Sunday, July 5, 2020

To: The Honorable Gary Palmer

Dear Congressman Palmer,

I listened to the July 3rd podcast of you with Matt Murphy.

You are reasonable, low keyed and soft spoken, and you were informative and thoughtful in what you said in the podcast.

I believe the paramount political thing for you is what the situation will be on November 4th (or whenever election results are finalized) of whether Trump has won or lost, whether the GOP has retained control of the United States Senate, and whether the GOP has gained control of the House of Representatives.

If Trump loses, you and Matt Murphy will have the opportunity to have many, many long "What Happened" conversations.

If Trump loses, contemplating "What Happened" will have great unhappiness for you, and I am sure you don't want to think hypothetically now about "What Happened" before it happens and when it may not happen.

I, on the other hand, want Trump to lose, and am not deterred from thinking hypothetically now about "What Happened" before it happens and when it may not happen.

Accordingly, you may choose to stop reading here, because I am going to indulge in hypothetical "What Happened" discussion.

If Trump loses, I think you will first and foremost blame Trump.

Then you will be beset with thinking about "how did Trump happen to begin with, and how and why did the GOP (including myself) fail to prevent Trump from destroying himself and from monumentally damaging the GOP."

[to be continued]

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