To CBS42
The immediate purpose of this email is to urge CBS42 to provide a forum in which Alabamians who are antagonists in the fight over "critical race theory" in Alabama schools may have a conversation on CBS42 that has the effect of tamping down the fight.
I will write an email to @cbs_42 urging my object regarding critical race theory.
— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) November 19, 2021
Maybe a TV forum cannot be obtained.
Maybe if obtained, the effect will be zero, or even unhelpful.
Any comments, suggestions, or help you provide me will be appreciated.
“The most serious threat to our representative democracy is the betrayal of the values that empowered us to become the freest, most prosperous nation in the history of the free world. The dangerous bill advanced by House Democrats today would bring our nation alarmingly closer to the repressive socialist utopia envisioned by power hungry globalists who abhor American exceptionalism and the rights of all individuals. This transformative legislation seeks to elevate government to the all-powerful role of provider of our livelihoods and our liberties, not the protector of our God-given rights that our brilliant Founders created."
1. The extent to which Alabama is a one party state, with Republicans being in control and unaccountable in a reasonably competitive electoral process in Alabama;
2. The debilitation of local newspapers and their ability to help in holding elected officials accountable;
3. The ability of Republicans in office, and Republican candidates for office, to avoid answering questions that voters should hear answered;
4. The rise of social media as voters' main source of information and the huge problem of misinformation and disinformation on social media;
5. Extreme political polarization, the two sides not having reasonable public conversation with each other, and voters seeking or accepting being walled off from hearing the other side; and
6. The destruction of trust in institutions and authority.
In this dire crisis of politics, the highest motivation of the leaderships in the waging of the total political war is for one's side to have the power and for the other side not to have the power, with the best interests of the United States being secondary, if not disregarded. A large majority of Americans are being victimized in this existential power struggle by the leaderships of the two sides. This majority of Americans can be rightfully very pessimistic about the functioning of our democracy and its capacity to produce a governance of the society that, through compromise, has a large majority consensus of acceptance.
Instead of compromise, and a a large majority acceptance of the process by which governance is determined through elections, there is rage and demonizing, and no large majority acceptance of our governance and our institutions of governance.
Local TV stations; my suggestionsI have the following suggestions:
1. Press elected officials and candidates harder to get answers to questions they don't want to answer. If officials and candidate balks, employ the "empty chair" tactic I urged to Ms. Susana Schuler, President & General Manager, WVTM13, as set out at
2. Identify issues that, in the national crisis of politics, the TV station thinks are especially worthy of editorializing by the TV station, and do on air editorializing.
3. Try to get debates between representatives of the two sides. Develop town hall and round table type conversations involving regular Alabamians on both sides.
4. Identify groups in Alabama that are influential and that have concerns about issues you have identified as worthy of editorialization. Engage with the groups with the view of providing them a TV forum in which to express their views. Particularly address with the groups the extent they have lost the trust of Alabamians and endeavor to work with the groups to rebuild trust through their presentations on TV. Consider how I have endeavored to engage the business community as indicated at, but to little avail. Ask the Alabama Republican Party whether it has a desire for a TV forum via your TV station. If the answer is yes, engage with them about whether the forum can be utilized by the party in a way that positively contributes to the TV station fulfilling the role you have for your TV station, as discussed above. I think most TV stations have done a good job in involving the medical community expertise related to COVID, the vaccines and vaccination. One new thing that might be done is to have direct, side by side engagement between the medical community and Republican elected officials relative to vaccine mandates.
5. Talk to your audience about the problem of social media misinformation and develop program presentations for helping your audience to overcome the problem for themselves personally.
6. Convey to your audience the problem of the debilitation of local newspapers and their ability to contribute to holding elected officials accountable; that your TV station is endeavoring to step into the breach: and what your TV station is undertaking to do in its programming. If your TV station needs funding to undertake new, added programming, tell your audience that. Have a mechanism in place for receiving contributions from individuals, corporations, and nonprofit organizations.
Particular issues and mattersIf your TV station undertakes any of the foregoing suggestions or has other ideas for new things to do, I think the focus should be on matters as to which the TV station believes one side or the other, or both sides, communicate gross, one sided messaging to their base. Your TV station should consider the extent to which such messaging enrages their base against the other side and adds to polarization and division in the country. Your TV station should think about whether it can effectively make its viewers conscious of the one sided distortions that the viewers receive from their side and potentially may have their minds changed in how they view the particular subject. Particularly think about how the sidelined majority in the middle will react favorably to reasonable, centrist, unemotional discourse on the subject.
I will keep on tweeting & endeavoring other things in trying to get a response to my charge that Gov. Ivey and ALGOP legislators are guilty of nonfeasance, malfeasance or moral depravity in their prohibiting vaccine mandates in Alabama.#alpolitics
— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) November 19, 2021
If Alabama TV stations are able to interview @MikeDurantAL about reducing gun violence in Alabama, I believe such interviews will show that he is as unwilling and as uninterested in reducing gun violence, as Rep. Gary Palmer is.#alpolitics #alsen
— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) November 19, 2021
To: <>
Sent: Tue, Nov 23, 2021 6:28 pm
Subject: Appeal to CBS42 regarding United States dire crisis of politics
The below tweets are part of my communicating to other Alabama TV stations the email I sent to CBS42.
— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) November 27, 2021
A man dedicated to serving his country who is running for U.S. Senator from Alabama should answer probing questions, so Alabamians can know better what service he would give as Senator.@MeganReynatv #alsen
— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) November 27, 2021
In the course of the 2022 elections, please work hard on getting Rep. Palmer to answer hard questions. #alpolitics #al06
@MikeDurantAL & Huntsville TV stations should set up some interviews in which #HardQuestions4ALSenCandidates get asked and answered. @whnt @WAAYTV #alpolitics
— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) November 23, 2021