Bold = Active Candidate
Italics = Potential Candidate
* = Incumbent
(Incumbent Party Listed First)

Only Brooke, DeMarco, Langan, Mathis, and Palmer seem to appear in boldface.]
[I am endeavoring to send the following letter to the persons (listed here) who have announced they are running for Congress in the Alabama 6th Congressional district. As I get email addresses, I will post the addresses in this entry. I will post responses I receive in either this blog entry or a separate entry.]
Re: Extremely low Congressional approval
Dear _________________,
I believe you are an announced candidate for Congress in the Alabama 6th Congressional district. I am a voter in that district.
I wish to ask you what you have to say about the abysmally low and perhaps record low Congressional approval ratings that are being reported (below 10% approval).
1. Why do you think there is such a low approval rating?
2. Does the low approval rating signify the existence of a significant problem that Congress should investigate for the benefit of the American people, report to the American people about, and, if Congress concludes there is a significant problem, propose to the American people what should be done to try to fix the problem?
3. What priority should Congress give to the foregoing possible problem?
If you provide me a response to these questions, I will post the same in my Alabama political blog Be An Alabama Rootstriker.
Thank you.
Robert Shattuck
3812 Spring Valley Circle
Mountain Brook, AL 35223
The foregoing letter has been sent to:
Bill Armistead (using his contact form here)
Scott Beason (using his contact form here)
Will Brooke (using his contact form here)
Paul DeMarco (using his contact form here)
Dr. Chad Mathis (email
David Carrington (email carringtond
A linked in invitation has been sent to:
Greg Cantwell
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