Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Reply to Rep. Byrne

This is a reply to Rep. Byrne's article The Facts About Ukraine. This reply is, in part, in the form of questions for Rep. Byrne.

1. Trump's actual motive and its relevance 

There is a range for what Trump's actual motive might have been.

At one end of the range, Trump possibly had no general interest in Ukraine taking action against Ukranian corruption, and, if the 2016 Crowdstrike theory and the Bidens were not available for Trump to target, Trump would not have put, or tried to put, any conditions on providing the Ukranian security assistance and a White House meeting with Zelenski. Under this scenario of Trump's possible actual motive, Trump's only motive for putting conditions on providing the Ukranian security assistance and a Zelinski White House meeting  was to help himself politically. (In this discussion, such a motive will be sometimes referred to as a "bad" or "corrupt" motive.)

At the other end of the range of possible Trump motive, Trump possibly had a special interest in Ukraine taking action against Ukranian corruption, and Trump's seeking to have Zelenski investigate Crowdstrike and the Bidens was to advance that special interest of Trump and was not at all motivated to help himself politically. (In this discussion, such a motive will be sometimes referred to as a "good" motive.)

Actual motive of one person is hard for other persons to determine with certainty.

It may be that Rep. Byrne's position is that Trump's actual motive is irrelevant in the impeachment proceeding.

This may be because Rep.Byrne thinks, no matter what Trump's motive was, Trump had the right and power to do what he did, thus what Trump did was not wrong, and Trump's actual motive (whether a "good" motive or a "bad" motive) cannot be any basis for impeachment.

Alternatively, Rep. Byrne may think Trump's actual motive is not relevant because it is impossible for anyone other than Trump to know with certainty what Trump's motive was, and therefore Trump's actual motive cannot and should not be made a basis for impeachment.

If Rep. Byrne believes Trump's actual motive is not relevant in the impeachment proceeding, Rep. Byrne should expressly say so.

If Rep. Byrne does not say that Trump's actual motive is irrelevant in the impeachment proceeding, that means Trump's actual motive needs to be delved into, and ultimately the U.S. Senate, as the jury, needs to make a determination of what it believes Trump's actual motive was.

2. Determining Trump's actual motive

Many facts and circumstances are possibly relevant for the United States Senate, as jury, to decide what Trump's actual motive was for Trump's seeking to have Zelenski investigate Crowdstrike and the Bidens.

Further, as the jury, it is up to the United States Senate to consider the possibly relevant facts and circumstances and to evaluate the evidence as establishing, or not establishing, the facts and circumstances that the United States Senate thinks are relevant to take into account in reaching its determination about Trump's actual motive.

Much has been brought forth in the three days of public impeachment hearings that the United States Senate could find relevant for determining Trump's actual motive.

A great deal of additional information is potentially relevant for the United States Senate to determine Trump's actual motive.

3. Hunter Biden

In determining Trump's actual motive, Hunter Biden needs to be considered in an historical context of how much candidate Trump said he would take on governmental corruption and "drain the swamp" and whether Trump was dishonest and has been dishonest with the American people about "draining the swamp."

For this purpose, the United States Senate, as jury in the impeachment trial which must decide Trump's actual motive, could consider the following:

In the first Republican debate in August 2015, candidate Trump touted how much he gave to politicians and that "when I need them, they are there for me." (Here's video.)

In the 2016 election candidate Trump crucified Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation for conflicts of interest, pay to play and attendant corruption.

At the same time, questions were raised about a Trump Foundation contribution to Florida attorney general Pam Bondi, allegedly to shut down an investigation of Trump University. Since candidate Trump had publicly said he gave to politicians to get them do what he wants, it was reasonable to be suspicious of Trump and Bondi's denials of anything untoward happening. (Here's video.)

Candidate Trump campaigned hard at the close of his campaign that he would "drain the swamp" in Washington DC.

Shortly before Election Day candidate Trump put out a Contract with the American Voter, In this contract, Trump committed to embark immediately on a plan for restoring honesty and accountability, and bringing change to Washington. The Contract proposed six measures to clean up the corruption and special interest collusion in Washington, DC. These were:
★ FIRST, propose a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress.
★ SECOND, a hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce the federal workforce through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health).
★ THIRD, a requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated.
★ FOURTH, a five-year ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service.
★ FIFTH, a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.
★ SIXTH, a complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.

Trump had a large business empire, and, and after he was elected there was an obvious question of whether Trump's conflicts of interest  would lead Trump to being corrupt, as he had accused the Clintons of having been corrupt.

After Trump won the election, Trump decided that the investigation of Hillary Clinton should not continue. While the United States does not want to be a "banana republic" in which the winners of elections seek to jail their political opponents, Trump could have embarked on a "heart to heart" with the American people related to the charges Trump had leveled against Hillary Clinton and could have launched a significant initiative for new rules for dealing with conflicts of interest to lessen corruption, including better vetting procedures regarding conflicts of interest (perhaps citing inadequate Congressional vetting of the Hillary Clinton and Clinton Foundation situation). 

Such an initiative by Trump concerning conflicts of interest might have exposed for public consideration the then relatively recent events of the withholding of loans to the Ukraine while Joe Biden was Vice President and Hunter Biden was on the board of directors or doing consulting for a Ukranian corporation.

All things considered, it was reasonable to think Trump chose not to undertake a serious initiative about conflicts of interest and corruption in Washington DC because Trump had his own conflicts of interest and corruption that he was going to pursue as President and he did not want any interference with that.

When Trump announced in February 2017 how he was going to handle his conflicts of interest, it was immediately recognized that the same was not adequate (see Wall Street Journal op/ed piece A Real Fix for Trump’s Conflicts of Interest), and that, over time, the problem of Trump's conflicts of interest and of his putting his own personal interests over the country's interests, would grow.

This problem was abetted by Republicans in Congress controlling the House at the start of Trump's presidency and not conducting proper Congressional oversight.

The record of the past 2-1/2 years presents a case that Trump has egregiously put his personal interests over the country's interest. See Trump Team’s Conflicts and Scandals: An Interactive Guide.

Candidate Trump's FIFTH and SIXTH commitments in his Contract with the American voter were:
★ FIFTH, a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.
★ SIXTH, a complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.
Under President Trump, the country has been living in an excruciating three year mess of trying to learn about and combat foreign interference in American elections, which included the conviction of several Trump associates for crimes involving or related to foreign governments and corruption. This Trump record has belied Trump purporting to have genuine anti-corruption motivations.

The above historical context is something the United States Senate could consider in determining what Trump's actual motive was regarding Ukraine and could contribute to their determining that Trump had a "bad" motive and not a "good" motive for his actions regarding Ukraine.

4. Was it Russia or was it Ukraine?

There are several lines of attack insofar as Trump's defense is that he had a good motive in seeking for the Ukranians to investigate the Crowdstrike allegations of Ukranian interference in the 2016 elections.

The Crowdstrike allegations have been around since 2016 It needs to be explained why it is in 2019 that Trump would seek to withhold security assistance and a White House meeting unless Ukraine undertook, or publicly announced that it would underta,e an investigation of the Crowdstrike allegations.

Consider the history of the investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.


House intelligence committee investigation of Russia  (See Ballotpedia  House Intelligence Committee investigation on Russian activity in 2016 presidential election)

From January 2017 to January 2019, the Republicans were in control of the House of Representatives and the House intelligence committee.

On January 25, 2017, the House Intelligence Committee announced that it was investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, including possible links between Russia and any political campaigns. The committee further refined the scope of the investigation on March 1, 2017. It sought to answer the following questions:
What Russian active measures, including hacking, were directed against the U.S. and its allies?
Did those active measures include links between Russia and any political campaigns?
How did the U.S. government respond to Russian active measures? How can the U.S. protect itself in the future?
Were there leaks of classified information related to the intelligence community report on Russian activity?
After President Donald Trump released a series of four tweets on March 4, 2017, alleging that former President Barack Obama had his phones and Trump Tower, the headquarters of the Trump Organization, wiretapped during the 2016 presidential election, the investigation was expanded.

The White House requested on March 5, 2017, that the congressional intelligence committees determine whether the executive branch abused its power in 2016 as part of their investigation into Russian activity during the presidential election.

On the same day, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, indicated the committee would include Trump's wiretapping allegations in the scope of its Russian investigation. "One of the focus points of the House Intelligence Committee's investigation is the U.S. government's response to actions taken by Russian intelligence agents during the presidential campaign. As such, the Committee will make inquiries into whether the government was conducting surveillance activities on any political party’s campaign officials or surrogates, and we will continue to investigate this issue if the evidence warrants it," Nunes said in a statement.

The Muller investigation of Russia

The United States has gone through the  2 year Mueller investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign The length of the Mueller report was 448 pages, 34 people and 3 companies were indicted, convicted or plead guilty. Mueller had 19 lawyers, assisted by about 40 FBI agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants and other professional staff. More than 2,800 subpoenas were issued, and close to 500 search warrants were executed There were   230 orders for communication records,  50 orders authorizing use of pen registers to monitor electronic communications, and 13 requests to foreign governments for evidence. The special counsel interviewed approximately 500 witnesses. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/mueller-investigation-numbers-days-witnesses


Given how the Republicans controlled the House of Representatives from January 2017 to January 2019, and given how Trump was able, in March 2017, to get the House intelligence committee investigation expanded to include investigating whether his campaign was spied on, it needs to be explained why Trump did not get an investigation of Crowdstrike allegations initiated in 2017 or 2018 while the Republicans controlled the House of Representatives.

If the United States Senate is to determine whether Trump had a good motive in seeking Ukraine to do an investigation of Crowdstrike, a DOJ/FBI/Special Counsel investigation of the merits of the Crowdstrike allegations would be needed at this time. That would be very protracted.

Thursday, November 14, 2019


This blog entry is composed for @BforAL04 (first name Brian), who has announced he is seeking to run for Congress as an independent candidate in the Alabama 4th Congressional district. See Brian's Twitter account at @BforAL04.

This blog entry is composed on my own initiative and without any prior notice to, or approval from, Brian.

I am an independent and am interested in helping independent candidates for Congress in Alabama.

To get on the ballot as an independent candidate for Congress in the 4th Congressional district, Brian needs to submit to the Alabama Secretary of State by the primary election day in 2020 (which is March 3, 2020) a petition from registered voters in the  district.

The number of registered voters who are needed to sign the petition is three percent of the number of qualified electors who cast ballots for the office of governor in the last general election for the 4th Congressional district. (See page 44 of the document at  https://www.sos.alabama.gov/sites/default/files/Candidate%20Filing%20Guide%2008-2-2019.pdf.)

I do not know anything about how Brian plans to get his needed petition signatures.

I do not know what family, friends, acquaintances, contacts and connections Brian has for helping him get his petition signatures.

Brian has 3,006 followers on Twitter, and these followers should be considered a resource for helping Brian to get his needed petition signatures.

The main purpose of this blog entry is to suggest to Brian that he utilize the campaign tool of organized, direct tweeting to voters in the 4th Congressional district to help him get the petition signatures for being on the 2020 ballot in November.

For an explanation of this campaign tool, see the blog entry Organized, direct tweeting campaign tool and also look at the links in the blog entry of examples of the tool.

This campaign tool needs Brian to have supporters who will spend time doing tweeting that is needed  for the tool to work.

If Brian is interested in exploring the possible use of this tool to help him get petition signatures, a good start would be for Brian to tweet the idea to his followers and see what kind of interest and response he gets from his followers.

After I post this entry on my blog, I will tweet to Brian a link to this blog entry, and he can proceed from there as he sees fit.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Silos in AL politics

There is ignorance, misinformation and bias in the public political discourse in Alabama.

There are also pools of knowledge that could be helpful to Alabamians if the same was communicated to them.

Two of these are Alabama business chambers of commerce and the Alabama health care community (the latter comprised of doctors, nurses, hospitals, health insurance companies, governmental agencies and university academic departments). Alabama citizens should be better informed about what the business chambers of commerce think and what the Alabama health care community thinks.

11/23/19 National political crisis and failure of governance

I am seeking to communicate this to Alabama business chambers of commerce, because of our national political crisis and failure of governance.

In the incapacitation of our governance, there is widespread ignorance of voters about complex matters, there is a self-serving political class that advantages itself by keeping their political bases riled up with egregiously slanted communications, and there are pools of expertise with valuable knowledge and understanding about the complex matters as to which there is widespread voter ignorance.

In current conditions, these pools of expertise are in silos, their valuable knowledge and understanding do not get imparted to the voters, and the voters are relegated to receiving their slanted communications from the segment of the political class to which they bear allegiance.

The slanted communications from the two competing segments of the political class are contradictory and contribute to political deadlock.

Business, to serve its purposes, has an array of expertise, knowledge and understanding about the constitution, the law, public officials, the environment, the economy health care, gun violence and immigration.

In the national political crisis of impeachment, business chambers of commerce have the capacity to evaluate whether Donald Trump is violating the rule of law as the Democrats are alleging and, if so, the risk of that to the proper functioning of the republic so long as Donald Trump continues as President and also afterwards if Donald Trump should continue for four more years as President.

Business chambers of commerce also have the capacity to evaluate whether self-serving, self-protecting GOP members of Congress are failing in their constitutional duties to uphold the rule of law and are misleading their GOP voters about the risk of Donald Trump to the proper functioning of the republic.

I will not prejudge how any Alabama chamber of commerce makes the foregoing evaluations.

I will, however, say, if an Alabama chamber of commerce makes an evaluation that Donald Trump is violating the rule of law and is a serious risk to the the proper functioning of the republic, such Alabama chamber of commerce should speak publicly about the matter.

For what it is worth to you, my own thinking about this subject is indicated at http://trumptweet.blogspot.com/2019/11/draft-articles-of-impeachment.html.

Thank you for your attention to this communication.
Robert Shattuck

Alabama business chambers of commerce should come out of their silo and particularly communicate to Alabamians what the chambers of commerce think about:
1. Trump's three years of charges about Fake News and the making up of stories about him;.
2. Trump's alleged 13,345 false or misleading claims in 993 days as President https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/; and
3. Whether Trump has or seeks too much power as an economic czar over United States business, with the consequence of replacing rule of law by rule of Trump and contributing to the corruption of Trump using his economic czar powers to gain political allegiance to him from individual businesses, business sectors, and geographical areas of the country.

The impeachment is focused on Trump shaking down the newly elected Ukraine president in order for Trump to get a personal political benefit.
This has been accompanied  by Trump categorical statements that he did nothing wrong and stark fear of the GOP to contradict Trump by saying Trump did do something wrong.
It is fair to think, if Trump is not convicted in the Senate trial, Trump will be emboldened  to abuse his Presidential power and do more shaking down of victims in many other types of situations in order for Trump to obtain other personal benefits.
The fear will become more pervasive in the United States, particularly in the economy, that will further squelch any criticisms being made of Trump regarding his abuses of his Presidential powers.
Jeff Bezos and Amazon may not be silenced from making criticism of Trump, but big swaths of the business community may be cowed by Trump and subjected to Trump shake downs

The corona virus emergency has called attention to whether Trump has hollowed out the Federal government so that the government cannot fulfill important functions on which the American people depend, but about which hollowing out the American people are ignorant. ALGOP members of Congres probably cannot be looked to by Alabamians for information about this. For information about what has happened, refer to Michael Lewis' 2018 book The Fifth Risk, and George Packer's Atlantic Monthly article The President Is Winning His War on American Institutions. The Alabama business community should come out of their silo and communicate to Alabamians about this.

8/30/2020 Gun violence
After the Galleria mall shooting in 2018, I thought Alabama business chambers of commerce should be more outspoken on the subject of gun violence and gun control.
The controversy regarding Barry Moore's Facebook post about Kyle Rittenhouse has prompted me to add this section to the this blog entry.

4/21/21 email to Shelby County Chamber
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: ____@shelbychamber.org
Cc: ____@shelbychamber.org
Sent: Wed, Apr 21, 2021 8:31 am
Subject: Shelby County Chamber; AL HD73 special election; guns; abortion
Dear Mr. Mancer
I am availing of the House District 73 special election and the candidacy of Kenneth Paschal to write this email to the Shelby County Chamber.
Kenneth Paschal's campaign website https://www.kennethpaschal.com/ identifies him as connected with the Chamber and says the following:
Shelby County Chambers Governmental Affairs Group member; and Exchange Club of Shelby County Board of Directors
Committed to Pro-Life, supporter of Gun Rights, protection of your liberties and freedoms, and strengthening the Republican Party.
I have been advocating, via Twitter and my blogs, that the Alabama business community, as represented by chambers of commerce, bring to bear a better sensibility on the two political issues of guns and abortion, than is standard in the Alabama Republican Party, which is extreme in opposing abortion and in opposing increased gun control.
In light of the special election and the 2022 election cycle generally, and in light of current affairs, I urge the Shelby County Chamber to give new or further consideration to the two political issues of abortion and increased gun control. This would include review of the public messaging the chamber does regarding the same and the support that it and its members give to (or withhold from) political candidates connected to these two issues, and decide whether there should be changes in such public messaging and in support or not of candidates, such as Kenneth Paschal.
I am not a member of the chamber and can only appeal to the chamber's sense of civic responsibility and sense of what is good for Alabama business.
I have to think the chamber believes that gun violence is bad for business in Alabama, and reducing gun violence would be beneficial.
On abortion, let me put it in terms of a question: If Roe v. Wade was overturned, would it be good or bad for Alabama business for the Alabama legislature to enact a total ban on abortion in light of things like possible unwillingness of businesses to locate in Alabama due to a total ban on abortion.
While I can only appeal to the chamber's sense of civic responsibility and sense of what is good for Alabama business, I can augment the force of my appeal by making it public within my limited capacity to do that via Twitter and my blogs.
In that vein, please see https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2019/11/silos-in-al-politics.html, where, after I send this email, I will copy and paste this email.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck


[added 3/22/2021]
3/22/2021 Abortion

[added 9/14/2021]
9/14/2021 Vaccine mandates

Healthcare 2020

In the United States, one political side continues to seek  to "repeal and replace" Obamacare, the other political side trying to stand athwart that, and Trump and the Republicans doing piecemeal dismantling of Obamacare.

This leaves the healthcare system a mess, with no sign that our broken, polarized Congress has any capacity to do its job for the American people regarding healthcare.

Further, this is in the context of a looming national healthcare crisis growing out of, among other things, obesity, diabetes and the increased number of more old people who are living longer.

The country's current financial duress in the healthcare domain is only going to grow much greater in the coming years.

How well Congress and the Federal government, and how well state legislatures and state governments, will be able to get their acts together and manage the ticking healthcare time bomb is uncertain. There is reason for a lack of confidence.

I am not in any position of authority and I have no healthcare policy role, public or private.

Nonetheless, in connection with the 2017 special Senate election in Alabama, I undertook to try to engage the candidates, academics, and representatives from the healthcare industry, etc., to have public discussion of their views about what should be done regarding health care reform. You may learn more about what I tried to do at http://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2017/06/health-care-symposium.html.

This effort I made in 2017 went nowhere.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Alabamians for Bloomberg

[2/21/20 Addendum added below regarding  treatment of women, NDA's]

My personal number one political priority is that Donald Trump's Presidency come to an end.

Millions of other American probably also have that as their number one personal political priority.

Ostensibly, that is Michael Bloomberg's number one priority. https://www.axios.com/michael-bloomberg-2020-presidential-race-decision-8d6f720f-5b7e-467f-abca-2d64a81bfab3.html

Everyone who wants to end the Trump presidency and who wants to do something to help end it needs to decide what things they can do will help do that.

Tentatively, I think touting Bloomberg for President is worthwhile doing to help end the Trump Presidency.

What do you think?

Click on the below "TWEET HERE" link to send a tweet which says
I am an Alabamian tweeting for Mike and against Trump  #alpolitics #ALforMikeandAgainstTrump
Tweet here

Addendum 2/21/2020
Below is how I think Bloomberg should have answered re treatment of women and NDA's
Thank you for asking about the treatment of women by my company and myself and about NDA's that have been signed. My response on this is, first, I believe I will do right by women if I am President of the United States. For voters to decide about this, there is currently much reported information, both favorable and unfavorable, about me and my company's treatment of women, and more information will come out. Voters should take all the information into account as they see fit in deciding whether they believe I will do right by women if I am President. Some voters may decide not to vote for me because they think I will not do right by women. With the information that is available, I consider for me to dwell more on the subject in my campaign is a distraction from more important things I think voters should consider. As  a result, I intend not to say more on the subject and I do not intend to release parties from their NDA's. I respect whatever voters decide about me under the circumstances.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Boo tweet Trump

[See Update 11/9/19 below]

Today's below announcement by the Alabama SGA is producing a significant Twitter reaction.

I have suggested doing Trump booing into Bryant Denny via Twitter by sending individual "boo Trump" tweets to those who tweet on Saturday using #RollTide hashtag.

This suggestion calls for discussion for the benefit of Alabama anti-Trumpers who wish to take up the suggestion.

Sending individually directed tweets to other persons who tweet on Saturday using the #RollTide hashtag involves sending unsolicited tweets to persons who may only want to enjoy the LSU game, who don't want to receive any political tweet, particularly from someone whom they don't know, and who may report to Twitter the individual tweet they receive from you.

In light of the foregoing, perhaps you would prefer just to send one or more general tweets expressing your anti-Trump sentiment, which include the #RollTide hashtag, so that persons who scroll through that hashtag may see your anti-Trump tweet.

If you send a general tweet using the #RollTide hashtag, you can consider including a link to this blog entry, so that some who see your tweet may click on the link, read this blog entry, and decide they want to send their own anti-Trump general tweet using the #RollTide hashtag.

Please tweet me with any suggestions you have, or leave a comment below.


Update 11/9/19
Many anti-Trump tweets are being sent using the #BooTrumpRollTide hashtag.

Look at tweets on that hashtag, and consider whether you have ideas about how to amplify the Twitter messaging that is being done.

Consider whether you want to send individually directed tweets selectively to persons who are tweeting today using #RollTide hashtag (discussed above).

Consider whether you want to do tweeting that is more substantive, particularly if you do individually directed tweeting.

For example, consider the below tweet I just sent:

 Please tweet me with any suggestions you have, or leave a comment below.


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Palmer survey re impeachment

[[$$$WINDOW_OPEN_LINK$$$]]          [[$$$TEXT_OPEN_LINK$$$]]
News from Congressman Gary Palmer

Do you support impeaching President Trump?
Do you believe the impeachment inquiry into President Trump is motivated by partisanship?
Are you satisfied with how impeachment has become a priority for the House of Representatives, or do you wish that Members would prioritize other issues in their everyday work?

**Complete this survey and learn more about what Congressman Palmer is doing for the people of Alabama's 6th Congressional District by signing up for his newsletter by clicking "Submit" above.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Tweeting for Kiani

This is a continuation of my pushing of the use of organized, direct tweeting to Alabama voters as an election campaign tool and as an issue advocacy tool. See blog entry Organized, direct tweeting campaign tool.

This blog entry is not authorized or approved by Kiani Gardner, and is put forth by myself on an entirely  unsolicited basis as a suggestion for Kiani Gardner and/or her supporters to consider for use in connection with Kiani Gardner's 2020 Congressional campaign in the Alabama 1st Congressional district.

To understand how this campaign tool is supposed to work, read the Organized, direct tweeting campaign tool blog entry, and look at the examples that the blog entry gives links to.

Here are some additional ideas, suggestions and comments for the campaign tool if it was adopted for the Kiani Gardner 2020 Congressional campaign.

The tool might operate by there being created special webpages in the Kiani Gardner campaign website at https://kianigardner.com/ to which the tweets that are sent in the organized direct tweeting tool would link. I think there might be special webpages for individual issues that Kiani Gardner has put in her platform per  https://kianigardner.com/issues/.

The special webpages would, of course, invite persons who come to the webpage to join in the tweeting to other persons in the Alabama 1st Congressional district.

The wording (and visuals) of the special webpages needs to be done in a way that motivates Kiani Gardner supporters to do the tweeting that is needed and that will motivate persons who come to the special webpages to join in the tweeting.

Supporters and other persons who join in the tweeting can be requested to signal their participation publicly by sending a tweet saying and using hashtags along the lines of "I am tweeting for Kiani Gardner for Congress in #al01. #Kiani." and that has a link to one of the special webpages.

I repeat what I stated in the Organized, direct tweeting campaign tool blog entry.
I have no proprietary interest in this campaign tool, and it can be borrowed, used and developed by any candidate or advocacy group for their own uses.
If any candidate or advocacy group decides to use this campaign tool of organized, direct tweeting to voters, I would be pleased to lend help.
I hope Kiani Gardner and/or her supporters take up this campaign tool for use on her behalf in her 2020 Congressional campaign in the Alabama 1st Congressional district.