Monday, March 16, 2015

Scrutinizing Alabama's legislative delegation

Mayday v2 began on Saturday. Here is what is posted on the MAYDAY.US website:
In 2014, we rallied more than 50,000 Americans to support a fight for fundamental reform in the way campaigns are funded — to reduce the influence of money in politics, by increasing the influence of people in politics.
But in the campaigns, we didn’t move the ball far enough.
So in 2015, we’re doing something different. To prove that reform is possible, we need to close the gap on a majority in Congress — both Republicans and Democrats — committed to reforming the system of corruption in Washington, D.C., by changing the way campaigns are funded.
Help us find allies in Congress.
We’re looking for leaders who understand that the way campaigns are funded is broken. You can see which Members have already committed to reform here.
Tell us who you think we could persuade to join us next, and why.

Using the website tool for seeing where Members stand on reform, I found the below shown for Senators Sessions and Shelby and for Alabama's seven Representatives in Washington.

Jefferson Sessions is Against US
By not backing reform, Sessions supports systemic corruption and is undermining democracy.

Richard Shelby is Against US
By not backing reform, Shelby supports systemic corruption and is undermining democracy. 

Bradley Byrne is Against US
By not backing reform, Byrne supports systemic corruption and is undermining democracy. 

Martha Roby is Against US
By not backing reform, Roby supports systemic corruption and is undermining democracy 

Michael Rogers is Against US
By not backing reform, Rogers supports systemic corruption and is undermining democracy.

Robert Aderholt is Against US
By not backing reform, Aderholt supports systemic corruption and is undermining democracy.

Morris Brooks is Against US
By not backing reform, Brooks supports systemic corruption and is undermining democracy.

Gary Palmer is Against US
By not backing reform, Palmer supports systemic corruption and is undermining democracy.

Terri Sewell is With US
Sewell supports fundamental reform to fix systemic corruption and restore democracy.

Friday, March 6, 2015

NH GOP and Dems unite against corruption


“Strange Bedfellows” House Vote Backs Article V Convention
To Propose Amendment on Political Money Corruption


By a vote of 181-134, the New Hampshire House yesterday passed HCR2 which, if passed by the Senate, would make our state #5 of the needed 34 to apply for an Article V convention to propose an amendment to the U.S. Constitution addressing rampant political money corruption.

Per Article V, if delegates at this first-ever amending convention were to agree on specific language, 38 states would then be required to ratify, one of many safeguards protecting against damage to our constitutional liberties.

84 Republicans and 96 Democrats (and one independent) voted for HCR2, a highly unusual “strange bedfellows” coalition for as controversial a piece of legislation as this.  There is an emerging cross-partisan agreement that Congress has become captive of big-dollar special interests and is no longer accountable to the American people. Here is a YouTube video of me and several other Republican legislators speaking for constitutional reform to address political money corruption.

HCR3, which calls for an Article V amending convention to address fiscal restraint, term limits, and strengthened federalism, was tabled late in yesterday’s session when opponents threatened a two-hour debate. HCR3 was recommended unanimously for passage by the State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee.

I urge you to call your Rep, asking that HCR3 be taken off the table and passed.

Here’s where I’ll be speaking on these issues:

March 16, 7:00 pm
Carroll County GOP
Lobster Trap Restaurant, North Conway

April 1, 7:00 am
Plymouth Rotary
Common Main Restaurant, Plymouth

Many Presidential candidates will be here

Take advantage of our privileged status as New Hampshire primary voters and ask them to get specific about these and other issues!


Jim Rubens