that, and let the voters consciously think about that and decide.
Last Friday there was reporting that "Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O'Rourke dodges twice when asked if he would 'take your AR-15'".
Read the foregoing reporting, and decide whether Beto ORourke should reframe his messaging along the lines I suggest above.
Note that I have suggested consideration be given to allowing only open carry of guns outside the home for self-defense and prohibiting concealed carry of guns outside the home. That suggestion needs a lot of thinking about and should have input from law enforcement. For thinking I have done about same, please read and
I hope you and others who are copied on this email will see merit in what I say and that the same will filter into what you communicate to the public and to lawmakers, law enforcement, and other public officials and policymakers, and even to political candidates during the next 37 days.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

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