Monday, February 28, 2022

Walk with your neighbors today for Ukraine

Do you want to do something more for Ukraine than throwing out your Russian vodka?

Here's something more, and better.

Cut down on your gas consumption by doing less driving in your car. 

Every gallon of gas you don't consume in your less driving will deprive Putin of oil revenues and help squeeze Putin.

To get out of your house, organize daily walking in your neighborhood with neighbors.

Wear Ukraine's colors during your walking.

Think of the exercise benefits you get from your walking.

Think about the community and unity of purpose you will build in walking with your neighbors and talking to them.

Get going today on all the above.

Do your bit to support Ukraine that way today.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Am I bugging AL TV stations too much

For starters, see Editorializing by AL TV stations.

Next, go back to the January 2020 editorial of Susana Schuler, President & General Manager, WVTM13. See Open reply to Susana Schuler.

And then look at my email to CBS 42 News Director Rob Martin, which email is set out at