Monday, February 6, 2023

Hounding #SenKatieBritt on healthcare

Below is what Katie Britt said on the "Issue" pager of her campaign website regarding healthcare

First, we must repeal and replace Obamacare with a plan that protects preexisting conditions and patient rights. More than a decade after the passage of Obamacare and now essentially in a third Obama term, health insurance continues to get less affordable by the day while health care costs continue to rise.
I support commonsense, conservative reforms that will drive costs down, increase options and access, and align with a free market-based approach. I will work to lower prescription drug costs, foster competition among providers and ultimately expand affordable health care access for all Alabamians.
As a daughter of the Wiregrass, I am also especially passionate about rural health care. Since Obamacare was enacted, 17 hospitals have closed in Alabama. We must close the health care gap that exists in our state, and part of that solution means closing the digital divide in Alabama by expanding telehealth options through increased access to high-speed broadband internet services. Our state currently ranks 47th in the nation in broadband connectivity, and that lack of access is negatively impacting health care, education, the economy and quality of life in communities across Alabama.

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