Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Upcoming SCOTUS decision on gun rights

Monday, May 30, 2022

Post-mortem of AL TV stations' election performance

From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: comments@abc3340.com, programming@abc3340.com, Susana.Schuler@hearst.com, blong@hearst.com, wcromwell@cbs42.com, rmartin@cbs42.com, collin.gaston@wbrc.com, jama.killingsworth@waff.com, julie@waff.com, paul.caron@whnt.com, mwright@waaytv.com, sgallien@waaytv.com, eric.duncan@fox10tv.com, Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com, news@mynbc15.com, dsingleton@mynbc15.com, PAlbrecht@wkrg.com, clombard@wkrg.com, robby.thomas@wtvy.com, stephen.crews@wtvy.com, TCole@wdhn.com, RWare@wdhn.com, mbunting@wsfa.com, sduff@wsfa.com, ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net, jrainey@alabamanews.net, sdiorio@wvua23.com, knorred@wvua23.com
Sent: Mon, May 30, 2022 9:44 am
Subject: Post-mortem of AL TV stations' election performance
If, with the May 24th primary election day now past, your TV station is doing an internal after-action review of your station's 2022 election performance thus far, please consider what Dale Jackson, Mecca Musick and Dylan Smith say in the Alabama Politics This Week show that is posted at https://yellowhammernews.com/katie-britt-to-face-mo-brooks-in-runoff-governor-ivey-rolls-easily-and-more-on-alabama-politics-this-week/.
Please note particularly the following things said or referred to at the indicated times in the show:
17:27 is there enough time for negative ad money to draw Katie Britt down?
18:48 the onslaught of negative attack ads that took Mike Durant down
19:24 the air war
19:40 the negativity of radio and TV ads that took Mike Durant down
20:04 the power of TV ads and PAC spending never seen before
23:25 Durant wants to avenge Britt ad attacks against Durant
23:47 matter of turnout, which John Merrill over-estimated
24:09 low turnout because of voter apathy and negative ads, although effective, that voters don't like
24:27 those who think elections stolen won't turn out
24:35 voter apathy
24:35 the Georgia high voter turnout compared to Alabama's low turnout
27:51 mistaken belief that low turnout would be good
28:20 effect on turnout of Alabama being one party state
28:26 Merrill predicted 31-32%; actual turnout 10 percentage points less: runoff will be even lesser turnout
28:45 11-15% of voters will determine next U.S. Senator, Alabama Secretary of State etc.
29:10 amazing how few voters participate amidst negative ad bombardment
An after-action review of your TV station's election performance thus far should consider whether your TV station thinks what Dale Jackson, Mecca Musick and Dylan Smith say about the primary election are accurate; whether what happened in the election was good or bad for politics and governance in Alabama; the role your TV station played in the election; and, if what you think what happened in the election iwas bad for politics and governance in Alabama, the extent to which your TV station contributed to the bad or mitigated the bad; and whether your TV station could have done better in the period before May24th. https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/post-mortem-of-al-tv-stations-election.html
Thank you very much.
[If you furnish me a contact email address for my sending emails to your TV station, I will use the contact email address you give me rather than the email addresses for your TV station that I have used on this email. Thanks.]




From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: comments@abc3340.com, programming@abc3340.com, Susana.Schuler@hearst.com, blong@hearst.com, wcromwell@cbs42.com, rmartin@cbs42.com, collin.gaston@wbrc.com, jama.killingsworth@waff.com, julie@waff.com, paul.caron@whnt.com, mwright@waaytv.com, sgallien@waaytv.com, eric.duncan@fox10tv.com, Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com, news@mynbc15.com, dsingleton@mynbc15.com, PAlbrecht@wkrg.com, clombard@wkrg.com, robby.thomas@wtvy.com, stephen.crews@wtvy.com, TCole@wdhn.com, RWare@wdhn.com, mbunting@wsfa.com, sduff@wsfa.com, ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net, jrainey@alabamanews.net, sdiorio@wvua23.com, knorred@wvua23.com
Sent: Thu, Jun 2, 2022 4:24 am
Subject: What are AL TV stations going to do re Katie Britt
In the election journalism and editorializing your TV stations do (or do not do), what will your TV stations do relative to Katie Britt saying she will not participate in a debate? https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/post-mortem-of-al-tv-stations-election.html
I think there are things your TV stations should do in the situation of Britt and Brooks not appearing together in a debate.
If you ask me, I will tell you what I think those things are.
Thank you.
[If you furnish me a contact email address for my sending emails to your TV station, I will use the contact email address you give me rather than the email addresses for your TV station that I have used on this email.]



6/8/22 6/8/22
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: comments@abc3340.com, programming@abc3340.com, Susana.Schuler@hearst.com, blong@hearst.com, wcromwell@cbs42.com, rmartin@cbs42.com, collin.gaston@wbrc.com, jama.killingsworth@waff.com, julie@waff.com, paul.caron@whnt.com, mwright@waaytv.com, sgallien@waaytv.com, eric.duncan@fox10tv.com, Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com, news@mynbc15.com, dsingleton@mynbc15.com, PAlbrecht@wkrg.com, clombard@wkrg.com, robby.thomas@wtvy.com, stephen.crews@wtvy.com, TCole@wdhn.com, RWare@wdhn.com, mbunting@wsfa.com, sduff@wsfa.com, ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net, jrainey@alabamanews.net, sdiorio@wvua23.com, knorred@wvua23.com
Cc: ntdavis2@ua.edu, dralewis@uab.edu, brown11@auburn.edu, rchorn@samford.edu, doerflerc@montevallo.edu,david.hughes@aum.edu, mnelson@ua.edu, alfranks@uab.edu, jzb0124@auburn.edu, mcarey@samford.edu, cofieldj@montevallo.edu
Sent: Wed, Jun 8, 2022 6:36 pm
Subject: 12 days left in this stage of AL TV stations' 2022 election journalism
I have been bugging Alabama TV stations during this election runoff period to do soul searching about the election journalism the TV stations did before May 24th with a view to possibly making improvements during the runoff period. https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/post-mortem-of-al-tv-stations-election.html 
I have no feedback from Alabama TV stations about their election journalism in this election runoff period.
I do not know whether the attitude of the TV stations is "our election journalism is fine and we don't think any changes are called for" or "we are not satisfied with our election journalism and we have been making improvements" or "we are not satisfied with our election journalism but we are not doing anything at this time to try to improve the same."
I think the TV stations' election journalism could be better than it has been.
In March and April I sent emails to Alabama university professors in the fields of communications, journalism and political science, which emails can be found at https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/03/al-broadcasters-assoc-and-academics-re.html and https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/04/email-to-ua-uab-auburn-samford.html. I am taking the opportunity of this email to copy those professors on this email.
As I have noted to you previously, if you furnish me a contact email address for my sending emails to your TV station, I will use the contact email address you give me rather than the email addresses for your TV station that I have used on this email.
Thank you.


6/14/22 Alabama TV stations and ill-informed people
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: comments@abc3340.com, programming@abc3340.com, Susana.Schuler@hearst.com, blong@hearst.com, wcromwell@cbs42.com, rmartin@cbs42.com, collin.gaston@wbrc.com, jama.killingsworth@waff.com, julie@waff.com, paul.caron@whnt.com, mwright@waaytv.com, sgallien@waaytv.com, eric.duncan@fox10tv.com, Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com, news@mynbc15.com, dsingleton@mynbc15.com, PAlbrecht@wkrg.com, clombard@wkrg.com, robby.thomas@wtvy.com, stephen.crews@wtvy.com, TCole@wdhn.com, RWare@wdhn.com, mbunting@wsfa.com, sduff@wsfa.com, ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net, jrainey@alabamanews.net, sdiorio@wvua23.com, knorred@wvua23.com
Cc: mnelson@ua.edu, alfranks@uab.edu, jzb0124@auburn.edu, mcarey@samford.edu, cofieldj@montevallo.edu, ntdavis2@ua.edu, dralewis@uab.edu, brown11@auburn.edu, rchorn@samford.edu, doerflerc@montevallo.edu,
Sent: Tue, Jun 14, 2022 8:09 am
Subject: Alabama TV stations and ill-informed people
Dear TV stations:
On his most recent Alabama Politics This Week show, Dale Jackson said, "If you are looking to touch the people that are ill-informed, TV ads are the way to go. If you're looking to touch people who understand what is going on, especially in politics in this state, talk radio is the way to go."
You can listen to Dale saying that at 15:21 of the video of his show at https://yellowhammernews.com/britt-to-face-brooks-in-runoff-governor-ivey-rolls-easily-and-more-on-alabama-politics-this-week/.
If your TV station is doing any soul searching about your election journalism, please include thinking about what Dale Jackson said on his show, including whether you think your viewers are ill-informed in connection with the 2022 elections, the things about which you think they are ill-informed, the extent to which your TV station contributes to your viewers being ill-informed, and what your TV station tries to do or could try to do to lessen the extent to which your viewers are ill-informed in connection with the 2022 elections.
Thank you for your attention to this email.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Arms race between police and wrongdoers with guns

Saturday, May 28, 2022

#al05 debate

From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: paul.caron@whnt.com <paul.caron@whnt.com>
Sent: Tue, May 31, 2022 7:39 am
Subject: suggesting questions to be asked in #al05 debate
Dear Mr. Caron:
I think WHNT should invite viewers to submit questions that they would like to see asked in the Strong/Wardynski debate that WHNT will televise.
I live in the 6th Congressional district and have many questions I would like my Rep. Gary Palmer to answer, but I cannot get him to answer anything.
I think many of my questions for Rep. Palmer are questions that voters in the 5th Congressional district are or should be interested in getting answered by their representative in Congress. Accordingly, I consider it legitimate for me to try to pose questions for consideration for being asked in the Strong/Wardynski debate, and I will do that.
If WHNT solicits debate questions to be submitted on WHNT's Facebook page, I will submit questions there.
Also, I don't use Facebook much, and use Twitter a lot. I will use Twitter to post suggested debate questions using the hashtag #al05debate and will solicit other Twitter users to do the same.
Thank you for your attention to this email.





6/16/22 Email to TV stations
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: comments@abc3340.com, programming@abc3340.com, Susana.Schuler@hearst.com, blong@hearst.com, wcromwell@cbs42.com, rmartin@cbs42.com, collin.gaston@wbrc.com, jama.killingsworth@waff.com, julie@waff.com, paul.caron@whnt.com, mwright@waaytv.com, sgallien@waaytv.com, eric.duncan@fox10tv.com, Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com, news@mynbc15.com, dsingleton@mynbc15.com, PAlbrecht@wkrg.com, clombard@wkrg.com, robby.thomas@wtvy.com, stephen.crews@wtvy.com, TCole@wdhn.com, RWare@wdhn.com, mbunting@wsfa.com, sduff@wsfa.com, ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net, jrainey@alabamanews.net, sdiorio@wvua23.com, knorred@wvua23.com
Cc:  mnelson@ua.edu, alfranks@uab.edu, jzb0124@auburn.edu, mcarey@samford.edu, cofieldj@montevallo.edu, ntdavis2@ua.edu, dralewis@uab.edu, brown11@auburn.edu, rchorn@samford.edu, doerflerc@montevallo.edu,
Sent: Thu, Jun 16, 2022 6:27 pm
Subject: TV stations, #al05 debate, and ill-informed people
Dear Alabama TV stations:
Continuing on with your soul-searching about your 2022 election journalism, please consider the 5th Congressional district debate that WHNT hosted and evaluate whether it mitigated the condition of ill-informed voters, which Dale Jackson has talked about. https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/al05-debate.html
A video of the debate can be found at https://whnt.com/news/politics/your-local-election-headquarters/5th-congressional-district-gop-runoff-prime-time-debate/. There is also post -debate news of "Mrs. Wardynski tells Strong ‘I’m coming after you’." https://256today.com/im-coming-after-you-sparks-fly-in-al-5-post-debate-exchange/
If you review the debate, keep in mind Dale Jackson's full comment: "If you are looking to touch the people that are ill-informed, TV ads are the way to go. If you're looking to touch people who understand what is going on, especially in politics in this state, talk radio is the way to go." https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/06/al-tv-stations-and-ill-informed-people.html.
Also, note how 256 Today says, "North Alabama is a region with all types of smart people. There are rocket scientists, health care professionals, stay-at-home parents, computer analysts, educators, farmers, contractors, engineers, artists, military personnel, and so much more. No matter the occupation, the Tennessee Valley is tied together by people who are all (S)elf-sufficient, (M)otivated, (A)dept, (R)esourceful, and (T)rustworthy. People who deserve to have their local news reflect that. People who are – as the dictionary defines it – “capable of independent action,” and as we define it, smart as hell." https://256today.com/about/
While time is running out in the runoff elections, I think your soul-searching about your 2022 election journalism should continue after June 21st.
Thank you for your attention to this email.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Republicans serving up hate on Tuesday’s ballot

Email to Alabama TV stations
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: comments@abc3340.com <comments@abc3340.com>; programming@abc3340.com <programming@abc3340.com>; Susana.Schuler@hearst.com <Susana.Schuler@hearst.com>; blong@hearst.com <blong@hearst.com>; wcromwell@cbs42.com <wcromwell@cbs42.com>; rmartin@cbs42.com <rmartin@cbs42.com>; collin.gaston@wbrc.com <collin.gaston@wbrc.com>; shannon.isbell@wbrc.com <shannon.isbell@wbrc.com>; jama.killingsworth@waff.com <jama.killingsworth@waff.com>; julie@waff.com <julie@waff.com>; paul.caron@whnt.com <paul.caron@whnt.com>; mwright@waaytv.com <mwright@waaytv.com>; sgallien@waaytv.com <sgallien@waaytv.com>; eric.duncan@fox10tv.com <eric.duncan@fox10tv.com>; Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com <Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com>; news@mynbc15.com <news@mynbc15.com>; dsingleton@mynbc15.com <dsingleton@mynbc15.com>; PAlbrecht@wkrg.com <PAlbrecht@wkrg.com>; clombard@wkrg.com <clombard@wkrg.com>; robby.thomas@wtvy.com <robby.thomas@wtvy.com>; stephen.crews@wtvy.com <stephen.crews@wtvy.com>; TCole@wdhn.com <TCole@wdhn.com>; RWare@wdhn.com <RWare@wdhn.com>; mbunting@wsfa.com <mbunting@wsfa.com>; sduff@wsfa.com <sduff@wsfa.com>; ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net <ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net>; jrainey@alabamanews.net <jrainey@alabamanews.net>; sdiorio@wvua23.com <sdiorio@wvua23.com>; knorred@wvua23.com <knorred@wvua23.com>
Sent: Tue, May 24, 2022 5:42 am
Subject: Opinion: Republicans serving up hate on Tuesday's ballot
I found this article interesting and thought of sharing it with you. Check it out. https://www.alreporter.com/2022/05/21/opinion-republicans-serving-up-hate-on-tuesdays-ballot/

Email to Alabama chambers of commerce
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: dcole@bcatoday.org <dcole@bcatoday.org>; ejerkins@birminghambusinessalliance.com <ejerkins@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; director@homewoodchamber.org <director@homewoodchamber.org>; chamber@vestaviahills.org <chamber@vestaviahills.org>; rfigh@montgomerychamber.com <rfigh@montgomerychamber.com>
Sent: Tue, May 24, 2022 7:39 am
Subject: Opinion: Republicans serving up hate on Tuesday's ballot
I found this article interesting and thought of sharing it with you. Check it out. https://www.alreporter.com/2022/05/21/opinion-republicans-serving-up-hate-on-tuesdays-ballot/

Friday, May 20, 2022

Candidates' mailers & TV station election roundtables

I have been complaining for months that I think the TV ads of the candidates running for U.S. Senator from Alabama and for Alabama Governor are political diarrhea, and it is appalling that the ads are effective for getting voters to vote for the candidates. https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/03/unchecked-political-diarrhea.html.

I have been haranguing TV stations to mitigate the political diarrhea by editorializing about the candidates' TV ads.

In these final days before May 24th I have been pleading with the TV stations to do election roundtable discussions among the stations' news anchors and reporters. https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/al-tv-station-election-roundtables.html

The above guest opinion talks about the "well-funded super PACs supporting Katie hav[ing] blanketed the state with mailers designed to subtly shift your impression of Mike."

I am sure that, like the candidates' TV ads, the candidates' mailers are distortive  about the truth and reality of an opponent who is attacked (if an opponent is attacked) and are misleading and inaccurate in the messaging in the mailer in favor of the candidate sending the mailer.

The mailers of the candidates are further reason why TV stations should do election roundtable discussions among the stations' news anchors and reporters.

Also, the above guest opinion's discussion of issues is suggestive that roundtable discussions by the TV stations need to be of significant length.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Education and 2022 elections

6/19/22 6/28/22


Sunday, May 15, 2022

Guns and 2022 elections


Previous email to Alabama constitutional law professors
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: dmsmolin@samford.edu <dmsmolin@samford.edu>; tgrove@law.ua.edu <tgrove@law.ua.edu>; phorwitz@law.ua.edu <phorwitz@law.ua.edu>; mbrandon@law.ua.edu <mbrandon@law.ua.edu>; aolree@faulkner.edu <aolree@faulkner.edu>
Sent: Fri, Apr 15, 2022 5:34 pmSubject: Does Second Amendment gives citizens right to bear arms against the government?
Dear Professors Smolin, Grove, Horwitz, Brandon, and Olree,
I have been trying to publicly argue for more than a year that the Second Amendment does not give citizens the right to bear arms against the government.
I say the following in my blog entry Guns again:
The Constitution creates a government under the rule of law, the use of arms against the Federal government is inconsistent with such concept of a government by rule of law set up by the Constitution, and it is dubious that the courts would hold that the 2nd Amendment gives citizens a right to use arms against the Federal government and hold, for example, that the Federal government is prohibited by the 2nd Amendment from defending itself and disarming the citizens who are using arms against the Federal government.
Multiple times I have solicited from Alabama lawyers such as former U.S. attorney Jay Town, Alabama Supreme Court candidate Gregory Cook and (indirectly) Associate Justice Will Sellers, to set forth their views on whether the 2nd amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms against the government. I have gotten no reply from these lawyers.
Thus far none of Mike Durant, Katie Britt and Mo Brooks have said that the Second Amendment does not give citizens the right to bear arms against the government, and statements they have made are suggestive that they believe the Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms against the government.
I have not researched the extent to which the United State Supreme Court has addressed the issue of whether the Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms against the government. In the New York City gun regulation case that is before the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court may shed light on whether the Second Amendment gives citizens any right to bear arms against the government.
There is an April 15th Yellowhammer News article "Katie Britt: The Second Amendment is a ‘critical check’ against government tyranny,", which article quotes Katie Britt as saying, “The Second Amendment is a critical check against the timeless tyranny of government." The article says that Katie Britt intends to author an amicus brief in support of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association’s case against New York’s Second Amendment restrictions.
That the United States was created by means of an armed revolution of the colonies against England can cloud thinking about whether, after the United States was created by and under the Constitution, the Second Amendment and its support for militias gives citizens the right to bear arms against the United States and its government. On this, I think a distinction needs to be made between militias to defend the United States against foreign governments, and militias to protect the States and individual citizens against tyranny by the United States government over the States and individual citizens. In this regard, the Founding Fathers had concerns about a standing army of the United States, and assuring the existence of militias was a way to address that concern.
The Heller case holds that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
Currently, the Supreme Court needs to give more guidance about what is reasonable exercise of the police power in gun regulation, and whether and how that police power is limited by citizens having a right under the Second Amendment to bear arms against the United States government as a protection against tyranny by the United States. government over States and individual citizens.
The purpose of this email to you as constitutional law professors is to ask whether you think Alabama politicians and the Alabama public are suffering from misimpressions about the Second Amendment, whether such misimpressions are detrimental to the political ability of America and Alabama to reduce gun violence, and whether you believe you have a civic obligation to correct any such misimpressions that Alabama politicians and the Alabama public have about the Second Amendment.
I think you should draft and send a letter to Gov. Ivey, Attorney General Marshall and the Alabama legislature, which letter is signed by Alabama constitutional law professors (and by other Alabama lawyers and Alabama professors of history and political science as you consider appropriate), and which discusses the right (or not) that the Second Amendment gives to citizens to bear arms against the government.
If you send such a letter, I would personally undertake to distribute copies of the letter to Alabama TV stations and other Alabama media outlets.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Email again to Alabama constitutional law professors
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: dmsmolin@samford.edu <dmsmolin@samford.edu>; tgrove@law.ua.edu <tgrove@law.ua.edu>; phorwitz@law.ua.edu <phorwitz@law.ua.edu>; mbrandon@law.ua.edu <mbrandon@law.ua.edu>; aolree@faulkner.edu <aolree@faulkner.edu>
Sent: Wed, May 18, 2022 4:25 pm
Subject: I plea again for someone to speak publicly about the Second Amendment
Dear Professors Smolin, Grove, Horwitz, Brandon, and Olree:
I plea again for someone to speak publicly about the Second Amendment in connection with the 2022 elections in Alabama.
Please, please review https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/guns-and-2022-elections.html and search your consciences for whether there is anything you can say in a public way (either individually or jointly) that you think Alabama voters should hear from you about the Second Amendment in connection with the 2022 elections, particularly relative to the blaring that the voters are hearing from the TV ads related to the subject.
Please note the two articles I have cited, to wit,
https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2011/06/constitutional-myth-6-the-second-amendment-allows-citizens-to-threaten-government/241298/ and https://thefederalist.com/2018/03/22/how-the-second-amendment-prevents-tyranny/.
I will try to publicize anything you decide to say by email to me or otherwise.
Thank you very much for your attention to this.

5/26/22 What are AL TV stations and chambers of commerce doing

From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: comments@abc3340.com <comments@abc3340.com>; programming@abc3340.com <programming@abc3340.com>; Susana.Schuler@hearst.com <Susana.Schuler@hearst.com>; blong@hearst.com <blong@hearst.com>; wcromwell@cbs42.com <wcromwell@cbs42.com>; rmartin@cbs42.com <rmartin@cbs42.com>; collin.gaston@wbrc.com <collin.gaston@wbrc.com>; shannon.isbell@wbrc.com <shannon.isbell@wbrc.com>; jama.killingsworth@waff.com <jama.killingsworth@waff.com>; julie@waff.com <julie@waff.com>; paul.caron@whnt.com <paul.caron@whnt.com>; mwright@waaytv.com <mwright@waaytv.com>; sgallien@waaytv.com <sgallien@waaytv.com>; eric.duncan@fox10tv.com <eric.duncan@fox10tv.com>; Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com <Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com>; news@mynbc15.com <news@mynbc15.com>; dsingleton@mynbc15.com <dsingleton@mynbc15.com>; PAlbrecht@wkrg.com <PAlbrecht@wkrg.com>; clombard@wkrg.com <clombard@wkrg.com>; robby.thomas@wtvy.com <robby.thomas@wtvy.com>; stephen.crews@wtvy.com <stephen.crews@wtvy.com>; TCole@wdhn.com <TCole@wdhn.com>; RWare@wdhn.com <RWare@wdhn.com>; mbunting@wsfa.com <mbunting@wsfa.com>; sduff@wsfa.com <sduff@wsfa.com>; ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net <ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net>; jrainey@alabamanews.net <jrainey@alabamanews.net>; sdiorio@wvua23.com <sdiorio@wvua23.com>; knorred@wvua23.com <knorred@wvua23.com>
Sent: Thu, May 26, 2022 7:17 am
Subject: What are Alabama TV stations doing to hold Alabama lawmakers accountable on guns?
'What happens next is we get angry': Gun safety group calls for holding lawmakers accountable

From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: dcole@bcatoday.org <dcole@bcatoday.org>; ejerkins@birminghambusinessalliance.com <ejerkins@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; director@homewoodchamber.org <director@homewoodchamber.org>; chamber@vestaviahills.org <chamber@vestaviahills.org>; rfigh@montgomerychamber.com <rfigh@montgomerychamber.com>
Sent: Thu, May 26, 2022 7:52 am
Subject: What are Alabama chambers of commerce doing to hold Alabama lawmakers accountable on guns?
'What happens next is we get angry': Gun safety group calls for holding lawmakers accountable

5/27/22 Email to Alabama constitutional law professors
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: dmsmolin@samford.edu <dmsmolin@samford.edu>; tgrove@law.ua.edu <tgrove@law.ua.edu>; phorwitz@law.ua.edu <phorwitz@law.ua.edu>; mbrandon@law.ua.edu <mbrandon@law.ua.edu>; aolree@faulkner.edu <aolree@faulkner.edu>
Cc: comments@abc3340.com <comments@abc3340.com>; programming@abc3340.com <programming@abc3340.com>; Susana.Schuler@hearst.com <Susana.Schuler@hearst.com>; blong@hearst.com <blong@hearst.com>; wcromwell@cbs42.com <wcromwell@cbs42.com>; rmartin@cbs42.com <rmartin@cbs42.com>; collin.gaston@wbrc.com <collin.gaston@wbrc.com>; shannon.isbell@wbrc.com <shannon.isbell@wbrc.com>; jama.killingsworth@waff.com <jama.killingsworth@waff.com>; julie@waff.com <julie@waff.com>; paul.caron@whnt.com <paul.caron@whnt.com>; mwright@waaytv.com <mwright@waaytv.com>; sgallien@waaytv.com <sgallien@waaytv.com>; eric.duncan@fox10tv.com <eric.duncan@fox10tv.com>; Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com <Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com>; news@mynbc15.com <news@mynbc15.com>; dsingleton@mynbc15.com <dsingleton@mynbc15.com>; PAlbrecht@wkrg.com <PAlbrecht@wkrg.com>; clombard@wkrg.com <clombard@wkrg.com>; robby.thomas@wtvy.com <robby.thomas@wtvy.com>; stephen.crews@wtvy.com <stephen.crews@wtvy.com>; TCole@wdhn.com <TCole@wdhn.com>; RWare@wdhn.com <RWare@wdhn.com>; mbunting@wsfa.com <mbunting@wsfa.com>; sduff@wsfa.com <sduff@wsfa.com>; ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net <ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net>; jrainey@alabamanews.net <jrainey@alabamanews.net>; sdiorio@wvua23.com <sdiorio@wvua23.com>; knorred@wvua23.com <knorred@wvua23.com>
Sent: Fri, May 27, 2022 5:33 am
Subject: Please contact AL TV stations for holding AL lawmakers accountable on guns
Please contact Alabama TV stations to assist them in understanding the Second Amendment as will help the TV stations hold Alabama lawmakers accountable on guns.
Thank you.

5/28/22 Email to chamber of commerce lawyers
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: gbutrus@balch.com <gbutrus@balch.com>; gcurran@maynardcooper.com <gcurran@maynardcooper.com>; dsharff@bradley.com <dsharff@bradley.com>; sblanton@balch.com <sblanton@balch.com>; echristian@burr.com <echristian@burr.com>; todd.carlisle@dentons.com <todd.carlisle@dentons.com>; joe.ritch@dentons.com <joe.ritch@dentons.com>
Cc: comments@abc3340.com <comments@abc3340.com>; programming@abc3340.com <programming@abc3340.com>; Susana.Schuler@hearst.com <Susana.Schuler@hearst.com>; blong@hearst.com <blong@hearst.com>; wcromwell@cbs42.com <wcromwell@cbs42.com>; rmartin@cbs42.com <rmartin@cbs42.com>; collin.gaston@wbrc.com <collin.gaston@wbrc.com>; shannon.isbell@wbrc.com <shannon.isbell@wbrc.com>; jama.killingsworth@waff.com <jama.killingsworth@waff.com>; julie@waff.com <julie@waff.com>; paul.caron@whnt.com <paul.caron@whnt.com>; mwright@waaytv.com <mwright@waaytv.com>; sgallien@waaytv.com <sgallien@waaytv.com>; eric.duncan@fox10tv.com <eric.duncan@fox10tv.com>; Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com <Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com>; news@mynbc15.com <news@mynbc15.com>; dsingleton@mynbc15.com <dsingleton@mynbc15.com>; PAlbrecht@wkrg.com <PAlbrecht@wkrg.com>; clombard@wkrg.com <clombard@wkrg.com>; robby.thomas@wtvy.com <robby.thomas@wtvy.com>; stephen.crews@wtvy.com <stephen.crews@wtvy.com>; TCole@wdhn.com <TCole@wdhn.com>; RWare@wdhn.com <RWare@wdhn.com>; mbunting@wsfa.com <mbunting@wsfa.com>; sduff@wsfa.com <sduff@wsfa.com>; ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net <ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net>; jrainey@alabamanews.net <jrainey@alabamanews.net>; sdiorio@wvua23.com <sdiorio@wvua23.com>; knorred@wvua23.com <knorred@wvua23.com>
Sent: Sat, May 28, 2022 12:31 pm
Subject: Alabama chamber of commerce lawyers and Uvalde
You are lawyers who are directors or executive committee members of the Business Council of Alabama, the Birmingham Business Alliance and the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber.
I have previously importuned Alabama chambers of commerce to contact Alabama TV stations to assist them in understanding the Second Amendment as will help the TV stations hold Alabama lawmakers accountable on guns.
The purpose of this email is to draw in lawyers in leadership positions at Alabama chambers of commerce to contribute to the contacting of Alabama TV stations to assist them in understanding the Second Amendment as will help the TV stations hold Alabama lawmakers accountable on guns.
For more information on this matter, please read https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/guns-and-2022-elections.html.
Thank you very much.
[Note to Alabama TV stations: If you furnish me a contact email address for my sending emails to your TV station, I will use the contact email address you give me rather than the email addresses for your TV station that I have used on this email. Thanks.]

5/29/22 Email to health field professionals
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: mslay@uab.edu <mslay@uab.edu>; dwilliamson@alaha.org <dwilliamson@alaha.org>; mjackson@alamedical.org <mjackson@alamedical.org>; alaarp@aarp.org <alaarp@aarp.org>; ccwilliams@aarp.org <ccwilliams@aarp.org>; robyn@alarise.org <robyn@alarise.org>; edasna@alabamanurses.org <edasna@alabamanurses.org>
Cc: comments@abc3340.com <comments@abc3340.com>; programming@abc3340.com <programming@abc3340.com>; Susana.Schuler@hearst.com <Susana.Schuler@hearst.com>; blong@hearst.com <blong@hearst.com>; wcromwell@cbs42.com <wcromwell@cbs42.com>; rmartin@cbs42.com <rmartin@cbs42.com>; collin.gaston@wbrc.com <collin.gaston@wbrc.com>; shannon.isbell@wbrc.com <shannon.isbell@wbrc.com>; jama.killingsworth@waff.com <jama.killingsworth@waff.com>; julie@waff.com <julie@waff.com>; paul.caron@whnt.com <paul.caron@whnt.com>; mwright@waaytv.com <mwright@waaytv.com>; sgallien@waaytv.com <sgallien@waaytv.com>; eric.duncan@fox10tv.com <eric.duncan@fox10tv.com>; Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com <Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com>; news@mynbc15.com <news@mynbc15.com>; dsingleton@mynbc15.com <dsingleton@mynbc15.com>; PAlbrecht@wkrg.com <PAlbrecht@wkrg.com>; clombard@wkrg.com <clombard@wkrg.com>; robby.thomas@wtvy.com <robby.thomas@wtvy.com>; stephen.crews@wtvy.com <stephen.crews@wtvy.com>; TCole@wdhn.com <TCole@wdhn.com>; RWare@wdhn.com <RWare@wdhn.com>; mbunting@wsfa.com <mbunting@wsfa.com>; sduff@wsfa.com <sduff@wsfa.com>; ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net <ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net>; jrainey@alabamanews.net <jrainey@alabamanews.net>; sdiorio@wvua23.com <sdiorio@wvua23.com>; knorred@wvua23.com <knorred@wvua23.com>
Sent: Sun, May 29, 2022 9:42 am
Subject: Public health and Uvalde
I would believe that you think gun violence and lessening gun violence are important public health concerns.
I am trying to push on Alabama TV stations to hold Alabama lawmakers accountable on guns.
I am trying to push on Alabama constitutional law professors and on Alabama chambers of commerce (and lawyers who are in leadership roles in the chambers of commerce) to contact Alabama TV stations to assist them in understanding the Second Amendment as will help the TV stations hold Alabama lawmakers accountable on guns.
Your fields of work are in health and health services and advocacy, and are not in United States constitutional law and the Second Amendment.
The purpose of this email is to inform you of the foregoing about what I am trying to do to hold Alabama lawmakers accountable on guns, in the event you are able to discern ways to help me out.
You can find more information about what I am doing at https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/guns-and-2022-elections.html.
Thank you very much.
[Note to Alabama TV stations: If you furnish me a contact email address for my sending emails to your TV station, I will use the contact email address you give me rather than the email addresses for your TV station that I have used on this email. Thanks.]

What does Alabama law enforcement say?

Email to UA, UAB, Auburn, Samford & Montevallo Presidents re Mo Brooks & 2nd Amendment
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>To: president@ua.edu <president@ua.edu>; president@uab.edu <president@uab.edu>; gogue08@auburn.edu <gogue08@auburn.edu>; president@samford.edu <president@samford.edu>; presidentsoffice@montevallo.edu <presidentsoffice@montevallo.edu>
Cc: dmsmolin@samford.edu <dmsmolin@samford.edu>; tgrove@law.ua.edu <tgrove@law.ua.edu>; phorwitz@law.ua.edu <phorwitz@law.ua.edu>; mbrandon@law.ua.edu <mbrandon@law.ua.edu>; aolree@faulkner.edu <aolree@faulkner.edu>; comments@abc3340.com <comments@abc3340.com>; programming@abc3340.com <programming@abc3340.com>; Susana.Schuler@hearst.com <Susana.Schuler@hearst.com>; blong@hearst.com <blong@hearst.com>; wcromwell@cbs42.com <wcromwell@cbs42.com>; rmartin@cbs42.com <rmartin@cbs42.com>; collin.gaston@wbrc.com <collin.gaston@wbrc.com>; shannon.isbell@wbrc.com <shannon.isbell@wbrc.com>; jama.killingsworth@waff.com <jama.killingsworth@waff.com>; julie@waff.com <julie@waff.com>; paul.caron@whnt.com <paul.caron@whnt.com>; mwright@waaytv.com <mwright@waaytv.com>; sgallien@waaytv.com <sgallien@waaytv.com>; eric.duncan@fox10tv.com <eric.duncan@fox10tv.com>; Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com <Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com>; news@mynbc15.com <news@mynbc15.com>; dsingleton@mynbc15.com <dsingleton@mynbc15.com>; PAlbrecht@wkrg.com <PAlbrecht@wkrg.com>; clombard@wkrg.com <clombard@wkrg.com>; robby.thomas@wtvy.com <robby.thomas@wtvy.com>; stephen.crews@wtvy.com <stephen.crews@wtvy.com>; TCole@wdhn.com <TCole@wdhn.com>; RWare@wdhn.com <RWare@wdhn.com>; mbunting@wsfa.com <mbunting@wsfa.com>; sduff@wsfa.com <sduff@wsfa.com>; ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net <ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net>; jrainey@alabamanews.net <jrainey@alabamanews.net>; sdiorio@wvua23.com <sdiorio@wvua23.com>; knorred@wvua23.com <knorred@wvua23.com>
Sent: Sun, May 29, 2022 4:43 pm
Subject: Will Alabama's constitutional law professors remain silent re Mo Brooks and 2nd Amendment
Dear UA President Bell, UAB President Watts, Auburn President Gogue, Samford President Taylor, and Montevallo President Stewart:
On the Fox News Sunday show this morning, Mo Brooks said the below about the Second Amendment (the below can be viewed starting at 39s of the 15m 28s video of the interview that is posted on https://www.foxnews.com/transcript/fox-news-sunday-on-may-29-2022 and the below is copied from the transcript of the whole show set out below the video):
BROOKS: Well, let's, for emphasis, understand what the Second Amendment is about. The Second Amendment is designed to help ensure that we, the citizenry, always have the right to take back our government should it become dictatorial. That was a great fear of the Founding Fathers and, quite frankly, it's a fear today.
And as long as we enjoy un-infringed Second Amendment rights, then we don't really have to worry that much about the government ever becoming dictatorial. But the moment that we take from our citizenry our ability to take our government back is the moment that the ability of dictatorial forces increases to the point where perhaps they will try to implement a dictatorial government at the federal level.
So I want to protect the Second Amendment right to bear arms. The amendment is very clear. It says the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. If there are proposals out there that guarantee the rights of the American people to freely exercise their Second Amendment right to bear and keep arms, then I'll consider them.
But if you're talking about depriving people of their Second Amendment right to bear arms -- well, first, it's unconstitutional. So you're going to have to address that with a constitutional amendment, and we'll see how Congress and the states react to that kind of measure.
I think it would be appalling if Alabama constitutional law professors Smolin, Grove, Horwitz, Brandon, and Olree failed to make any public statement about what Mo Brooks said about the Second Amendment.
For background on this, please read https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/guns-and-2022-elections.html.
Thank you very much.
[Note to Alabama TV stations: If you furnish me a contact email address for my sending emails to your TV station, I will use the contact email address you give me rather than the email addresses for your TV station that I have used on this email. Thanks.]

6/3/2022 Email to constitutional law professors outside of Alabama
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: guha.krishnamurthi@ou.edu <guha.krishnamurthi@ou.edu>; psalib@central.uh.edu <psalib@central.uh.edu>
Cc: dmsmolin@samford.edu <dmsmolin@samford.edu>; tgrove@law.ua.edu <tgrove@law.ua.edu>; phorwitz@law.ua.edu <phorwitz@law.ua.edu>; mbrandon@law.ua.edu <mbrandon@law.ua.edu>; aolree@faulkner.edu <aolree@faulkner.edu>
Sent: Fri, Jun 3, 2022 6:49 pm
Subject: "Small Arms Races" and citizen's right to bear arms against government
Dear Professors Krishnamurthi and Salib,
I am contacting you as a result of becoming aware of your recent paper "Small Arms Races," published at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4007572#.
I am in Alabama and am endeavoring to push into the public political discourse in Alabama the question of the extent to which the Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms against the government.
If you are willing, please read https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/guns-and-2022-elections.html.
Then, if you are really willing, please send me an email expressing support of my effort to push into the public political discourse in Alabama the question of the extent to which the Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms against the government. The email can be as brief or as elaborate as you care to be.
Thank you very much.

6/9/22 Another email to Professors Smolin, Grove, Horwitz, Brandon, and Olree
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: dmsmolin@samford.edu <dmsmolin@samford.edu>; tgrove@law.ua.edu <tgrove@law.ua.edu>; phorwitz@law.ua.edu <phorwitz@law.ua.edu>; mbrandon@law.ua.edu <mbrandon@law.ua.edu>; aolree@faulkner.edu <aolree@faulkner.edu>
Sent: Thu, Jun 9, 2022 10:45 am
Subject: Blame U.S. Rep. Jerry Carl, Dale Jackson & Yellowhammer News for this additional email to you regarding Second Amendment
Dear Professors Smolin, Grove, Horwitz, Brandon, and Olree:
Today Dale Jackson and Yellowhammer News reported (at https://yellowhammernews.com/7-things-justice-kavanaugh-was-an-assassination-target-u-s-rep-carl-says-democrats-trying-to-rewrite-2nd-amendment-and-more/ ) that "U.S. Rep. Carl says Democrats trying to rewrite 2nd Amendment" and elaborated in the following way:
3. Democrats want to ‘redefine the Second Amendment’
U.S. Representative Jerry Carl (R-Mobile) recently spoke about the effort by Democrats to push for gun control, and he stated, “They’re trying to redefine the Second Amendment. They’re trying to say it was written back when there were muskets, and there weren’t automatic weapons. Therefore, semi-automatic weapons shouldn’t apply to the Second Amendment.”
Carl said he disagreed with this stance. He argued, “The Second Amendment was written for us not only to be able to protect our families and our homes. It was also so written so we could protect ourselves from a rogue government.”
The publication today of the foregoing causes me to renew my appeal to you constitutional law professors, individually or in a joint way, to make a public utterance about the Second Amendment that you consider to be appropriately responsive to what I said in the previous email communications I sent to you on April 15th, May 18th, May 27th, May 29th, and June 3rd.
Said email communications can be found at https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/guns-and-2022-elections.html.
Thank you very much.

6/12/22 6/21/22
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>To: comments@abc3340.com, programming@abc3340.com, Susana.Schuler@hearst.com, blong@hearst.com, wcromwell@cbs42.com, rmartin@cbs42.com, collin.gaston@wbrc.com, jama.killingsworth@waff.com, julie@waff.com, paul.caron@whnt.com, mwright@waaytv.com, sgallien@waaytv.com, eric.duncan@fox10tv.com, Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com, news@mynbc15.com, dsingleton@mynbc15.com, PAlbrecht@wkrg.com, clombard@wkrg.com, robby.thomas@wtvy.com, stephen.crews@wtvy.com, TCole@wdhn.com, RWare@wdhn.com, mbunting@wsfa.com, sduff@wsfa.com, ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net, jrainey@alabamanews.net, sdiorio@wvua23.com, knorred@wvua23.com
Cc: dmsmolin@samford.edu, tgrove@law.ua.edu, phorwitz@law.ua.edu, mbrandon@law.ua.edu , aolree@faulkner.edu
Sent: Tue, Jun 21, 2022 7:51 am
Subject: Heads up to Alabama TV stations re New York gun regulation case
Dear Alabama TV stations:
Whatever the decision is of the United States Supreme Court in the pending New York State Rifle & Pistol Association case, the basis for the decision will be very hard for the public to understand.
If your TV station will try to explain the decision to your viewers, for help go to https://www.scotusblog.com/2021/11/we-read-all-the-amicus-briefs-in-new-york-state-rifle-so-you-dont-have-to/, which acts as a guide, saying:
More than 80 amicus briefs were filed in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, the major Second Amendment challenge to a New York law that requires people to show “proper cause” for a license to carry a concealed handgun in public. The briefs come from professors, politicians, states, cities, and interest groups from across the ideological spectrum. We reviewed them all, identified some of the most noteworthy and novel arguments, and summarized them in the guide below.
Additionally consider contacting one or more of the Alabama constitutional law professors whom I have copied on my emails (including on this email), and maybe they will help you in how you try to explain the SCOTUS decision to your viewers.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

January 6th & might makes right

Email to UA President Bell, UAB President Watts, Auburn President Gogue, Samford President Taylor, and Montevallo President Stewart:
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: president@ua.edu <president@ua.edu>; president@uab.edu <president@uab.edu>; gogue08@auburn.edu <gogue08@auburn.edu>; president@samford.edu <president@samford.edu>; presidentsoffice@montevallo.edu <presidentsoffice@montevallo.edu>
Sent: Sat, May 14, 2022 5:39 pm
Subject: Do Alabama's universities think "might makes right" is displacing rule of law in U.S.?
Dear UA President Bell, UAB President Watts, Auburn President Gogue, Samford President Taylor, and Montevallo President Stewart:
Do Alabama's universities think "might makes right" is displacing the rule of law in the United States? https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/january-6th-might-makes-right.html
Will the 2022 elections be a prime vehicle for might making right displacing the rule of law?
Will Alabama's universities stand by while it happens?
Thank you for your attention to this.

Email to Alabama chambers of commerce
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: dcole@bcatoday.org <dcole@bcatoday.org>; ejerkins@birminghambusinessalliance.com <ejerkins@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; director@homewoodchamber.org <director@homewoodchamber.org>; chamber@vestaviahills.org <chamber@vestaviahills.org>; rfigh@montgomerychamber.com <rfigh@montgomerychamber.com>
Sent: Mon, May 16, 2022 5:39 am
Subject: January 6th & might makes right
Please read "January 6th & might makes right" at http://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/january-6th-might-makes-right.html.
Thank you.



Thursday, May 12, 2022

AL TV station election roundtables before May 24th

Alabama TV stations should have election roundtable discussions on their news programs before May 24th.

The participants in a TV station's roundtable discussion could be limited to the TV station's anchors and reporters. Alternatively, selected outsiders might participate in the roundtable along with the TV station's anchors and reporters.

Emails to AL TV stations
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: eric.duncan@fox10tv.com <eric.duncan@fox10tv.com>; Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com <Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com>; news@mynbc15.com <news@mynbc15.com>; dsingleton@mynbc15.com <dsingleton@mynbc15.com>; PAlbrecht@wkrg.com <PAlbrecht@wkrg.com>; clombard@wkrg.com <clombard@wkrg.com>; robby.thomas@wtvy.com <robby.thomas@wtvy.com>; stephen.crews@wtvy.com <stephen.crews@wtvy.com>; TCole@wdhn.com <TCole@wdhn.com>; RWare@wdhn.com <RWare@wdhn.com>; mbunting@wsfa.com <mbunting@wsfa.com>; sduff@wsfa.com <sduff@wsfa.com>; ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net <ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net>; jrainey@alabamanews.net <jrainey@alabamanews.net>; sdiorio@wvua23.com <sdiorio@wvua23.com>; knorred@wvua23.com <knorred@wvua23.com>
Sent: Thu, May 12, 2022 9:04 am
Subject: AL TV station election roundtables before May 24th
To Alabama TV stations:
Alabama TV stations should have election roundtable discussions on their news programs before May 24th.
The participants in a TV station's roundtable discussion could be limited to the TV station's anchors and reporters. Alternatively, selected outsiders might participate in the roundtable along with the TV station's anchors and reporters.
After I send this email, I will post the email on my blog at https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/al-tv-station-election-roundtables.html and at https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/emails-to-tv-stations-re-2022-elections.html.
Thank you.

From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: comments@abc3340.com <comments@abc3340.com>; programming@abc3340.com <programming@abc3340.com>; Susana.Schuler@hearst.com <Susana.Schuler@hearst.com>; blong@hearst.com <blong@hearst.com>; wcromwell@cbs42.com <wcromwell@cbs42.com>; rmartin@cbs42.com <rmartin@cbs42.com>; collin.gaston@wbrc.com <collin.gaston@wbrc.com>; shannon.isbell@wbrc.com <shannon.isbell@wbrc.com>; jama.killingsworth@waff.com <jama.killingsworth@waff.com>; julie@waff.com <julie@waff.com>; paul.caron@whnt.com <paul.caron@whnt.com>; mwright@waaytv.com <mwright@waaytv.com>; sgallien@waaytv.com <sgallien@waaytv.com>
Sent: Thu, May 12, 2022 3:27 pm
Subject: AL TV station election roundtables before May 24th
To Alabama TV stations:
Alabama TV stations should have election roundtable discussions on their news programs before May 24th.
The participants in a TV station's roundtable discussion could be limited to the TV station's anchors and reporters. Alternatively, selected outsiders might participate in the roundtable along with the TV station's anchors and reporters.
After I send this email, I will post the email on my blog at https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/al-tv-station-election-roundtables.html and at https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/emails-to-tv-stations-re-2022-elections.html.
Thank you.



Email to communications and journalism professors
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: mnelson@ua.edu <mnelson@ua.edu>; alfranks@uab.edu <alfranks@uab.edu>; jzb0124@auburn.edu <jzb0124@auburn.edu>; mcarey@samford.edu <mcarey@samford.edu>; cofieldj@montevallo.edu <cofieldj@montevallo.edu>
Cc: comments@abc3340.com <comments@abc3340.com>; programming@abc3340.com <programming@abc3340.com>; Susana.Schuler@hearst.com <Susana.Schuler@hearst.com>; blong@hearst.com <blong@hearst.com>; wcromwell@cbs42.com <wcromwell@cbs42.com>; rmartin@cbs42.com <rmartin@cbs42.com>; collin.gaston@wbrc.com <collin.gaston@wbrc.com>; shannon.isbell@wbrc.com <shannon.isbell@wbrc.com>; jama.killingsworth@waff.com <jama.killingsworth@waff.com>; julie@waff.com <julie@waff.com>; paul.caron@whnt.com <paul.caron@whnt.com>; mwright@waaytv.com <mwright@waaytv.com>; sgallien@waaytv.com <sgallien@waaytv.com>; eric.duncan@fox10tv.com <eric.duncan@fox10tv.com>; Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com <Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com>; news@mynbc15.com <news@mynbc15.com>; dsingleton@mynbc15.com <dsingleton@mynbc15.com>; PAlbrecht@wkrg.com <PAlbrecht@wkrg.com>; clombard@wkrg.com <clombard@wkrg.com>; robby.thomas@wtvy.com <robby.thomas@wtvy.com>; stephen.crews@wtvy.com <stephen.crews@wtvy.com>; TCole@wdhn.com <TCole@wdhn.com>; RWare@wdhn.com <RWare@wdhn.com>; mbunting@wsfa.com <mbunting@wsfa.com>; sduff@wsfa.com <sduff@wsfa.com>; ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net <ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net>; jrainey@alabamanews.net <jrainey@alabamanews.net>; sdiorio@wvua23.com <sdiorio@wvua23.com>; knorred@wvua23.com <knorred@wvua23.com>
Sent: Fri, May 20, 2022 5:54 pm
Subject: Last ditch effort for Alabama TV stations to do election roundtable discussions
Dear Professors Nelson, Blankenship, Franks, Carey and Cofield,
This email is in follow up to the email I sent to you on April 8h and earlier individual emails in March.
I have made a last ditch effort for Alabama TV stations to have election roundtable discussions by their news anchors and reporters before May 24th. This effort is indicated at https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/al-tv-station-election-roundtables.html.
I have received no feedback from any of the TV stations about their having or not having such roundtable discussions.
Maybe the TV stations do not have resources to do roundtable discussions. Maybe the TV stations think their viewers would not watch roundtable discussions. Maybe TV stations think roundtable discussions would not be helpful to viewers for the viewers making their voting decisions. Maybe the news anchors and reporters at TV stations do not have the ability to have an election roundtable discussion among themselves in a public forum.
I think you who are professors in the academic fields of communications and journalism should think about whether your students who become employed by Alabama TV stations (or TV stations in other states) should have the capability to discuss in a public forum the elections and candidates about which they are doing news reporting.
I hope you conclude that such a capability of TV news staff is desirable and that TV station election roundtable discussions would serve a good civic purpose.
Thank you for your attention to this email.

5/23/22 Further on "Last ditch effort for Alabama TV stations to do election roundtable discussions"
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: comments@abc3340.com <comments@abc3340.com>; programming@abc3340.com <programming@abc3340.com>; Susana.Schuler@hearst.com <Susana.Schuler@hearst.com>; blong@hearst.com <blong@hearst.com>; wcromwell@cbs42.com <wcromwell@cbs42.com>; rmartin@cbs42.com <rmartin@cbs42.com>; collin.gaston@wbrc.com <collin.gaston@wbrc.com>; shannon.isbell@wbrc.com <shannon.isbell@wbrc.com>; jama.killingsworth@waff.com <jama.killingsworth@waff.com>; julie@waff.com <julie@waff.com>; paul.caron@whnt.com <paul.caron@whnt.com>; mwright@waaytv.com <mwright@waaytv.com>; sgallien@waaytv.com <sgallien@waaytv.com>; eric.duncan@fox10tv.com <eric.duncan@fox10tv.com>; Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com <Randy.Merrow@fox10tv.com>; news@mynbc15.com <news@mynbc15.com>; dsingleton@mynbc15.com <dsingleton@mynbc15.com>; PAlbrecht@wkrg.com <PAlbrecht@wkrg.com>; clombard@wkrg.com <clombard@wkrg.com>; robby.thomas@wtvy.com <robby.thomas@wtvy.com>; stephen.crews@wtvy.com <stephen.crews@wtvy.com>; TCole@wdhn.com <TCole@wdhn.com>; RWare@wdhn.com <RWare@wdhn.com>; mbunting@wsfa.com <mbunting@wsfa.com>; sduff@wsfa.com <sduff@wsfa.com>; ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net <ghalbrooks@alabamanews.net>; jrainey@alabamanews.net <jrainey@alabamanews.net>; sdiorio@wvua23.com <sdiorio@wvua23.com>; knorred@wvua23.com <knorred@wvua23.com>
Sent: Mon, May 23, 2022 5:50 am
Subject: Further on "Last ditch effort for Alabama TV stations to do election roundtable discussions"
I copied you on an email I sent on Friday to Professors Nelson, Blankenship, Franks, Carey and Cofield re "Last ditch effort for Alabama TV stations to do election roundtable discussions" (which email can be found at https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/al-tv-station-election-roundtables.html).
One of you replied and offered me a phone conversation to provide me the "feedback" I requested.
Yesterday I sent that person the below email response (identifying information redacted) and I wish for all of you to see my response.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
[My email response] 
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
Sent: Sun, May 22, 2022 9:47 am
Subject: Re: Last ditch effort for Alabama TV stations to do election roundtable discussions
Thank you very much for replying, _____.
I am away from Birmingham for a few days starting tomorrow (and, yes, I have cast an absentee ballot for Tuesday). I will call you during the week after the Memorial Day weekend.
I don't know if I am crazy in thinking Alabama TV stations could do election roundtable discussions by their news anchors and reporters.
If I am crazy, I won't mind if you just say so.
I am very committed in this thing that I am doing (or trying to do), and I am committed more broadly as indicated by the two emails set out below that I sent yesterday and this morning.
As regards election roundtable discussions by TV stations, I am willing to help out for free.
I would be willing to seek outside financial or other support for TV stations undertaking election roundtable discussions, such as soliciting chambers of commerce to support TV stations in undertaking election roundtable discussions.
TV station roundtable discussions before Tuesday would be a highly desirable for advancing the purposes of such discussions.
I think almost the same effect can be achieved during the run off period that seems certain to be the case in the U.S. Senate race, and there is a good chance for the same in the Governor's race.
I look forward to talking with you after the Memorial Day weekend.
Rob Shattuck
[two emails I sent this morning and yesterday]
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: president@ua.edu <president@ua.edu>; president@uab.edu <president@uab.edu>; gogue08@auburn.edu <gogue08@auburn.edu>; president@samford.edu <president@samford.edu>; presidentsoffice@montevallo.edu <presidentsoffice@montevallo.edu>; terri.lovell@alabar.org <terri.lovell@alabar.org>; melissa.warnke@alabar.org <melissa.warnke@alabar.org>; flatta@burr.com <flatta@burr.com>; suzanneduffey@mc-ala.org <suzanneduffey@mc-ala.org>; jbuettner@birminghambar.org <jbuettner@birminghambar.org>; director@huntsvillebar.org <director@huntsvillebar.org>
Cc: info@cookforcourt.com <info@cookforcourt.com>; judgedebrajones@gmail.com <judgedebrajones@gmail.com>
Sent: Sun, May 22, 2022 7:48 am
Subject: Fwd: What are you most concerned about in connection with 2022 elections?
In the final days before May 24th, I am trying to learn from institutions in Alabama what they are most concerned about in connection with the 2022 elections.
You are representatives of two "institutions," first, the "institution" of the Alabama legal community, and, second, the institution of Alabama universities.
(Alabama Supreme Court candidate Greg Cook limited his involvement as a representative of the Alabama legal community (per https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/pressing-al-supreme-court-candidate.html), but I said I would keep Greg apprised of my engagement with the Alabama legal community.)
Below is an email I sent yesterday to Alabama chambers of commerce as representing the "institution" of the Alabama business community.
Please read the below email for helping to focus on what most concerns you in connection with the 2022 elections.
Thank you very much for you attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: dcole@bcatoday.org <dcole@bcatoday.org>; ejerkins@birminghambusinessalliance.com <ejerkins@birminghambusinessalliance.com>; director@homewoodchamber.org <director@homewoodchamber.org>; chamber@vestaviahills.org <chamber@vestaviahills.org>; rfigh@montgomerychamber.com <rfigh@montgomerychamber.com>
Sent: Sat, May 21, 2022 6:21 pm
Subject: What are you most concerned about in connection with 2022 elections?
In the final days before May 24th, I wish to learn from institutions in Alabama what they are most concerned about in connection with the 2022 elections.
I further wish for institutions in Alabama to be aware of one another and of what is most concerning to the other institutions.
The "institutions" I identify include the Alabama legal community (particularly represented by the Alabama State Bar); Alabama health care providers (particularly in the public health domain); the Alabama business community (in the form of chambers of commerce); the institution of local journalism (in the form of Alabama TV stations); the institutions of Alabama universities; and institutional parties with roles in K-12 education (teachers, boards of education, etc.).
I believe that institutions expressing publicly their concerns is a way to gain public respect, and that most Alabamians want their institutions to have their respect.
My greatest concern is that the United States is on the verge of being being unable to hold elections, count ballots and have election results that are accepted by both sides, and the consequence of that is that governance in the United States becomes impaired to the great detriment of the country. https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2021/04/the-dang-truth.html.
The way things are going is that "might makes right" may displace the rule of law. https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/january-6th-might-makes-right.html.
I have tried to urge that Alabama chambers of commerce not treat the 2022 elections as "business as usual." https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2022/05/emails-to-al-chambers-of-commerce-re.html. I hope I am making headway.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck