Tuesday, December 17, 2019

AL Impeach & Remove

Dear Alabama Impeach & Remove participants:

There are nationwide Impeach & Remove events scheduled for 5:30 pm today, per https://www.impeach.org/event/impeach-and-remove-attend/search/?logo, and Birmingham and Huntsville have events.

May these events be built on to sway Alabama opinion with a view to the Senate trial.

The below talking points
1. Donald Trump bribed a foreign country
2. To interfere in our election
3, He must be impeached and removed
4, Because no one is above the law
are discussed on the website at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i8xIwx-gLmTEHqqGARKijdtUjK8Ta0s3EgokQ2SHI48/edit

The Alabama GOP in Congress and the Alabama Republican Party are in the thrall of Trump, they cannot acknowledge publicly the seriousness of the impeachment, and they are desperately dismissive of it, such as Bradley Byrne calling the articles of impeachment "laughable"

This is disserving Alabama by impeding Alabamians from learning the seriousness of the impeachment, by stoking their anger at the Dems higher, and by risking civil explosion if Trump is no longer President.

While Bradley Byrne calls the impeachment laughable, he discerns there is no end in sight to the battle over Trump, saying
“This fight on impeachment . . . doesn’t mean the fight is over when the Senate votes. This fight is going to go on and on and on and on. They’re not going to stop. So, we better be ready to gird up our loins and get in this fight and win it. But to do that, you have got to have a fighter.”“

The fight over Trump intensified today, and will intensify more tomorrow when the House passes articles of impeachment against Trump.

Alabama Impeach & Remove participants should  battle the Alabama GOP in the coming weeks and weaken them through getting them to acknowledge publicly the seriousness of the impeachment.

The Alabama GOP  speaks in simplistic ways, such as Mueller was a hoax and a witch hunt, and refuses to discuss impeachment with people who don't share their views and who don't speak in their simplistic ways.

A main reason for this is that Trump is adamant that he has done nothing wrong, the Alabama GOP fears crossing Trump, the Alabama GOP is afraid of saying or acknowledging things that are at variance from Trump, and not talking with Alabamians who have differing views aids the Alabama GOP in keeping away from being drawn into saying things that are at variance from Trump.

It is daunting to overcome the resistance of the Alabama GOP to talk to Alabamians who have differing views.

There are many ways to come at the Alabama GOP.

I have tried the following:

The refusal of the Alabama GOP to have conversation is manifested at the personal level, such the below tweet I sent, which received no response
I will keep on the Alabama GOP in the coming weeks.

May Alabama participants in today's nationwide Impeach & Remove events find ways to battle against the Alabama GOP in the coming weeks to force them to acknowledge and confront the seriousness of the impeachment.

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