A lengthy prelude to this draft statement to the Birmingham City Council re gun control laws is at
I prepared the draft statement with a view to making a presentation to the City Council at one of Tuesday meetings in the near future in response to the below email from Birmingham City Councilor Clarke.
From: Clarke, Carol E. <carol.clarke@birminghamal.gov>
To: rdshatt@aol.com <rdshatt@aol.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2023 at 07:45:51 AM CDT
Subject: Our Voices and Guns
Thank you for your efforts to activate more voices against guns on our country. I would appreciate the opportunity to learn more from you generally and how you think your strategy can be effective.
The best way to speak to all of us at once and citizens, too, is to sign up to speak at one of our Weekly Tuesday meetings at 9:30 AM. (Many citizens and news outlets tune in virtually.) These are temporarily being held upstairs at the Boutwell auditorium. As a speaker before the council, your time will be limited to 3 minutes.
Community speakers must sign up BEFORE the meeting, but they are called up at the end, so it may also be easy to walk and talk with some officials as they are leaving. I hope this helps.
Carol Clarke
There are a number of parties to whom I want to circulate the statement for comment and suggestions prior to speaking at a Tuesday meeting. The draft statement is starting off in very rough form, and, as I revise the same, I will indicate the date of most recent edit in the below brackets.
Draft statement [edit 9/13]
The United States suffers from a level of gun violence far exceeding that in other developed countries. As an example, the data at
https://everytownresearch.org/report/gun-violence-in-america/ says the US gun homicide rate is 26 times that of other high-income countries.
With our extreme gun violence, just about every American would like gun violence to be reduced, say to the level of gun violence in other high-income countries.
There is great disagreement between gun control advocates and gun rights advocates about what will reduce gun violence, and maybe even disagreement about whether gun violence can be reduced in the United States.
Birmingham city councilors should try to decide what they think on these matters.
Perhaps city councilors will review arguments and contentions that gun control advocates and gun rights advocates make. The gun control advocates have a wide ranging set of gun control solutions, such as set out at
Gun rights advocates argue that gun controls do not work. See, e.g.,
https://www.nraila.org/why-gun-control-doesn-t-work/Birmingham city councilors should review what the public thinks about gun control laws. For this purpose, city councilors might look at a CNN poll from earlier this year, which is set out at
https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/23826378/cnn-poll-on-gun-policies.pdf, and at
Given the gun violence problem Birmingham has , I think city councilors owe it to their constituents to decide what the councilors think about whether stricter gun controls would reduce gun violence and tell their constituents what the councilors think.
In this regard, it needs to be recognized that the Alabama state legislature is in charge of Alabama's gun control laws, and municipalities and counties cannot pass their own gun control laws. Further the Republicans control the Alabama legislature and it is currently certain they will not pass stricter gun control laws in Alabama during the next couple of years.
In the circumstances, Birmingham city councilors who think stricter gun control laws are needed in order to reduce gun violence in Birmingham, may conclude there is no chance of gun violence getting reduced in Birmingham in the foreseeable future.
In this regard, it is acknowledged that there are programs and efforts in Birmingham trying to reduce gun violence, and city councilors should assess how much success they think those programs and efforts will have.
My suggestion to city councilors who are pessimistic about gun violence getting reduced in Birmingham without stricter gun control laws is that they should do what they can to build public opinion in Alabama in support of stricter gun control laws, with a long term goal of overcoming the opposition of the Alabama state legislature to stricter gun control laws.
A start is that the majority public opinion nationwide is that there should be stricter gun control laws.
I think city councils and county commission can contribute to building Alabama opinion in favor of stricter gun control laws by passing local resolutions along the lines of the "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" set out at
Such resolutions would help by the psychological force of local public officials standing up in the face of the state legislators and trying to force the state legislators to publicly defend their positions, which I think the legislators will not be able to do.
Building such public opinion will be in the context of last summer's United States Supreme Court decision in the Bruen case, which held that there is a right under the Second Amendment to carry a handgun in for self-defense. That case. has greatly strengthened the hand of the gun rights advocates.
As a result of the Bruen case, there are many court cases in the pipeline concerning existing gun control laws, and some states are trying to figure out new gun control laws that will pass muster under the Bruen case.
It is likely there will be years of litigation and court cases to get needed clarity from the United States Supreme Court about what gun control laws are permissible under the Second Amendment and what are prohibited.
While the average citizen might be befuddled by the Bruen case, the average citizens can understand possessing and carrying guns for self-defense and legitimately wonder abour what the Second Amendment covers for individuals beyond possessing and carrying guns for self-defense and want to hear what gun rights advocates, who have an absolutistic view of the Second Amendment, for contending that almost any gun control law violatese the Second Amendment and that whatever gun violence from the lack of gun control laws is a price that society must pay for protecting our liberties by means of and under the Second Amendment.
In their absolutistic view of the Second Amendment, gun rights advocates wish to cite the American revolution armed rebellion to free the colonies from the tyranny of England over the colonies, and the Second Amendment gives the citizens the right to bear arms against the Federal government if and when they think the Federal government has become tyrannical.
That, I contend, is contrary to the rule of law established under the United State constitution.
There are probably many Americans who believe they have right to stockpile weapons for use against the Federal government if and when they believe the Federal government has become tyrannical.
Birmingham city councilors should consult their council lawyers for thee lawyers say.
City councilors should also think about their oath of office to support the Constittuion of the United States and the Conststitution of Alabama.
https://www.sos.alabama.gov/sites/default/files/Oaths%20of%20Office/BlankOath.pdf[End of draft statement]
Email to Keaira Turner, Birmingham Police Department public relations mangerFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: keairaturner.kt@gmail.com <keairaturner.kt@gmail.com>
Cc: newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Dana Ellis <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2023 at 07:23:38 AM CDT
Subject: Request to meet with you or other Birmingham PD. representative re gun control
Dear Ms. Turner,
I would like to meet with you (or other appropriate Birmingham Police Department representative) to discuss a statement about gun control I wish to make to the Birmingham City Council that is set out at
I will call you this week to try set up an appointment.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
P.S. to parties copied on this email: Please email me or call me (205-967-5586) if you would like to join me in meeting with Ms. Turner (who is the public relations manger for the Birmingham Police Department).
Email to Renie Dugwyler, Jeff. Co. County Sheriff's Office Community Relations Manage From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: rdugwyler@jeffco.us <rdugwyler@jeffco.us>
Cc: newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Dana Ellis <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 05:19:30 PM CDT
Subject: Request to meet with you or other JeffCo Sheriff's Office. representative re gun control
Dear Ms. Dugwyler,
I would like to meet with you (or other appropriate Jefferson County Sheriff's Office representative) to discuss a statement about gun control I wish to make to the Birmingham City Council that is set out at
http://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2023/09/draft-statement-to-birmingham-city.html and that I will seek to make to the Jefferson County Commission as well.
I will call you this week to try set up an appointment.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
P.S. to parties copied on this email: Please email me or call me (205-967-5586) if you would like to join me in meeting with Ms. Dugwyler (who is the Community Relations Manage for the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office).
Email to Ms. Joni Money of Jeff. Co. Sheriff's officeFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 09:09:48 AM CDT
Subject: Request to meet with you or other JeffCo Sheriff's Office. representative re gun control
Dear Ms. Money,
I misdirected the below September 19th email to the Jefferson County CO Sheriff's office and am correcting that mistake by sending this email to you.
I would like to meet with you (or other appropriate Jefferson County Sheriff's Office representative) to discuss a statement about gun control I wish to make to the Birmingham City Council that is set out at
http://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2023/09/draft-statement-to-birmingham-city.html and that I will seek to make to the Jefferson County Commission as well.
I will call you today or tomorrow to try set up an appointment.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
Email re getting input from Birmingham Police Department and Jeff. Co. Sheriff's officeFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Dana Ellis <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; cjames@tuskegee.edu <cjames@tuskegee.edu>
Cc: keiaraturner.kt@gmail.com <keiaraturner.kt@gmail.com>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>
Sent: Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 08:48:27 AM CDT
Subject: Meetings with B'ham Police Dept. and Jeff. Co. Sheriff's office re gun control
I have telephone calls in to Keiara Turner of the Birmingham Police Department and Joni Money of the Jefferson County Sheriff's office to set up meetings with them (or others) to discuss the statement about gun control I wish to make to the Birmingham City Council (and the Jefferson County Commission) that is set out at
I think it is important to hear the perspective of law enforcement about my draft statement before I make it to the Birmingham City Council and the Jefferson County Commission. I hope you agree.
On Friday, I spoke with Pastor Anderson, who expressed interest in joining in my meetings with the Birmingham Police Department and the Jefferson County Sheriff's office.
In our conversation, Pastor Anderson mentioned his living where violence surrounds him. I am in an opposite place from Pastor Anderson, and I am very interested in hearing Pastor Anderson's perspective on reducing gun violence.
As always, I solicit your help regarding what I am doing.
Rob Shattuck
Email to Keaira Turner, public relations manager for Birmingham Police DepartmentFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: Turner, Keaira G. <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>
Cc: moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Dana Ellis <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; cjames@tuskegee.edu <cjames@tuskegee.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2023 at 08:50:59 AM CDT
Subject: Re: Please forward this to Keiara Turner [re BPD and stricter gun laws]
Thank you for getting back to me, Keaira.
I think most Americans believe stricter gun laws are needed to reduce gun violence in the United States
My main purpose is to learn whether and to what extent the Birmingham Police Department believes that stricter gun laws are needed to reduce gun violence, in Birmingham.
I wish to find this out in face of the fact that the Republican lawmakers in Montgomery are in control of Alabama's gun laws and they are opposed to stricter gun laws.
That obstacle to stricter gun laws in Alabama ultimately needs to be overcome. I think this is to be done by building public opinion in Alabama in favor of stricter gun laws, and, one way or the other, getting the lawmakers in Montgomery to enact stricter gun laws.
Mayors, city councils and county commissions, and police departments and sheriff's offices, can help in building public opinion in Alabama in favor of stricter gun laws by making declarations or passing resolutions such as I am advocating.
What Alabama mayors, city councils and county commissions are willing to pronounce will likely take guidance from what police departments and sheriff's offices say they believe.
Also, the "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" set out at
https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/09/declaration-of-public-officials-for-gun.html is only my drafting, and I am interested in what revisions police departments and sheriff's offices would make to the declaration/resolution.
In pursuing the foregoing course of action, I recognize that the United States Supreme Court has held that the Second Amendment gives citizens a right to possess and carry handguns for purposes of self-defense, and such right needs to be accommodated in whatever stricter gun laws are sought to be enacted.
I don't know whether and to what extent the Birmingham Police Department is willing to express itself publicly about the foregoing matters. If the Police Department wishes not to say anything publicly, I wish to find that out.
I hope this email clarifies what I am desiring from meeting with appropriate representatives of the Police Department.
What I say in this email is also relevant for the Jefferson County Sheriff's office, and so I am copying Joni Money of that office on this email.
Please call me (205-967-5586) or I will call you to find out whether my requested meeting can be set up.
Thank you, Keaira.
Rob Shattuck
Email re Birmingham Times/AL.com/CBS 42 “Beyond the Violence” projectFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>
Cc: moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; keiaraturner.kt@gmail.com <keiaraturner.kt@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Dana Ellis <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 07:49:45 PM CDT
Subject: Does "Beyond the Violence" advocate for stricter gun laws?
To Sherri Jackson, Alaina Bookman, Barnett Wright and Izzy Gould:
The Birmingham Times/AL.com/CBS 42 “Beyond the Violence” project is examining the causes, effects, and potential solutions to gun violence in the community."
I have watched the video at
https://www.cbs42.com/news/local/beyond-the-violence-how-a-new-violence-prevention-program-is-working-in-birmingham/ and read the linked article at
There is no mention of stricter gun laws being a potential solution to gun violence in the community.
This may be because getting stricter gun laws in Alabama is impossible for the indefinite future time.
I am planning to make statements to the Birmingham City Council and the Jefferson County Commission as indicated at
https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2023/09/draft-statement-to-birmingham-city.html. The statements urge those bodies to go on the record calling for the Alabama legislature to enact stricter gun laws and for those bodies thereby to contribute to building public opinion in Alabama for stricter gun laws.
Before making such statements to the Birmingham City Council and the Jefferson County Commission, I wish to find out whether the prevailing sentiment of those working to reduce gun violence in the community is that no effort should be made pushing for stricter gun laws because it is wasted effort and effort which would be better expended for other things to reduce gun violence.
Can you please give me a read on this?
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Email to Birmingham Police Department and Jefferson County Sheriff's officeFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>
Cc: sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Dana Ellis <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2023 at 06:26:14 PM CDT
Subject: Cutting to the chase re meeting with BPD and JeffCo Sheriff's office re stricter gun laws
Dear Keaira and Joni,
I think I have dallied long enough on this.
Here are the questions I would like the Birmingham Police Department and the Jefferson County Sheriff's office to answer:
1. Do you think stricter gun laws in Alabama would reduce gun violence in Birmingham and Jefferson County?
2. What do you think are the prospects for reducing gun violence in Birmingham and Jefferson County without stricter gun laws?
3. Do you think Birmingham and Jefferson County residents should press their lawmakers in Montgomery to enact stricter gun laws?
My preference is to meet with representatives of the Birmingham Police Department and the Jefferson County Sheriff's office to discuss the foregoing questions. If such meetings cannot be afforded me, please at least answer the foregoing questions by email to me or by a phone conversation with me.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Giffords PAC "We won’t allow ghost guns to flood our communities"From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Dana Ellis <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 09:29:07 PM CDT
Subject: Fw: We won’t allow ghost guns to flood our communities
What efforts do you think can and should be undertaken in Alabama to help prevent ghost guns from flooding our communities?
Supreme Court allows Biden administration to continue fully enforcing ghost gun regulations----- Forwarded Message -----
From: GIFFORDS <info@e.giffords.org>
To: Robert Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 12:57:36 PM CDT
Subject: We won’t allow ghost guns to flood our communities

Robert -
This week, the Supreme Court once again blocked an attempt to stop the Biden Administration from regulating ghost guns.
This order means the regulation will stay in effect while a legal challenge from gun manufacturers plays out in lower courts.
Ghost guns are a major threat to public safety. They can be built at home from parts purchased online, thus becoming untraceable firearms that can easily fall into the wrong hands. The number of ghost guns recovered by law enforcement has increased by 1,000% since 2016. This is why regulating ghost guns is so critically important.
GIFFORDS has been leading the fight against ghost guns at the federal level and in states across the country. However, this fight is not over yet. The gun lobby is fighting tooth and nail against this lifesaving rule—they want ghost guns to be unregulated.
Lives are on the line. We can’t let them win.
Will you make a $3 contribution to GIFFORDS PAC today? Help us send a strong message to the gun lobby that we won’t allow ghost guns to flood our communities.
If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:
Federal court strikes down California assault weapons ban
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:29:11 PM CDT
Subject: Federal judge strikes down CA assault weapons ban; I will call you next week
Dear Keaira and Joni,
I will call you next week to ask you about my requested meetings and about getting answers to my questions, per my previous October 15th email.
https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2023/09/draft-statement-to-birmingham-city.htmlAlso, please note this development:
Federal judge strikes down decades-old California ban on assault weapons (msn.com)Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Email re Kansas City MayorFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Dana Ellis <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>; Helen Rivas <kikot.atit@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 07:21:52 PM CST
Subject: Kansas City mayor signs letter urging Congress to reinstate the Bipartisan Assault Weapons Ban
On Nov. 10th, Amy Axtell, whose profile identifies her as MO
@MomsDemand Volunteer & Natl Twitter Co-Lead, posted:
"Many thanks to my Kansas City Missouri mayor @QuintonLucasKC @MayorLucasKC for signing onto this letter urging congress to reinstate the Bipartisan Assault Weapons Ban! Congress must act to get weapons of war off our streets.” https://twitter.com/amybett/status/1723109105630593484
I posted in reply:
"If Kansas City Missouri mayor @QuintonLucasKC signs onto letter urging congress to reinstate Bipartisan Assault Weapons Ban, why shouldn't Birmingham City Council and Jefferson County Commission pass resolutions urging the same? https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2023/09/draft-statement-to-birmingham-city.html"
Amy Axtell reposted my reply.
I think this is worth thinking about.
Rob Shattuck
12/1/23 meeting of Moms Demand Action Birmingham groupFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Dana Ellis <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>; Helen Rivas <kikot.atit@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 03:20:16 PM CST
Subject: My report re Dec. 2 Moms Demand Action Birminghm group meeting
The Moms Demand Action Birmingham group had a meeting last Saturday to discuss strategies for increasing effectiveness and also initiatives for 2024.
Before the meeting, I sent the Birmingham group leader Melissa Bailey the below email.
At the meeting I managed to bring up my effort to get city councils and county commissions to pass resolutions calling on Congress and the Alabama state legislature to pass stricter gun laws (item 5 in the below email) and my effort to get police departments and sheriff's offices to make strong public pronouncements that they believe stricter gun laws will make both law enforcement and the public safer (item 4 below).
I said to the group that, as to each of these two efforts, I was working on my own, and I asked for help from others.
Thank you for reading this report of mine about Saturday's meeting.
Rob Shattuck
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 06:27:48 PM CST
Subject: Re: Join us for our Birmingham meeting on Dec. 2!
From what I know and have observed, it seems to me Alabama Moms Demand and the Birmingham group have had little effectiveness in 2023, and that scant effectiveness will likely continue to be the case in 2024.
I think it is ok for me to say that because I have the experience of having made great effort with virtually zero effect.
That being said, here are my suggestions for trying to "enhance the effectiveness of the Birmingham group", which suggestions are derived from things I think you already know about related to my efforts:
1. You have seen emails from me going to upwards of 20 to 25 parties who have been publicly identified as acting, or trying to act, to reduce gun violence. I have received about zero response from such parties. The Birmingham group should reach out and try to coordinate with parties outside of Moms Demand who have strong interests in reducing gun violence.
2. The Birmingham group should identify candidates in the 2024 elections who are willing to campaign strongly on the guns issue, and Birmingham group volunteers should work to help such candidates in their campaigning on the guns issue. This effort by the Birmingham group should not be limited to candidates in the Birmingham area and should extend to candidates in Alabama who are outside the Birmingham area.
3. Birmingham TV stations should be pressed harder in their interviewing of candidates about guns. For an example, read
4. I think it is unquestionably the case that law enforcement, as well as the public, will be safer if there are stricter gun laws, and that, in their heart of hearts, law enforcement knows this. The Birmingham group should try to get police departments and sheriff's offices to make public pronouncements that they believe law enforcement and the public will be safer if there are stricter gun laws in Alabama. (I am currently working on this per
5. Generally, the Birmingham group should work to try to build public opinion in favor of stricter gun laws. Getting city councils and county commissions to pass resolutions calling on Congress and the Alabama legislature to enact stricter gun laws is one way to build the public opinion (which I am trying to do per the preceding link). I think the Birmingham group also should reach out to chambers of commerce whose members have a business interest in customers not being afraid of gun violence in doing their shopping.
I have not heard from you whether I will be allowed to make a brief presentation at the Saturday meeting of the foregoing suggestions. It's not really a big deal whether I am allowed that or not, so long as you and the chapter leaders make a conscious decision about the same.
See you Saturday.
Lament & Hope 2023 Memorial Ride and Life Celebrations events
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: danaellis865@gmail.com <danaellis865@gmail.com>
Cc: Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>; Helen Rivas <kikot.atit@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2023 at 06:08:37 PM CST
Subject: Re: Please join us Dec 9 to honor those lost to gun violence in Birmingham
Hello Dana.
I hope the Lament & Hope 2023 Memorial Ride and Life Celebrations events on Saturday were successful.
A year ago I learned from the December 2022 Memorial Ride of numerous parties to whom I have since sent emails, and to whom I sent last Wednesday's Dec. 6th email (giving my report on the Dec. 2nd Moms Demand Action Birmingham group meeting).
I continue to look for help to get city councils and county commissions to pass resolutions calling on Congress and the Alabama state legislature to pass stricter gun laws and to get police departments and sheriff's offices to make strong public pronouncements that they believe stricter gun laws will make both law enforcement and the public safer.
At the risk of irritating parties whom I just emailed this past Wednesday, I copy on this email the parties to whom I sent Wednesday's email in order to plea again for help.
On Monday, December 4, 2023 at 01:21:17 PM CST, Dana Ellis Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org> wrote:
Dear Rob,
We invite you to join us Saturday, December 9, alongside Faith in Action for the Lament & Hope 2023 Memorial Ride. We will be honoring those lost to gun violence in Birmingham during 2023.
We hope to have enough cars available to carry one memorial flag per victim. The ride goes through the city of Birmingham beginning at 9am (line up begins at 7:30am at W. C. Patton Park) and is followed by Life Celebrations at South Park Baptist Church at 10:30am. Please join us there even if you're unable to join the ride.
December 9, 2023, 9am (Line up begins 7:30am)
Begins at W. C. Patton Park
3969 14th Ave N, Birmingham, AL 35234
Email re Chris England's bill to criminalize not disclosing a concealed weapon to law enforcementFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: danaellis865@gmail.com <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>; Helen Rivas <kikot.atit@gmail.com>; Phillipensler Info <info@phillipensler.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 10:37:06 AM CST
Subject: Chris England's bill to criminalize not disclosing a concealed weapon to law enforcement
At the Dec. 2nd Moms Demand meeting in Birmingham, I believe there was a suggestion that Moms Demand Alabama would not exert effort on behalf of every common sense gun regulation bill is introduced in the Alabama legislature but only for common sense gun regulation bills having a reasonably good chance of being passed.
I don't know how Chris England's bill to criminalize not disclosing a concealed weapon to law enforcement (
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/bill-would-make-it-a-crime-not-to-reveal-concealed-carry-to-officers/ar-AA1m3OBC) is viewed for making efforts for its passage.
Please advise whether you think efforts should be made on behalf of Chris England's bill.
At the moment, in my efforts to get the Birmingham Police Department and the Jefferson County Sheriff's office to publicly say they believe stricter gun laws will make both the public and law enforcement safer from gun violence, I will expressly discuss Chris England's bill with them.
I will seek to get Rep. Phil Ensler's view on this, and will add him as an addressee on this email.
Email sent to Rep. Phillip EnslerFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: danaellis865@gmail.com <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>; Helen Rivas <kikot.atit@gmail.com>
Cc: Phillip Ensler <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>
Sent: Friday, January 5, 2024 at 09:00:43 AM CST
Subject: Email to Alabama Rep. Phillip Ensler regarding 2024 gun bills in Montgomery
I sent the below email to Rep. Ensler concerning campaign messaging in Alabama for stricter gun laws, including related to his own 2024 bills.
Will Moms Demand have a 2024 advocacy day in Montgomery? What planning meetings will there be for that?
Is there anyone who is interested in discussing campaign messaging in Alabama for stricter gun laws generally?
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, January 3, 2024 at 01:03:26 PM CST
Subject: campaign messaging for stricter gun laws, including your bills
Hi Phil,
Picking up on
https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2023/09/draft-statement-to-birmingham-city.html, and on your own legislative bills reported on at
https://aldailynews.com/ensler-to-reintroduce-multiple-gun-safety-bills/, what I want to discuss with you is what your views are about campaign messaging that tries to be more specific about what the 2nd Amendment protects and what it does not protect.
For this purpose, I think attention needs to be given to whether the 2nd Amendment includes a purpose of allowing and protecting arms being owned by citizens in order to be able to resist and prevent Federal government tyranny.
I contend that it does not.
If the 2nd Amendment includes the foregoing purpose, the likes of bans on assault weapons, trigger activators, high capacity magazines, and ghost guns; licensing and registration requirements; and red flag laws, could could all be found unconstitutional because such gun restrictions lessen or undermine the capacity of the citizens to possess and use arms to resist and prevent Federal government tyranny.
Th alternative is that the 2nd Amendment does not include the foregoing purpose and is limited to the right (according to the Supreme Court) to own and carry guns for self-defense purposes (and possibly hunting and recreational purposes), and reasonable gun restrictions that help protect public safety but accommodate the right to own and carry guns for self-defense do not violate the 2nd Amendment.
I have tried for months to purvey the foregoing argumentation, but have made no headway.
What are your views on the foregoing?
My landline telephone is 205-967-5586. About any time is fine for me to have a phone conversation. Just let me know.
Email to Rep. Phillip Ensler re helping with conversations with law enforcementFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: Phillip Ensler <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>
Cc: danaellis865@gmail.com <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>; Helen Rivas <kikot.atit@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2024 at 04:01:59 AM CST
Subject: Can we help with your conversations with law enforcement re your gun bills?
Dear Phil,
The article
State Rep. Ensler files several gun control-related bills ahead of legislative session (1819news.com) says you have had "many conversations with constituents and law enforcement, all of whom expressed a desire for additional protective measures when dealing with gun violence."
Can we do anything to further such conversations with law enforcement?
I have been trying per
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Draft statement to Birmingham City Council re gun control laws (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com).
Please give us such guidance as you can for how we can help you going forward here.
Email reply re "easy way to reduce gun violence in Jefferson County"From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>
Cc: Phillip Ensler <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 03:58:30 PM CST
Subject: Re: Rob, Here is an easy way to reduce gun violence in Jefferson County!
Thanks, Melissa.
I'll pass on the survey, but will continue trying to work with Rep. Phil Ensler to see how we can help with the conversations her is having with law enforcement in order to obtain their support for the gun bills Rep. Ensler is working on introducing in the upcoming Alabama legislative session.
On Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 12:30:09 PM CST, Melissa Bailey <alabama@momschapterleaders.org> wrote:
Dear Rob,
Gun violence is a public health issue. You can help reduce gun violence in Jefferson County by filling out the survey below. The results of this survey will guide our county health department in their future work to improve the health of our residents. Gun violence is one of the issues included. Past responses to this survey have resulted in increased funding for violence prevention programs in our county.
Jefferson County Community Assessment
SURVEYQuestions? Would you like to learn more about getting involved here in Jefferson County. Just write back. I would love to tell you more about what we are doing.
Thank you for considering this survey,
Melissa Bailey
Birmingham Local Group Lead - Moms Demand Action
Email to Mountain Brook City Manager Sam GastonFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: Sam Gaston <gastons@mtnbrook.org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 11:03:57 AM CST
Subject: Requesting an appointment with someone about guns
Dear Mr Gaston,
May I please make an appointment to meet with Police Chief Loggins, or you, or a Mountain Brook city attorney, or someone else in the Mountain Brook city administration and/or the police department, in order to discuss guns and reducing gun violence?
This request follows on from what I have been doing since September (as laid out at
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Draft statement to Birmingham City Council re gun control laws (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com)) and previous emailing I did to Chief Loggins in 2022 and with you earlier in 2023 that is set out bellow.
I just want someone to whom I can lay out my thoughts in person, and it seems I need to start with my home city of Mountain Brook to do this.
If I may please have this requested appointment, please call me at (205) 967-5586, or I will call you.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
3812 Spring Valley Circle
[edit 2/22. called City Manager. Chief Loggins has not gotten back to him yet][edit 3/8 Sam Gaston not in and will be back Monday. Said reason was he was arranging meeting for me with Chief Loggins.]
Email re DEM candidate Elizabeth Anderson in 6th Cong'l district and gunsFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: danaellis865@gmail.com <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>; Helen Rivas <kikot.atit@gmail.com>; Phillip Ensler <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 06:47:44 PM CST
Subject: DEM candidate Elizabeth Anderson in 6th Cong'l district and guns
I don't expect to get enough signatures by March 5th to get on the ballot as an Independent candidate against Rep. Gary Palmer in the 6th Congressional district (as I've been trying to do), and I will not have that platform for building Alabama public opinion in favor of stricter gun laws in Alabama.
The Democratic candidate in the 6th Congressional district, Elizabeth Anderson, does not list "guns" as one of her "Key Issues."
Elizabeth Anderson | Official Campaign Website (eaforcongress.com). I plan to contact Elizabeth to urge her to make guns one of her "Key Issues."
I hope you also will contact Elizabeth to urge her to make guns one of her "Key Issues."
Rob Shattuck
(for filing in
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: My campaigning after March 5th (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com))
Email to Anne LeaderFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: annecleader@gmail.com <annecleader@gmail.com>
Cc: danaellis865@gmail.com <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>; Helen Rivas <kikot.atit@gmail.com>; Phillip Ensler <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 06:28:37 PM CST
Subject: Politicking in Alabama re guns and reproductive rights
Dear Anne,
A few years ago you were very active in Alabama regarding guns.
While you have cut back from your high level of activity, you are still tweeting regarding guns (although not using the #alpolitics hashtag so much), and you are also tweeting related to reproductive rights and, with the Alabama IVF matter in the national news, you are using #alpolitics hashtag there.
I am trying to get the gun politicking in Alabama more active regarding stricter gun laws.
There are currently nil prospects for stricter gun laws happening in Alabama.
Perhaps that explains why, on guns and gun violence in Alabama, efforts are being dedicated to things like promoting safe gun storage, support for gun violence victims, and interventions to try to get people not to use guns in conflict situations.
My work on guns during the past six months is indicated at
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Draft statement to Birmingham City Council re gun control laws (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com). As you will see from that link, I have not been able to garner interest in more effort for seeking stricter gun laws in Alabama.
Stricter gun laws in Alabama are in the control of the Alabama legislature and Congress and will, I think, only come about via elections and voting out of office lawmakers who stand in the way of stricter gun laws. Elections for the Alabama state legislature happened in 2022, are not happening in 2024, and will next happen in 2026.
I am trying to press on guns in connection with the 2024 Congressional elections in Alabama.
I am availing of this email to you to poke at those to whom I have been sending emails that I have posted in the above link and whom I am copying on this email.
I hope you don't mind.
Rob Shattuck
Another email to Anne LeaderFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: Anne Leader <annecleader@gmail.com>
Cc: dmsmolin@samford.edu <dmsmolin@samford.edu>; phorwitz@law.ua.edu <phorwitz@law.ua.edu>; mbrandon@law.ua.edu <mbrandon@law.ua.edu>; aolree@faulkner.edu <aolree@faulkner.edu>; fvars@law.ua.edu <fvars@law.ua.edu>; Phillip Ensler <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>; Sam Gaston <gastons@mtnbrook.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; Dana Ellis <danaellis865@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2024 at 06:52:25 PM CDT
Subject: Nov. 2022 UVA gun violence: Should I leave Alabama law professors in peace?
Thank you, Anne, for replying to me again.
I would like to point out that the November 16, 2022 email I provided to you bearing the subject line "June 3, 2022 article EXPERTS RENEW CALL FOR ACTION TO PREVENT GUN VIOLENCE" that I had sent to UVA professors Bradshaw and Cornell related to the November 2022 University of Virginia gun violence, was copied to some Alabama constitutional law professors.
For several years I have been sending emails to Alabama constitutional law professors seeking their views about the 2nd Amendment and have received no response (except I think one of the constitutional law professors said the 2nd Amendment was not in his area of expertise). This non-responsiveness is a problem for me. I needed and still need to hear from the Alabama law professors in connection with my work in Alabama against gun violence. Maybe my emails went unread by the professors, or the professors were simply dismissive of what I was doing, or there is another explanation for my not hearing a response from them.
In any event, my work in Alabama against gun violence continues and I am using this email to try to reach out to the law professors again and possibly get a response now.
Also, you advise me to join an extant organization and do what they ask me to do. The extant organization (Moms Demand Alabama) whose meetings I have attended seems to have no interest this year in candidates or in Alabama gun bills such as Rep. Ensler has introduced. I have an interest in candidates and in gun bills such as Rep. Ensler has introduced.
On the matter of candidates, in my February 27th email posted on
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Draft statement to Birmingham City Council re gun control laws (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com) under the caption "Email re DEM candidate Elizabeth Anderson in 6th Cong'l district and guns," I urged the addressees to urge Elizabeth to make guns one of her "Key Issues." No one responded.
On stricter gun laws, such as Rep. Ensler's, I have sought discussion about how to message regarding same, and again no response (except Rep. Ensler responded to me and I did obtain a phone conversation with Dana Ellis).
Maybe Moms Demand Alabama's resources are so scant that they can't dedicate anything relative to campaigning for candidates or to formulating messaging regarding stricter gun laws, in which case they should tell me so. Even if they say resources are too scarce, they could at least inform volunteers of what I am doing to see whether the same appeals to some volunteers who on their own initiative would decide they would like to engage in what I am doing.
You say it is bad form for me to copy on emails to you people that you don't know. I think such copying on emails as I do creates a useful record of who has been contacted and who has a sufficient interest to give a response and who doesn't have such an interest. If anyone doesn't want to receive emails from me, they may say so and I will drop them from my email list.
I expect to meet with Mountain Brook Police Chief Loggins or City Manager Sam Gaston this week to talk about stricter gun laws and the 2nd Amendment and am copying Mr. Gaston on this email. Also, I am copying Rep. Ensler because his messaging includes that his gun bills do not run afoul of the 2nd Amendment. Further, I am copying my contacts at Alabama Moms Demand in case they want to comment on what I say in this email.
Rob Shattuck
Email re March 24 Anti-Gun Violence Mass Rally at First Baptist Church EnsleyFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: info@mothersunitedagv.com <info@mothersunitedagv.com>; byssiniambchurch@yahoo.com <byssiniambchurch@yahoo.com>; gn2900@aol.com <gn2900@aol.com>; gnabc.pr@gmail.com <gnabc.pr@gmail.com>; birminghamblm@gmail.com <birminghamblm@gmail.com>; hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com <hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>
Cc: Phillip Ensler <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; Dana Ellis <danaellis865@gmail.com>; brady.talbert@wsfa.com <brady.talbert@wsfa.com>; Sam Gaston <gastons@mtnbrook.org>; Janet Forbes <forbesj@mtnbrook.org>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2024 at 08:26:49 AM CDT
Subject: Your March 24 Anti-Gun Violence Mass Rally at First Baptist Church Ensley
Dear Dr. Patterson, Ms. Crosby, Dr. Bass, Dr. Jackson, Dr. Walker, Mr. Hall, and Dr. Clarke:
This email is prompted by the above event, which is reported on at
Gun violence prevention groups, White House partner for Birmingham rally (msn.com).
I believe your organizations are focusing their anti-gun violence efforts at the citizen level, such as providing support for gun violence victims, promoting safe gun storage practices, and carrying out interventions to try to get people not to use guns in conflict situations.
I am trying to work at leadership levels in Alabama for getting stricter gun laws in Alabama.laws in Alabama are in the control of the Alabama legislature and Congress and will, I believe, only come about via elections and voting out of office lawmakers who stand in the way of stricter gun laws. Elections for the Alabama state legislature happened in 2022, are not happening in 2024, and will next happen in 2026.
I know the foregoing situation is that there are currently nil prospects for stricter gun laws happening in Alabama, and maybe that is sufficient reason for your organizations to not be undertaking efforts for getting stricter gun laws in Alabama.
On my part, I am nonetheless trying on behalf of getting stricter gun laws in Alabama.
I think building public opinion in Alabama for stricter gun laws is worthwhile to do with a view to future elections.
I am trying to do this in connection with the 2024 Congressional elections in Alabama.
I think Alabama city councils and county commissions can contribute to building Alabama opinion in favor of stricter gun control laws by the councils and commissions passing local resolutions along the lines of the "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" set out at
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com).
I have been working on this for more than six months as set out at
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Draft statement to Birmingham City Council re gun control laws (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com).
Currently, I am contacting Alabama police departments and sheriff's offices seeking for them to make public statements that they believe stricter gun laws will make both the Alabama public and Alabama law enforcement safer.
Montgomery sheriff says state glock switch ban would streamline arrests (msn.com).
I am expecting a first meeting about this with my Mountain Brook Police Chief Loggins.
I would like to talk with you about what I am doing and will call one or more of you in the near future.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
Email to newly elected Rep. Marilyn Lands in AL HD10From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: info@marilynforalabama.com <info@marilynforalabama.com>
Cc: info@mothersunitedagv.com <info@mothersunitedagv.com>; byssiniambchurch@yahoo.com <byssiniambchurch@yahoo.com>; gn2900@aol.com <gn2900@aol.com>; gnabc.pr@gmail.com <gnabc.pr@gmail.com>; birminghamblm@gmail.com <birminghamblm@gmail.com>; hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com <hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; Phillip Ensler <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; Dana Ellis <danaellis865@gmail.com>; brady.talbert@wsfa.com <brady.talbert@wsfa.com>; Sam Gaston <gastons@mtnbrook.org>; Janet Forbes <forbesj@mtnbrook.org>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; Elizabeth Anderson <elizabeth@eaforcongress.com>; English McBride <englishl1108@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2024 at 07:03:01 PM CDT
Subject: Re: Petition to ban assault weapons- now that you have won HD10 election
Dear Rep. Lands,
Now that you have won the HD10 election, what are your ideas about working for stricter gun laws in Alabama?
It would be great if you could read the below email that I sent to the anti-gun violence speakers at the March 24th Anti-Gun Violence Mass Rally at First Baptist Church Ensley in Birmingham and if you could provide me your thoughts.
Thank you very much.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
Emails re meeting with Mountain Brook Police Chief LogginsFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: Janet Forbes <forbesj@mtnbrook.org>; Sam Gaston <gastons@mtnbrook.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 04:21:39 PM CDT
Subject: Re: Still looking for my requested meeting with Chief Loggins (or someone else) re guns
205-967-5586. This is landline and I sometimes use listening to my answering machine to screen calls before I pick up.
On Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 04:11:42 PM CDT, Sam Gaston <gastons@mtnbrook.org> wrote:
Rod-Chief Loggins will call you. What is a good number for you?
Sam S.Gaston
City Manager
City of Mountain Brook, AL.
56 Church Street
P.O. Box 130009
Mountain Brook AL. 35213
(205) 802-3803 Phone
From: Rob Shattuck [mailto:
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2024 7:25 AM
To: Sam Gaston <
gastons@mtnbrook.org>; Janet Forbes <
Subject: Still looking for my requested meeting with Chief Loggins (or someone else) re guns
Good morning, Mr. Gaston and Ms. Forbes.
I am still looking for my requested meeting with Chief Loggins (or someone else) regarding guns.
I can say that I would like to start any such meeting with a discussion of the support of Alabama law enforcement for the glock switch ban bill that is reported on at
Alabama law enforcement support glock switch ban bill (wsfa.com).
Again, acknowledging that Mountain Brook has a much lesser gun violence problem than other Jefferson County cities and jurisdictions, if you think it would behoove me to pass over having a conversation with Chief Loggins and renew my efforts to have conversations with other Jefferson County police departments and sheriff's offices, just let me know and I will do that.
Rob Shattuck
Email re "Recent violent crime addressed at Montgomery City Council meeting"From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: aszymanski@montgomeryal.gov <aszymanski@montgomeryal.gov>
Cc: simon.schuessler@wsfa.com <simon.schuessler@wsfa.com>; danaellis865@gmail.com <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>; Helen Rivas <kikot.atit@gmail.com>; Phillip Ensler <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>; info@mothersunitedagv.com <info@mothersunitedagv.com>; gn2900@aol.com <gn2900@aol.com>; gnabc.pr@gmail.com <gnabc.pr@gmail.com>; birminghamblm@gmail.com <birminghamblm@gmail.com>; hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com <hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com>; Sam Gaston <gastons@mtnbrook.org>; Janet Forbes <forbesj@mtnbrook.org>
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2024 at 06:39:15 PM CDT
Subject: Recent violent crime addressed at Montgomery City Council meeting
Dear Montgomery City Councilor Szymanski,
This email is prompted by your being quoted in the article
Recent violent crime addressed at Montgomery City Council meeting (wsfa.com).
I am in Birmingham.
I would like to have a conversation with you about what I am doing in Jefferson County to try to reduce gun violence, as set out at
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Draft statement to Birmingham City Council re gun control laws (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com), and about whether what I am doing in Birmingham could help you in Montgomery.
Please let me know if we can have such a phone conversation.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
Emails to Olivia Gauthier (ABC 3340), Shannon Delcambre (WVTM13), Jen Cardone (CBS42), and Taylor Pollock (WBRC)[Emails similar to the above were also sent to Shannon Delcambre (WVTM13), Jen Cardone (CBS42), and Taylor Pollock (WBRC)]
Email to Mountain Brook Mayor Welch and City CouncilFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: stewart@welchgroup.com <stewart@welchgroup.com>; wood967@icloud.com <wood967@icloud.com>; billyp@pm-j.com <billyp@pm-j.com>; lcs@borlandcpa.com <lcs@borlandcpa.com>; geraldagarner@gmail.com <geraldagarner@gmail.com>; graham4mb@gmail.com <graham4mb@gmail.com>
Cc: Sam Gaston <gastons@mtnbrook.org>; Janet Forbes <forbesj@mtnbrook.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 04:30:19 PM CDT
Subject: I have now talked with Police Chief Loggins about stricter gun laws
Dear Mayor Welch and Councilors Smith, Pritchard, Shelton, Garner, and Smith:
Last June I sent you the below email, putting forth the idea of the Mountain Brook City Council passing a declaratory resolution along the lines of the "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" that I set out at
Since then, I have endeavored to contact the Birmingham City Council, the Birmingham Police Department, the Jefferson County's Sheriff's office, Mountain Brook City Manager Gaston and other parties about my idea, as per
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Draft statement to Birmingham City Council re gun control laws (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com).
I have now talked with Chief Loggins about this, and this email is to reach out again to the City Council.
Please let me know if I may meet with one or more of you (or have a phone conversation with you) about my idea.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
205-967-5586______________From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: stewart@welchgroup.com <stewart@welchgroup.com>; wood967@icloud.com <wood967@icloud.com>; billyp@pm-j.com <billyp@pm-j.com>; lcs@borlandcpa.com <lcs@borlandcpa.com>; geraldagarner@gmail.com <geraldagarner@gmail.com>; graham4mb@gmail.com <graham4mb@gmail.com>
Cc: Sam Gaston <gastons@mtnbrook.org>; Whit Colvin <wcolvin@bishopcolvin.com>; Steve Stine <sstine@bishopcolvin.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 06:06:44 PM CDT
Subject: Can Mtn. Brook lead against the gun violence culture in Alabama?
Dear Mayor Welch and Councilors Smith, Pritchard, Shelton, Garner, and Smith:
I think Mountain Brook can lead against the gun violence culture in Alabama by the City Council passing a declaratory resolution along the lines of the "Declaration of public officials for gun violence prevention" that I set out at
If the Mountain Brook city council passed such a resolution, I would present the resolution to other cities in Jefferson County and to the Jefferson County Commission to urge them to pass similar resolutions, all in order to grow Alabama public opinion against guns. (See
If you have any receptivity to the foregoing, please contact me to lend any help I can provide in carrying out the same.
Below is previous email correspondence I have had with Mountain Brook about this.
Thank you very much.
Rob Shattuck
3812 Spring Valley Circle
[referenced "previous email correspondence" not reproduced here]
Email reply to Alabama Advocacy Team, Everytown for Gun SafetyFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: Alabama Advocacy Team, Everytown for Gun Safety <info@everytown.org>
Cc: simon.schuessler@wsfa.com <simon.schuessler@wsfa.com>; danaellis865@gmail.com <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>; Helen Rivas <kikot.atit@gmail.com>; Phillip Ensler <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>; info@mothersunitedagv.com <info@mothersunitedagv.com>; gn2900@aol.com <gn2900@aol.com>; gnabc.pr@gmail.com <gnabc.pr@gmail.com>; birminghamblm@gmail.com <birminghamblm@gmail.com>; hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com <hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com>; Sam Gaston <gastons@mtnbrook.org>; Janet Forbes <forbesj@mtnbrook.org>
Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2024 at 07:20:05 AM CDT
Subject: Re: we can close this dangerous loophole… [Alabama HB36 Glock switch bill]
I am not going to try to predict what will happen with HB36, regarding Glock switches, and we will see.
Regardless, the Alabama environment for getting stricter gun laws is atrocious; I don't think you are making any headway; and I think you should consider new strategy and tactics with the longer term in mind for stricter gun laws in Alabama. In particular, I think you should take up pushing what I am advocating in
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Draft statement to Birmingham City Council re gun control laws (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com).
Rob Shattuck______On Friday, April 26, 2024 at 12:31:58 PM CDT, Alabama Advocacy Team, Everytown for Gun Safety <info@everytown.org> wrote:
Rob, Alabamians should not be able to build a machine gun like it's Ikea furniture—but Glock, a billion-dollar gun company, sells handguns that are easily modified into weapons of war. Right now, state law does not prohibit individuals from buying the cheap parts that are used in these modifications. Thankfully, legislators in Montgomery are working to change this. Send your message urging them to act now! HB 36 would close this dangerous loophole, and we need House leadership to bring this bill to the floor for a vote! Can we count on you to help get this bill across the finish line? Thank you in advance for your support, Alabama Advocacy Team |
Email to Montgomery City Councilor SzymanskiFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: aszymanski@montgomeryal.gov <aszymanski@montgomeryal.gov>
Cc: dwingard@wsfa.com <dwingard@wsfa.com>; Carol E. Clarke <carol.clarke@birminghamal.gov>
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2024 at 07:09:05 AM CDT
Subject: Alabama Big 10 Mayors meet in Birmingham to collaborate, discuss challenges
Dear Montgomery City Councilor Szymanski,
This email follows up on the April 20th email I sent you that was prompted by your being quoted in the article
Recent violent crime addressed at Montgomery City Council meeting (wsfa.com).
The April 23rd article posted at
Alabama Big 10 Mayors meet in Birmingham to collaborate, discuss challenges (wsfa.com) says, "The 'Alabama Big 10 Mayors,' as they’re referred to, focused on legislative priorities that can create economic growth and public safety, while in the Magic City."
Concerning "public safety" and "recent violent crime" in Montgomery, I repeat what I said in my April 20th email that I would like to have a conversation with you about what I am doing in Jefferson County to try to reduce gun violence, as set out at
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Draft statement to Birmingham City Council re gun control laws (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com), and about whether what I am doing in Birmingham could help you in Montgomery.
Further because what I am doing was kicked off by an encouraging email I received last Septemberm from Birmingham City Councilor Carol E. Clarke, which email urged me to speak at one of the Birmingham City Council's Weekly Tuesday meetings, I am copying Councilor Clarke on this email to signify that that next week or the following week I am going to do what she urged.
I will let you know what comes of my speaking at a Birmingham City Council Weekly Tuesday meantime, and, in the meantime, I am still interested in having a phone conversation with you about Montgomery.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
Reply email to Birmingham City Councilor Clarke[below email is reply reply to Councilor Clarke's Sept. 10, 2023 enail that is set out near the top of this blog entry]
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: Clarke, Carol E. <carol.clarke@birminghamal.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 06:18:29 PM CDT
Subject: Re: Our Voices and Guns
Dear Councilor Clarke:
I think I am finally ready to make a statement at a Weekly Tuesday meeting.
It would be helpful to me, if you have the time, to review what I have done since last September (set out at
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Draft statement to Birmingham City Council re gun control laws (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com)) and then if I could have a phone conversation with you when that would be possible for you. Please let me know if we can set up something this week or next.
Rob Shattuck
Email re "Is Birmingham's lawsuit against business owners the solution to rampant violence?"From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: nicole.king@birminghamal.gov <nicole.king@birminghamal.gov>
Cc: Carol E. Clarke <carol.clarke@birminghamal.gov>; gmjohnson@sbgtv.com <gmjohnson@sbgtv.com>; simon.schuessler@wsfa.com <simon.schuessler@wsfa.com>; danaellis865@gmail.com <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>; Helen Rivas <kikot.atit@gmail.com>; Phillip Ensler <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>; info@mothersunitedagv.com <info@mothersunitedagv.com>; gn2900@aol.com <gn2900@aol.com>; gnabc.pr@gmail.com <gnabc.pr@gmail.com>; birminghamblm@gmail.com <birminghamblm@gmail.com>; hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com <hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com>; Sam Gaston <gastons@mtnbrook.org>; Janet Forbes <forbesj@mtnbrook.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 07:21:06 PM CDT
Subject: Is Birmingham's lawsuit against business owners the solution to rampant violence?
Dear Ms. King,
Is Birmingham's lawsuit against business owners the solution to rampant violence? (abc3340.com) reports that the City is seeking to make property owners accountable for violence that happens on their property, as a way to reduce the rampant violence in the City.
As I think you should know, I have been making efforts to get city councils and county commissions to pass resolutions calling on the Alabama legislature to pass stricter gun laws, as a way to reduce gun violence in Alabama.
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Draft statement to Birmingham City Council re gun control laws (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com).
Last September, Birmingham City Councilor Clarke responded favorably to me and told me about the weekly Tuesday Meetings at which I could make a statement about what I was doing. I am finally closing in on doing this and am seeking to have a conversation with Councilor Clarke about exactly what I am going to say.
I would like to meet with you or have a phone conversation with you as well about what I am going to say.
Please let me know if that is possible.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
Email from Birmingham City Councilor Clarke
From: Clarke, Carol E. <carol.clarke@birminghamal.gov>
To: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 10:23:57 PM CDT
Subject: Re: Is Birmingham's lawsuit against business owners the solution to rampant violence?
Respectfully, I cannot tell you what to say to the council. I do not even know if I will agree with what you say. It is simply a convenient forum for addressing all 9 at once to introduce yourself and your ideas. Sometimes the Mayor is still present.
As for Shell, if you have time to witness the court proceedings, here is the info:
Hearing Re: 3rd Avenue Shell
Friday, May 10, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. before Judge Patrick Ballard, Room 340, Jefferson County Courthouse.
5/19/24- Open letter to Shomari Figures regarding Second AmendmentDear Mr. Figures:
For many years the Republicans in Washington and Montgomery have been preventing the passage of stricter gun laws that are needed to reduce the epidemic of gun violence in the country and Alabama.
The United States Supreme Court has held that, under the Second Amendment, there is a right of citizens to possess and keep firearms at home for self-defense and also to carry a handgun in public for self-defense.
In the view of the Republicans, the Second Amendment is not limited to the protection of guns for self-defense purposes, but rather the government cannot regulate guns in order to protect the public and protect law enforcement from gun violence, even though the regulation does not impair the rights of individuals to own and carry guns for self-defense purposes. This is because the Republicans believe the Second Amendment protects a right of citizens to possess and keep firearms for use to resist governmental tyranny, and any governmental regulation that impinges on that is unconstitutional.
Under the foregoing expansive view of the Second Amendment, for example, a ban on assault weapons, which are not needed by individuals for self-defense purposes, would be unconstitutional because citizens would be deprived of assault weapons for potential use against the government to resist governmental tyranny.
There are many ways that guns can be regulated to protect public safety and to protect law enforcement, without impairing right of individuals to own and carry guns in public for self-defense purposes.
There is much such regulation that should be highly welcomed by the public and by law enforcement.
The Republicans, however, stand opposed to guns being regulated for the protection of the public and the protection of law enforcement, even though the rights of individuals to own and carry guns in public for self-defense purposes are not impaired.
You should strenuously campaign against your opponent Caroleene Dobson about her opposing guns being regulated for the protection of the public and the protection of law enforcement even though the rights of individuals to own and carry guns in public for self-defense purposes are not impaired.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
Email re "Donald Watkins: Public Safety in Birmingham, Alabama Has Collapsed"
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: nicole.king@birminghamal.gov <nicole.king@birminghamal.gov>; Carol E. Clarke <carol.clarke@birminghamal.gov>; gmjohnson@sbgtv.com <gmjohnson@sbgtv.com>; simon.schuessler@wsfa.com <simon.schuessler@wsfa.com>; danaellis865@gmail.com <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>; Helen Rivas <kikot.atit@gmail.com>; Phillip Ensler <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>; info@mothersunitedagv.com <info@mothersunitedagv.com>; gn2900@aol.com <gn2900@aol.com>; gnabc.pr@gmail.com <gnabc.pr@gmail.com>; birminghamblm@gmail.com <birminghamblm@gmail.com>; hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com <hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com>; Sam Gaston <gastons@mtnbrook.org>; Janet Forbes <forbesj@mtnbrook.org>; JaiGregory Clarke <jaigregory@fiaal.org>
Cc: dvw@donaldwatkins.com <dvw@donaldwatkins.com>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2024 at 04:47:41 AM CDT
Subject: Donald Watkins: Public Safety in Birmingham, Alabama Has Collapsed
Does anyone have any comments on the below "Public Safety in Birmingham, Alabama Has Collapsed" that Donald Watkins published yesterday?
Email to Donald Watkins re second article of hisFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: Donald Watkins <dvw@donaldwatkins.com>
Cc: nicole.king@birminghamal.gov <nicole.king@birminghamal.gov>; Carol E. Clarke <carol.clarke@birminghamal.gov>; gmjohnson@sbgtv.com <gmjohnson@sbgtv.com>; simon.schuessler@wsfa.com <simon.schuessler@wsfa.com>; danaellis865@gmail.com <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>; Helen Rivas <kikot.atit@gmail.com>; Phillip Ensler <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>; info@mothersunitedagv.com <info@mothersunitedagv.com>; gn2900@aol.com <gn2900@aol.com>; gnabc.pr@gmail.com <gnabc.pr@gmail.com>; birminghamblm@gmail.com <birminghamblm@gmail.com>; hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com <hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com>; Sam Gaston <gastons@mtnbrook.org>; Janet Forbes <forbesj@mtnbrook.org>; JaiGregory Clarke <jaigregory@fiaal.org>; jpaepcke@hearst.com <jpaepcke@hearst.com>
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2024 at 06:29:23 PM CDT
Subject: Re: Severe Birmingham police understaffing problem prompts strong reaction
Thanks, Donald, for this new article of yours.
You are proposing big, immediate action, and I am pleased you availed of the email contacts I have for adding impetus to purveying your ideas.
I am crawling at a low level on this.
Over the weekend, I drafted a "5/19/24-Open letter to Shomari Figures regarding Second Amendment," which I have posted at
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Bird dogging the AL 2nd Cong'l district election (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com). I think the letter provides a helpful framing of the debate over stricter gun laws.
Also, I don't know what entree you have to Alabama TV stations for getting your call to action out to the Alabama public. Please feel free to make whatever use you can of my piddling efforts with the TV stations as set out at
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Getting AL TV stations to do better in 2024 elections (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com).
Best regards,
Rob________________On Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 04:01:17 PM CDT, Donald Watkins <dvw@donaldwatkins.com> wrote:
The article I published today clearly presents what is needed to restore law and order in Birmingham, and why. You can read it here:
https://www.donaldwatkins.com/post/gov-ivey-should-deploy-the-national-guard-to-restore-law-and-order-in-birmingham Donald V. Watkins
Email to Chip HillFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: sprobinson@montgomeryal.gov <sprobinson@montgomeryal.gov>
Cc: Dale Jackson <dale@yellowhammernews.com>; cdobson@maynardnexsen.com <cdobson@maynardnexsen.com>
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2024 at 07:46:49 PM CDT
Subject: For Chip Hill
Dear Chip,
This email is prompted by your tweet at
There are two main questions regarding stricter gun laws, the first being what stricter gun laws are permissible under the Second Amendment, and the second being what stricter gun laws will the Republicans allow to be enacted.
In the Bruen case, the United States Supreme Court created a new test that gun regulation, to be permissible under the Second Amendment, must be within the “historical tradition of firearm regulation.” This new test has armed Republicans to potentially get rid of any and all gun regulation.
In this situation, I think Alabama citizens and Alabama law enforcement should loudly call out Alabama Republicans for wanting Alabama citizens and law enforcement to be exposed to more gun violence and don't want to support Alabama citizens and law enforcement to be safer from gun violence.
In that vein, I have posted at
Bird dogging the AL 2nd Cong'l district election the below "Open letter to Shomari Figures regarding Second Amendment", the thrust of which is that Mr. Figures ssould call out his Republican opponent Caroleene Dobson to the foregoing effect that she wants Alabama citizens and law enforcement to be exposed to more gun violence and she doesn't want to support Alabama citizens and law enforcement to be safer from gun violence.
For the past six months I have been trying to implement the foregoing by urging Alabama city councils and county commissions to pass resolutions calling on the Alabama legislature and Congress to enact stricter gun laws, per
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Draft statement to Birmingham City Council re gun control laws (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com).
I hope you will pass this email along to Mayor Reed and I hope he will endeavor to promote the calling out of Alabama Republicans for wanting Alabama citizens and Alabama law enforcement to be exposed to more gun violence and they don't want to support Alabama citizens and law enforcement to be safer from gun violence.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
[For filing in
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Draft statement to Birmingham City Council re gun control laws (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com)]
[to be copied to Jay Town via Gray Analytics contact page
Everytown "The gun lobby's assault on background checks must be stopped"From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: latonya.tate@birminghamal.gov <latonya.tate@birminghamal.gov>
Cc: nicole.king@birminghamal.gov <nicole.king@birminghamal.gov>; Carol E. Clarke <carol.clarke@birminghamal.gov>; gmjohnson@sbgtv.com <gmjohnson@sbgtv.com>; simon.schuessler@wsfa.com <simon.schuessler@wsfa.com>; danaellis865@gmail.com <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>; Helen Rivas <kikot.atit@gmail.com>; Phillip Ensler <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>; info@mothersunitedagv.com <info@mothersunitedagv.com>; gn2900@aol.com <gn2900@aol.com>; gnabc.pr@gmail.com <gnabc.pr@gmail.com>; birminghamblm@gmail.com <birminghamblm@gmail.com>; hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com <hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com>; Sam Gaston <gastons@mtnbrook.org>; Janet Forbes <forbesj@mtnbrook.org>; JaiGregory Clarke <jaigregory@fiaal.org>; jpaepcke@hearst.com <jpaepcke@hearst.com>
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2024 at 12:47:53 PM CDT
Subject: Fw: The gun lobby's assault on background checks must be stopped
Dear Birmingham City Councilor Tate:
In connection with National Gun Violence Awareness Day, I am forwarding to you the below email I received yesterday from Everytown for Gun Safety, which warns about the gun lobby's assault on background checks.
The City of Birmingham's programs to reduce gun violence by means of promoting voluntary actions such as safe gun storage practices and non-violent conflict resolution practices, are subject to being less effective in the face of governmentally imposed gun restrictions no longer being constitutional under the new "tradition and history" test that was enunciated by the United States Supreme Court in 2022 in the Bruen case for evaluating the constitutionality of gun law restrictions.
For example, background checks required by law may not be constitutional under the new "tradition and history" test for evaluating gun restrictions.
Guidance about governmentally mandated background checks may come from the case of United States v. Rahimi now pending before the United States Supreme Court, in which the question presented is: Does the federal law that prohibits the possession of firearms by people subject to domestic violence restraining orders violate the Second Amendment?
The elimination of governmentally imposed gun law restrictions under the "tradition and history" test will tend to increase gun violence and that increased gun violence will offset the reduction of gun violence that may be achieved by means of programs promoting voluntary actions such as safe gun storage practices and non-violent conflict resolution practices, and that is what I mean by such programs being less effective.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
[for filing in
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Draft statement to Birmingham City Council re gun control laws (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com)]
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Everytown for Gun Safety <info@everytown.org>
To: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 05:20:33 PM CDT
Subject: The gun lobby's assault on background checks must be stopped
For decades, unlicensed sellers have been able to sell guns at gun shows and online without background checks—allowing guns to fall into the hands of people who wouldn’t pass a background check and even gun traffickers.
But, last fall, our movement drove hundreds of thousands of comments in support of a life-saving rule from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) that would expand background checks to more gun sales, effectively shutting down these dangerous loopholes in our background check system. We outnumbered the gun lobby’s opposition and secured a big win for gun safety.
But now, gun extremists in Congress are relentlessly attacking this rule and threatening to stop our progress.
Not on our watch—it's time for us all to show up and show out again. Will you join us?Rob, chip in with a special gift today to help us put a stop to these terrible assaults on our progress, counter the gun lobby's momentum, hold these lawmakers accountable, and secure the gun safety progress we've worked so hard to obtain.CHIP IN FOR GUN SAFETY TODAYHere's a fact: nearly 41% of gun trafficking cases between 2017 and 2021 involved unlicensed dealers—underscoring the urgent need for this life-saving rule. It's high time that unlicensed gun sellers become licensed firearms dealers and, in turn, run background checks on their customers.
Because when guns fall into the hands of people who shouldn't have them, we pay the cost with our lives.
Help us ensure that these reckless attacks on our safety don't succeed and that we can continue to push for more gun safety laws that protect our community.Thank you for helping us save lives,
Everytown for Gun Safety

Email "Experts, lawmakers push back on narrative blaming constitutional carry for increased crime"
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: craig.monger@1819news.com <craig.monger@1819news.com>
Cc: nicole.king@birminghamal.gov <nicole.king@birminghamal.gov>; Carol E. Clarke <carol.clarke@birminghamal.gov>; gmjohnson@sbgtv.com <gmjohnson@sbgtv.com>; simon.schuessler@wsfa.com <simon.schuessler@wsfa.com>; danaellis865@gmail.com <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>; Helen Rivas <kikot.atit@gmail.com>; Phillip Ensler <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>; info@mothersunitedagv.com <info@mothersunitedagv.com>; gn2900@aol.com <gn2900@aol.com>; gnabc.pr@gmail.com <gnabc.pr@gmail.com>; birminghamblm@gmail.com <birminghamblm@gmail.com>; hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com <hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com>; Sam Gaston <gastons@mtnbrook.org>; Janet Forbes <forbesj@mtnbrook.org>; JaiGregory Clarke <jaigregory@fiaal.org>; jpaepcke@hearst.com <jpaepcke@hearst.com>
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2024 at 10:40:03 AM CDT
Subject: Experts, lawmakers push back on narrative blaming constitutional carry for increased crime
Thank you, Craig, for publishing the below article at
'Politicians want to blame somebody else': Experts, lawmakers push back on narrative blaming constitutional carry for increased crime (1819news.com).
Let me get with my common sense gun law advocates, who are copied on this email, and I will get back at you when I have some ducks in a row on this matter.
(for filing in
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Draft statement to Birmingham City Council re gun control laws (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com))
Email re Guns and Montgomery crime waveFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: rscott@aptv.org <rscott@aptv.org>; tstacy@aptv.org <tstacy@aptv.org>; bbritt@alreporter.com <bbritt@alreporter.com>; jmoon@alreporter.com <jmoon@alreporter.com>; sbritt@alreporter.com <sbritt@alreporter.com>; derrickcunningham@mc-ala.org <derrickcunningham@mc-ala.org>; darylbailey@mc-ala.org <darylbailey@mc-ala.org>; chip.hill@montgomeryal.gov <chip.hill@montgomeryal.gov>; egrimes@montgomeryal.gov <egrimes@montgomeryal.gov>; jbeard@montgomeryal.gov <jbeard@montgomeryal.gov>; mtjohnson@montgomeryal.gov <mtjohnson@montgomeryal.gov>; friley@montgomeryal.gov <friley@montgomeryal.gov>; cccalhoun@montgomeryal.gov <cccalhoun@montgomeryal.gov>; omitchell@montgomeryal.gov <omitchell@montgomeryal.gov>; aszymanski@montgomeryal.gov <aszymanski@montgomeryal.gov>; gpruitt@montgomeryal.gov <gpruitt@montgomeryal.gov>; cjinright@montgomeryal.gov <cjinright@montgomeryal.gov>; mdiaz@montgomeryal.gov <mdiaz@montgomeryal.gov>
Cc: nicole.king@birminghamal.gov <nicole.king@birminghamal.gov>; Carol E. Clarke <carol.clarke@birminghamal.gov>; gmjohnson@sbgtv.com <gmjohnson@sbgtv.com>; simon.schuessler@wsfa.com <simon.schuessler@wsfa.com>; danaellis865@gmail.com <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>; Helen Rivas <kikot.atit@gmail.com>; Phillip Ensler <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>; info@mothersunitedagv.com <info@mothersunitedagv.com>; gn2900@aol.com <gn2900@aol.com>; gnabc.pr@gmail.com <gnabc.pr@gmail.com>; birminghamblm@gmail.com <birminghamblm@gmail.com>; hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com <hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com>; Sam Gaston <gastons@mtnbrook.org>; Janet Forbes <forbesj@mtnbrook.org>; JaiGregory Clarke <jaigregory@fiaal.org>; jpaepcke@hearst.com <jpaepcke@hearst.com>
Sent: Monday, July 8, 2024 at 04:43:34 AM CDT
Subject: Guns and Montgomery crime wave
Montgomery's spike in violent crime caught statewide attention the past couple of weeks.
Capitol Journal a week ago Friday interviewed Montgomery County Sheriff Derrick Cunningham and Montgomery D.A. Daryl Bailey,
Capitol Journal on X: "We have a great line up in store Tonight on Capitol Journal. Montgomery County Sheriff Derrick Cunningham, Montgomery D.A. Daryl Bailey, Alabama Dept. of Labor Secretary Fitzgerald Washington, and Dr. Scott Harris of the Alabama Department of Public Health. Tonight at 7:30 on https://t.co/UTupaaGI6E" / XOn The V, the V team discussed Alabama gun deaths.
Alabama Political Reporter on X: "This week on The V the team discusses AMCC’s legal delays, Dems review session, Reggie Jackson’s remarks, AL gun deaths, and LA’s Ten Commandments. All this and much more coming up next on The V. https://t.co/1jF1P0GenH" / X1819 News published
Montgomery County DA Daryl Bailey blames parents, legislature, judicial backlog for Capitol City's crime wave (1819news.com).
This past Tuesday the City of Birmingham's gun violence problem got highlighted per
Mayor Woodfin gives himself, Birmingham 'a bad grade' on gun violence, crime (1819news.com).
I contend that (i) stricter gun laws are an imperative for reducing gun violence in Alabama, (ii) Alabama Republicans are opposed to reducing gun violence in Alabama through stricter gun laws, and (iii) the Republicans' reasons for opposing stricter gun laws may be that they do not believe stricter gun laws will reduce gun violence; or that stricter gun laws impair the capacity of citizens to defend themselves against tyrannical government; or that opposing stricter gun laws is part and parcel of the Republicans fighting the culture war.
I believe Alabamians should reject the reasons Alabama Republicans have for opposing stricter gun laws and Alabamians should rise up against the Alabama Republicans who are harming the health and welfare of Alabamians through the Republicans' control of the Alabama legislature and refusal to pass stricter gun laws.
Alabama police departments and sheriff's offices and Alabama city councils and county commissions should aid Alabamians in rising up against the Alabama Republicans in control of the Alabama legislature by such police departments, sheriff's offices, city councils and county commissions, as loudly and publicly as they can, calling on, demanding, and begging, the Alabama legislature for stricter gun laws.
Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Draft statement to Birmingham City Council re gun control laws (al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com)
Email to Sheriff Huey 'Hoss' Mack, new executive director of the Alabama Sheriffs AssociationFrom: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: hmack@baldwincountyal.gov <hmack@baldwincountyal.gov>
Cc: rscott@aptv.org <rscott@aptv.org>; tstacy@aptv.org <tstacy@aptv.org>; bbritt@alreporter.com <bbritt@alreporter.com>; jmoon@alreporter.com <jmoon@alreporter.com>; sbritt@alreporter.com <sbritt@alreporter.com>; derrickcunningham@mc-ala.org <derrickcunningham@mc-ala.org>; darylbailey@mc-ala.org <darylbailey@mc-ala.org>; chip.hill@montgomeryal.gov <chip.hill@montgomeryal.gov>; egrimes@montgomeryal.gov <egrimes@montgomeryal.gov>; jbeard@montgomeryal.gov <jbeard@montgomeryal.gov>; mtjohnson@montgomeryal.gov <mtjohnson@montgomeryal.gov>; friley@montgomeryal.gov <friley@montgomeryal.gov>; cccalhoun@montgomeryal.gov <cccalhoun@montgomeryal.gov>; omitchell@montgomeryal.gov <omitchell@montgomeryal.gov>; aszymanski@montgomeryal.gov <aszymanski@montgomeryal.gov>; gpruitt@montgomeryal.gov <gpruitt@montgomeryal.gov>; cjinright@montgomeryal.gov <cjinright@montgomeryal.gov>; mdiaz@montgomeryal.gov <mdiaz@montgomeryal.gov>; "nicole.king@birminghamal.gov" <nicole.king@birminghamal.gov>; Carol E. Clarke <carol.clarke@birminghamal.gov>; gmjohnson@sbgtv.com <gmjohnson@sbgtv.com>; simon.schuessler@wsfa.com <simon.schuessler@wsfa.com>; danaellis865@gmail.com <danaellis865@gmail.com>; Keaira G. Turner <keaira.turner@birminghamal.gov>; moneyj@jccal.org <moneyj@jccal.org>; sjackson@cbs42.com <sjackson@cbs42.com>; abookman@al.com <abookman@al.com>; bwright@birminghamtimes.com <bwright@birminghamtimes.com>; igould@advancelocal.com <igould@advancelocal.com>; newhopebirmingham@gmail.com <newhopebirmingham@gmail.com>; pastortb@nrschurch.org <pastortb@nrschurch.org>; onoyemi@fiaal.org <onoyemi@fiaal.org>; fbcensley@gmail.com <fbcensley@gmail.com>; dgreen@mtcfc.org <dgreen@mtcfc.org>; officestaff@faithchapel.net <officestaff@faithchapel.net>; katy@churchofthehighlands.com <katy@churchofthehighlands.com>; ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org <ashfaq.taufique@bisweb.org>; daniel@fiaal.org <daniel@fiaal.org>; Rev. Julie Conrady <minister@uucbham.org>; Moms Demand Action Alabama <alabama@momschapterleaders.org>; Melissa Bailey <melissa.bailey.al@gmail.com>; contact@evechurch.org <contact@evechurch.org>; wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com <wgonsoulin@jefcoed.com>; ddgreen@uab.edu <ddgreen@uab.edu>; dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us <dhudson@bhm.k12.al.us>; cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us <cwalker3@bhm.k12.al.us>; msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us <msullivan@bhm.k12.al.us>; sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com <sammons@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; Sheree Kennon <shereekennon@yahoo.com>; Lisa Burgess <lisaburgess.al@gmail.com>; Helen Rivas <kikot.atit@gmail.com>; Phillip Ensler <phillip.ensler@alhouse.gov>; info@mothersunitedagv.com <info@mothersunitedagv.com>; gn2900@aol.com <gn2900@aol.com>; gnabc.pr@gmail.com <gnabc.pr@gmail.com>; birminghamblm@gmail.com <birminghamblm@gmail.com>; hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com <hwbhizgrac@yahoo.com>; Sam Gaston <gastons@mtnbrook.org>; Janet Forbes <forbesj@mtnbrook.org>; JaiGregory Clarke <jaigregory@fiaal.org>; jpaepcke@hearst.com <jpaepcke@hearst.com>; Donald Watkins <dvw@donaldwatkins.com>
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2024 at 10:01:51 AM CDT
Subject: Your new role as Executive Director of the Alabama Sheriffs Association
Dear Sheriff Mack:
This email is prompted by Rep. Ensler's July 8th post on X announcing your new role as Executive Director of the Alabama Sheriffs Association, and saying, "Together, we can work at the state legislature towards enhancing community safety for all and saving lives."
https://x.com/EnslerPhillip/status/1810304011934851544Donald Watkins, in a July 5th post on Facebook, set forth ten crime-fighting measures for the City of Birmingham to aggressively implement.
Birmingham Can Retake Control of City Streets from Drug Dealers and Gang Members by Implementing this Crime-Fighting Plan (donaldwatkins.com).
A comment Donald put on his Facebook post said:
Last Friday, Mayor Woodfin suggested that violent criminals must police themselves by walking away from conflicts that lead to deadly violence. Several media pundits have suggested the implementation of new social programs that are aimed at reducing poverty. Some have advocated for more gun control laws. None of these people has pushed for a return to effective policing with a fully staffed 900-member police department.
I urge you (and all of the persons copied on this email) to review Donald Watkins' suggested crime-fighting measures; think about the feasibility of the measures, their cost and their possible effectiveness; and decide whether you (and they) wish to try to push for the City of Birmingham (and possibly other Alabama cities) to implement some or all of the measures.
I wish to focus on measure 1 ('1. Declare war on violent crimes within the city and mean it. Put the city’s money on the front-line of the fight against violent crime.") and the above quoted comment that says, "Some have advocated for more gun control laws."
I sent the below July 8th email to Montgomery Mayor Steven Reed's office, to the Montgomery City Council and to other persons, concerning the City of Montgomery's publicized spike in violent crime. In the email, I say:
I contend that (i) stricter gun laws are an imperative for reducing gun violence in Alabama, (ii) Alabama Republicans are opposed to reducing gun violence in Alabama through stricter gun laws, and (iii) the Republicans' reasons for opposing stricter gun laws may be that they do not believe stricter gun laws will reduce gun violence; or that stricter gun laws impair the capacity of citizens to defend themselves against tyrannical government; or that opposing stricter gun laws is part and parcel of the Republicans fighting the culture war.
I believe Alabamians should reject the reasons Alabama Republicans have for opposing stricter gun laws and Alabamians should rise up against the Alabama Republicans who are harming the health and welfare of Alabamians through the Republicans' control of the Alabama legislature and refusal to pass stricter gun laws.
I think Alabama sheriff's offices and police departments should not be cowed by politics and they should point fingers publicly at the Republicans in Montgomery who are opposed to stricter gun laws for reducing gun violence in Alabama. This will be supportive of Alabamians rising up against the Alabama Republicans in Motgomery who are harming the health and welfare of Alabamians.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook