Sunday, December 18, 2016

Is fighting DC corruption an AL priority?

I wish for the Alabama legislative delegation in Washington to make a priority of restoring honesty and accountability, and cleaning up corruption and special interest collusion, as promised by the President-Elect in his Contract with the American Voter. See The 2018 citizens' unity Congress.

Are Alabama's representatives in Congress going to make it any priority of theirs to help advance this in 2017? (Rep. Byrne has said he supports term limits (see Term limits), but I don't know what Rep. Byrne plans to do in 2017 to advance that.)

One of the President-Elect's proposed measures is a five-year ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service.

Regarding the lobbying ban measure: Is that something individual members of Congress could implement for themselves and their staffs without Congressional action as a whole? If yes, are Alabama's representatives in Congress willing to undertake that immediately for themselves and their staffs? Answers to these questions would be greatly appreciated.

Since the President-Elect has famously taken to Twitter for communicating directly to voters, might Alabama's legislative delegation in DC do similarly, and further extend the same to two way communications between the Representative and his or her constituents? Such a use of Twitter could be the start of new transparency and accountability in our governance. Please consider this suggestion. I will initiate here from the constituent side by using the #alpolitics, #al01, etc. hashtags.

Thank you.

12/28/16: See AL Cong'l delegation lobbying ban positions;  Contenders for Sessions seat.


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