Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Elizabeth Potter Graham abortion letter

To as many Alabamians as it is possible to tweet to:

It is urged that you read Elizabeth Potter Graham's letter on the abortion issue, which letter is linked in her below tweet.

(To read letter, click either on the link to the letter in the above tweet, or click on https://medium.com/@elizabethpottergraham/letter-to-the-alabama-legislature-5b5a3fd869d6)

The letter is an amazing letter and should be read by every Alabamian who has an interest in the abortion issue.

If you think Elizabeth Potter Graham's letter should be the subject of organized direct tweeting to Alabamians, please contact her and let her know that. (Organized direct tweeting to voters is explained at https://al6thcongdist-ihaveuntiljan13.blogspot.com/2019/02/organized-direct-tweeting-campaign-tool.html and its links.)