Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Clarion call against politics destroying USA

Total political war is erupting over vaccine mandates, with the Republicans seeking to prevent vaccine mandates and the Democrats advocating in favor of vaccine mandates.

The political war over vaccine mandates is threatening debilitation of the our economy and threatening another year's disruption in the education and socialization of our children.

The political war over vaccine mandates is another example of how little politicians care for our country and its citizens, and how greatly, if not exclusively, they are motivated to have and maintain political power for their political party and themselves personally.

Taking as a guide the existential political war over voting between Republicans and Democrats that has been growing and intensifying during the past year and a half, it is likely that the politicians will escalate the political war over vaccine mandates, and the politicians will not try to resolve the war over mandates in the best interests of the American people, including as regards the economy and education of our children.

Can we the citizens overcome the politicians and their political war over vaccine mandates?

I interpret Will Ainsworth's "all-fronts political war" against Biden's vaccine mandates on private businesses and individuals in the way I say in the below tweet. Interpretations are not black and white, but they are important to the extent others agree with the interpretation. The matter in question is critical, and those in Alabama who have the respect and trust of Alabamians should make their views known to Alabamians. In particular, Alabama TV stations should bring to bear their editorial function and editorialize about this.

See also Nonfeasance, malfeasance or moral depravity, in which I contend that it was nonfeasance, malfeasance and/or moral depravity on the part of Alabama legislators to vote in May to prohibit the use of vaccine passports by the government, businesses and employers, and it is nonfeasance, malfeasance and/or moral depravity for Gov. Ivey to oppose absolutely government vaccine mandates, and give no explanation of her reasons.

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