Saturday, November 7, 2020

Beat back baseless election fraud claims

It seems that Trump will plunge America into an orgy over his baseless claims of election fraud.

The Trumpster side in Alabama is going full tilt at fomenting doubt about the legitimacy of the election that will put Joe Biden in the White House.

They have their political agenda, and that political agenda will undermine President Biden in leading America through the pandemic.

Those who want President Biden to succeed in leading America through the pandemic need to battle against the baseless election fraud claims that the Trumpster side is seeking to foment.

This includes Alabamians who want President Biden to succeed in leading America through the pandemic.

A roster needs to be established of Alabamians who will battle back against the Alabama Trumpsters who are spreading Trump's baseless election fraud claims in Alabama.

Brian Lyman can be put first on this roster. 

This blog entry needs updating.
For 4 weeks Trump's has been relentless in making his election fraud claims.
The more Trump has failed in the courts with his fraud claims, the more outlandish Trump and his team have become with conspiracy theories.
Yesterday, Trump extended his conspiracy theories to include the FBI and the Department of Justice participating in rigging the election.
On Twitter there continues much backing of Trump's election fraud conspiracy theories. See hashtag #StoptheSteal on Twitter.
In Alabama, the battle against Trump's baseless election fraud claims goes on.
Brian Lyman and other print reporters have been doing good work.
Alabama TV news programs, in reporting on Trump's election fraud claims, report on Trump's mounting losses in court, and they frequently include "editorial" statements about there being no evidence of fraud that warrants any changing of election results.
Some in ALGOP and "conservative" commentators and radio talk shows are continuing with purveying baseless election fraud claims.
For additional work I have done the past 4 weeks, see Where are Alabama's leadersWill John Merrill get blamed, and Contradicting Trump.

Trump and truth and facts
For four years, Trump supporters have accepted that Trump says whatever he wants, regardless of truth and facts.
They have also accepted that Trump does questionable things that no other politician would do. 
Trump's motivations in saying what he says, regardless of truth and facts, and for doing things no other politician would do, are best known to Trump.
Other persons, including Trump supporters, are left to speculations about Trump's motives, particularly when it seems Trump is hurting and not helping himself with things he says or does.
With things that are contrary to truth and facts, it unclear whether Trump knows the things are contrary to truth and facts, or whether Trump does not believe there are truth and facts so he does not know what is contrary to truth and facts (i.e., Trump is detached from reality).
Regardless of what Trump thinks, other persons, including Trump supporters, have their own beliefs about truth and facts and have opinions about whether things Trump says are contrary to truth and facts. 
Trump supporters may themselves be like Trump and be indifferent to truth and facts or not believe in truth and facts.
Persons who believe there are truth and facts consider truth and facts to be important for various reasons, including for making their personal decisions in life, for their employers making good business decisions from which they benefit, and for their government making policy decisions and taking actions that affect them.
Trump is extremely problematic for persons who believe that there are truth and facts because, as President, Trump affects matters of the country's governance and, if he makes decisions with indifference to truth and facts, those decisions may be bad for the country. 
This gets exacerbated if Trump supporters believe things Trump says that are contrary to truth and facts, or they are indifferent to truth and facts like Trump, which increases Trump's power to disregard truth and facts in making decisions.
The foregoing has come to a culmination in Trump's month long pursuit of his claims of election fraud.
Fair elections, and citizens' beliefs in there being fair elections, are critical to our democracy.
Because of Trump's election fraud claims, untold numbers of Americans believe there was massive fraud in the 2020 election and the election was "stolen" by the Democrats.
There are also Trump supporters who believe that Trump's election fraud claims are baseless but who nonetheless support and participate with Trump in purveying his election fraud claims.
These latter Trump supporters especially need to be beaten back.

Voter reliance on election machinery
Election machinery in the United States is ponderous, diverse and a work in progress.
Tens of thousands of government officials and citizens strive mightily to make the machinery work well.
We vote in reliance on and trust of these officials and citizens and the hard work they do and the machinery they have in place for the voters to have a democratic election. 
An election loser cannot afterwards contend the election machinery on which the voters relied in having the election should have been different machinery or operated differently, and, based on such contention, get the election invalidated or get the loser declared the winner contrary to the results that were produced.
That does not prevent the loser or anyone else from seeking to get the election machinery changed for future elections.

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