Saturday, April 30, 2022

Taking up cudgels for AL doctors and nurses

5/13/22 Email to Chairperson of Health Care Organization & Policy Department of the School of Public Health at UAB
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Sent: Fri, May 13, 2022 6:40 pm
Subject: ALGOP politics creams Alabama public health and kills Alabamians
Dear Chairperson Wingate,
This email is prompted by the craven politics of Alabama Republicans, the looming May 24th primary election date, the despicable TV ads of the GOP candidates, and the incapacity of Alabama TV stations to do journalistically respectable commentary about the 2022 elections for consideration by Alabamians in making their voting decisions.
With 10 days to go until the primary date, I am making a last ditch effort to obtain a negligible rectification of the deplorable situation by requesting Alabama TV stations to have election roundtable discussions on their news programs before May 24th. See
The purpose of this email is to add to the pressuring of the TV stations I am trying to do.
My efforts to pressure the TV stations include emails to the University of Alabama, UAB, Auburn, Samford & Montevallo presidents, which followed up on emails to numerous professors at the universities. These emails can be found at
I am also trying to bring to bear the influence of the Alabama legal community and the Alabama business community. This is indicated at and at
The above links should be suggestive of how I will use this email to add to my pressuring of Alabama TV stations.
Specifically, after I send this email, I will post this email at and at
Thank you for your indulgence in this matter.

From: Rob Shattuck <>
Sent: Thu, Jul 28, 2022 6:00 am
Subject: This week's political attacks on Alabama Dept. of Public Health
Lt. Gov. Ainsworth says:
"The ADPH must stop its Chicken Little, sky-is-falling campaign to “normalize masking.” The pandemic is over, and these kind of Fauci false alarms can hurt Alabama’s economy and slow our tourism. It’s time to get back to business as usual and put this kind of nonsense behind us."
I think Lt. Gov. Ainsworth was morally depraved in his opposition to vaccine mandates, and that impairs his leadership now regarding masks.
I am saying this as publicly as I can.
I am a peon citizen, and I am pretty sure Lt. Gov. Ainsworth doesn't care about anything I say.
If you agree with what I say, I hope you will say so in a way that maybe Lt. Gov. Ainsworth will care.
Thank you.
[To be filed in]


Let's corrral these suckers


Friday, April 29, 2022

Alabama State Bar civic obligations re 2022 elections

5/12/22 Email correspondence with Greg Cook
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Sent: Thu, May 5, 2022 6:37 pm
Subject: Please, in your campaign, offer instruction to ALvoters
Dear Greg,
I think the Alabama legal community has a civic obligation in the 2022 elections to offer instruction to Alabama voters regarding the constitution and the rule of law.
In that vein, I have appealed to the Alabama State Bar and to Alabama law school professors. See, inter alia, and
I have sought to draw you into this, as indicated by tweets of mine at
Your campaign website shows your own belief in the importance of the constitution and the rule of law.
I hope that belief will allow you to elaborate publicly for the benefit of Alabama voters in the 2022 elections.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck

From: Cook For Court <>
To: Rob Shattuck <>
Sent: Tue, May 10, 2022 3:07 pm
Subject: Re: Please, in your campaign, offer instruction to ALvoters
Thank you for reaching out to the campaign. Mr. Cook has read your email and is aware of your engagement on social media. Mr. Cook will do everything possible as a Supreme Court Justice to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law. He is committed to this practice and, while he cannot respond to every engagement, supports your efforts. He is concerned by the political ads and interviews of his opponent, taking political positions on specific issues that could come before the court. For this reason, Mr. Cook is careful not to take specific positions that would require his recusal in important matters such as abortion, critical race theory, and transgender. As an attorney, this careful speech should give you confidence that Mr. Cook will uphold the values that you hold dear, including maintaining the independence of and confidence in the judiciary.
Best regards,
Greg Cook for Supreme Court Campaign

From: Rob Shattuck <>To: <>
Sent: Tue, May 10, 2022 5:23 pm
Subject: Re: Please, in your campaign, offer instruction to ALvoters
Thank you, Greg.
I will absolve you from anything further on the civic obligation that I think the Alabama legal community has in the 2022 elections to offer instruction to Alabama voters regarding the constitution, the rule of law, and other legal issues that I think are relevant to Alabama voters' decisions in 2022.
I will use my absolution of you to heighten my importuning in other quarters of the Alabama legal community, including the Alabama State Bar and Alabama law professors.
While I won't look for any further response from you, I will probably keep you apprised of other engagements that I am able to achieve in the legal community, for whatever effect the content of those engagements may have on your judicial thinking.

From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Sun, May 22, 2022 7:48 am
Subject: Fwd: What are you most concerned about in connection with 2022 elections?
In the final days before May 24th, I am trying to learn from institutions in Alabama what they are most concerned about in connection with the 2022 elections.
You are representatives of two "institutions," first, the "institution" of the Alabama legal community, and, second, the institution of Alabama universities.
(Alabama Supreme Court candidate Greg Cook limited his involvement as a representative of the Alabama legal community (per, but I said I would keep Greg apprised of my engagement with the Alabama legal community.)
Below is an email I sent yesterday to Alabama chambers of commerce as representing the "institution" of the Alabama business community.
Please read the below email for helping to focus on what most concerns you in connection with the 2022 elections.
Thank you very much for you attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Sat, May 21, 2022 6:21 pm
Subject: What are you most concerned about in connection with 2022 elections?
In the final days before May 24th, I wish to learn from institutions in Alabama what they are most concerned about in connection with the 2022 elections.
I further wish for institutions in Alabama to be aware of one another and of what is most concerning to the other institutions.
The "institutions" I identify include the Alabama legal community (particularly represented by the Alabama State Bar); Alabama health care providers (particularly in the public health domain); the Alabama business community (in the form of chambers of commerce); the institution of local journalism (in the form of Alabama TV stations); the institutions of Alabama universities; and institutional parties with roles in K-12 education (teachers, boards of education, etc.).
I believe that institutions expressing publicly their concerns is a way to gain public respect, and that most Alabamians want their institutions to have their respect.
My greatest concern is that the United States is on the verge of being being unable to hold elections, count ballots and have election results that are accepted by both sides, and the consequence of that is that governance in the United States becomes impaired to the great detriment of the country.
The way things are going is that "might makes right" may displace the rule of law.
I have tried to urge that Alabama chambers of commerce not treat the 2022 elections as "business as usual." I hope I am making headway.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck

8/9/22 Email to Alabama State Bar re weaponization of justice system
From: Rob Shattuck <>To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Sun, Apr 2, 2023 9:21 am
Subject: Alabama State Bar and weaponization of justice system
Dear chairs of Leadership Forum Selection & Program Committee, Bench & Bar Relations Committee, Government Relations Liaison Committee, and Lawyer Public Relations Task Force:
I am an inactive member of the Alabama bar.
Our country is being dangerously buffeted by charges and counter charges of weaponization of the justice system. This is increasing the polarization in the country, and, in this buffeting and polarization, I think it is fair to say there are forces seeking to capsize the ship of state.
In the situation, the citizens badly need leaders and institutions whom they can trust and respect.
Such institutions and leaders, however, seem hard for citizens to find.
While the Alabama State Bar is only a small "institution," I think it should consider whether it should try to be an "institution" in Alabama to whom Alabamians can listen with respect and trust related to how Alabamians respond to the "weaponization of the justice system" charges and counter charges that are buffeting the country and threatening to capsize the ship of state.
Maybe one or more of your committees and task force will undertake considering this, decide there is something the Alabama State Bar can do in the situation, and proceed to do it.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook 

Is it business as usual for BCA

From: Rob Shattuck <>To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Tue, May 3, 2022 6:16 pm
Subject: Alabama Chambers of Commerce and the 2022 elections
To Alabama Chambers of Commerce:
I think Alabama chambers of commerce should not treat the 2022 elections as business as usual.
My thoughts about this are set out in my blog and in my Twitter account.
If your chamber of commerce is interested in what I have to say, I suggest you start with the following three links:
After I send this email, I will post the email on my blog at
Thank you.

From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Mon, May 16, 2022 5:39 am
Subject: January 6th & might makes right
Please read "January 6th & might makes right" at
Thank you.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Why don't AL TV stations do this

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Dear Senator Richard Shelby

Dear Senator Shelby,

How bad is America's political condition?

So much is being written, spoken and depicted about America's political condition being very bad.

With your retirement as United States Senator from Alabama, don't you think you owe it to America and Alabama to offer the benefit of your experienced political wisdom and to speak to our country and our State about this political condition, including how bad you think the political condition is, what you think has caused the political condition, and what you think political leaders in America and Alabama, and we citizens, should do or try to do improve the political condition of America and Alabama?

I am sure you could do this in the form of an "exit interview."

In terms of the timing of such an "exit interview," it would seem that before May 24th, when Alabamians vote in the primary election and largely determine who will be their next United States Senator from Alabama and their next Governor, would be preferable.

I think such an "exit interview" is a right thing for you to do for America and for Alabama, and I hope you will do such right thing.

Thank you for your attention to this.

From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Tue, May 17, 2022 3:59 am
Subject: AL TV stations should request an exit interview from Richard Shelby
Much is being written, spoken and depicted about America's political condition being very bad.
Retiring Senator Richard Shelby should offer to America and Alabama the benefit of his experienced political wisdom and speak to the country and Alabama about this political condition, including how bad he thinks the political condition is, what he thinks has caused the political condition, and what he thinks political leaders in America and Alabama, and we citizens, should do or try to do improve the political condition of America and Alabama.
Senator Shelby should do this in the form of an "exit interview."
In terms of the timing of such an "exit interview," it would seem that before May 24th, when Alabamians vote in the primary election and largely determine who will be their next United States Senator from Alabama and their next Governor, would be preferable.
I have sought to urge such an "exit interview" at
I think Alabama TV stations should go on the record with a request to Senator Shelby for an "exit interview."
Thank you for your attention to this.



Saturday, April 23, 2022

Showcasing John Gunn

For many weeks I have been bugging Alabama TV stations to "up their game" in the 2022 elections, and I have been very critical of them. Ten days ago, I started this Showcasing great TV bird-dogging, to try to advance my objective. Maybe TV stations are being budged; maybe not. 

John Gunn on Twitter appears to me as a worthy Alabama citizen who deeply desires that America's and Alabama's politics and governance be improved, and who undertakes much commentary and investigation (without any compensation for same).

Frankly, I would say John puts TV stations and TV reporters to shame.

John has tweeted a thread that shows his exemplary commitment. I have embedded said thread below.


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Email to UA, UAB, Auburn, Samford & Montevallo presidents

From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Wed, Apr 20, 2022 7:01 pm
Subject: Fwd: Journalistically respectable Alabama TV coverage of 2022 elections
Dear UA President Bell, UAB President Watts, Auburn President Gogue, Samford President Taylor, and Montevallo President. Stewart:
I am an American citizen (and an Alabama resident) who is anxious for America.
My anxiety led me to write the below emails to the indicated professors at your universities, which professors are in the fields of communications, journalism and political science.
Thank you very much for receiving this email.
Rob Shattuck

From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Sun, Apr 10, 2022 10:12 am
Subject: Fwd: Journalistically respectable Alabama TV coverage of 2022 elections
Dear Professors Davis, Brown, Lewis, Horn and Doerfler,
Yesterday I sent the below email to professors at UA, UAB, Auburn, Samford and Montevallo who are in the academic fields of communications and journalism.
My below email concerns how well Alabama TV stations are serving Alabama voters and serving the functioning of democracy in the 2022 elections.
My below email states my conclusion that I believe the TV stations have not provided journalistically respectable coverage of the 2022 elections to date (i.e., have not provided their own commentary to viewers about candidates and issues), and it seems unlikely they will provide such commentary during the critical next 44 days before the May 24th primary.
I don't know whether the professors to whom I sent my below email will agree with my conclusion or whether there is anything they can do to advance an objective for Alabama TV stations to carry out journalistically respectable coverage of the 2022 elections.
I have identified you as professors in the political science departments at UA, UAB, Auburn, Samford and Montevallo, whose biographies indicate your having an academic interest in the working of democracy in the United States. AUM Professor David Hughes has seemed to show an interest in the subject in his tweeting on #alpolitics, and I am copying him on this email for that reason.
I am sending this email (and forwarding the below email to you) for the same purpose as my sending the forwarded email to the addressees of that email, to wit, to present to you my above conclusion about Alabama TV stations not providing journalistically respectable coverage of the 2022 elections to date, to solicit whether you agree with my conclusion, and, if you do, to solicit whether there is anything you can do to advance an objective for Alabama TV stations to carry out journalistically respectable coverage of the 2022 elections.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Fri, Apr 8, 2022 6:29 pm
Subject: Journalistically respectable Alabama TV coverage of 2022 elections
Dear Professors Nelson, Blankenship, Franks, Carey and Cofield,
I have previously sent you emails about Alabama TV stations editorializing (or not) relative to the 2022 elections. My emails can be found at
I am an Alabama citizen who desires journalistically respectable coverage of the 2022 elections by local Alabama TV stations.
My opinion is that there is not journalistically respectable coverage unless the TV stations provide their own commentary to viewers about candidates and issues in the election.
Such commentary may be directly expressed to viewers, or be indirectly expressed by means of questions that are asked of candidates in TV interviews.
For weeks I have been pressing the TV stations about their journalistic coverage of the 2022 elections.
The stations have provided no response, except that one TV reporter said, "Local TV stations don't editorialize. We leave that to newspapers and cable."
Based on what I have been able to observe and based on the non-response from the TV stations, my conclusion is that the TV stations have not provided journalistically respectable coverage of the 2022 elections to date (i.e., have not provided their own commentary to viewers about candidates and issues), and it seems unlikely they will provide such commentary during the critical next 45 days before the May 24th primary.
If my conclusion is correct, there are possible explanations, including financial and business considerations preventing the TV stations from providing commentary (particularly the revenues the stations receive for running the TV ads of the candidates), and a lack of qualified staff capable of formulating and presenting commentary to TV station viewers about candidates and issues.
Further, if my conclusion is correct, I believe that the TV stations not providing commentary to viewers about candidates and issues contributes to the debilitation of our democracy that the United States (including Alabama) is experiencing.
I do not know the extent to which your communications/journalism departments interest themselves in advancing an objective for local Alabama TV stations to carry out journalistically respectable coverage of elections (including what the departments teach students who go on to be employed by Alabama TV stations).
In writing this email and my other emails to you, I am urging for your university/college communications/journalism departments to try to advance the aforesaid objective.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck

4/24/22 Second email to UA, UAB, Auburn, Samford & Montevallo presidents
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Sat, Apr 23, 2022 9:01 pm
Subject: Fwd: Does Second Amendment gives citizens right to bear arms against the government?
Dear UA President Bell, UAB President Watts, Auburn President Gogue, Samford President Taylor, and Montevallo President. Stewart:
With the same purpose in mind as I had in sending you my April 20th email, I am sending you the below email that I sent to constitutional law professors Smolin, Grove, Horwitz, Brandon, and Olree on April 15th.
Thank you very much for receiving this email.
Rob Shattuck

rom: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Fri, Apr 15, 2022 5:34 pm
Subject: Does Second Amendment gives citizens right to bear arms against the government?
Dear Professors Smolin, Grove, Horwitz, Brandon, and Olree,
I have been trying to publicly argue for more than a year that the Second Amendment does not give citizens the right to bear arms against the government.
I say the following in my blog entry Guns again:
The Constitution creates a government under the rule of law, the use of arms against the Federal government is inconsistent with such concept of a government by rule of law set up by the Constitution, and it is dubious that the courts would hold that the 2nd Amendment gives citizens a right to use arms against the Federal government and hold, for example, that the Federal government is prohibited by the 2nd Amendment from defending itself and disarming the citizens who are using arms against the Federal government.
Multiple times I have solicited from Alabama lawyers such as former U.S. attorney Jay Town, Alabama Supreme Court candidate Gregory Cook and (indirectly) Associate Justice Will Sellers, to set forth their views on whether the 2nd amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms against the government. I have gotten no reply from these lawyers.
Thus far none of Mike Durant, Katie Britt and Mo Brooks have said that the Second Amendment does not give citizens the right to bear arms against the government, and statements they have made are suggestive that they believe the Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms against the government.
I have not researched the extent to which the United State Supreme Court has addressed the issue of whether the Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms against the government. In the New York City gun regulation case that is before the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court may shed light on whether the Second Amendment gives citizens any right to bear arms against the government.
There is an April 15th Yellowhammer News article "Katie Britt: The Second Amendment is a ‘critical check’ against government tyranny,", which article quotes Katie Britt as saying, “The Second Amendment is a critical check against the timeless tyranny of government." The article says that Katie Britt intends to author an amicus brief in support of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association’s case against New York’s Second Amendment restrictions.
That the United States was created by means of an armed revolution of the colonies against England can cloud thinking about whether, after the United States was created by and under the Constitution, the Second Amendment and its support for militias gives citizens the right to bear arms against the United States and its government. On this, I think a distinction needs to be made between militias to defend the United States against foreign governments, and militias to protect the States and individual citizens against tyranny by the United States government over the States and individual citizens. In this regard, the Founding Fathers had concerns about a standing army of the United States, and assuring the existence of militias was a way to address that concern.
The Heller case holds that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for
traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
Currently, the Supreme Court needs to give more guidance about what is reasonable exercise of the police power in gun regulation, and whether and how that police power is limited by citizens having a right under the Second Amendment to bear arms against the United States government as a protection against tyranny by the United States. government over States and individual citizens.
The purpose of this email to you as constitutional law professors is to ask whether you think Alabama politicians and the Alabama public are suffering from misimpressions about the Second Amendment, whether such misimpressions are detrimental to the political ability of America and Alabama to reduce gun violence, and whether you believe you have a civic obligation to correct any such misimpressions that Alabama politicians and the Alabama public have about the Second Amendment.
I think you should draft and send a letter to Gov. Ivey, Attorney General Marshall and the Alabama legislature, which letter is signed by Alabama constitutional law professors (and by other Alabama lawyers and Alabama professors of history and political science as you consider appropriate), and which discusses the right (or not) that the Second Amendment gives to citizens to bear arms against the government.
If you send such a letter, I would personally undertake to distribute copies of the letter to Alabama TV stations and other Alabama media outlets.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck

From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Sun, May 22, 2022 7:48 am
Subject: Fwd: What are you most concerned about in connection with 2022 elections?
In the final days before May 24th, I am trying to learn from institutions in Alabama what they are most concerned about in connection with the 2022 elections.
You are representatives of two "institutions," first, the "institution" of the Alabama legal community, and, second, the institution of Alabama universities.
(Alabama Supreme Court candidate Greg Cook limited his involvement as a representative of the Alabama legal community (per, but I said I would keep Greg apprised of my engagement with the Alabama legal community.)
Below is an email I sent yesterday to Alabama chambers of commerce as representing the "institution" of the Alabama business community.
Please read the below email for helping to focus on what most concerns you in connection with the 2022 elections.
Thank you very much for you attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck
-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Sat, May 21, 2022 6:21 pm
Subject: What are you most concerned about in connection with 2022 elections?
In the final days before May 24th, I wish to learn from institutions in Alabama what they are most concerned about in connection with the 2022 elections.
I further wish for institutions in Alabama to be aware of one another and of what is most concerning to the other institutions.
The "institutions" I identify include the Alabama legal community (particularly represented by the Alabama State Bar); Alabama health care providers (particularly in the public health domain); the Alabama business community (in the form of chambers of commerce); the institution of local journalism (in the form of Alabama TV stations); the institutions of Alabama universities; and institutional parties with roles in K-12 education (teachers, boards of education, etc.).
I believe that institutions expressing publicly their concerns is a way to gain public respect, and that most Alabamians want their institutions to have their respect.
My greatest concern is that the United States is on the verge of being being unable to hold elections, count ballots and have election results that are accepted by both sides, and the consequence of that is that governance in the United States becomes impaired to the great detriment of the country.
The way things are going is that "might makes right" may displace the rule of law.
I have tried to urge that Alabama chambers of commerce not treat the 2022 elections as "business as usual." I hope I am making headway.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Rob Shattuck